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New OIC secretary-general urged to help resolve Kashmir issue

I would change my flags if I have to but we no longer have that option in profile.

In all fairness @WebMaster should change my first flag.

I don't see a reason why you should be changing your flags, or @Abingdonboy for that matter. None of you have ever tried to hide your Pakistani/Indian origin.

From Neutral perspective,

1. Kalat( current baluchistan, 23%), while being Muslim majority and surrounded by Pakistan on all sided, refused to sign instrument of accesion and tried to declare Independence.

1. Kalat was militarily occupied by Pakistani Army in 1955.

Your whole post is nonsense & not neutral. You seems like a fresh brainwashed product of Indian army. Stop being indian army propaganda mouth piece on "Pakistan Defence Forum" - kindly spare this site from your propaganda.

Although this thread is not about Balochistan but i cannot see an Indian Army mouth piece spreading nonsense propaganda about Pakistan, so i will quote your points related to Balochistan.

Kalat was willfully annexed by Khan of Kalat(the Prince & ruler of Kalat State), every Sardar & Nawab of Balochistan knows this fact. Here is a source for you where Grand son of Khan of Kalat is explaining how this happened.

On whose order Balochistan joined Pakistan | Hamara Balochistan

Here is video if you want.

Further more Pakistan Army was already there as Baloch Regiment...i don't understand what nonsense you are talking about Pakistan Army entering from Mars.:crazy: And Kalat never refused to sign accession papers, when ruler of Kalat state announced his decision the jirga was on going in which many Sardars were willing to join Pakistan but some sardars of Marri, Mengal & Bugti tribes were taking more time to think. The Prince of Kalat decide on his own when he noticed that the jirga was taking very long. Also to remember is that all the surrounding states of Kalat had already joined Pakistan.

So as i said that learn the facts before cracking your funny nonsense indian army taught propaganda. Also please stay on topic & avoid dragging other issues in this thread. Next time your off topic will be reported. Thanks.
The answer is supposed to be addressed for myself, as I personally asked for it.

Unfortunately the answer is anything but Neutral & quite a bit factually incorrect ! :coffee:

Has there ever been a census in Kashmir before 1947 or after where the locals could have voiced their opinion of either joining Pakistan, India or declaring independence?

@p(-)0ENiX @Armstrong and other people from Kashmir.

Those photos look dramatic.

Is there a documentary that you can recommend in English that we can watch to learn more details about the conflict?

What difference would it make ?
This thread is a perfect reason why Kashmiri people must never be abandoned by the Muslim world and why must they get their due right for self determination. Until every Kashmiri is under occupation, every breathing Muslim is a slave.
looks like most of the muslim world simply does not bother about kashmiris.. they dont even bother much about palestinians...
looks like most of the muslim world simply does not bother about kashmiris.. they dont even bother much about palestinians...

Interesting. When a " Muslim " country decides that it no longer will deal with Hamas, some people feel, indifferent, or go banana. When they deal with Hamas, other countries call them terrorists. And when they send food, medicine, launch mega projects like building housing units, schools, and hospitals, others say they don't bother about them.

What happens to this world?

I hardly think that we could compare apples with oranges. Unless you take a pride to associate yourself with some country which is responsible for war crimes then that's up to you.

Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wassup with some Arbi members on this forum ?

@Yzd Khalifa .. I was simply countering the cheap attempt of aero to drag all muslim nations to solve their problem.... because they cant solve it with us.
Its just an attempt to rile up most muslims, by saying till kashmir is under India, then every muslim is a slave.
Is it really?
I was just saying most muslim nations dont agree, and pay lip service to such demands. We dont see it as muslim vs non muslim issue and will attempt to maintain better relation with all muslim countries.

Having said that, I do agree kashmiris should get better life. They can only do if pakistan stops meddling and riling them up. Kashmir is open for business, more tourist (international) go there, happier their life will be.

So people of all muslim countries, if you really want to help them, go visit kashmir. Buy their products. Live in their house boats. Just dont do funny business because you might survive, the poor kashmiri probably wont.
you know what OIC means.


It really means Oh I see!


And no!

OIC is a toothless paper tiger (It cannot give anyone a paper cut even if it wanted to). So it cannot solve anything like Kashmir etc.

Asking OIC to solve complicated border issues is like asking a monkey to design space shuttle.

Sure you can ask him

But will he oblige you?

Well that all depends on one's belief system.


thou surpriseth me with thy words of infinite wisdom :)
@Yzd Khalifa .. I was simply countering the cheap attempt of aero to drag all muslim nations to solve their problem.... because they cant solve it with us.
Its just an attempt to rile up most muslims, by saying till kashmir is under India, then every muslim is a slave.
Is it really?
I was just saying most muslim nations dont agree, and pay lip service to such demands. We dont see it as muslim vs non muslim issue and will attempt to maintain better relation with all muslim countries.

Having said that, I do agree kashmiris should get better life. They can only do if pakistan stops meddling and riling them up. Kashmir is open for business, more tourist (international) go there, happier their life will be.

So people of all muslim countries, if you really want to help them, go visit kashmir. Buy their products. Live in their house boats. Just dont do funny business because you might survive, the poor kashmiri probably wont.

We are helping people all around the world, not just a particular group which adheres to an A or a B religion:

KUNA : Saudi donation of USD 5.1 million for earthquake victims in Kashmir, Says - Geography - 11/12/2007
Prominent Saudi launches group to help victims of Kashmir violence | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
Saudi Arabia to provide 573 million dollars in aid to Pakistan - Pakistan | ReliefWeb
Interesting. When a " Muslim " country decides that it no longer will deal with Hamas, some people feel, indifferent, or go banana. When they deal with Hamas, other countries call them terrorists. And when they send food, medicine, launch mega projects like building housing units, schools, and hospitals, others say they don't bother about them.

What happens to this world?

I hardly think that we could compare apples with oranges. Unless you take a pride to associate yourself with some country which is responsible for war crimes then that's up to you.

Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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