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New Han Great Walls found outside China


Sep 3, 2012
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A structure in the heart of Mongolia’s Gobi Desert – lost for a thousand years and marked on maps as ‘The Wall of Genghis Khan’ – has been revealed as still standing and part of the Great Wall.

British researcher William Lindesay, aided by Google Earth, GPS and several other experts, found the new section last Autumn in Ömnögovi Province, a sensitive region 25 miles north of the China-Mongolian border.

The Great Wall of China is in fact many different structures built over hundreds of years along different routes by various dynasties - this find is the first time a section has been discovered outside China.


Remarkable: This part of the newly discovered Wall was constructed from earth and branches and built in 115 B.C


High life: Here the Wall is routed up and over an ancient volcanic cone and is composed of black blocks of basalt

‘We followed the Wall there for about 100 kilometres (60 miles), parallel to Mongolia’s southern border with China and made some unexpected discoveries in terms of both the Wall’s condition and its probable age,’ said Lindesay, who was joined on the expedition by China-Mongolia border region expert Dr.Tjalling Halbertsma and Mongolian geographer and desert specialist Professor Baasan Tudevin.

‘In one location we found the Wall preserved to a height of around 2.5 metres (eight feet) and made up of earth and branches of a desert shrub called saksaul.’

In another location about 15 miles away the team discovered that the same Wall detoured off its flat and straight course and went up and over an ancient volcanic cone.

‘Going over the mountain it was constructed from black blocks of basalt and stands around 1.5 metres (five feet) high as a prominent landscape feature,’ said Lindesay, who is one of the world’s leading authorities on the Wall, having spent 25 years studying it.


He believes that of all the examples of the Wall of Genghis Khan in Mongolia, these are in the best condition.

He said: ‘Previously, researchers have seen parts of the so-called Wall of Genghis Khan in different regions of Mongolia where it was found only to exist as a mere mound, barely higher than its surroundings,’ he explained. ‘We found a real Wall here, thanks to Google Earth and Professor Baasan’s navigation of our vehicles across 150 km (93 miles) of desert devoid of human activity right to our target.


Wild life: Gazelle tracks beside the Wall of Genghis Khan

‘We “followed” the Wall as a faint line on Google Earth across our computer screens for vast distances and were encouraged by a few stretches that showed dark shadows, which indicated the possibility of the Wall standing higher.’

Despite the name assigned to this part of the Wall, Lindesay doesn’t believe that Genghis Khan was actually responsible for building it.

He said: ‘Genghis Khan was a conquerer, not a defender, and it seems his name is given as a “brand name” to various things in Mongolia - so we believe it’s just an honorific name on the Wall.’
Its history, is not straightforward.

He said: ‘The Wall of Genghis Khan in Ömnogovi appears to be a missing piece of the Han Dynasty Great Wall which was routed through the heart of the Gobi around 115 B.C. If we look at maps and Google Earth, it’s pretty clear that the Wall on either side of the border was in fact the same structure - the Han Great Wall - in ancient times.

‘Now it’s a remnant of the Great Wall marooned outside China.’

Radiocarbon dating, however, revealed that some of the wall must have been rebuilt at various times.

‘Sample testing on three pieces carried out in the U.S. proved that the saksaul branches from the Wall were cut during the 12th century - a fact that suggests it was reconstructed at that time - by a later dynasty,’ saidLindesay.

Full results of Lindesay's find appears in China's March issue of National Geographic Magazine.


New section of Great Wall of China discovered by British researcher | Mail Online
Chinese are actually older than thought. They are one of the few archaic hominids we have among us.

The northernmost point of the Great Walls, I am sure, goes northward deeper into Siberia much beyond the Lake Baikal of the northern temperate climatic zone.

Even Chenghiz Khan is said to have been born somewhere near Lake Baikal.

The remote Uralic Chinese ancestors must have roamed through Siberia defending their settlements from the Cro Magnons who lived on the western side of the Urals.


Ever since the Cro Magnons had crossed the Urals and penetrated into Asia, the Chinese started retreat having no option but to play defensive against invaders superior to them in every aspect.

Ural mountains had been serving as the natural great walls for the ancient Uralic Chinese since time immemorial just like how the Himalayas served as great walls in the South.

But through the passages of time, things changed and the Urals could no longer serve as the natural defense. The Uralic Chinese were now pushed to the Far East.

The Uralic Chinese now started imitating the natural defensive landscapes like mountains by building Great Walls wherever they felt vulnerable to enemy invasion.


This is the place in the Uralic region which separates Asia from Europe.

I can still see the Chinese commanding officer nervously waiting on that ground for the invading Cro Magnons appearing on the horizon.

A Siberian woman


Now what?
Chinese claim Mongolia too?

Historically speaking, entire Asia belongs to the Chinese.

But then, No piece of land belongs to anyone on this earth except they who can conquer or defend it.

Read my signature.
Historically speaking, entire Asia belongs to the Chinese.

But then, No piece of land belongs to anyone on this earth except they who can conquer or defend it.

Read my signature.

What are you smoking off late my friend?
Chinese themselves are a mixture of different races. the word Han is used to represent people who live in Beijing or around that area.

There are various groups who migrated to China and there are various differences between Chinese interms of language and culture. No Asia do not belong to them, even china as a whole do not belong to the hans.
What are you smoking off late my friend?
Chinese themselves are a mixture of different races. the word Han is used to represent people who live in Beijing or around that area.

There are various groups who migrated to China and there are various differences between Chinese interms of language and culture. No Asia do not belong to them, even china as a whole do not belong to the hans.

Mongoloids are Mongoloids, I don't take ethnic cultural bull$hit. Just like how Caucasoids are Caucasoids.

You didn't get my point, I am a hardcore political realist. I don't believe in hypocrisy. If I kill someone, if situation allows, I will admit and take credit, I won't say... "Nooo, I am just a cute Horlicks boy, I am my Momma's good boy..."

No one is good. Good people don't survive. We are all predators and preys. We hunt each other, kill each other and thats how we survive.

Lands are like women. Let me give you an example, suppose, today you have a pretty sexy wife and watching her I become greedy. So you somehow disappear, you know what I mean? ;) Tomorrow, she will be my wife but then tomorrow I may also disappear. She will be the wife of someone else.

This is how ownership of lands change. ;)
What are you smoking off late my friend?
Chinese themselves are a mixture of different races. the word Han is used to represent people who live in Beijing or around that area.

There are various groups who migrated to China and there are various differences between Chinese interms of language and culture. No Asia do not belong to them, even china as a whole do not belong to the hans.



What do you mean by Beijing and nearby? Look at Han people distribution map. Green Area represent Han's location.

Also, by legal terms, 55 minorities are no different Chinese citizens as Han people.
Chinese are actually older than thought. They are one of the few archaic hominids we have among us.

The northernmost point of the Great Walls, I am sure, goes northward deeper into Siberia much beyond the Lake Baikal of the northern temperate climatic zone.

Even Chenghiz Khan is said to have been born somewhere near Lake Baikal.

The remote Uralic Chinese ancestors must have roamed through Siberia defending their settlements from the Cro Magnons who lived on the western side of the Urals.

Ever since the Cro Magnons had crossed the Urals and penetrated into Asia, the Chinese started retreat having no option but to play defensive against invaders superior to them in every aspect.

Ural mountains had been serving as the natural great walls for the ancient Uralic Chinese since time immemorial just like how the Himalayas served as great walls in the South.

But through the passages of time, things changed and the Urals could no longer serve as the natural defense. The Uralic Chinese were now pushed to the Far East.

The Uralic Chinese now started imitating the natural defensive landscapes like mountains by building Great Walls wherever they felt vulnerable to enemy invasion.

This is the place in the Uralic region which separates Asia from Europe.

I can still see the Chinese commanding officer nervously waiting on that ground for the invading Cro Magnons appearing on the horizon.

A Siberian woman

Historically speaking, entire Asia belongs to the Chinese.

But then, No piece of land belongs to anyone on this earth except they who can conquer or defend it.

Read my signature.

Lol it would explain why they are so different from us and why their genes are much much more dominant than ours. Archaic genes are dominant over new genes.
Are they sure it is the great wall made by Han dynasty? The term "Great Wall" actually including a series of fortification built throughout Chinese history. They were even building it in Ming dynasty. I have no idea Han dynasty's influence is that far up.
Are they sure it is the great wall made by Han dynasty? The term "Great Wall" actually including a series of fortification built throughout Chinese history. They were even building it in Ming dynasty. I have no idea Han dynasty's influence is that far up.

I could have thought that too.

But William Lindsay is not some random historian. When he is saying, we have every reason to believe it.

He spent years discovering many parts of the Great Walls. He is a distinguished researcher.

In 2006, he was awarded the rank of OBE (Officer, Order of the British Empire).

Not every Tom, Dick or Harry can get the OBE even in dreams!
Do not get confused between Chinese and Mongoloids, both are different.

Mongoloids are Mongoloids, I don't take ethnic cultural bull$hit. Just like how Caucasoids are Caucasoids.

You didn't get my point, I am a hardcore political realist. I don't believe in hypocrisy. If I kill someone, if situation allows, I will admit and take credit, I won't say... "Nooo, I am just a cute Horlicks boy, I am my Momma's good boy..."

No one is good. Good people don't survive. We are all predators and preys. We hunt each other, kill each other and thats how we survive.

Lands are like women. Let me give you an example, suppose, today you have a pretty sexy wife and watching her I become greedy. So you somehow disappear, you know what I mean? ;) Tomorrow, she will be my wife but then tomorrow I may also disappear. She will be the wife of someone else.

This is how ownership of lands change. ;)

It means ancient China was bigger than we once thought.

Chinese and their history :lol:, These wall were built inside Mongolia as an outposts, at that time Mongolia is a nomadic place.
Do not get confused between Chinese and Mongoloids, both are different.

Chinese means Mongoloids as the latter includes the former within its fold. Just like how Indo Europeans/Aryans/Caucasoids mean Cro Magnons as the latter includes the former within its fold.

During the Han Dynasty, the Mongoloid Hans didn't refer to themselves as Chinese (which is a modern Western term originated from Qin).

The name "China" means 'dishes, plates made from porcelain'. The English used to trade and import these from Qing dynasty in the 18th century. Probably, that's origin of the country's name.

The word China is etymologically of foreign origin. We don't know how the Mongoloid Hans of the past were called by other races. In Mahabharata, Bhima addressed a Chinese king of the Gangetic valley by the name of Dhautamulaka in Sanskrit. But Dhautamulaka might not have been his real name in his own language.

Arabs could not pronounce S and used H for S. Thus they called the Sindhu as Hindu.

However, there are three races of mankind: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.

This is what Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau observed.


I will discuss why and how the original Finnish of Finland (most of them were cleansed ethnically during the World Wars and so very few of them still remain) were actually Chinese in origin afterwards.

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