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New Islamabad Airport Progress

New member here, have been viewing this thread as a non-member though for the past few weeks.

Saw a tender in the newspaper in the end of May for 4 branded outlets, and then another one for potable water. If the airport doesn't even have these things covered yet, what're the chances it'll actually open on the 14th of August?

Work in Ramzan is slow to begin with, then the work will come to a dead stop during Eid, and only after that will they continue work. Suppose that Eid is on the 26th of June, 30th everyone will get back to work, gives them barely 6 weeks to get everything done.

Considering they've already delayed the opening 3 times in the past, anyone here actually expecting it to open on the 14th?

Initial plan was to ruin hajj flights from New airport, however airlines didn't agree to this plan.......airport itself is ready and Flight Management System is also ready to go, however it is the engineering set up that is done by Airlines is not ready........Airlines are not agreeing on the timeframe because they need to have their setup in place, all set and ready......

As far as water is concerned than, Punjab Govt was to supply water through Shahpur dam but to the last minute they refused to comply.......payment was made in its place to build dam......one dam is read y while the work on other dam is in progress........
All in all work is being done at very fast pace, but saying that airport will start its full operation on 14th august is far fetheched idea.......however do note that 14th August, his Highness Nawaz Shariff will still inaugurate this airport on 14th august just to have his name slate posted there
Initial plan was to ruin hajj flights from New airport, however airlines didn't agree to this plan.......airport itself is ready and Flight Management System is also ready to go, however it is the engineering set up that is done by Airlines is not ready........Airlines are not agreeing on the timeframe because they need to have their setup in place, all set and ready......

As far as water is concerned than, Punjab Govt was to supply water through Shahpur dam but to the last minute they refused to comply.......payment was made in its place to build dam......one dam is read y while the work on other dam is in progress........
All in all work is being done at very fast pace, but saying that airport will start its full operation on 14th august is far fetheched idea.......however do note that 14th August, his Highness Nawaz Shariff will still inaugurate this airport on 14th august just to have his name slate posted there

Thank you for your reply.
All airlines have not agreed or just ME3?

I was under the same impression that the airport would open on the 14th but international carriers wouldn't start service the same day due to there not being enough time.

I've got a source in EK and they don't have an actual date yet, but as we get closer to 14th August, maybe after Eid, I'll ask again to see what their plans are.
News report says IIAP project director is missing since 15th June.
PSO, Attock Petroleum: Joint venture builds fuel storage at new airport

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and Attock Petroleum Limited (APL) have completed a jet fuel storage facility and associated infrastructure called Fuel Farm that has the capacity of storing 10,000 tons and will provide fuel for Hajj and regular commercial flights at the New Islamabad International Airport.

Developed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) at Fateh Jang, Attock district, the airport is being heralded as the largest and most modern in Pakistan’s history with latest systems and state-of-the-art technologies.

The jet fuel storage capacity can be enhanced to 20,000 tons later. This facility will bring re-fuelling operations in Pakistan on a par with international industry standards.
“PSO and APL joint venture has commissioned the Fuel Farm and it is now ready to fuel Hajj and regular commercial flights,” said a statement issued on Thursday.

Earlier, the CAA had awarded a contract to the two oil marketing companies – PSO and APL – for setting up the Fuel Farm comprising storage and allied infrastructure at the Islamabad airport.

The two companies will jointly manage the operations and maintenance of the hydrant re-fuelling system that carries and pumps fuel to the aircraft in a safe and efficient manner.

The New Islamabad International Airport would have the capacity to handle in excess of 4,500 passengers at a time with 15 parking bays and terminal gates.

The airport will also be able to accommodate the largest passenger airplanes in the world, the A-380 aircraft. Furthermore, it would have all the latest technological machinery and software to provide services such as cargo handling, safety and security, passenger facilitation and vehicle parking.
Czech firm installation (ELDIS pardubice)

RL-2000 Primary Surveillance Radar



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