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New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse

Thats not the point. He was implying that Christians think Islam is a true religion and its prophet genuine.
Well he was definitely not implying Islam is genuine....but you do realize that Islam does not have only one prophet...but hundreds of em.....and if he is a believing Christian he would have to agree that except for one(Muhammad) all prophets(Jesus,Moses,Abraham,Lut,Noah....etc.) of Islam are genuine!
the hindu equivalent of satan is 'yama' who is also a god of underworld and not evil as such.
the hindu equivalent of satan is 'yama' who is also a god of underworld and not evil as such.

Yama is Jom in Bangla if I am not wrong....if so He is actually equivalent to the angel of death...not Satan!
Yama is Jom in Bangla if I am not wrong....if so He is actually equivalent to the angel of death...not Satan!

You're correct.............Yama is not equivalent to Satan.......
Infact I can't figure out any Satan like figure/concept in Hinduism, we only have Adharm/Bad Karma........i.e, you can't blame anyone else(Satan) for your bad deeds/Karma, you are yourself responsible for your deeds...........
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Muslims believe so. But Christians dont. As they consider Islam to be a false religion.

I hate to be splitting hairs here.
There's a big difference between saying something is a "religion" vs a "false religion".

For instance Christians and Muslims and Jews see each other as being in different religions.

But they will add on top of that they consider those people as one's who "have lost their way".

There are Mosques in Rome right near Vatican City. Why would they be allowed if the religion wasn't recognized?
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I don't think donating to this cause is the right thing to do....I am in the same boat as you are....and this is how I see it...since you(and I) are advocating separation of church and state.....we should be advocating separation of church and state.....not representation of ALL religions(no matter how minority it is) in a state property.

I'm sure that was already tried in that instance and probably some backwards judge made some ruling why it was permissible. So the statue people followed the ruling's logic as to how it could be permissible (something to do with private funding) and followed that road.

So in the end they are going to say "hey judge we did everything you said made the 10 Commandments permissable and here is our nice satanic statue to be put on display in that building - what are you going to do? You can't legally take it down because you said it was lawful"

So they are either forced in the end to keep looking at that satanic statue for eternity and be known as the "satanic town" or have the lawsuit decision reversed. Which means both statues have to come down.
I can't really blame those who are not familiar with American humor or parody. Unfortunately though it seems like foreigners with a new-found access to our media culture beyond CNN may form opinions on the US based on false information (The Onion, for example).

Atheists have a much more comical and popular fake "religion", known as The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Hopefully nobody out there thinks it is legitimate.
Wasn't Jesus a prophet of Allah, too ? Muslims have fought holy wars for Allah. That's not necessarily negative.

I know and been to churches here in the US where preachers say plenty of seriously negative stuff about Islam. Not saying that every American believes in it. But I've been to churches in GA, TX and FL where stuff is said that in my opinion is no different than how other intolerant and crazy fanatics think and talk......crazies are everywhere bro.
In Islam, you'll see it more primarily due to the lack of education being the most improtant factor, then, wrong leadership that makes people believe in their version of the religion. Which again, is wrong but accepted in places like Afghanistan, around the border of Pakistan, Somalia, etc because people aren't educated enough to weight in on the opnions with common sense. In the US, I or others can atleast tell when a preacher is going too insane or hardcore on religion or when he or she actually has a good point to make.
So what? According to Christianity, Judaism is considered to be a true religon while Islam isn't.

Christianity has extreme views on Islam.

According to Judaism - Both Jesus (PBUH) & Mohammad (PBUH) are not prophets. So what?
Christianity has extreme views on Islam.

That's VERY inaccurate. I went to a Christian school for many many years. I don't remember ONE time when someone said anything negative about any other religion. In its true form, Christianity comes from the Christ....Christ's charactor was nothing but mercy, compassion and forgiveness. People who believe in those values don't go against others as its against the basic principle of Cristianity.

Islam came way after Christianity.....the Bible today is a lot different than the First Testament. Koran is much closer to the first Testament than it is with today's Bible. Both Koran and the First Testament follow ten commandments and have harsher punushments for stuff like adultory, stealing, killing, etc, etc. But no religion tells its followers stuff against the other religion. You'll always have some crazies.

BTW, how about Hinduism....how many millions have been killed by Hindus.....in fact, a couple of days ago, didn't fanatic Hindus kill many people again, both Christians and Muslims???? Who do you guys ALWAYS start it between Christians, Jews and Islam on forums. Let's talk about how open, loud and clear Hindu fanatics are and hundreds of millions of them. Please shed some light. I mean terrorism and inhumanity should be called the way it is. So tell us why Hinduism has been killing Muslims and Christians in India for many many decades, openly and brutally with the support of Police and Paramilitary that sees Hindus destroying Churches and Mosques without stopping them and the killings....??
That's VERY inaccurate. I went to a Christian school for many many years. I don't remember ONE time when someone said anything negative about any other religion. In its true form,

I agree in my school they talked about Islam about as much as Shintoism.

Maybe post 9/11 it got on the radar.
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