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New Muslim Block Predicted By Dr Israr Ahmed 25 Years Ago - Koi Arab Mulk Is Mein Nahi Ho

I think people mistake him because his beliefs were rooted in the same orthodox principle as of Ahle hadith i have seen many people calling him Wahhabi just because he used to do Rfah Edain during prayers.

OMG, so doing Rafi Edain makes you Salafi?

Dr Israel Ahmed was an orthodox Sunni Muslim who was influenced by Abul A'la Maududi. His main focus was to education the masses about real Islam (Quran, Hadith and Seerah) and not grave worship, peeri mureedi and Razakhani practices. That was one of the reason razakhani hated him and called him Wahabi. Razakhani called everyone wahabi who didn’t agree with them.
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Dr Israr was so well read. His knowledge truly impresses me.
About couple months back, i found on YouTube , 108 lectures series of dr.Israr Ahmad, Quran tafseer basically. I am about to finish it. Of all the religious figures i have come across within Pakistan, have found him the most sensible and well learned. Nobody's perfect, but have learned a lot from his translation of Quran, i feel bad for missing his namaz-e-jannazah. Great scholar.
Religious discussions are not allowed. The thread is based on some youtube video violating forum policy.
Religious discussions are not allowed. The thread is based on some youtube video violating forum policy.

Muslim block, topic is political, not religious.

Discussion in 'Strategic & Foreign Affairs'
dr Isra Ahmed was great visionary person and all his predictions about rss extremism, Babri Masjid and Arab nations have proved correct after he passed away from this world
dr Isra Ahmed was great visionary person and all his predictions about rss extremism, Babri Masjid and Arab nations have proved correct after he passed away from this world

He succeeded in his work. He brought out the best minds of Pakistan, instilled them with his vision and proper values to lead the society forward.

PTI is indirectly related to his relentless activism.

Dr. Israr Ahmad stayed out of politics and pushed the internal rejuvenation of Pakistan forward.

He and leaders like him pushed us out of our laziness, apathy, and pessimistic.

Now Pakistan is again an alive nation. Our heart is beating, alhamdulilah.


-Arabs lost Holy Land to Crusaders and Mongols before due to the same reason (love of comfort, عیاشیاں)

-Arabs will lose it again for the same reason

-Afghanistan and Pakistan are predicted to help Al Mahdi restore Arab lands, and restore Khilafat

-Even if Pakistan is not fully following Islam, the love and closeness to Islam is there (enshrined in the constitution) which makes us unique in the Alim e islam
If we elevate our iman and work on our nafs, Allah swt can show things to us in our dreams and in our lives too.

Awliya are gifted as they are the inheritors of prophets.

Ask around in your community and among your relatives, I am sure people know of him. He was very popular. Many people still refer back to his lectures for guidance.

Thanks. Will do bro.
Bro, he is even way more accurate than Nostradamus. I'm freaking out watching his video from 1995. Everything he said has come true so far. In all seriousness, there is a devine/paranormal force at work with him.
Can you share the link?
OMG, so doing Rafi Edain makes you Salafi?
I have personally seen people giving me looks when ever i did Rafi Edain and ask if i was a Wahabi so i m speaking from personal experience.
Respect for him. May he have a higher place in Jannah. An outspoken person and has the knowledge about whatever happening in the world and especially the region. Strategical studies and all, he had spoken about and had a good grip. I remember his one program that he shared a story when he met Musharraf before post 9/11 and US demand. He told him that we have no option as he can understand the position of Musharraf but also, Pakistan must be careful given the facts that we are the original target... and.... look at how we have been dealing with menace of terrorism being fueled by our enemies inside Pakistan.

Members are advised to not get involved in religious debate or discussing the one's belief/school of thought or sect etc. The discussion must continue to explore the strategical value and our directions and so the options given the information being shared by Dr. Israr Ahmed Sahib.

So has this predicted Muslim Bloc without Arabs been formed yet or not?
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