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New US missile can strike any country in less than 60 mins

So you mean, your are smarter than people who ruled the world for 100 years in terms of economy, military and political power!!!!

by the way, what's your nationality???

so i can see, if you are more smarter than Americans??? :pop:

And those smart people(Americans) creating problems for whole world..
and yes....they are the main cause of discomfort in south asia...
those smart people will surely get a big lesson from asia in next 10 years and so on...and that time you will not say...they ae the smartest one...:)
And those smart people(Americans) creating problems for whole world..
and yes....they are the main cause of discomfort in south asia...
those smart people will surely get a big lesson from asia in next 10 years and so on...and that time you will not say...they ae the smartest one...:)

OK, nobody knows future, so let's just put that aside. :)

discomfort in south Asia, well, you can't blame outsider when your own people do not trust each other and are even ready to sell you for their own benefit. :agree:
Are you sure you want to say that? The four largest military powers includes your country as well. Surely, considering the past explanations New Delhi has given for not considering renunciation of nuclear weapons, you would want to carry forward with the same "global disarmament" policy wouldn't you? Or giving up nuclear weapons so easily? :-)

Buddy it is not necessary for me to align myself with whatever New Delhi says...Do i???? Nuclear weapons are nothing but a curse....Let me repeat i would anytime prefer a conventional warhead more lethal than what we/you have over a nuke...because nuke just not kill you but also the coming generations....

As far as global disarmament policy is concerned then why not??? However one has to be naive to give up nukes if your potential adversary(read China and Pak) still owns them....As far as number is concerned we have a paltry lot as compared to our loving neighbours....
And those smart people(Americans) creating problems for whole world..
and yes....they are the main cause of discomfort in south asia...
those smart people will surely get a big lesson from asia in next 10 years and so on...and that time you will not say...they ae the smartest one...:)

The U.S. is under no allusion. We know we will not remain the top economic and military power house forever. In the history of the world the influence of countries rise and fall. China will eventually economically surpass the U.S. And it to will go the by the wayside eventually.

When you say however the U.S. is the main cause of discomfort in south Asia. Perhaps you could list what those are. Rather then make a blanket statement?
So you're giving a justification of starting another arms race? Who can destroy the other better, the whole clash of civilization nonsense? This line of reasoning really provides justifications for the warmongers who're the real profiteers.

whilst half of humanity is struggling to be fed, we're wasting billions on weapons that would not even be used in the future (hopefully). I thought US Russia already had enough missiles/weapons to wipe out the earth a few times. whats the need for developing more weaponary, perhaps US should focus on paying off her debts, its just futile imo.
I am only saying that according to what an Indian would feel. Obviously, we desire a global disarmament which is not going to happen which both you and I know. You will cite Indians and (possibly) Israelis to justify nuclear arsenal of yours, Indians will justify theirs citing China, Chinese will cite Russians and Russians will cite Americans. The chain isn't going to end.

So what more can you expect out of top world military powers? This is all I meant.
U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes

Published: April 22, 2010

WASHINGTON — In coming years, President Obama will decide whether to deploy a new class of weapons capable of reaching any corner of the earth from the United States in under an hour and with such accuracy and force that they would greatly diminish America’s reliance on its nuclear arsenal.

Yet even now, concerns about the technology are so strong that the Obama administration has acceded to a demand by Russia that the United States decommission one nuclear missile for every one of these conventional weapons fielded by the Pentagon. That provision, the White House said, is buried deep inside the New Start treaty that Mr. Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev signed in Prague two weeks ago.

Called Prompt Global Strike, the new weapon is designed to carry out tasks like picking off Osama bin Laden in a cave, if the right one could be found; taking out a North Korean missile while it is being rolled to the launch pad; or destroying an Iranian nuclear site — all without crossing the nuclear threshold. In theory, the weapon will hurl a conventional warhead of enormous weight at high speed and with pinpoint accuracy, generating the localized destructive power of a nuclear warhead.

The idea is not new: President George W. Bush and his staff promoted the technology, imagining that this new generation of conventional weapons would replace nuclear warheads on submarines.

In face-to-face meetings with President Bush, Russian leaders complained that the technology could increase the risk of a nuclear war, because Russia would not know if the missiles carried nuclear warheads or conventional ones. Mr. Bush and his aides concluded that the Russians were right.

Partly as a result, the idea “really hadn’t gone anywhere in the Bush administration,” Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who has served both presidents, said recently on ABC’s “This Week.” But he added that it was “embraced by the new administration.”

Mr. Obama himself alluded to the concept in a recent interview with The New York Times, saying it was part of an effort “to move towards less emphasis on nuclear weapons” while insuring “that our conventional weapons capability is an effective deterrent in all but the most extreme circumstances.”

The Obama national security team scrapped the idea of putting the new conventional weapon on submarines. Instead, the White House has asked Congress for about $250 million next year to explore a new alternative, one that uses some of the most advanced technology in the military today as well as some not yet even invented.

The final price of the system remains unknown. Senator John McCain of Arizona, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said at a hearing on Thursday that Prompt Global Strike would be “essential and critical, but also costly.”

It would be based, at least initially, on the West Coast, probably at Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Under the Obama plan, the Prompt Global Strike warhead would be mounted on a long-range missile to start its journey toward a target. It would travel through the atmosphere at several times the speed of sound, generating so much heat that it would have to be shielded with special materials to avoid melting. (In that regard, it is akin to the problem that confronted designers of the space shuttle decades ago.)

But since the vehicle would remain within the atmosphere rather than going into space, it would be far more maneuverable than a ballistic missile, capable of avoiding the airspace of neutral countries, for example, or steering clear of hostile territory. Its designers note that it could fly straight up the middle of the Persian Gulf before making a sharp turn toward a target.

The Pentagon hopes to deploy an early version of the system by 2014 or 2015. But even under optimistic timetables, a complete array of missiles, warheads, sensors and control systems is not expected to enter the arsenal until 2017 to 2020, long after Mr. Obama will have left office, even if he is elected to a second term.

The planning for Prompt Global Strike is being headed by Gen. Kevin P. Chilton of the Air Force, the top officer of the military’s Strategic Command and the man in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal. In the Obama era — where every administration discussion of nuclear weapons takes note of Mr. Obama’s commitment to moving toward “Global Zero,” the elimination of the nuclear arsenal — the new part of General Chilton’s job is to talk about conventional alternatives.

In an interview at his headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base, General Chilton described how the conventional capability offered by the proposed system would give the president more choices.

“Today, we can present some conventional options to the president to strike a target anywhere on the globe that range from 96 hours, to several hours maybe, 4, 5, 6 hours,” General Chilton said.

That would simply not be fast enough, he noted, if intelligence arrived about a movement by Al Qaeda terrorists or the imminent launching of a missile. “If the president wants to act on a particular target faster than that, the only thing we have that goes faster is a nuclear response,” he said.

But the key to filling that gap is to make sure that Russia and China, among other nuclear powers, understand that the missile launching they see on their radar screens does not signal the start of a nuclear attack, officials said.

Under the administration’s new concept, Russia or other nations would regularly inspect the Prompt Global Strike silos to assure themselves that the weapons were nonnuclear. And they would be placed in locations far from the strategic nuclear force.

“Who knows if we would ever deploy it?” Gary Samore, Mr. Obama’s top adviser on unconventional weapons, said at a conference in Washington on Wednesday. But he noted that Russia was already so focused on the possibility that it insisted that any conventional weapon mounted on a missile that could reach it counted against the new limit on the American arsenal in the treaty.

In a follow-on treaty, he said, the Russians would certainly want to negotiate on Prompt Global Strike and ballistic missile defenses.

If Mr. Obama does decide to deploy the system, Mr. Samore said, the number of weapons would be small enough that Russia and China would not fear that they could take out their nuclear arsenals.

U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes - NYTimes.com
Man USA is really fake..
They are telling the world: yea we are gonna go for peace and freedom.
and a nuclear free world.
yea yea.

But no they are just developing missiles.
Im sure this country are hiding more MORE nuclear missiles..

A shame.
I think they are developing this missile to strike countries like Iran & North Korea to destroy their nuclear facilities.
It will be very secure to them,as they don't need to come closer to these countries to attack by means of airforce or by cruise missiles & this conventional ICBM can do their job easily...:sniper:
So we are heading towards a Nuclear Holocaust eventually. The US is gonna decieve the Russia and China and put Nuclear warheads on these cruise missiles to destroy their Nukes and try to take over the world. I guess US trying to be smart now....umm..lets see what gonna happen next...Russia and China shold come out with an eqvivalent stuff too now to be on the safe side.....:smokin:

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