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New HK textbook describes Filipinos as ‘domestic helper’

For the statement “I am a refugee in Hong Kong and could barely afford food”, the answer is Bangladeshi. :disagree:

For “I work unlimited hours in debt bondage”, the answer is Indonesian.

For “My school is segregated from the rest of the community”, the answer is Pakistani.

Those statements were from a satirical website. Did you even read the article?
Those statements were from a satirical website. Did you even read the article?
and you really believe it's not real?





The second worksheet is obviously fake. It's from The Sub-Standard, a satirical website. The other materials are not, IMO, objectionable.
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If this is true, and is truly state approved...... lakh lanat on their zaats......... fukking turds........ sometimes I wonder, if the West is right...........


MANILA, Philippines – Racial harmony or racial discrimination? This was the question raised by Hong Kong-based British blogger-activist Tony Grundy after a textbook for primary students describes Filipinos as a domestic helper.

“In case you are wondering about your destiny in Hong Kong, a primary textbook here is to enlighten you with this fun ‘fill-in-the-blank’ tasks entitled ‘racial harmony,’” Grundy wrote in his blogsiteHongwrong.com.

A photo was posted by Grundy saying the controversial page is going viral among Filipino parents in Hong Kong and among teacher forums online. The “Racial Harmony” activity in the book published by Singaporean Educational Publishing House Ltd. is supposedly asking Primary 4 schoolers to fill in the blanks the appropriate nationality for the description given.

For the description “I am an English teacher”, the supposedly correct answer is British.

For “I have a sushi restaurant in Hong Kong”, the correct answer is Japanese.

For “Shanghai is my hometown”, the answer is Chinese.

For “I study in an international school”, the answer is Indian.

And for “I am a domestic helper in Hong Kong”, one should write Filipino.

But it seems Filipinos are not the only victims of this abject discrimination by Hong Kong towards other nationality and the ethnic minority.

In the same blog, Tom Grundy posted hours later another worksheet he obtained from another website, The Sub-Standard, and purportedly approved by the Hong Kong government. This time it was a multicultural studies activity asking students to match the given statements to the correct minority group.

For the statement “I am a refugee in Hong Kong and could barely afford food”, the answer is Bangladeshi.

For “I work unlimited hours in debt bondage”, the answer is Indonesian.

For “I get stopped and searched by police every week”, the answer is Canadian.

For “I enrich your economy”, the answer is Chinese.

For “My school is segregated from the rest of the community”, the answer is Pakistani.

And for “I am paid peanuts to clear up your crap,” the answer is Filipino.

However, the authenticity of the last post is not yet verified if it was really a government-approved worksheet for Primary 4 knowing The Sub-Standard to be a satire website.

Nevertheless, Grundy said this interesting worksheet is rapidly causing an uproar online.

Majority of Hong Kong nationals are known for discriminating other nationalities, especially Filipino women who work as maid or domestic helpers. Their resentment for Filipinos took an even deeper root after the controversial Manila shooting incident where eight of Hong Kong tourists were killed and President Benigno Aquino III refused to apologize for years, before Mayor Joseph Estrada took the task last April.

This January, FIFA has slapped the Hong Kong Football Association with $30,000 penalty following the racial abuse by HK fans to Filipino fans during a friendly match last year. Hong Kong fans are accused of throwing plastic bottles to Philippine bench and called them “a slave nation.”

This is not also the first time Filipino women are called by a similar derogatory name. More than a decade ago, the Philippine government itself objected to a definition by a Greek dictionary of a Filipina not only as a woman from the Philippines, but also as a ‘maid’.


New HK textbook describes Filipinos as ‘domestic helper’ | Kicker Daily News

I am not sure if I was to laugh or be shocked :blink:
I think we can add more.

My previous post was just to make a point to the stupidity and sensitivity of people these days. People learn things by remembering and classifying information. Majority of the filipinos in HK are maids, it is easier for young kids to learn and remember these things.

White people assocate Chinese with this:

"I have a pig tail, slanty eyes and carry my red book around." China
My previous post was just to make a point to the stupidity and sensitivity of people these days. People learn things by remembering and classifying information. Majority of the filipinos in HK are maids, it is easier for young kids to learn and remember these things.

White people assocate Chinese with this:

"I have a pig tail, slanty eyes and carry my red book around." China

It's too normal to see this view about Chinese, Chinese also have negative views about them, it's fair.
It's too normal to see this view about Chinese, Chinese also have negative views about them, it's fair.

Oh I am not complaining or crying. Chinese people in general are not so caught up with stereotype. Remember 黑人牙膏? It was actually a white British person who complained about it that forced the name change. Black people in general were fine with it as they know it's a harmless positive stereotype to sell toothpaste.
If this is true, and is truly state approved...... lakh lanat on their zaats......... fukking turds........ sometimes I wonder, if the West is right...........

Was the textbook also racist to say Whites are English teachers, and Japanese are sushi chefs? The textbook is simply suggesting likely occupations for different nationalities.
Are they no whites who are bums? You know like those on the streets of NYC and those on the streets of London? :unsure: I mean the American Hippie should have been added as well, right?
Are they no whites who are bums? You know like those on the streets of NYC and those on the streets of London? :unsure: I mean the American Hippie should have been added as well, right?

In the context of Hong Kong, most whites are English teachers or professionals relocated to HK by their companies.
We in Asia have a long way to go before we overcome prejudices.This goes for all asian countries.To the ones shaming china,they should remember their own countries where the situation is equally bad and might I even say so worse that they should be classified as savages.
You have to know that in East Asian countries, people always thinks their nations are superior races. Most of them disdains people in poor countries or have black skin (even just close to black).

Only HK made a book like this but it does not means other EA countries are different from HK. They don't make racist books but racism already existed in their mind.

Don't be shock! Try to be richer and stronger, that's your solution. :police:
Oh I am not complaining or crying. Chinese people in general are not so caught up with stereotype. Remember 黑人牙膏? It was actually a white British person who complained about it that forced the name change. Black people in general were fine with it as they know it's a harmless positive stereotype to sell toothpaste.

黑人牙膏...it changed the name now?

I think it's a world issue, no surprising, people like to place label on different ethnic groups or countries
When does HK start to teach kids English at an early age anyway? This is a satirical article, CHILL!
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