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New Muslim Block Predicted By Dr Israr Ahmed 25 Years Ago - Koi Arab Mulk Is Mein Nahi Ho

Thanks brother. I am heartened to see so much support here on PDF for my teacher and family friend, Dr. Israr Ahmad. He used to visit us and was close to my father especially. I was still a young child, and while playing or doing shararte in masjid with my friends, somehow his ideas, thoughts, and mindset seeps into me and my understanding of life.

Later on in life, I became so enthralled by his miraculous vision and studied him in detail. I used to attend his lectures and talk with him. I met so many scholars in this way. He was always a kind and loving person in his daily life, without any harshness in anyway.

When he spoke, his eyes became big and his voice became thunderous, when he mentioned Allah swt and Muhammad saws you could feel the love in his heart and words. When he mentioned Pakistan, you keep feel his intense love for our country.

He quoted Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal RA alayhim like how Zakir Naik quotes scriptures. His knowledge was so vast in this field. He manifested a holistic Islamic patriotic vision of Pakistan, without any disconnect.

May Allah swt bless him in Firdous w Aala. Men like this only come around once in a while.


Dr. Israr Sahib has done tremendous work especially for research. I have utmost respects for him.
If you listen to his lectures, he predicted Balakot attacks, Kashmir abrogation, and the rise of Russia and China. He also gave good news for Pakistan too.

He was truly a Wali of Allah swt, given knowledge of alim ul ghaib.

I knew him on personal level. May Allah swt bless him in Firdous e Aala.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @masterchief_mirza @TMA @xeuss @Dual Wielder @Psychic @Zarvan @H. Dawary @Agha Sher @Dalit @Pakistani Fighter @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Mangus Ortus Novem @Ace of Spades @The Accountant @Imran Khan

Not just that, he also predicted Bit Coin, along with Star Wars, The last jedi would suck and lets not forget his greatest prediction ever, The Last of US 2 will suck the life out of all its fans.

Stop propagating this baloney sandwich of great nonsense, predictions are inherently problematic. And these people like to make fun of Hindus for being superstitious.
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@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @nascar 42 @Dr. Strangelove

Dr. Israr was of Hanafi sect and also believed a lot in Sufism so clearly he was not from Ahle-Hadith. Furthermore, his believes about Wahdat-ul-Wajood are directly opposite to what Ahle-Hadith believes are and thus were more close to Sufism.

However, he was called Wahabi or Ahle-Hadiths by his critics mainly because even though he was sunni or sufi, he always preached against the false practices of shrines and all that stuff that happens on shrines, lectured heavily about matters of Shirk and Biddah etc.

I followed him for years, although I don't agree with his believes about Wahdat-ul-Wajood, I still follow his lectures on other matters especially on Quranic translations etc.

May his soul rests in eternal peace.
I was just talking about Ahle Hadith Movement i know Dr Israr didnt associated himself with them. People just sometimes accuse him of being an ahle hadith/Wahabi. BEcause they think that this will somehow dissociate him from the wider Ahle sunnat.
This video will explain beautifully what he was just a true Muslim.

Thanks for sharing this video.

Dr.israr Ahmed R.A said absolutely right about sects that we should accept all. Here i can logically & regiously elaborate that why we should not differentiate among muslim sects but only on one condition. those believe on Allah and do not include anybody as god except allah and believe on Muhammad P.B.U.H as last messenger of God.. This is called to be a muslim

Now on topic

Quran about Sects
Quran says.. And hold fast all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves

2. Quran further says Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger All the Muslim should follow the Quran and authentic hadith and be not divided among themselves.

3. Quran more says.... As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.
Quran 6:159

Hadith about sects
The Muslims will split into 73 sects, and only one sect will go to Jannah". (Bukahri, Muslim, Tirmidhie, Abu Dawud).

if we compare above Quranic ayaat and this hadith there is no contradiction but prediction..

Why it is not a contradiction because in Quran allah subhanahu wa tala him self predicted by saying that "As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did"..

however Allah does not like separation among us.. but we know how many us follow and obey the God.. we have already divided ourselves into sects (bralvi, deoband, salafi, and two major shia and sunni etc)...

So if it is written in quran that there will be no sects among muslims then i would surely say that this hadith is contradicting with Quran.. but as we know Allah never said in Quran that there will be no sects, allah him self predicted but order us that we should not be divided into sects.
the righteous sect will be decided by God on the day of judgment not by any Tom, Dick, and Harry in this world. Our responsibilty is to accept & respect all if we truly wanna combine muslim ummat.

It is my beleive that muslims those dont divide themselve on behalf of sects will be the chosen one by Allah on the day of judgment whether they belong to any sects.
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If you want to comment, comment on the good qualities of a person. Don't bring other sects/ schools of thought into discussion or criticize them. It hurts others' feelings.

Jahalat is the main reason sects thrives and molvis take advantage of ignorant people.
Main reason for this is that we are stuck between Sunni vs Shia, Razakhani vs Deobandi, Razakhani vs Wahabi, Deobandi vs Ahle-Hadiths. We need to get out of the sect businesses. Everyone want to sell their carrot. Since Pakistan is predominantly follow Sunni Islam, Why can’t we study Sunni Islam from Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Egypt and create a pure Islam with correct Aqida and practices. Is it possible? Well, there are powerful lobbies who want to keep people ignorant about real Islam and keep people busy in shirk & bidah. Instead of spending real Islam, some TV Channels are on the agenda of enemies of Islam.

My Bangla brothers will agree that even in Bangladesh peeri-muridi and Shirk and bidah Practices have increased in last 20 years.
If you listen to his lectures, he predicted Balakot attacks, Kashmir abrogation, and the rise of Russia and China. He also gave good news for Pakistan too.

He was truly a Wali of Allah swt, given knowledge of alim ul ghaib.

I knew him on personal level. May Allah swt bless him in Firdous e Aala.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @masterchief_mirza @TMA @xeuss @Dual Wielder @Psychic @Zarvan @H. Dawary @Agha Sher @Dalit @Pakistani Fighter @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Mangus Ortus Novem @Ace of Spades @The Accountant @Imran Khan
No doubt that Dr Israr was a lagendry Muslim Scholar may ALLAH enter them in higher level of JANNAH Tul Firdaus...
If you listen to his lectures, he predicted Balakot attacks, Kashmir abrogation, and the rise of Russia and China. He also gave good news for Pakistan too.

He was truly a Wali of Allah swt, given knowledge of alim ul ghaib.

I knew him on personal level. May Allah swt bless him in Firdous e Aala.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @masterchief_mirza @TMA @xeuss @Dual Wielder @Psychic @Zarvan @H. Dawary @Agha Sher @Dalit @Pakistani Fighter @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Mangus Ortus Novem @Ace of Spades @The Accountant @Imran Khan

He is still respected to this day. Good people leave us soon. :cry:
OFF TOPIC, :offpost:

But the guy in the middle of 6th picture standing next to modi has legs that are even more thinner than my bicepts.

Its not the off topic, I am quoting more prediction what he predict in 1995 and other thing. Today, we looking the same thing what he predicted.
Today Trump, MODI, Taliban and new Muslim block ..!!
I followed him for years, although I don't agree with his believes about Wahdat-ul-Wajood, I still follow his lectures on other matters especially on Quranic translations etc.

Thanks for your post. Actually let me clarify here.

He does not believe in Wahdat ul Wujood, but he believes in what is called Wahdat ul shuhood.

Basically creation seems to be oneness, but it is not. This is the initial part of faith, then when you look into yourself, you realize that there is more.

It was an important concept which had to be ironed out over time by Sufis.

@Desert Fox @Iltutmish @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan


A must read introductory level booklet. It is a collection of articles of dr Israr. Just 44 pages so you can read it quickly.

He has many booklets on various topics including Sufism, Qiyamat, Karbala, founding of Pakistan, and similar topics. They still can be found in Pakistan.

I think they can also be downloaded at tanzeem.org.

Dr. Israr Sahib has done tremendous work especially for research. I have utmost respects for him.
We have an old habit, we ignore people when they were alive ...
Thanks for sharing this video.

Dr.israr Ahmed R.A said absolutely right about sects that we should accept all. Here i can logically & regiously elaborate that why we should not differentiate among muslim sects but only on one condition. those believe on Allah and do not include anybody as god except allah and believe on Muhammad P.B.U.H as last messenger of God.. This is called to be a muslim

Now on topic

Quran about Sects
Quran says.. And hold fast all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves

2. Quran further says Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger All the Muslim should follow the Quran and authentic hadith and be not divided among themselves.

3. Quran more says.... As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.
Quran 6:159

Hadith about sects
The Muslims will split into 73 sects, and only one sect will go to Jannah". (Bukahri, Muslim, Tirmidhie, Abu Dawud).

if we compare above Quranic ayaat and this hadith there is no contradiction but prediction..

Why it is not a contradiction because in Quran allah subhanahu wa tala him self predicted by saying that "As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did"..

however Allah does not like separation among us.. but we know how many us follow and obey the God.. we have already divided ourselves into sects (bralvi, deoband, salafi, and two major shia and sunni etc)...

So if it is written in quran that there will be no sects among muslims then i would surely say that this hadith is contradicting with Quran.. but as we know Allah never said in Quran that there will be no sects, allah him self predicted but order us that we should not be divided into sects.
the righteous sect will be decided by God on the day of judgment not by any Tom, Dick, and Harry in this world. Our responsibilty is to accept & respect all if we truly wanna combine muslim ummat.

It is my beleive that muslims those dont devide themselve on behalf of sects will be the chosen one by Allah on the day of judgment whether they belong to any sects.

In the same lecture which I most recently posted, Dr. Israr mentioned Allama Iqbal RA alayhuma and how he is shayri had reached Uzbekistan and Iran, due to the focus on Dari/Farsi at the end of his life. So he wrote that "ik walwala taza diya mein ne diloN ko Lahore sey ta khak e Bukhara Samarqand."

Furthermore, Dr. Israr Ahmad mentioned about the Iranian revolution being a genuine revolution whose architect was Ali Shariati. This Iranian thinker acknowledged the influence of Allama Iqbal on himself and his thoughts.

The point Dr. Israr Ahmad was making was that Allama Iqbal was the nucleus of change which swept the traditional Persian speaking world, of which Pakistan and Central Asia were also parts. His revolutionary thoughts ignited genuine movements in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

He gave the example of Allama Mashriqi of Khaksar Tehreek (which was a militant Muslim response to the British,) and which scared the Hindus so much that it pushed them to establish RSS (actually RSSS.)

Even Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (who was later decieved by Nehru) established a Hezbollah (not modern one in Lebanon) to push for Islamic values and protection of Muslims based on Allama Iqbal's thoughts of Muslim empowerment and activism.

His teachings also gave birth to Jamat e Islami and Maulana Maududi was heavily influenced by Allama Iqbal. It even benefitted from some genuine actions taken by Allama Iqbal in his lifetime like establishment of Quranic schools for upper class graduates of universities, etc.

That was because Muslim League could never bring a genuine Islamic government, as that was not its purpose. It was an organization of elite nawabs and Western-educated Muslims. Its purpose was to shake off British and Hindu dominance.

Allama Iqbal desired an Islamic movement from the grassroots, particularly one which avoided politics, and one which focused on the thinkers among the Muslims to meld them into a genuine Islamic nation, in heart and spirit.

If we judge Allama Iqbal RA based on his life, according to his servant Mr. Ali Baksh, he was a man who hardly slept, read Quran daily, read Qiyam ul layl every night around 2-3 am, and daily worked on his shayri and his thoughts.

He would keep his day open for visitations from scholars, thinkers, politicians, etc.

I am posting the same video I posted earlier for the benefit of those seeking more independent knowledge on what I posted, directly from Dr. Saab's words.
Thanks for your post. Actually let me clarify here.

He does not believe in Wahdat ul Wujood, but he believes in what is called Wahdat ul shuhood.

Basically creation seems to be oneness, but it is not. This is the initial part of faith, then when you look into yourself, you realize that there is more.

It was an important concept which had to be ironed out over time by Sufis.

If this concept was important part of faith, it was always going to be ironed out by prior Prophets, especially Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) not by some Sufis later on. The mere fact that it was invented by Sufis of later centuries is enough to prove that it is an innovation in Islam and hence we should stay away from it.

Technically also, this is completely opposite to what is repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. Anyways, since this is not an Islamic forum, I'll leave this here. But do give it a bit of reading and research apart from what Dr. Israr says on this topic. Listen to both side of view points and then you'll have clarity. This concept of Wahdat-ul-Wajood or Wahdat-ul-Shuhood is directly against the crux of your faith so please spend sometime to have very clear understanding on it.

Basically creation seems to be oneness, but it is not.

Tell me one thing honestly, how is this different than what christians of today call as Trinity (God is one but He is three in one)? And hindu concept of different versions of God (Ram etc)? Islam has drawn a very clear and distinct line when it comes to concepts of Tauheed. Our religion starts with La Ilaha Illallah.

May Allah guide us all to right path.
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Iran for obvious reason cannot be trusted one bit. However, Pakistan, a turkey and other mentioned are powerful and a bloc needs to be formed.
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