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New Chinese AEWC for carriers, the JZY-01



New Recruit

Jan 9, 2011
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Chinese JZY-01 Prototype of Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft which will form the basis of an aircraft carrier capable AEW&C. JZY is Pinyin(Chinese Phonetics)short for Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft.

The primary role of the carrier based airborne early-warning and control aircraft will be to provide air & surface surveillance and coordination of the offensive and defensive strike/air defense packages.to effectively deal with the potentially hostile targets both in air and at sea.



the original post at fyjs.cn was removed.

this post's contents are from
Chinese JZY-01 Aircraft Carrier-Capable AEW&C Aircraft ~ Chinese Military Review
The Aircraft looks like AN-26 modified or redesigned AN-26 the rear end Fuselage-Tail and certain other modifications. I don't know if its new the airframe itself looks very old is it a test bed?
Chinese JZY-01 Prototype of Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft which will form the basis of an aircraft carrier capable AEW&C. JZY is Pinyin(Chinese Phonetics)short for Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft.

The primary role of the carrier based airborne early-warning and control aircraft will be to provide air & surface surveillance and coordination of the offensive and defensive strike/air defense packages.to effectively deal with the potentially hostile targets both in air and at sea.



the original post at fyjs.cn was removed.

this post's contents are from
Chinese JZY-01 Aircraft Carrier-Capable AEW&C Aircraft ~ Chinese Military Review
What Fighter Planes will China have on its carrier and what missiles its carrier would be able to fire ?
Chinese JZY-01 Prototype of Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft which will form the basis of an aircraft carrier capable AEW&C. JZY is Pinyin(Chinese Phonetics)short for Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft.

The primary role of the carrier based airborne early-warning and control aircraft will be to provide air & surface surveillance and coordination of the offensive and defensive strike/air defense packages.to effectively deal with the potentially hostile targets both in air and at sea.



the original post at fyjs.cn was removed.

this post's contents are from
Chinese JZY-01 Aircraft Carrier-Capable AEW&C Aircraft ~ Chinese Military Review
How many times Chinese posters will show this plane,I just don't know. I have seen this plane quite earlier,perhaps 1 year or more.
Chinese JZY-01 Prototype of Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft which will form the basis of an aircraft carrier capable AEW&C. JZY is Pinyin(Chinese Phonetics)short for Shipborne Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft.

The primary role of the carrier based airborne early-warning and control aircraft will be to provide air & surface surveillance and coordination of the offensive and defensive strike/air defense packages.to effectively deal with the potentially hostile targets both in air and at sea.



the original post at fyjs.cn was removed.

this post's contents are from
Chinese JZY-01 Aircraft Carrier-Capable AEW&C Aircraft ~ Chinese Military Review

Looks similar to the E2. Just similar.
^^^Man they really imitated it exactly like E2:lol:
really someone must learn from them how to imitate:D
^^^Man they really imitated it exactly like E2:lol:

E2 or not, learning from the best helps you becoming one, faster and/or better.

really someone must learn from them how to imitate:D

Well, don’t get too excited yet, Doc. I’d suggest for the start you might want to try imitating China on indoor pumping. China did that at the start of the republic, somewhere post WW2. :azn:

Once you manage that (ideally prior to 2070), you could start climbing up the ladder One to the basic level of bullets design and manufacturing, by which I mean “indigenous”, quite different from Indian definition though. That is to say Done by Yourself Alone without any “technical assistance” (a.k.a. wholesale import) from the Ruskies, French or Israelis.
i doubt this thing will be launched from shi lang(too heavy to be launched from ski jump)..most probably(unless it is just a testbed and provided that their 1st indigenous carrier will have catapult) for their 1st indigenous one..

any known specification???
Indians should be jealous about this.

about the "imitating", the plane needs to do short takeoff, any designer with basic knowledge of aerodynamic will be able to come out with a similar tail design.
This aircraft is testing and proof of technology aircraft #1, the tail design is meant for directional stabilzing due to air turbulent from the radome, it is a prooven design for aircraft carrying over-size objects like large radar dome, space shuttler or another aircraft etc on their back, it is not perculiar only to E-2.

Also taking external design reference from E-2 on its size and configuration save time, after all E-2 is the only shipborne AEW&C that successfully carry out its duty ( I think it is the only one in in service in the world if not mistaken), so why re-invent the wheel wasting resources and time?

The real thing may look different since this plane is using an existing airframe from used Y-7. Most important is that it will pave the way for China's future shipborne AEW&C when the first aircraft carrier is operational in navy service. And it will make China the second nation to design and build its own shipborne AEW&C aircraft after USA.
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