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New Gun for Pakistan Paramilitary Forces - VSK100

I would add another change on top of it. Prohibit any Govt official of grade 20 or above from sending his family/kids (as students) abroad or establishing a business there and would have to live his whole life in Pakistan even after the retirement. Only a true Pakistani should be promoted to high ranking offices or get an early retirement and bugger off. Effectively living life without any need for passport. Can only travel to Saudi Arabia for religious pilgrimage only that too with limited amount of money and all his assets in Pakistan frozen till his return and would be escorted by Pakistani embassy undercover agents all along.
Same rule can be applied on MNAs, Senators and all Cabinet members. Any Pakistani expat joining the cabinet for certain reasons, wouldn't be allowed to go back along with his family for at least 5 years after his retirement from that post.

When Trump imposed ban on PA officers training in US along with the suspension of CSF funds. Their establishment protested that we would soon loose track of future PA high ranking officers then and it would have bad impact on US interests. They have a whole template of personally befriending our military officers and then making a comprehensive file full deep insights of each and every PA officer profile for future referencing. That's how they know our military from inside out.
That's b.s talk.
Army life is very hard n hand to mouth. Its nothing but pure sweat n blood.
Everyone wants a better future for their children n if a parent thinks that a certain way will secure their children's future than they will give an arm n a leg to make it happen.
Most of armed forces ppl who send their children abroad r either on scholarships or the parents just pay one semesters fee n boarding n lodging n the rest the kids are on their own. Thats the 99% the one % that can afford to pay the whole fee for the duration are well off to begin with. N this is the story for all ranks.
Now this business talk is nothing but utter bull crap as not even .1% of the officers n PA or sister arms have established business any where abroad while in service.....its a different story after u retire as than ur free to make a decent living any way u chose as now their r no restrictions.
Very few officers n families can afford to travel abroad for leisure while in service...less than 1 % can do n do.
The Trump ban did not even last a year n the Pentagon forced him to reverse his decision, when they realized their folly.

Most of u state above gives the impression that ur some body who is outside looking in with no or little first hand experience.
Military life is very tough to give u one example ur not at a place for more than 2 years. The bright side is u get to see Pakistan but when u do that for 35 odd years it gets to u n the family.
So bhai all I can say it " کبھی او نے خشبو لگ لے" than u will know دودھ دھی کا بھاءو
We need new guns so we can use them against our citizens. And put them down without a fight against enemies. We join the enemy coz we can't fight. Gate no. 4 busy with meddling in politics over fake allegations. Whereas young soldiers continue to die in Baluchistan. DG ISPR busy giving political statements where he was supposed to tell how Indian missile landed in Pakistan? Doing every other job except their own job! Nation doesn't care about this shit and its a fact, there is no pride to share here.
I feel your anger. Pretty much have same views but still weapons are needed for our protection. Good thing about Army is unlike family parties of PML N and PPP their leadership keeps changing and in upcoming years most of those soldiers will become Lt Generals and Generals who have directly seen action in War on Terror and many have been even injured. So I expect better from them. From current leaders I also have zero expectations
I feel your anger. Pretty much have same views but still weapons are needed for our protection. Good thing about Army is unlike family parties of PML N and PPP their leadership keeps changing and in upcoming years most of those soldiers will become Lt Generals and Generals who have directly seen action in War on Terror and many have been even injured. So I expect better from them. From current leaders I also have zero expectations
Sirji pardon me for saying this , but you are famous for claiming that scar will equip all of Pakistan army 😅😅
That's b.s talk.
Army life is very hard n hand to mouth. Its nothing but pure sweat n blood.
Everyone wants a better future for their children n if a parent thinks that a certain way will secure their children's future than they will give an arm n a leg to make it happen.
Most of armed forces ppl who send their children abroad r either on scholarships or the parents just pay one semesters fee n boarding n lodging n the rest the kids are on their own. Thats the 99% the one % that can afford to pay the whole fee for the duration are well off to begin with. N this is the story for all ranks.
Now this business talk is nothing but utter bull crap as not even .1% of the officers n PA or sister arms have established business any where abroad while in service.....its a different story after u retire as than ur free to make a decent living any way u chose as now their r no restrictions.
Very few officers n families can afford to travel abroad for leisure while in service...less than 1 % can do n do.
The Trump ban did not even last a year n the Pentagon forced him to reverse his decision, when they realized their folly.

Most of u state above gives the impression that ur some body who is outside looking in with no or little first hand experience.
Military life is very tough to give u one example ur not at a place for more than 2 years. The bright side is u get to see Pakistan but when u do that for 35 odd years it gets to u n the family.
So bhai all I can say it " کبھی او نے خشبو لگ لے" than u will know دودھ دھی کا بھاءو
Deleted (edited my this post) this post due to some personal reasons. Because it disclosed a lot of info that shouldn't be. Sb log 1 jesay NAHI hotay jinaab!

In short I know it all khushbu lganay ki zrurt nhi I have been there, lived between them for years. R Bhao bhi sb pta hen mjhy r tarika e vardaat bhi. Enough said!

And the picture you are trying to portray could be somewhere from a fairytale story or a good ISPR marketing material for general public consumption. Nothing is ideal in this world. 👍
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That's b.s talk.
Army life is very hard n hand to mouth. Its nothing but pure sweat n blood.
Everyone wants a better future for their children n if a parent thinks that a certain way will secure their children's future than they will give an arm n a leg to make it happen.
Most of armed forces ppl who send their children abroad r either on scholarships or the parents just pay one semesters fee n boarding n lodging n the rest the kids are on their own. Thats the 99% the one % that can afford to pay the whole fee for the duration are well off to begin with. N this is the story for all ranks.
Now this business talk is nothing but utter bull crap as not even .1% of the officers n PA or sister arms have established business any where abroad while in service.....its a different story after u retire as than ur free to make a decent living any way u chose as now their r no restrictions.
Very few officers n families can afford to travel abroad for leisure while in service...less than 1 % can do n do.
The Trump ban did not even last a year n the Pentagon forced him to reverse his decision, when they realized their folly.

Most of u state above gives the impression that ur some body who is outside looking in with no or little first hand experience.
Military life is very tough to give u one example ur not at a place for more than 2 years. The bright side is u get to see Pakistan but when u do that for 35 odd years it gets to u n the family.
So bhai all I can say it " کبھی او نے خشبو لگ لے" than u will know دودھ دھی کا بھاءو
Contrary to your as usual patriotic military propaganda campaign. My actual point was:

There isn't any harm if someone wanna have a vital decision making post in Pakistan, he must be loyal and permanent resident of Pakistan only. Or else retire early with some golden hand shake scheme. Take it or leave it. We can't afford to have people in those positions who are loyal to the Pakistan and to the Queen or the Constitution of the US as well, I meant to say their family members. They would definitely take their western oath of fealty after retirement then. All civil, military, Govt, Politicians on most important posts must follow this same rule. Only a true hardcore loyal Pakistani should be allowed to lead Pakistan.
Contrary to your as usual patriotic military propaganda campaign. My actual point was:

There isn't any harm if someone wanna have a vital decision making post in Pakistan, he must be loyal and permanent resident of Pakistan only. Or else retire early with some golden hand shake scheme. Take it or leave it. We can't afford to have people in those positions who are loyal to the Pakistan and to the Queen or the Constitution of the US as well, I meant to say their family members. They would definitely take their western oath of fealty after retirement then. All civil, military, Govt, Politicians on most important posts must follow this same rule. Only a true hardcore loyal Pakistani should be allowed to lead Pakistan.
Again u pull things out of where the sun don't shine.
The ppl u talk about are not even 1% in the military specifically n Pak govt. Employment in Generally.
Now Pakistan is a huge country population wise n hence u get all sorts of ppl with all sorts of outlook n views. U cant put a clamp on ppl thinking. Even totalitarian/ absalute dictatorships have not been able to do it.
Plus when u have such few ppl who are doing wt ur saying, its not wise to start cutting open ur wrist. Or burning things to the ground
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Contrary to your as usual patriotic military propaganda campaign. My actual point was:

There isn't any harm if someone wanna have a vital decision making post in Pakistan, he must be loyal and permanent resident of Pakistan only. Or else retire early with some golden hand shake scheme. Take it or leave it. We can't afford to have people in those positions who are loyal to the Pakistan and to the Queen or the Constitution of the US as well, I meant to say their family members. They would definitely take their western oath of fealty after retirement then. All civil, military, Govt, Politicians on most important posts must follow this same rule. Only a true hardcore loyal Pakistani should be allowed to lead Pakistan.
Again u pull things out of where the sun don't shine.
The ppl u talk about are not even 1% in the military specifically n Pak govt. Employment in Generally.
Now Pakistan is a huge country population wise n hence u get all sorts of ppl with all sorts of outlook n views. U cant put a clamp on ppl thinking. Even totalitarian/ absalute dictatorships have not been able to do it.
Plus when u have such few ppl who are doing wt ur saying, its not wise to start cutting open ur wrist. Or burning things to the ground
Deleted (edited my this post) this post due to some personal reasons. Because it disclosed a lot of info that shouldn't be. Sb log 1 jesay NAHI hotay jinaab!

In short I know it all khushbu lganay ki zrurt nhi I have been there, lived between them for years. R Bhao bhi sb pta hen mjhy r tarika e vardaat bhi. Enough said!

And the picture you are trying to portray could be somewhere from a fairytale story or a good ISPR marketing material for general public consumption. Nothing is ideal in this world. 👍
Ur post tells us that u don't even have the slightest of idea of wt ur talking about.
As any military man or family member can see through the bs and lies u have posted above.
If I had any thing to do with ispr as u say.....than I would have had u picked up, cut ur tongue for lying n fingers for typing that lie...n had u hung upside down for a week in kachari chowk rwp.
That would put an end to all wannabe liars.
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Lol! Torturing and suppressing someone wouldn't change the factual realities a bit. So advise them to try and make Afghanistan or Burma out of this country and still wouldn't achieve anything even then.

And the Lumber 1 are struggling constantly failing to protect a few thousand Chinese here and now even started to try fooling Chinese Govt with their lies but get punished and fined by them instead. Those lumber 1 are only effective in suppressing unarmed, innocent general public. Even with
the overwhelming majority of the public support couldn't manage to achieve any reliable long lasting peace

And your friend here silently loving your posts of Genocidal tendencies! That's great 👍 it's nice to see his response at least. Been really silent or perhaps busy these days! 😊

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Next time try using your mind.....i liked the post before the second part was posted.....or you cant even tolerate someone liking another person's post? Goes on to show your tolerance level atleast.

If you are ready to do this much of hardworke, try finding other posts around which I've liked.... Would give you a better idea about my opinion.....instead of taking one like to judge someone.
Next time try using your mind.....i liked the post before the second part was posted.....or you cant even tolerate someone liking another person's post? Goes on to show your tolerance level atleast.

If you are ready to do this much of hardworke, try finding other posts around which I've liked.... Would give you a better idea about my opinion.....instead of taking one like to judge someone.
First of all I am really grateful for your response to my post sir. And I am very honest in my gratitude here.

I really appreciated the response of liking those posts. As I further elaborated my point that these days rarely responds to anything and it's a good sign at least! Who am I to judge anyone by his liking or disliking only a couple of things. I was just poking to at least get a response from you 😉. It's everyone's own choice and viewpoint and we should just live with it in harmony.

I had been a silent admirer of you for a long time, it's just that for some months I have been logging into my account here and actively participating.

But don't know if someone here in just 24 hrs of explosive, spontaneous conversations (under unexpected circumstances) judged me as bad and may be some sort of traitor as well. So stopped responding to any queries from then on.

At least just agree to be nonjudgmental about each other by that small sample responses and move on. We as a whole society experienced a clear divide amongst us during these turbulent times. It's our choice to either bridge that divide or let those minor cracks to develop into huge craters.

First of all I am really grateful for your response to my post sir. And I am very honest in my gratitude here.

I really appreciated the response of liking those posts. As I further elaborated my point that these days rarely responds to anything and it's a good sign at least! Who am I to judge anyone by his liking or disliking only a couple of things. I was just poking to at least get a response from you 😉. It's everyone's own choice and viewpoint and we should just live with it in harmony.

I had been a silent admirer of you for a long time, it's just that for some months I have been logging into my account here and actively participating.

But don't know if someone here in just 24 hrs of explosive, spontaneous conversations (under unexpected circumstances) judged me as bad and may be some sort of traitor as well. So stopped responding to any queries from then on.

At least just agree to be nonjudgmental about each other by that small sample responses and move on. We as a whole society experienced a clear divide amongst us during these turbulent times. It's our choice to either bridge that divide or let those minor cracks to develop into huge craters.

I just happened happened to see your post as part of @Reichmarshal quoted post...
Otherwise you are already on my ignore list since your last abusive outburst couple of weeks back.....therefore I'm otherwise unable to see any of your posts.
You do realise we have think tanks at GHQ who formulate policy and advice generals on what happens next. Our fabric depends on our defence unfortunately. Sometimes army has to take unpopular decisions for the greater good.
Then they should register themselves as a political party, disarm themselves, and ask for votes instead of committing treason and overthrowing governments and manipulating elections and politicians.
First of all I am really grateful for your response to my post sir. And I am very honest in my gratitude here.

I really appreciated the response of liking those posts. As I further elaborated my point that these days rarely responds to anything and it's a good sign at least! Who am I to judge anyone by his liking or disliking only a couple of things. I was just poking to at least get a response from you 😉. It's everyone's own choice and viewpoint and we should just live with it in harmony.

I had been a silent admirer of you for a long time, it's just that for some months I have been logging into my account here and actively participating.

But don't know if someone here in just 24 hrs of explosive, spontaneous conversations (under unexpected circumstances) judged me as bad and may be some sort of traitor as well. So stopped responding to any queries from then on.

At least just agree to be nonjudgmental about each other by that small sample responses and move on. We as a whole society experienced a clear divide amongst us during these turbulent times. It's our choice to either bridge that divide or let those minor cracks to develop into huge craters.

... And no need to poke me dear... I'm otherwise active on this forum and participating wherever it is required... Since you are on my ignore list so you won't be able to make me respond.
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Corruption ended it.
That being more than bit unfair.
The main problem with large scale industrial manufacturing in Pakistan is that nothing is manufactured in Pakistan !
Its all assembled from kits/parts imported from other places.
That is exactly with yasoob was an assembled truck. In the end it just wS not cost effective.

Then they should register themselves as a political party, disarm themselves, and ask for votes instead of committing treason and overthrowing governments and manipulating elections and politicians.
Wait for the fat lady to sing,
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