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New Gun for Pakistan Paramilitary Forces - VSK100

Hi @waz is it possible to ban couple of members not posting relevant posts and keep on repeating these in every thread
please honourable members of this forum whatever grievances you have against any political party you can rant It your version in political thread
thank you
... And no need to poke me dear... I'm otherwise active on this forum and participating wherever it is required... Since you are on my ignore list so you won't be able to make me respond.
K then I assume anymore efforts to patch up would be futile and you have made up your mind. So be it 😕

Thanks for the clarity though and keep ignoring!

Hi @waz is it possible to ban couple of members not posting relevant posts and keep on repeating these in every thread
please honourable members of this forum whatever grievances you have against any political party you can rant It your version in political thread
thank you
Yes ban me bro. I am out of this thread anyways
That being more than bit unfair.
The main problem with large scale industrial manufacturing in Pakistan is that nothing is manufactured in Pakistan !
Its all assembled from kits/parts imported from other places.
That is exactly with yasoob was an assembled truck. In the end it just wS not cost effective.

Wait for the fat lady to sing,
I know both the operators (use it to tow howitzers and love the truck) and one of the managers of steel mills who was there when it was produced.
Do you know there was a bigger variant planned?

Infact @HRK posted an article somewhere on pdf bout the whole fiasco.

I feel your anger. Pretty much have same views but still weapons are needed for our protection. Good thing about Army is unlike family parties of PML N and PPP their leadership keeps changing and in upcoming years most of those soldiers will become Lt Generals and Generals who have directly seen action in War on Terror and many have been even injured. So I expect better from them. From current leaders I also have zero expectations
Any modern acquisitions for FC or Rangers in last 2 years ? Has MOI been busy taking care of forces under it .

M-113s would have been a purchase to look at since FC has started using heavy weapons. Second are light or scout helos.
That being more than bit unfair.
The main problem with large scale industrial manufacturing in Pakistan is that nothing is manufactured in Pakistan !
Its all assembled from kits/parts imported from other places.
That is exactly with yasoob was an assembled truck. In the end it just wS not cost effective.

Wait for the fat lady to sing,
Ha, we are still manufacturing assembled kits in HIT with name of North Benz lolol A Chinese sub brand of Mercedes Benz...

Yasoob could have been made cost effective in the long run via tots and local research.
It would have been 20 years if Yasoob was selected for operations.
Imagine the possibilities it would have provided for local solutions in shape of carriers, mraps, mine clearance vehicles and so much more. But fore sight is definitely missing and stop gap solutions are preferred.
If it was upto PA to manufacture JF-17 it might not never have happened....
In the end if these kind of trends continue, PA maintenance bills will rack up continuously and precious forex will be wasted on non critical systems...
Just to give you an idea of the logistical nightmare PA has made for itself,
2.5 ton Japanese trucks have nothing in common with the Merc tank transporters... SPH-15s will have no common parts with the buffalo mraps.
If I'm an ordinance officer in PA.
I'd shoot myself in the knee than these antics....
Check my old comments in old threads..I have said it time and again that POF cannot make a pistol, let alone a decent gun. The bigwigs won't let that happen. They prefer to import stuff from west to keep their pockets filled up.
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