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New Military Capabilities for the Turkish Armed Forces

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Jul 6, 2017
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New Military Capabilities for the Turkish Armed Forces in the last 10 years

in 2000s Greeks always said that we have superior weapons like Embraer R-99 AEWC , Type-214 class Submarine , PATRIOT Air Defense System , AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter , CH-47 Chinook heavy transport Helicopter , F-16 block52M Fighter Jet , SCALP-EG air launched Cruise Missile , Coastal Defense System EXOCET , etc

Turkiye acquired new military capabilities in the last 10 years for the military superiority in the region

1 ... Airborne Early Warning Aircraft

Greece has 4 Embraer R-99 AEWC since 2004

Turkish Airforce has 4 Boeing E-7T AEWCs since 2015

The radar is capable of simultaneous air and sea search, fighter control and area search, with a maximum range of over 600 km (look-up mode)

The radar antenna array is also doubled as an ELINT array, with a maximum range of over 850 km at 9,000 metres (30,000 ft) altitude



2 .. Air Defense Systems

Greece has PATRIOT , S300 , TOR M-1 high and medium altitude Air Defense Systems since 2000s

Turkiye has S400 high altitude Air Defense Systems since 2020s , KORKU 35mm SPAAG , indigenous HISAR-A+ and HISAR-O+ low and medium altitude Air Defense Systems entered service . also SIPER block-0 high altitude AD System to enter service in December 2022





SIPER block-0


in Europe , only Russia , France-İtaly and Turkiye have their own low-medium-high altitude AD Systems

3 ... AIP Submarine

Greece : 4 Type-214 class AIP Submarines since 2010-2016

Turkiye : The First Type-214 class AIP Submarine to enter service in December 2022 ... total of 6 Type-214 class AIP Submarines between 2022 and 2027



4 .. Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle ( UCAV )

Greece doesnt have any UCAV

Turkiye is one of top 3 Drone super powers in the World ( USA-İsrael-Turkiye )

and Turkiye has more UCAVs than all Europe combined ( including Russia )

Bayraktar TB-2 ( in service )

İts the best tactical UCAV in the world


TAI ANKA-S ( in service )

ANKA-S to carry even 200 km SIMSEK kamikaze Drones


TAI AKSUNGUR ( in service )

AKSUNGUR UCAV breaks a record by staying in the air for 49 hours
And Turkish Navy will use AKSUNGUR UCAVs to hunt Submarines

to carry SONOBOUY Pod capable to host 18 sonobuoys and ORKA torpedos
to receive their signals providing the data to the AKSUNGUR to detect and to hunt Submarines

Bayraktar AKINCI ( in service )
American MQ-9 and Chinese Wing Loong-II UCAVs armed with only 12-20 km Missiles-Bombs

thanks to Turkish Defense Industry to arm AKINCI UCAVs with

-- 275 km SOM Cruise Missile ( land attack / anti ship )
-- 250 km KUZGUN-TJ joint strike Missile with IIR seeker
-- 150 km CAKIR Cruise Missile with IIR seeker ( land attack / anti ship )
-- 150 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN and 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missiles
-- 40 km KUZGUN-KY Missile
-- 30 km MAM-T laser guided munition
-- 15 km MAM-L laser guided munition
-- 12 km UMTAS anti Tank Missile with top attack capability
-- also TEBER , KGK-82 , NEB guided Bombs



ALPAGU and KARGU kamikaze Drones ( in service )
for asymmetric warfare and counter-terrorism

The ability to operate in 20 Drones for swarm attack ( only a few countries in the world )


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5 ... Air launched Cruise Missile

Greece has 90 SCALP-EG Air launched Cruise Missiles

Turkiye has 95 POPEYE and 50 SLAM-ER Air launched Cruise Missiles

Turkiye’s first turbojet engine KTJ-3200 entered mass production phase

Turkiye’s dependence on the French-made TR40 engine is over

KALE ARGE KTJ-3200 turbojet Engine to power Cruise Missiles SOM and ATMACA

Production activities will accelerate within the scope of the order of 415 SOM Cruise Missiles for the needs of the Turkish Air Force

-- Warhead : 230 kg
-- Range : 275 km
-- Precision strike capability against both land or sea targets
-- Terrain hugging and Sea skimming
-- Low observable
-- Highly survivable
-- High precision navigation with INS/GPS/TRN/IBN/ATR
-- Highly precise terminal guidance with IIR and data fusion
-- Target of opportunity capability
-- In-flight retargeting capability
-- Network enabled capability
-- Universal armament interface compatibility


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6 ... Coastal Defense System

Greek Islands to host EXOCET coastal defense missile system

Turkiye has developed its own ATMACA coastal defense missile system

Warhead : 250 kg
Range : 250 km
Seeker : IIR
Speed : high subsonic

-- super sea skimming ( below 3 m )
-- zigzag maneuver that makes it difficult for anti missile batteries



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Honestly,how many spam threads with similar titles have you posted? Oh wait...

Screenshot_2021-12-02 Search results(1).png

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Screenshot_2021-12-02 Search results(7).png

Screenshot_2021-12-02 Search results(8).png

@waz He's spamming threads again,the same stuff with different name.
7 ... Attack Helicopter

Greece has 27 AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters since decades

USA did not sell AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter to Turkiye , only old AH-1 Cobra and 10 AH-1W Super Cobra

between 2015 and 2022 , 73 most modern T-129 Attack Helicopters entered service ( total of 83 T-129 will be delivered )

Turkiye has the best Attack Helicopter fleet in Europe ( except Russia )






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8 ... Guided MLRS

Greece has only 122 mm RM70 unguided MLRS

between 2016 and 2022 , most modern guided MLRS for the Turkish Armed Forces ( 36-70-120-150 km )

Turkish Army has more MLRS power than Greek+French+German+British Armies combined


high precision strike capability ... TRLG-230 laser guided MLRS

TRG-122 and TRLG-122



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9 ... Ballistic Missile

Greece and Turkiye have 165 km ATACMS block-I Tactical Ballistic Missiles since 2000s

in 2016 , Turkish KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missile entered service to hit target located 280 km away with point precision ( below 1m )

Greek Air bases , Jet hangars , Air Defense Systems in the range of KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles



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It's funny,he keeps saying Turkey is a superpower,but constantly compares the inventory with Greece instead of countries like USA,Russia,France,Britain 😂
Nobody says Turkiye is superpower , btw Russia,France,The UK also are not superpower

Dont worry when all Turkish major military projects finish until 2030. then everybody will see what about advanced military technologies

only one example in the next 2 or 3 years
Turkish KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet and Ramjet powered GOKHAN long range air to air missile to beat 4th generation Fighter Jets French Rafale or Russian SU-35 in BVR combat

now Greece is dreaming about fighting Turkiye and I show what about Greece's military capabilities

except losing of 100 F-35A, Turkiye does not have a military capacity lower than France
France has nuclear weapons , nothing else special
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10 ... The naval transformation toward a Blue-water Force

TCG ANADOLU light Aircraft Carrier to enter service in 2022
Second Ship TCG TRAKYA light Aircraft Carrier ( planned )

Length : 232 m
Displacement : 27400 tons
Range : 9000 nm



to carry TB-3 UCAVs , KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet also Naval version of HURJET



Replenishment Combat Support Ships in Europe

Turkiye : DERYA ( 195 m and 26 000 tonnes )
France/ Italy : BRF ( 194 m and 28,700 tonnes )
Germany : TYPE-702 ( 173 m and 20,240 tonnes )
Spain : CANTABRIA ( 174 m and 19,500 tonnes )

TCG DERYA Replenishment Combat Support Ship to provide long-term support for any blue-sea combat fleet ( TCG ANADOLU light Aircraft Carrier , ISTIF class Frigates , TF-2000 class Destroyers ) in fuel, ammunition, spare parts and food

  • Length: 195 meters
  • Beam: 24.4 meters
  • Displacement: 26 000 tonnes
  • Max Speed: 24+ knots
  • Range: 4500 nautical miles

Type-214TN ( REIS ) class AIP Submarines

UGM-84A Harpoon Blok II or ATMACA Anti ship Missile
GEZGIN Land attack Cruise Missile ( planned )
AKYA heavyweight Torpedo
ARES-2NS Electronic Warfare System
ZARGANA Soft-kill Torpedo counter measure System
TORK Hard-kill Torpedo Countermeasure System


Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project ( about €250 million )
4 Ships are planned to be delivered to the Turkish Navy until 2025

-- Havelsan Network Enabled Data Integrated ADVENT) Combat Management System
-- Aselsan TAKS Fire Control System
-- Aselsan SMART-S MK-II 3D Radar
-- Aselsan MAR-D 3B AESA Radar
-- Aselsan AKR-D X and Ka-Band fire control Radars
-- Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
-- Aselsan PIRI Panoramic Infrared Imaging
-- KATS Infrared Search and Track system
-- Aselsan FERSAH Carina Mounted Sonar System
-- Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System

-- 127 mm Gun
-- Aselsan STOP 25mm Remote Controlled Stabilized Cannon System
-- Aselsan GOKDENIZ 35mm CIWS or PHALANX 20 mm CIWS
-- 64 x ESSM/HISAR Air Defense Missiles
-- 16 x HARPOON/ATMACA Anti ship Missiles
-- Lightweight Torpedoes


ISTIF class Frigates

ADVENT Combat Management System
400 km CENK-S AESA Radar
ALPER LPI Surface Radar
AKREP (AKR-D Block B-1/2) Fire Control Radar
FERSAH Hull Mounted Sonar
SeaEye-AHTAPOT EO Reconnaisance and Survellience System
Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System
16 cells VLS

-- 1 x 76 mm Gun
-- 16 x ATMACA Anti ship Missiles ( 250 km )
-- 64 x ESSM/ HISAR Air Defense Missiles
-- 1 x GOKDENIZ 35 mm CIWS
-- 6 x Torpedos
-- 2 x 25 mm Aselsan STOP Machine Gun Platforms
-- 1 x Sikorsky S70 Seahawk ASW Helicopter

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11 ... Stealth design anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette

Greek Navy doesnt have Corvette

Turkish ADA class stealth Corvettes are another naval platform that present a lethal challenge to surface action groups and supply ships operating in the Mediterranean

4 ADA class Corvettes entered service between 2011 and 2019

GENESIS Combat Management System
250 km SMART-S mk2 search Radar
TBT-01 Yakamoz Sonar
Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System

-- 1 x 76 mm Oto Melera Super Rapid Gun
-- 8 x HARPOON Anti ship Missiles
-- 21 x RAM
-- 6 x Mk 46 Mod 5 Torpedos
-- 2 x 12,7 mm Aselsan STAMP Stabilized Machine Gun Platforms
-- 1 x Sikorsky S70 Seahawk ASW Helicopter




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12 ... Electronic Warfare Ship .. ( only a few countries in the world )

Turkiye : TCG UFUK ( 99,5 m and 2.400 tons ... SIGINT and ELINT )
France : DUPUY DE LOME ( 101 m and 3.100 tons .. COMINT )
Italy : ELETTRA ( 93 m and 2.466 tons ... SIGINT )
Russia : YURY IVANOV ( 95 m and 4.000 tons ... SIGINT )
Germany : OSTE ( 83,5 m and 3.200 tons ... SIGINT and ELINT )
Norway : MARJATA ( 126 m and 5.000 tons ... ELINT )
China : TYPE-815 ( 130 m and 6.000 tons ... SIGINT )

in 2022 , TCG UFUK EW Ship entered service for the Turkish Navy


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13 ... Mobile Radar Electronic Warfare System

Only Turkiye and Russia in Europe

Russia : KRASUKHA-4
Turkiye : KORAL and REDET-II

in 2015 KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System entered service

-- Radar Electronic Support (ES System) and Radar Electronic Attack (EA System )
-- Analyzes multiple target signals in a wide frequency range
-- Automatic identification of threats
-- High precision direction finding
-- High precision position fixing with multi platforms
-- to jam and deceive conventional and complex types of land, sea and airborne radar
-- Automatically generating appropriate response with digital radio frequency memory capability




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14 ... Laser Electronic Warfare System

Only Turkiye in Europe

First NAZAR Laser Electronic Warfare System will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in september 2022

It can paralyze the seeker heads on E/O and IR missiles at 5 different wavelengths.
NAZAR has 2 times more effective range than the Phalanx CIWS

LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging)

The system sends some laser lights towards the missile head, and according to the reflections coming from there, it understands at which wavelength it is a seeker
Then it continues this reflection and creates a glare there, a glare we call the 'cat's eye effect'.
Then it begins to follow this glow. While following, a directed laser beams against the threat in a suitable modulation,

after this beam that the seeker head is paralyzed

cutting edge technology that develops by very few Countries in the World



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15 ... Anti-radiation Drone

Only Turkiye in Europe including Russia

It is designed to fly into hostile airspace and loiter until it detects a radar and destroys it

KARGI anti-radiation Drone

Critical subsystems such as navigation and automatic flight control system , software , warhead , RF Seeker, Engine, Booster, Link System, Propeller and Fuel Tank were developed completely by Turkiye

6+ hours of operation capability ( 1.000 km )
home-of-jam capability
SATCOM communication
RF seeker
SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses)
DEAD (Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses)



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