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New world map. New York Times

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CCP failed convince the "peaceful rise" theory to the world after SCS and East sea debacles. There is a increase in the concern of Chinese intentions in Asian community.

Only the uninformed citizens who read too much western news sources and the leaderships of Japan and Philippines who are in the total control of the US. As for the other countries, including Vietnam, they know who the actual bully is: American Asia Pivot. Of course it's in their interests not to spell it out to their respective citizens- to play one giant against the other and benefit from it.
Not only is that a bigoted remark, but remark that many have accused your forefathers and mine and all Indians when under the britsih raj. To use such terms as white man's bootlicker is to give unto a small mind.
Thats true coz our forefathers were bigot british bootlickers hence they ended up under british rule.
This is the funniest shite out of NY times lately. What they forgot to mention was that if it happens, population of subcontinent and middle east will be reduced to 1% of what it is today. If we don't survive as a nation, no one SHOULD -- Simple as that, nothing personal, just business!

We will use our own home-cooked "Samosa Option," much worse than the touted "Samson Option" :drag:
Who? Would like to know. Hope it isn't some right wing blog.

while the iranian balochi separatist group called jundallah has been recognised as a terrorist group, BLA isnt, instead US encourages through its propaganda to tel us who legitimate is the behaviour of BLA
they are crazy only what they are dreaming to happen from long time,

There is no mention of india splitting ,
nothing about USA itself
nothing about Britain and scotland dividing up?
long list...

I don't know about India but if the situation in Pak continues to be the same then in next 5-10 years we can definitely see a lot of new states coming around in over our western border:D
Part of propaganda ...conditioning the people of the world and making it a common notion.
Buddy, all of you think too much. If such a thing was ever 'about' to happen, then the choice is very simple. :)
This is the funniest shite out of NY times lately. What they forgot to mention was that if it happens, population of subcontinent and middle east will be reduced to 1% of what it is today. If we don't survive as a nation, no one SHOULD -- Simple as that, nothing personal, just business!

We will use our own home-cooked "Samosa Option," much worse than the touted "Samson Option" :drag:

this is not a decree but a hypothetical exercise. be it funny or aptly foreboding

Thats true coz our forefathers were bigot british bootlickers hence they ended up under british rule.

what did that make you then? for coveting the bootlickers way and still going to his country for your education?
this is not a decree but a hypothetical exercise. be it funny or aptly foreboding
Dude, they know it. I know it. What I know is a matter of fact and not of conjecture what Pakistan's capabilities are. The end result of all these brain farts is only one: Yanks, Indian state, Arabs and the Israelis are well informed. Zero emotions are involved when it comes to the territorial integrity of Pakistan.
Dude, they know it. I know it. I know as a matter of fact and not as a matter of conjecture what the capabilities are of Pakistan. The end result of all these brain farts is only one: Yanks know it, Indian state is well informed, and so are the Arabs and the Israelis. Zero emotions are involved when it comes to the territorial integrity of Pakistan.

I doubt it is that serious for any nation to " bother with it" to " know it". This is merely an article among millions out there and no state dept or national security has not already played what they think will happen. article is an exercise on forecasting on the best data available today. It's a great for debate among us and has zero bearing on any national level attitudes.

just correcting my forefather's mistakes.

by kissing the same boots- per your standard of comprehension? funny sense of " correction" you have there padawan.
Dude, they know it. I know it. What I know is a matter of fact and not of conjecture what Pakistan's capabilities are. The end result of all these brain farts is only one: Yanks, Indian state, Arabs and the Israelis are well informed. Zero emotions are involved when it comes to the territorial integrity of Pakistan.

Does that mean that I'm not going see my dream of the Playboy Republic of Buttistaaan become a reality ? :cry:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3447439 said:
27 insurgencies and still laughing :lol:
howcome it got reduced from 700 insurgencies to just 27.....?:blink:
I doubt it is that serious for any nation to " bother with it" to " know it". This is merely an article among millions out there and no state dept or national security has not already played what they think will happen. article is an exercise on forecasting on the best data available today. It's a great for debate among us and has zero bearing on any national level attitudes.
I know yara, I hate these stupid analysts who just want to publish for the sake of publishing. What the author neglected to mention were the expected death-toll of such outlandish dreams.
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