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New JF-17 Sqn 'Phoenix' rises

It is just a supersonic fuel tank. PAC has been making these for other aircraft for a long time. You can even see some old ones being used as water tanks for small homes in Kamra lol.
Not just in Kamra...these are at every base.

There is also one F-16s Squadron on New PAF base Bholari near Hyderabad. So Gap between Karachi and Shahbaz has been covered by this current deployment on New PAF Base Bholari.
So now Peshawer, Queta, Karachi, Kamra, Sargodha have JF-17 Squadrons. But at Sargodha its CCS Squadron.
No. 16 and 26 at Peshawar
No. 28 at Quetta
No. 2 at Karachi
No. 14 at Kamra + test and evaluation
CCS at Sargodha


Also at Shahbaz there are two F-16s Squadrons, No. 5 Falcons and No. 11 Arrows
No. 11 is stationed at Mushaf..
Not just in Kamra...these are at every base.

No. 11 is stationed at Mushaf..
Arrows are at shabaz . Pick of F 16 MLU from FOB of Shabaz
Arrows are at shabaz . Pick of F 16 MLU from FOB of ShabazView attachment 454087
How old is this photo?
Looks the old markings scheme to me..I could be wrong though.As per my knowledge Arrows were at Shahbaz for temporary deployment which is common in PAF (e.g Cheethas are at Masroor these days) and their home base is Mushaf.
These were taken at Mushaf:
How old is this photo?
Looks the old markings scheme to me..I could be wrong though.As per my knowledge Arrows were at Shahbaz for temporary deployment which is common in PAF (e.g Cheethas are at Masroor these days) and their home base is Mushaf.
These were taken at Mushaf:
View attachment 454091 View attachment 454092 View attachment 454093
Not too much got hands on it last year.
Acc to my Info back at that time 9 sqn came for temp deployment in shabaz then 9 was sent back after 2 3 months and 11 came in 2013 14 For permanent Deployment. Actually Plans were to have 3 sqn's at shahbaz but Flight Lines cant support them Plus no of hangers there are around 35 38 . So Space was the issue.
Some people need to put their reading glasses on. Indeed, these tanks are certainly NOT from F7. Much bigger in size and capacity. Designed from scratch, However, they are doing through trials atm and may see some modifications. Purpose is to give JF better flight performance during MACH+ as oppose to the current ones in use.

size comparison is difficult, we can see that shape is very identical to those of the tanks carried by F-7Pg's on a regular basis. those 60's era tanks are 480 L not weighing more than 500KG when fully packed with fuel. JFT underbelly does not look a whole lot bigger than tanks carried on f-7. it might be bigger in size as JFT under carriage hard point could support upto 1100 KG of load. but it do not look bigger. and the science looks exactly same as that of F-7PG tanks. By the way F-7 fuel tanks are manufactured at Kamra.
Still do not know the capacity or it’s same 800 liter tanks redesigned to get better performance at supersonic speed
39 Wing constitutes no 5 and 11 per paf history book from 2014

While 9 and 14 were at sargodha now only 9 sqn left there
Yes That was what I trying to say even I posted pic from last year of AC from arrow in FOB of Shabaz.
Yes That was what I trying to say even I posted pic from last year of AC from arrow in FOB of Shabaz.
I am not saying your wrong but only posting pictures isnt enough...see I showed u pictures at Mushaf but u and many other say Arrows are at Shahbaz...I'll confirm this from someone posted at either base.
I am not saying your wrong but only posting pictures isnt enough...see I showed u pictures at Mushaf but u and many other say Arrows are at Shahbaz...I'll confirm this from someone posted at either base.
Ture Even I can get wrong , That wasnt my point of showing pic . I feel no harm in getting wrong btw I confirmed this from senior off posted there sometime ago tho Still I say I can get wrong.
Arrows have moved to Shahbaz for a while and are conducting operational flying missions. The role of OCU had been given to Warhawks but currently I'm unaware who is doing the Viper training courses as Warhawks got based at Bholari. Would have made sense to keep Arrows at Sargodha for ease of transition as the F-16 MLU and Block 52 have the same setup and the only difference is a checkride in the latter to get a pilot sent to the C/D model.
Arrows have moved to Shahbaz for a while and are conducting operational flying missions. The role of OCU had been given to Warhawks but currently I'm unaware who is doing the Viper training courses as Warhawks got based at Bholari. Would have made sense to keep Arrows at Sargodha for ease of transition as the F-16 MLU and Block 52 have the same setup and the only difference is a checkride in the latter to get a pilot sent to the C/D model.
Exactly the same Info I had. Btw in 2014 15 No 11 was also doing OCU as per my info. As 52's are at Shabaz also so newly posted ones usually go to 11 first then 5.
An interesting observation.....when the PG's were stationed in Quetta....I would notice them flying sorties over the city almost everyday.....since they have been replaced by the thunders...the skies have gone silent...

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