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New War Concept To Counter Cold Start


don't know you've a compilation problem or a habit to troll???Cold Start doctrine(if ever it exists),is the replacement doctrine of Sundarji Doctrine(it was clearly stated the term when this doctrine was used just beside the name,upto 2004).and this doctrine is aimed to carry 3 strike corps within 48 hours to the designated sectors..failed to understand the very point,even when you copied that piece from wiki I guess...will you read the next part from wiki or tell me,I'll post.
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Actually, it's Indian war lords fooling their public.....CS......surgical strikes, hot pursuits, targeted killing and :blah::blah::blah:. No actions just blabbering which keeps your kind amused.

@kurup , he may not be more credible but where there's smoke, there's fire. !!

Haha tabhi pak gernailazz think again and again of countering our so called strategies, remember your own saying where there's smoke, there's fire :D
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The actual strategy is quite simple.. Nuclear Bluff.

I have a new proposed war strategy.. Its called CBMs and peace..

yea rite, with mypoic civilian leadership and hawkish generals on both sides?
The actual strategy is quite simple.. Nuclear Bluff.

I have a new proposed war strategy.. Its called CBMs and peace..

nope..actual strategy is what pakistan is trying to achieved via Azaa e Nau...increasing readiness and a joint mechanism that will achieve joint Army-Airforce operation in a war..this kind of strategy will be used to sustain Indian attack,then contain Indian attack,if any and might be able them to launch counter attack.Pakistan knows that Nuclear Bluff will never work as india made clear that if Pakistan use single nuke,be it on a vehicle,a tank or an Army column,then it'll cross Indian nuclear threshold.and do you really think that Pakistan will nuke its own country,especially Punjab,which is heart of your country??
what you suggesting is Sunderji and CSD is different if yes then what is your source .
WE tried to implement CSD in 2001 and we encounter lots of problem and that problem i already mention in my previous post.
and please post wiki i you think i missed it .


don't know you've a compilation problem or a habit to troll???Cold Start doctrine(if ever it exists),is the replacement doctrine of Sundarji Doctrine(it was clearly stated the term when this doctrine was used just beside the name,upto 2004).and this doctrine is aimed to carry 3 strike corps within 48 hours to the designated sectors..failed to understand the very point,even when you copied that piece from wiki I guess...will you read the next part from wiki or tell me,I'll post.
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Unveiling details of the concept, the military source said that after the implementation of the new war fighting strategy, the Pakistan Army would be able to mobilise its forces faster than India.

Countering cold start: Military to adopt new war concept – The Express Tribune

How exactly?

Does Pakistan have more transport aircrafts and armored personnel carriers than India or is Pakistani Army stationed more closer to the battlefield than India's?
nope..actual strategy is what pakistan is trying to achieved via Azaa e Nau...increasing readiness and a joint mechanism that will achieve joint Army-Airforce operation in a war..this kind of strategy will be used to sustain Indian attack,then contain Indian attack,if any and might be able them to launch counter attack.Pakistan knows that Nuclear Bluff will never work as india made clear that if Pakistan use single nuke,be it on a vehicle,a tank or an Army column,then it'll cross Indian nuclear threshold.and do you really think that Pakistan will nuke its own country,especially Punjab,which is heart of your country??

Doesnt matter what I think, its what your Leadership is made to think.
Your own sentence shows the effectiveness of the strategy.
India is told that Pakistan will use a tactical nuke, Pakistan knows that if it does use a tactical nuke there will be total nuclear war..now India must guess whether Pakistan will use just a tactical nuke or simply an all out nuclear attack.
Mutually Assured Destruction.. worked quite well for 50 years in the cold war...hasnt changed much.

The war the India needs to fight to win and is doing that is what the US did to the USSR.. economic power.. diplomatic power.
That war is on and India is beating the living fecal matter out of Pakistan. Sit easy.
The actual strategy is quite simple.. Nuclear Bluff.

I have a new proposed war strategy.. Its called CBMs and peace..

The best strategy is sending strategic assets and using nuclear blackmail to counter repercussions .:cry:
what you suggesting is Sunderji and CSD is different if yes then what is your source .
WE tried to implement CSD in 2001 and we encounter lots of problem and that problem i already mention in my previous post.
and please post wiki i you think i missed it .

some simple links can educate you on this...and yes,Sundarji's doctine and Cold Start doctrine is entirely different.Cold Start is a proactive strategy while Sundarji's doctrine is mainly defensive...and CSd certainly didn't exist before 2001,even if it ever existed,it was formulated after 2004.concept of IBG didn't even existed before then.read this,and please don't post fictional info here..

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~mert1769/Ladwig, Cold Start NPS Paper.pdf
you are going to be full retarded,right???Cold Start,if ever existed,is the doctrine that was developed taking the lesson from 2001 stand-off.It took a long time(3 weeks) to assemble strike corps in various sectors from their original position,Central India.and it took the momentum of war.Cold Start,if exists,is Network Centric version of 1967 Arab-Israeli war as well as 1971's Indo-Pak war..lowest responce time(48 to 72 hours),significant harm or Pakistan's military yet,it would be done so,that Pakistan couldn't justify the use of nuclear weapons.Armor spearhead,backed by significant amount of Airpower will be launched in Punjab and Rajasthan sector,backed by Arty support.and aim will be significant,yet under nuclear threshold damage to Pakistani forces,capture some portion of Pakistani Panjab,yet again,under nuclear threshold..and do it within 2-3 days so that International community couldn't intervene..but again,many doctrines like before,its just another proactive approach..but yes,India is preparing for this kind of war...

so,your so called "infront of nuclear weapons" or "Baniya is going to attack in veil" is just another itch to create a fuss within indian members and handover this thread to trolls..I suggest you read more before posting this kind of imaginary responce..

Indians cant deny that CSD does not exist. As all your exercises after 2004 were aimed at achieving this capability. Pakistan nuclear program is a "deterrent". Its not an offensive weapon as many Indians perceive it. After 1998, it was understood that a nuclear South Asia will remain peaceful due to MAD concept of Nuclear weapons. With the announcement of CSD, India try to lower the nuclear threshold and try to achieve its lost tool of "Coercive diplomacy".

India has military superiority against Pakistan in conventional warfare. The gap is larger in Air force and Navy. Still India does not enjoy that kind of conventional balance in her favor to implement Cold start type doctrine. From Pakistani military at-least there was never an indication that only counter to Indian CSD is tactical nuclear strike. PA was and is confident that it can handle Indian forces through conventional means when ever required. But still to keep the "detrimental" value of nuclear weapons Pakistan was force to lower the threshold. Hence you saw the development of miniature nuclear weapons and missiles like NASR.

The other thing is whether CSD or not Pakistan itself has his own plans. Synergism of all three forces, network centric warfare, lean and highly mobile military, greater and accurate firepower all these objectives are not linked to Indian CSD. These were already in plans and PA is implementing them.
Doesnt matter what I think, its what your Leadership is made to think.
Your own sentence shows the effectiveness of the strategy.
India is told that Pakistan will use a tactical nuke, Pakistan knows that if it does use a tactical nuke there will be total nuclear war..now India must guess whether Pakistan will use just a tactical nuke or simply an all out nuclear attack.
Mutually Assured Destruction.. worked quite well for 50 years in the cold war...hasnt changed much.

The war the India needs to fight to win and is doing that is what the US did to the USSR.. economic power.. diplomatic power.
That war is on and India is beating the living fecal matter out of Pakistan. Sit easy.

yup..economic and diplomatic field too is a field of contest.but what I've said,the India's reply on tactical nukes simply nullifies the possiblity Pakistan will ever risk the use of a tactical nuke on Indian force,be it in Pakistan or India.so,just like battles between nuclear powers(nucler powers don't fight openly,but we're the exception),the war will be fought entirely conventionally.Pakistan is aiming Dispersal techniques(as far as I read) on IBGs.if they can effectively pull this out,then they might stall,if not entirely,Indian thrusts.but it'll need a very strong Airforce,not just a strong Army as if ever executed,in the cold start,first 24-48 hours will be very much aggressive thrusts delivered by both IA as well as IAF.
i wonder what is stopping india from not just giving off a try for once?

please try and see whether your troops gets a nasr strike or not
Indians cant deny that CSD does not exist. As all your exercises after 2004 were aimed at achieving this capability. Pakistan nuclear program is a "deterrent". Its not an offensive weapon as many Indians perceive it. After 1998, it was understood that a nuclear South Asia will remain peaceful due to MAD concept of Nuclear weapons. With the announcement of CSD, India try to lower the nuclear threshold and try to achieve its lost tool of "Coercive diplomacy".

India has military superiority against Pakistan in conventional warfare. The gap is larger in Air force and Navy. Still India does not enjoy that kind of conventional balance in her favor to implement Cold start type doctrine. From Pakistani military at-least there was never an indication that only counter to Indian CSD is tactical nuclear strike. PA was and is confident that it can handle Indian forces through conventional means when ever required. But still to keep the "detrimental" value of nuclear weapons Pakistan was force to lower the threshold. Hence you saw the development of miniature nuclear weapons and missiles like NASR.

The other thing is whether CSD or not Pakistan itself has his own plans. Synergism of all three forces, network centric warfare, lean and highly mobile military, greater and accurate firepower all these objectives are not linked to Indian CSD. These were already in plans and PA is implementing them.

first,for the nuclear threshold,read my post #28...

second,Pakistan will apply the conventional battle plan against Indian IBGs.their main plan will be stall(even if partially) thrusts from IBGs,then counter attack in India.Pakistan enjoys the benefit of 4 Strike Corps(if I'm not wrong) against India's 3.but again,it'll be a huge task to counter Indian IBGs as well as counter attack.it'll require a lot of time,not to mention a huge amount of resources and backup from a powerful Air Force.what do you think,Pakistan can counter 3 strike corps backed by IAF(which will be used by extreme prejudice,as per CSD),and yet mount a powerful counter attack against India??no offense,PA is quite formidable,but without a stronger PAF,its tough to achieve.and to mount an attack will require a lot of time,which Pakistan will barely get,due to pressure from international community.and I know Pakistan has plans about network centric warfare,and its not against CSD(which most of the journalist most time mentions),but yet,it will have a long time before it'll be properly executed,and more and more exercises will be required.

i wonder what is stopping india from not just giving off a try for once?

please try and see whether your troops gets a nasr strike or not

because we're not mad enough to carry out misadventure like Kargil..and we don't have generals like Musharaaf who carries out an unauthorized war with a nuclear armed neighbour..
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