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Don't bring ALLAH in to it ... keep at the topic if you must but a little respect to anyone's GOD or religion is asked here .

I don't think I disrespected anyones God or religion. All I said was lives were given, wars were fought for religion.....ALL religions. Muhammad, for example was a great general that fought wars for his God, and in those wars, guys died. They died for their God. That's all I said.
BTW, how about Hinduism....how many millions have been killed by Hindus.....in fact, a couple of days ago, didn't fanatic Hindus kill many people again, both Christians and Muslims???? Who do you guys ALWAYS start it between Christians, Jews and Islam on forums. Let's talk about how open, loud and clear Hindu fanatics are and hundreds of millions of them. Please shed some light. I mean terrorism and inhumanity should be called the way it is. So tell us why Hinduism has been killing Muslims and Christians in India for many many decades, openly and brutally with the support of Police and Paramilitary that sees Hindus destroying Churches and Mosques without stopping them and the killings....??
Your username is Aurangzeb. This guy butchered millions of non-Muslims. Hindus kill millions? Thats news to me. Even Christians wont agree with that. Only a brainwashed Muslim like you can cook up bad stories like those.
Your username is Aurangzeb. This guy butchered millions of non-Muslims. Hindus kill millions? Thats news to me. Even Christians wont agree with that. Only a brainwashed Muslim like you can cook up bad stories like those.

My screen name was picked without knowing the meaning of it. So you can't change the argument over that. The fact remains, in the predominant Hindu majority.....until day before yesterday, minorities were persecuted and that happens all the times for centuries.

Allow me to post a few things soon on what happens with Christians and Muslims(minorities) in India. You can play but you can' hide. Every other post I come across, your hate for your neighbor and Islam is very obvious. But you guys hide your own issues.

Now I am a brain washed Muslim. Are you sure about the statement? Just because I will object to wrong, that makes me a Muslim in our own world? There are a ton of Christians out there who know the world and what's going on .....
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My screen name was picked without knowing the meaning of it. So you can't change the argument over that. The fact remains, in the predominant Hindu majority.....until day before yesterday, minorities were persecuted and that happens all the times for centuries.

Since you are so worked up about violence that occurred a day before yesterday which you are attributing onto Hindus, let me make this clear to you that the violence was an act of Christian terrorist group massacring Muslims who did not voted for their candidate. Hindus have nothing to do with it.


The attacks, according to the police, were carried out in three villages by militants with the National Democratic Front of Bodoland, an armed insurgent group that has been agitating for a separate state for decades.

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

NEW DELHI — The police said Saturday that they had arrested 20 people suspected of being associated with attacks that left at least 29 Muslims dead in western villages in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, where tensions between members of the Bodo tribal group and non-Bodo residents, including Muslims, have been simmering for years.

The NDFB is a Christian-dominated group, which was formed in 1986, under the leadership of Ranjan Daimary. NDFB claims to be a representative of the Bodo people, who form around 10 per cent of Asom’s population.

National Democratic Front of Bodoland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NDFB is a Christian-dominated group, with an estimated 1,500 members in 2010

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

NEW DELHI National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) is a Christian-dominated group, which was formed in 1986, under the leadership of Ranjan Daimary.

NDFB claims to be a representative of the Bodo people, who form around 10 per cent of Asom’s population.

It aims to secede from India and establish a sovereign Bodoland, according to the South Asia Terrorism Portal.

It is designated as a terrorist organisation by the Government of India.

The promotion of the Roman script for the Bodo language is also a significant demand of NDFB. The group’s members are mostly Christians, and are opposed to the use of Devanagari script for the Bodo language.

Most of the Bodo people practice Bathouism, the traditional religion of the Bodo people, and a minority practice Christianity, which is why NDFB oppose the use of Devanagari script for the Bodo language.

The group, with an estimated 1,500 members in 2010, since May 2005, is under a ceasefire agreement with the Assam and federal government.

The main grievances of the group are the under-development of the region and the influx of immigrants.

Besides targeting non-Bodos and the security forces, the Christian-dominated NDFB has also been in conflict with the Hindu/Bathouist-dominated Bodo Liberation Tigers Force (BLTF).

The BLTF has supported the security forces against NDFB, polarising the Bodoland movement along religious lines.

Allow me to post a few things soon on what happens with Christians and Muslims(minorities) in India. You can play but you can' hide. Every other post I come across, your hate for your neighbor and Islam is very obvious. But you guys hide your own issues.

Against Muslims; yes there has been violent incident between Hindus and Sunni Muslims and even today relations are not very good but there has been no major incidence of violence between Christians or anyone else in India in recent history. There was burning of a missionary in Orissa for which perpetrators have been awarded death sentence. Most of propaganda by missionaries in evangelical media is pure whining.

Even Wikipedia page on a Anti-Christian violence in India is lame and dated and more than half of Incidents have been attributed to Muslims.

Anti-Christian violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Satans a goat?? damn... he should visit afghanistan.. they il show him the real "hell" ... ;)

If you know what i mean.. :lol:

Your username is Aurangzeb. This guy butchered millions of non-Muslims. Hindus kill millions? Thats news to me. Even Christians wont agree with that. Only a brainwashed Muslim like you can cook up bad stories like those.

Sounds like made up nonsense.. most sane.. all western historians disagree to tht fact.. your historians even malign Tipu Sultan ..
How long till the Muslim Brotherhood is blamed for the statue??

Modern scholars such as Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber agree that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name Muhammad, with the interpretation being that some of the Templars, through their long military occupation of the Outremer, had begun incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system, and that this was seen and documented by the Inquisitors as heresy.[26]Alain Demurger, however, rejects the idea that the Templars could have adopted the doctrines of their enemies.[27] Helen Nicholson writes that the charges were essentially "manipulative"—the Templars "were accused of becoming fairy-tale Muslims."[27] Medieval Christians falsely believed that Muslims were idolatrous and worshipped Muhammad as a god, with mahomet becoming mammet in English, meaning an idol or false god.[28] This idol-worship is attributed to Muslims in several chansons de geste. For example, one finds the gods Bafum e Travagan in a Provençal poem on the life of St. Honorat, completed in 1300.[29] In the Chanson de Simon Pouille, written before 1235, a Saracen idol is called Bafumetz.[30]
There was burning of a missionary in Orissa for which perpetrators have been awarded death sentence. Most of propaganda by missionaries in evangelical media is pure whining.

Please be assure that in the next a couple of days, as soon as I have the time, I'll post a LOT of stuff which is contradictory to your "India is the most peaceful country on earth" mantra.
I am surprised to see you calling persecution and murder of minorities "whining of evangelical Christians"??? Murder and killings are the worst crimes in the human history. If someone speaks against them and tell you to stop persecution of minorities....its called "pure whining". Not sure what else I can write in response when someone has this type of mentality. Here's the blatant disregard for humanity by your fellow Hindus that you conveniently refer to as Christians whining!!!

Here, just a couple of things for you to see:

Massacre of Christians in India - YouTube
Please be assure that in the next a couple of days, as soon as I have the time, I'll post a LOT of stuff which is contradictory to your "India is the most peaceful country on earth" mantra.

I never made that assertion that India is most peaceful country. Instead in most of rural areas and some urban pockets, government's authority is weak and is sparingly asserted. What i was denying is systematic persecution on any other minority except Sunni Muslims.

Burning of missionary graham stains could not be called systematic persecution because firstly it is a one off incident ( only one in past 67 years ) and secondly perpetrators were sentenced to death ( later commuted to life in prison without parole ).

In kandmal, for which you have posted that you tube link:

Massacre of Christians in India - YouTube

the violence basically has tribal under current since the two tribes were warring with each other even before one of them got converted to christianity but since you are giving it religious colour, 38 christians and 16 hindus were killed in that riot. It was not a well planned affair and was more a case of spontaneous violence that plagues that region.

Religious violence in Odisha refers to civil unrest and riots in the remote forest region surrounding Kandhamal in western parts of the Indian state of Odisha.

Kandhamal district contains several tribal reservations where only tribal people can own land. The largest community in Kandhamal is the Kandhatribe. Most Kandha tribal people follow tribal and animistic forms of Hinduism. However, the socio-economic and political landscape of Kandhamal is dominated by its second largest community, the non-tribal Pana caste, who are mostly converted Christians. The region is also home to theMaoist guerrillas who are the largest terror[citation needed] group operating inside India and responsible for several thousand deaths in India in the 2000s. Maoist leader Sabyasachi Panda stated groups tend to recruit most of their leaders and cadre insurgents from Christian communities. However at the same time he reiterated the Maoists's areligious position: "We do not believe in any religion or are attached to any religious groups. We are not in favour of any religion."[1]

Major Issues in Kandhamal that have led to tensions are claims that "The Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act" is violated. Such claims include forcible occupation of tribal land, fake issuance of tribal certificates, illegal building of places of worship (mostly churches) on tribal land, religious conversions, and exploiting tribals for insurgent activities. This has also resulted in civil unrest and communal tensions earlier in 1986, 1994 and 2001

Religious violence in Odisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If one makes the list of massacres conducted by Christian groups in India, it would be much longer than those conducted by others on christians. Latest is the one done by NDFB which you have conveniently ignored. Apart from that there are three major Christian terrorist groups operating in India; NLFT, NSCN, NSCN-IM and Odhisa maoists who are predominantly christians.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism has appeared in various contiguous states in North-East India.


The National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT), a rebel group which seeks the secession of Tripura, North-East India, from the country, has been described as engaging in terrorist violence motivated by their Christian beliefs. The NLFT is listed as a terrorist organization in the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002. The state government contends that the Baptist Church of Tripura supplies arms and gives financial support to the NLFT. Reports from the state government and Indian media describe activities such as the acquisition by the NLFT of explosives through the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura, and threats of killing Hindus celebrating religious festivals. Over 20 Hindus in Tripura were reported killed by the NLFT from 1999 to 2001 for resisting forced conversion to Christianity.According to Hindus in the area, there have also been forced conversions of tribal villagers to Christianity by armed NLFT militants. These forcible conversions, sometimes including the use of "rape as a means of intimidation", have also been noted by academics outside of India. John Joseph, the Christian representative of the National Minority Commission, stated in 2000 that foreign funds used for Roman Catholic terrorism in the northeast are routed through Christians in Kerala.


In 2007 a tribal spiritual Hindu monk, Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati, accused Radhakant Nayak, chief of a local chapter of World Vision, and a former Rajya Sabha member from Odisha in the Indian National Congress party, of plotting to assassinate him. The Swami also said that World Vision was covertly pumping money into India for religious conversion during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, and criticized the activities of Christian missionaries as going against tribal beliefs. In 2008, he was gunned down along with four disciples on the Hindu festive day of Krishna Janmashtami by a group of 30–40 armed men. Later, Maoist terrorist leader Sabyasachi Panda admitted responsibility for the assassination, saying that the Maoists had intervened in the religious dispute on behalf of Christians and Dalits. The non-governmental organization Justice on Trial disputed that there had been Maoist involvement, and quoted the Swami as claiming that Christian missionaries had earlier attacked him eight times.


Nagaland is a Christian majority state in India. Many terrorist incidents have been documented there as a result of an insurgency against the government. This insurgency was originally led by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), who has indulged in terrorist activities varying from kidnapping, illegal drug trafficking, extortion, etc. The group has committed religious violence, as a part of NSCN's described mission of forcibly converting the animist Naga to Christianity. Other goals include the formation of a greater Nagaland. There are occasional reports of the NSCN using force to convert locals of neighboring states to Christianity.

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland, Issac-Muivah faction (slogan: "Nagaland for Christ"), is accused of carrying out the 1992–1993 ethnic cleansing of Kuki tribes inManipur, said to have leave over 900 people dead. During that NSCN-IM operation, 350 Kuki villages were driven out and about 100,000 Kukis were turned into refugees.

National Liberation Front of Tripura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Liberation Front of Tripura (or NLFT) is a Tripuri nationalistChristianmilitant organization based in Tripura,India. The NLFT seeks to secede from India and establish an independent Tripuri state, and has actively participated in the Tripura Rebellion. The NLFT manifesto says that they want to expand what they describe as the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ in Tripura

Terrorist Organization Profile - START - National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism

National Socialist Council of Nagaland - Isak-Muivah

The outfit aims to establish a ‘Greater Nagaland’ (‘Nagalim’ or the People’s Republic of Nagaland) based on Mao Tse Tung’s ideology. Its manifesto is based on the principle of Socialism for economic development and a spiritual outlook – ‘Nagaland for Christ’.

I am surprised to see you calling persecution and murder of minorities "whining of evangelical Christians"??? Murder and killings are the worst crimes in the human history. If someone speaks against them and tell you to stop persecution of minorities....its called "pure whining".

No, Whining is manufacturing persecution where none is occurring and to give religious twist to conflicts where religious identities of belligerents are accidental in order to further persecution complex.

Archbishop raphael of Society of divine world lied under oath in supreme court in order to gain sympathy.

As is the tradition of sannyasis, Saraswati was not cremated but instead buried and entombed after death. Since no cremation ever took place, Togadia replied that there was no question of "ashes" being proposed to be carried in any procession at all, and therefore the claims of "asthi kalash yatra" (carrying of the ashes) were untrue. He also alleged that Archbishop Raphael Cheenath had therefore "lied under oath to the apex court", because no such procession ever took place

Religious violence in Odisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway go on but tag some other Indians here. I am not interested in competitive mudslinging.
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