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New Israeli legal campaign accuses Abbas of 'terrorism'


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
New Israeli legal campaign accuses Abbas of 'terrorism' | Maan News Agency

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Right-wing Israeli political parties have begun a campaign to sue president Abbas for "war crimes" at the International Criminal Court in response to the Palestinian Authority's recent decision to join international conventions and treaties.

The campaign comes amid a near breakdown in ongoing peace negotiations between Israel and the PLO, and seeks to file legal procedures against Abbas accusing him of supporting "terrorism" and aiding to terrorist organizations.

Beginning on Friday, Israeli newspapers and websites have published advertisements calling on Israeli lawyers to join the campaign led by the Israel Law Center to sue Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas on charges of supporting terrorist organizations.

One of the prominent leaders of the campaign is chairman of the Jewish Home party Naftali Bennett, who has been a vocal critic of peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.

An ad in the Israeli daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth features president Abbas behind bars with a phrase in Arabic reading, "We will terrorize him in The Hague."

Palestinian officials, however, have downplayed the move, pointing out that Israel cannot pursue legal action at the international court due to its own failure to sign the treaties.

Palestinian minister of justice Ali Muhanna told Ma'an that the Israeli government had "lost balance both politically and legally."

Their response, he said, reflects the degree of rage in Israel towards the PA for attempting to join international conventions.

Muhanna confirmed that Israel "cannot engage in any legal action at the ICC because Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court."

"Such legal proceedings are submitted through the ICC's Attorney General or through the UN Security Council."

"Abbas' move isn't a war crime. But the ongoing Israeli settlement construction, confiscation of Palestinian money, killing and detention of children are war crimes," he added.

The campaign comes amid a growing crisis in peace negotiations between Israel and the PLO.

Palestinian officials applied to join 15 international conventions last week after Israel failed to release a fourth batch of veteran prisoners as previously agreed upon.

The move angered Israeli authorities, who have since called for an end to coordination with the Palestinian Authority.


@Yzd Khalifa

This for Arabs like you make false unsupported notions that Israel seeks peace and regulates all your assertions against Hamas baseless. Shame on all Arabs who insist there is a peace partner with Israel and justify the decades of brutal oppression and occupation.
K Stop being a baby... He supports Killing of Innocent Israeli Civilians, then how would you want Israel to define him ??? You're taking your case against UN or so right!!? so why wouldn't Israel do the same????????????
K Stop being a baby... He supports Killing of Innocent Israeli Civilians, then how would you want Israel to define him ??? You're taking your case against UN or so right!!? so why wouldn't Israel do the same????????????

How am I being a baby? :lol:

He doesn't support killing of innocent Israeli civilians, don't make allegations you paid shill.

Israel has no 'case' at the UN, Palestinians are seeking an independent state at the UN while Israel is seeking to go to the UN to delegitimize an attempt for freedom. Israel is whining like a baby here, not the Palestinians. Israel also has no credibility since they don't abide by any if the UN resolutions and have prevented the UN from monitoring their activities in the West Bank. Nobody at the UN takes Israel seriously.

I never said that the PA is a terror organization. I applaud and admire their move to apply to International Organizations.

Hamas, is a terror group though.


I never said that the PA is a terror organization. I applaud and admire their move to apply to International Organizations.

Hamas, is a terror group though.


I never accused you of saying that, I said you try to present an atmosphere where Israelis are reasonable people's that actually believe they're doing wrong through their brutal occupation of Palestine.

Meanwhile, if being a 'terrorist' means seeking self determination and self defense of your people while upholding Islamic values then I greatly appreciate your compliment to us. It's an honor to be a 'terrorist' group. Islamic values are more valuable to us, not the immoral critics in this world who worship interests at the expense of populations.
I never accused you of saying that, I said you try to present an atmosphere where Israelis are reasonable people's that actually believe they're doing wrong through their brutal occupation of Palestine.

The Israeli regime is a terrorist as any other group which poses a threat to world peace. I never supported their occupation whatsoever, but I don't blame them to respond to any attack amid toward their population.

By the same token, I think the Palestinian Authority had made a great diplomatic move, political victory, and gained an international support, which I admire, and applaud.

Meanwhile, if being a 'terrorist' means seeking self determination and self defense of your people while upholding Islamic values then I greatly appreciate your compliment to us. It's an honor to be a 'terrorist' group. Islamic values are more valuable to us, not the immoral critics in this world who worship interests at the expense of populations

I respect your faith, but let it harm no one including our own civilians in Gaza.

Don't torpedo this move by the PA, by launching attacks on anyone please.

I never accused you of saying that, I said you try to present an atmosphere where Israelis are reasonable people's that actually believe they're doing wrong through their brutal occupation of Palestine.

Meanwhile, if being a 'terrorist' means seeking self determination and self defense of your people while upholding Islamic values then I greatly appreciate your compliment to us. It's an honor to be a 'terrorist' group. Islamic values are more valuable to us, not the immoral critics in this world who worship interests at the expense of populations.
@Yzd Khalifa

You never supported it yet you've never really stood against it besides assuring us that you don't support it. That's great that we can reach an understanding now, maybe you'll realize I'm not your enemy and prevent our slight political differences from getting in our way.

As for your concern, Hamas never torpedoed a peace agreement, it's Israel which takes many steps to prevent a viable Palestinian state based on 67 borders. Hamas has already stated publicly it supports Palestinian moves at the UN and in 2006 already made it's position clear that it agreed to a two state solution. They follow up by saying they will agree to a 15 year cease fire, what this means is this period of 15 years, if there is genuine peace and the reality on the ground is that the state is fully sovereign then the peace will be extended far beyond 15 years. However, if during these 15 years Israel makes attempts to sanction Palestine, violate it's sovereignty or try seizing its resources then peace can't be guaranteed after those 15 years since the Palestinians would have to protect their interests.

Haniyeh: Hamas not seeking new war with Israel | Maan News Agency
Hamas chief announces support for UN bid | Maan News Agency

I'm trying to find the report where they recently supported the latest PA moves to join UN bodies, give me some time.
K Stop being a baby... He supports Killing of Innocent Israeli Civilians, then how would you want Israel to define him ??? You're taking your case against UN or so right!!? so why wouldn't Israel do the same????????????

According to Plaestinians there is no such thing as "innocent" "civil" and "Israelis" so what do you expect from them? They even support the killing of each other based on religious beliefs medieval trash:lol:
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