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New Pakistan Army Green Book voices fear of India-U.S. axis

If a war breaks out due to India's fault, we won't have any choice but to support Pakistan in many ways cause we are allies.

I'm very worried about Narendra Modi will adopt tough ppolicy agianst Pakistan, i hope rational Congress will win the election.
What do you mean by rational? Does it mean we will only shout when some Pak Army supported terrorist attack happen?
Yesterday THE HINDU news site published one article on Pakistan warns of disproportionate response in future war thingy from God knows which source and now they come up with a 2011 Army Green Book thingy at end of 2013.

When will the Indian elections end, so that we can see some easy in this idiotic attitude from Indian media and politicians. When are the elections ending by the way??

What is wrong in quoting the Green Book? As far as I know, the Pak Army Doctrine can often be found in there.

I wish both sides leaders shall collect back those irrational words and maintain peace in the region. Further provocation will be very unneccessarily.

Do you really think Pakistan dare to attack India. Come on boys, they are very much outgunned by India!

Not just we, but the whole world does, minus the Pakistanis and Chinese.

'48 - in the guise of Mujahiddeen. '65 - Operation Gibraltar. '71 - Mass exodus from East Pakistan to India was still getting contained, yet they decided to open a front in the West. '99 - Musharraf played a cruel joked on Pakistan.

And it is not the firepower that makes them think they will win, rather it is that misplaced, but overwhelming feeling of a superior race and religion that drives them to such madness. Exactly as the Chinese on PDF think how the Hans are so superior to all other human races in every sense, that they could very well not be humans.

Oh are you too a Han Chinese? :lol:
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If a war breaks out due to India's fault, we won't have any choice but to support Pakistan in many ways cause we are allies.

I'm very worried about Narendra Modi will adopt tough ppolicy agianst Pakistan, i hope rational Congress will win the election.

I am gonna give you a tip
You ain't know nothing about Indian politics so don't comment about it
We are just waiting till there is a solution to the Pakistani nukes
As soon that problem is solved you will see a our military crushing Pakistani state
New Pakistan Army Green Book voices fear of India-U.S. axis - The Hindu

The latest edition of the Pakistan Army’s Green Book, a prestigious internal publication with essays by serving officers, reveals mounting fears among its officer corps that the deepening India-United States strategic relationship could pose a threat to the country.

Major-General Shaukat Iqbal, one of the most senior officers writing in the 2011Green Book, describes what he calls an emerging “Indo-U.S. nexus.”

His essay argues that geo-strategic developments show “all conspiracy theories are getting materialised and [the] Great Game played in the region is posing a serious threat to the security and integrity of Pakistan.”

The two countries hope Pakistan “is tamed and sufficiently weakened to act in form of colonised state which should serve U.S. interest and oblige to the dictates of India” [sic.].

He writes that the United States wishes to “use the war on terrorism as an instrument [to] get [the] Pakistan Army bogged down, weakening its war stamina [and] creating a wedge between religious forces and the Army”. It is also, he says, “disreputing [sic.] and maligning the Pakistan Army and the ISI through actions like [the] raid on Osama Bin Laden’s complex.”

The essay says India has expansionist ambitions, quoting Prime Minister Indira Gandhi — without citation — as saying she would never forgive her forefathers “for accepting the division of India,” and vowing to undo it.

‘India posing threat’

Major-General Ashgar Nawaz, writing on the United States’ interests in South Asia, asserts that Pakistan’s traditional superpower ally is “as much a liability as a friend.” The United States help has allowed New Delhi to “employ contemporary Afghanistan as a springboard for fomenting terrorist activity and instability in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas [FATA] belt on [the] Pak-Afghan border.”

In recent years, Pakistani commentators and politicians have repeatedly claimed that India is supporting elements of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, notably its new Afghanistan-based commander,

General Nawaz writes, in support of his claim of hostile Indian intentions, that in the wake of 9/11, it “nominated Lt. Gen. [Lieutenant-General] (retd) Sawhney, ex Chief of RAW, as their Ambassador in Kabul.”

In fact, India’s first Ambassador to Afghanistan after 9/11 was career diplomat Vivek Katju. RAW has never been led by a Lieutenant-General, serving or retired, nor anyone called Sawhney. The reference may be to the former Director-General of Military Intelligence, Lieutenant-General Ravi Sawhney, has travelled regularly to Afghanistan in various capacities.

“I think the interesting thing here is not what the essays say, but the fears that underpin them,” says Sushant Sareen, a Pakistan expert at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi. “There is clearly a pathology at work, which does not allow itself to be inconvenienced by facts.”

Long-standing fears

Fears of Indian expansion have figured prominently in earlier editions of the Green Book, too. The 2010 edition began with an essay by Brigadier Umar Farooq Durrani on “Indian-backed Psychological Warfare Against Pakistan.”

It asserted that the RAW “funds many Indian newspapers and even television channels, such as Zee Television, which is considered to be its media headquarters to wage psychological war.”

“The most subtle form” of this psychological war, the Brigadier stated, “is found in movies where Muslim and Hindu friendship is screened within [sic.] the backdrop of melodrama.” “The effects desired to be achieved through this,” he argued, “is to undermine the Two National Theory [as] being a person obsession of [Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammad Ali] Jinnah.”

Interestingly, there is no discussion in the 2011 Green Book of Pakistan’s war against Islamist groups like the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

However, several chapters are devoted to addressing the conventional and nuclear challenges posed by India, and two to the Army’s campaign against ethnic-Baloch insurgent and terrorist groups.

Published every two years by the Pakistan Army’s General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Green Book provides rare insights into the organisation’s internal debates. In his foreword to the 2011 edition, the former Army chief, Gen. (retd.) Pervez Kayani, describes it as “a platform where the intellectual context of national security can be crystallised.”

There are many points in that whole piece which are amusing. But I'll deal with just one of them; in the underlined part.
It makes a reference to Shaukat Iqbal's quote attributing something to Indira Gandhi. That statement is just not only amusing but even absurd.
In the 1971 conflict; there was a "Hawkish Lobby" in the Indian Estt. that urged that the IA should be used to correct " aberrations and imbalances" on the Indo-Pak Border in India's west. In fact; the Indian Army and the IAF (even earlier on) was being massively re-deployed to the West to facilitate that. That plan was not embarked on; firstly, because Indira Gandhi and Sardar Swaran Singh opposed it and secondly; that did not have the blessings of the SU who would not have used their veto in the UNSC to allow that. Pakistan was truncated already and its Army was thoroughly discredited. Indira Gandhi could have used that to pursue the agenda that she purportedly espoused. She did not.

Later when the Shimla Agreement was negotiated; again it was Indira Gandhi who again decided to go soft on Bhutto. So much so; that she shot down any moves to hand over PA personnel to Bangla Desh for trial. As a matter of fact; she said to D.P.Dhar; her confidant that the PA had been cut to size, it was time for India to assist the Political Estt. in Pakistan to take root and reassert its primacy over matters in Pakistan. This POV of Indira Gandhi also had its few opponents in the Indian Estt. of that time, but she (understandably) prevailed over all.

It is laughable that Gernails like Shaukat Iqbal should have to resort to such devices. But that may something to do with the fact that Indira Gandhi had a great deal to do with the 'comeuppance' dealt to his Establishment. There is no citation for his 'windy' assertion, understandably!

'History and Facts' are not the strong suit of some in the PA. There was another Major General (of the Cabal who organised the Kargil Misadventure) who got elevated to Lt.Gen. (for his exertions) and Commanded the NDU. He wrote some 'engaging fiction' also for his students; while he adorned that chair!
What a hilarious article! All stuff and nonsense peppered with canards about India supporting the TTP etc!! If that's the standard of Pakistani generals making so called Green Books based on their figments of imagination, then I have nothing more to say.

And I ROFLed seeing this gem...

The two countries hope Pakistan “is tamed and sufficiently weakened to act in form of colonised state which should serve U.S. interest and oblige to the dictates of India”

:rofl: :omghaha: :cuckoo:
Did India ever occupy Pakistan in those war? Pakistan is still there. We know what Indians capable of, don't be afraid my Pakistani friends. China will open all weapon inventory if India invades Pakistan. If neccessarily, we will pressurize hardly on the border.
You Hans can't even sort out a rag tag circus of Tibetan monks and you want to go to war?:omghaha: The Muslims of Xingiang are screwing the crap out of you and you guys just keep bellyaching. Your impotency is legendary! :P

Nuff said.

If a war breaks out due to India's fault, we won't have any choice but to support Pakistan in many ways cause we are allies.

I'm very worried about Narendra Modi will adopt tough ppolicy agianst Pakistan, i hope rational Congress will win the election.

Why dont you just reveal that you are a Pakistani in China..:lol: I have never seen a Chinise calling Congress "RATIONAL":whistle::crazy:
Yesterday the hindu news site published one article on Pakistan warns of disproportionate response in future war thingy from God knows which source and now they come up with a 2011 Army Green Book thingy at end of 2013.

When will the Indian elections end, so that we can see some easy in this idiotic attitude from Indian media and politicians. When are the elections ending by the way??

Probably 5 months from now.
we've no problems with CHina, they are good people don't knw why Chinese on PDF act strange
Most of these guys are hired to spew nonsensical tripe on PDF. And needless to say some are false flaggers too. These kids are desperate to keep churning out baloney for those much needed brownie points that only their sweeter-than-honey friends can give. :dirol:
Yesterday the hindu news site published one article on Pakistan warns of disproportionate response in future war thingy from God knows which source and now they come up with a 2011 Army Green Book thingy at end of 2013.

When will the Indian elections end, so that we can see some easy in this idiotic attitude from Indian media and politicians. When are the elections ending by the way??

lol .....:omghaha:, you are closer to reality, this war mongering will have to be beard till may 2014
Most of these guys are hired to spew nonsensical tripe on PDF. And needless to say some are false flaggers too. These kids are desperate to keep churning out baloney for those much needed brownie points that only their sweeter-than-honey friends can give. :dirol:
They ruin China's image bro. Such a wonderful country and such idiotic posters.
China is always there, we will support Pakistan all the time. Never knew where was uncle sam in year 1962.

Empty words carry no meaning.

During the 1999 Kargil war - Musharraf camped for ages in Beijing in the hope that China will interfere - nothing happened.
God forbid, if there is a full scale war between Ind and Pak, China will never ever intervene.
We will not help Pakistan to invade India, meanwhile we will not tolerate India overtaking Pakistan wantonly either.

Invading India?? They tried it for 4 times. it was not happened and it will not happen by any one....


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