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New picture of May 2 events emerged


Clashes between CIA and ISI began after the denial of NWA operation by Pakistan
and its refusal to sharing information till the time it’s not two way. It said Pakistan will not share information if the relationship remains one way.

After the Rymond D case ISI asked CIA to disclose the location of her agents/employees in Pakistan and tell us what was the nature of their emplacement in Pakistan? After repeated questioning CIA kept denying that they have so many operatives in Pakistan.

In the recent past when the clashes b/w ISI and CIA got worsened Pakistan took the stand that ISI will not support any CIA activity in Afghanistan or Pakistan if they do not declare their operatives in Pakistan. To this effect CIA officials denied in plain words that no such clarification will be made to ISI. However after lot of discussion CIA agreed to declare 1079 officials which were operating in Pakistan under various capacities. For remaining they denied to give any clue.

ISI had a list of 438 US officials which were in Pakistan but were not present in any consulate or embassy staff of any city. Their whereabouts were asked from CIA, to which they gave a funny reply that many of them have been lost.....? what lost......? Where...? How....? CIA claimed that these operatives were used in FATA area for the war on terror but in various incidents they have either been kidnapped or killed by Taliban so now they were no more in Pakistan. This stupid reply was totally non-digestible by ISI.

ISI clearly stated that if CIA will not cooperate with ISI on the table of trust basing upon justice and equality than ISI was also not bound to keep the ties as they were. This strict reply and warning was not expected by CIA. Exchange of harsh words occurred b/w ISI and CIA. At the end ISI gave 3 levels of warnings to CIA and deadline of 2 May 2011 was given to them after which ISI will not be bound to act as partner to Tri-Star Intelligence Sharing Pact.

As execution of its 1st level warning given to CIA and few secret pieces of information were shared with China, UK and Germany against CIA. Similarly involvement of CIA behind Egypt, Behrain and KSA was point of concern for their respective govts.

The frustrated US establishment contacted one of the very senior persons who as usual could not sustain the pressure and asked the other very senior person about it. However it was declared a routine matter between intelligence agencies.

Sequence of events on night of May 02:

from this background story it appears that CIA did this operation to teach a lesson to ISI and they succeeded in it . Deadline of May 2 by ISI and US operation on May 2 :undecided:
how can you ask such question ? :hitwall:
what we did when they killed our 24 soldiers ?

missiles cant be fired automatically , you need guts to fire them and our leadership lack that

I think these senior persons don't need to grow balls because balls are weak and sensitive, if they really wanna get tough, they must grow a vag!na to take pounding :angry:
When pakistan completes gas pipeline from Iran, on that day Relation b/w Pak and US will come to an end
Pilot: we are being fired


Pilot: one of our heli is down and we need to land

If we see this, it means tht one of their choppers was fired..which is a good thing tht atleast one was fired...whoever ordered it...was a good thing...and the rest flew away later...( which should/must have been forced to land down in Pak or shot..as ordered by one senior person) but "one military officer " said tht this is being done with my permission and tht no adventure must be done.And .if we see, theres no talk of Osama bin Laden here at all.. He is nowhere in the picture... It means tht all this story abt OBL being killed was a drama ...and a totall bullshit..as most Pakistanis already had tht feeling tht no obl was there and his killing was a drama...And Americans actually couldnt do anything or operation....in real... BUT now...the main question is... WHO was tht military officer who said tht I have allowed this operation and no adventure must be done? He has comitted treason against the state... He must be severely punished...If anyone could contact Ansar Abbasi, he must find out the name of tht military officer...who allowed this?..And is tht officer...still in tht senior position? We must punish tht traitor... Its very imp to know the name of tht senior person...Tht officer must face Court Martial...
f-16 are provided by usa,so i guess they cant fire at US airforce choppers,the system will identify them as friend instead of foe.
Yes but before that all the embassy staff should be lynched by the public so that no one form that embassy will be alive to get hold of the diplomatic immunity or US immunity.

---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

merge please


and after order by zardari kiyani pasha and rao feel satisfy from his order and sleep tight? why ? can nation ask to them you take outh for secure pakistani air sea land or take outh to follow zardari ? what will be next order of zardari ?

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 PM ----------

f-16 are provided by usa,so i guess they cant fire at US airforce choppers,the system will identify them as friend instead of foe.

its not simple as you said made in USA its not mean can't fire or another made in USA . just go read abut this issue please .
and after order by zardari kiyani pasha and rao feel satisfy from his order and sleep tight? why ? can nation ask to them you take outh for secure pakistani air sea land or take outh to follow zardari ? what will be next order of zardari ?its not simple as you said made in USA its not mean can't fire or another made in USA . just go read abut this issue please .

Their future and the future of all their sons and daughters have been secured 100%

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard

There are some things that cant be sold. For everything else, there's United States (a buyer)
I don't think this log has any credibility. Its just a hogwash according to me....

This should have been revealed the very next day, and talks should have been held if this was the case. If PAF officials were so fast to react by calling so many senior persons, they could have very well revealed this in a press conference, or told the world what happened before US broke the news.

Truth is, no one knew what had happened, the choppers got in, took OBL out, and left. Only from news did PAF and Pakistani officials come to know about the operation.

This is a failure on part of Pakistani Air Force, and PA, and no amount of propaganda logs can fix it.
I don't think this log has any credibility. Its just a hogwash according to me....

This should have been revealed the very next day, and talks should have been held if this was the case. If PAF officials were so fast to react by calling so many senior persons, they could have very well revealed this in a press conference, or told the world what happened before US broke the news.

Truth is, no one knew what had happened, the choppers got in, took OBL out, and left. Only from news did PAF and Pakistani officials come to know about the operation.

This is a failure on part of Pakistani Air Force, and PA, and no amount of propaganda logs can fix it.

the US special forces came and completed the operation and left Pakistan without any incident. this is the fact so its pointless to spend time in giving reasons to reject it.

if your selective memory allows you then you should remember that PAF did scramble its aircrafts and there was a lot of radio chatter and it was said then that either, the PAF jets were told to stand down or the copters managed to leave the airspace before they could be intercepted.
Failure to intercept and respond in time is a fact and its reasons are many, one of them is that Pakistan doesn’t view any Ariel threat from the west including Iran, Afghanistan & America . whereas it a different story from the east side when an Indian copter was quickly intercepted in the following months.
By the way you might have missed the court proceedings of Mansoor I jaz who is the American claiming to have details on OBL raid and the conspiracy of our former US Ambassador Haqqani. He has provided the conversation between the PAF traffic controller and the US pilots that were flying the helicopter.
That evidence is in consistency with what came out originally and what this log is talking about.

But you are free to form your opinion but making a judgement just for the sake of disagreement doesn’t get you anywhere when you ignore or choose to forget some details of the chain of events.
When will the day come and we close all ties with the US for good.

You mean we should still blame the US before we blame our very own traitors? Traitors, who unfortunately for Pakistan enjoy the most powerful positions because of our stupid, dumb, blind, ignorant and short memory fellow citizens!
I just saw Shahid Masood's prog on express tv...and Shaheen Sehbai, of The News" was in his prog.. When asked abt Ansar's Abbasi's today's column and the person who said tht this operation is being done by my permission..who was he? So Shaheen Sehbai said , tht yes, we had edited the names...but now even Mansoor Ijaz had told this, so the person was Zardari, who told Gen Kiyani, not to do any misadventure, as it is allowed by me, and ask your f-16 pilots to return........So, in my previous post, I had wrongly assumed tht maybe tht person who said tht this operation was allowed by me, was maybe a senior person in the military...but it was not.. It was Zardari.....again, no surprises there..? I was therefore rightly shocked earlier, tht how could someone in the higher position in the military could be such a traitor..to have allowed such operation...but now we know, tht the only person who could be such a traitor was one and only Zardari...Is anyone surprised?.. I am sure, NOT... God, cant tell how much I hate this person Zardari
When pakistan completes gas pipeline from Iran, on that day Relation b/w Pak and US will come to an end

Did you fall for the lie? That's what all Pakistanis do, they continue to fall for the lies that are showered upon all of us every day!
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