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New bus service to be introduced in Lahore

Utter BS. Come back when Lahore is getting a metro transit system. This is not impressive and not required at all.

Who the hell invited you to discuss this issue? You don't even use Pakistani public transport, troll elsewhere.
firstly this open bus service doesnot make any sense in lahore.....as its too hot here during most part of the year so a normal person can't withstand the hot weather, secondly there is no tourism as such due to terrorism activities unlike the case in the cities mentioned in the article

3rdly they always have one sided agenda that starts with underpasses and ends with buses ...there are many other issues that need to be resolved first on priority basis which are 1000000 times more important than this .....firstly they should need to eradicate terrorism due to which there is no such tourism ...no tourism means waste of any such facility ...

also education and health should be the priority first ....better to eradicate education tax rather than spending on wasteful things ....Pakistan would be the only country where there is a tax on education ....world is moving towards a concept of free education or highly subsidized education system while in Pakistan its totally opposite ....also we need to improve the local industry

enough of this buses, Scooties and taxies stuff
I don't think Tourism buses takes any big chunk of budget since not many buses are inducted for such purpose. May be fleet of 10 buses would be more than enough and that may cost only 5-10 crore rupees?

Having said that, there was no need for such initiative for war-torn country. You are being blown up by the terrorists, the foreign tourists don't want to come to Pakistan and you are introducing such buses? I think locals are going to enjoy taking a ride in these buses but don't call it London or Barcelona like models since they are mostly focused on foreign tourists.

You sort out the terrorism issue first and then go for such perks to increase tourism. If terrorism issue is not resolved, this is just a waste of money
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