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New Islamabad Airport Progress

This is most nonsense idea. Must be some bureaucrat on Indian payroll hired by Zardari taking such decisions.
Congratulations... but frankly speaking not upto the internationl standards. i have seen some better looking domestic airports than this.... it's capital Airport.. desrve better than this..

trust an indian to mess things up. this is not make in india. this is pakistan.
Again delayed to December 2017. 97% of airport complete but not roads.
This is most nonsense idea. Must be some bureaucrat on Indian payroll hired by Zardari taking such decisions.

That truck art looks ridiculous and out of place.. Whoever came up with that idea needs to be fired... thankfully it's just ornamental and can be changed easily...
Dire need of well educated interior designer this airport look like dullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Dire need of well educated interior designer this airport look like dullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I beg to differ. I think the airport looks great. Nice clean lines and the heart and soul of the building is the people using it. When it has an ambiance it will be amazing
Frankly it looks very average. Pakistanis in posh societies design more jaw-dropping houses than this. Lahore's Emporium mall is probably better than this.
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