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New Brahmos Test Fails


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
the November attacks in Mumbai.

Indian officials say the launch of the Brahmos was only part of ongoing reliability tests, but some analysts say the timing was sensitive and could alarm Pakistan.

"The test was successful," a defense ministry spokesman said, without giving details.

The Brahmos, which can travel at up to 2.8 times the speed of sound and has a range of 290 km (180 miles), was tested at Pokhran, a desert town along India-Pakistan border and also the site of India's 1998 nuclear tests.

Analysts say that given the acrimonious history of India-Pakistan relations, both sides are acutely aware of the signaling that goes with such military tests.

The missile can be fitted with both conventional and nuclear warheads.

"A missile test has a certain interpretative potential by the other side," said C. Uday Bhaskar, a New Delhi-based strategic analyst. "There is symbolism."

India has blamed Pakistan militants for the Mumbai attacks that killed 179 people and pressed Islamabad for action. A war of words has ratcheted up tensions, but both sides have said a war was no solution.

The Brahmos, named after India's Brahmaputra river and Russia's Moscow river, was developed by a joint venture between India's Defense Research and Development Organization and Russia's NPO Mashinostroyenia.

India, which has the world's fourth-largest military, plans to fit the missile in several ships, officials said.

the point of this thread is to disscuss what will be pakistan reaction as the timing is so sensative and could alarm pakistan!
could we expect new version of PAK CM test?
Yes we definitely can expect a Cruise Missile test. In my opinion, we should carry out a Nuclear test. Been a long time since we tested the capabilities of our arsenal. One nuke test and all these little problems would go back to where they came from!
Nuke test is likely not to happen but i think Pakistan will going to conduct missile test soon in response may be Babur test is on cards as that is your cruise missile.
Yes we definitely can expect a Cruise Missile test. In my opinion, we should carry out a Nuclear test. Been a long time since we tested the capabilities of our arsenal. One nuke test and all these little problems would go back to where they came from!

you may be right but do you think civilian government will upset their masters!? Nuke test will definatly scare those rats away!
you may be right but do you think civilian government will upset their masters!? Nuke test will definatly scare those rats away!

Sadly, yes. The current Government showed up with the CIA's help and of course, wouldn't want us to send such a blunt message to our enemies all around. But who knows what we'll do? For now, a Ballistic missile or a Cruise Missile test is a necessity.
Yes we definitely can expect a Cruise Missile test. In my opinion, we should carry out a Nuclear test. Been a long time since we tested the capabilities of our arsenal. One nuke test and all these little problems would go back to where they came from!

I dont think that there will be any more test, as pakistan cannot afford to cut of its own moneteary aid given by the IMF and other forgien countries on which it is now surviving.... And more over it wont serve any purpouse as pakistan has already proved what it is capable off..!! Well yes ofcourse we expect a ballistic missle test very soon..!!!!
I dont think that there will be any more test, as pakistan cannot afford to cut of its own moneteary aid given by the IMF and other forgien countries on which it is now surviving.... And more over it wont serve any purpouse as pakistan has already proved what it is capable off..!! Well yes ofcourse we expect a ballistic missle test very soon..!!!!

Well the last time India threatened Pakistan to forget about Kashmir and bow down to it's dominance, we tested our arsenal. The results came out pretty good. If we have to do it all over again, we would. Yes, not now, but maybe in the future? India should learn to stop breathing down our neck. Everyone's got a limited patience.
I dont think there is anything much to see to this, other than routine tests I personally Feel. And about Patience, well its the same for all :)
Well the last time India threatened Pakistan to forget about Kashmir and bow down to it's dominance, we tested our arsenal. The results came out pretty good. If we have to do it all over again, we would. Yes, not now, but maybe in the future? India should learn to stop breathing down our neck. Everyone's got a limited patience.

Our answer to Kashmir is still the same. Just FORGET IT... You may conduct 100 nuclear tests..I don't think India really cares.

Our answer to Kashmir is still the same. Just FORGET IT... You may conduct 100 nuclear tests..I don't think India really cares.


If India doesn't care, then why did it felt threatened by Obama when he declared that one of his priorities would be to solve the Kashmir issue? :disagree:
If India doesn't care, then why did it felt threatened by Obama when he declared that one of his priorities would be to solve the Kashmir issue? :disagree:
We Dont Like anyone Interfering In Kashmir, Because its an Internal Matter, since Kashmir is an Integral Part of India. We dont care if its the US President or his Father, Hussain Hussain Obama (hope thats the name ;) ) we wont let anyone Interfere in Kashmir. We made it very much clear.
If India doesn't care, then why did it felt threatened by Obama when he declared that one of his priorities would be to solve the Kashmir issue? :disagree:

Obama has many other priorities. Indians can handle Kashmir much better than him. We will never let Americans enter in our area as we know them better than Pakistanis. They are our friends at our terms and not vice verse. Our PM and Presidents are not short listed in washington.

Well the last time India threatened Pakistan to forget about Kashmir and bow down to it's dominance, we tested our arsenal. The results came out pretty good. If we have to do it all over again, we would. Yes, not now, but maybe in the future? India should learn to stop breathing down our neck. Everyone's got a limited patience.

Bezerk.. the logic is simple..i if you look at india and conduct another test.. The lines connected to your Weapons would be cut by the intenrational community, behind your back. And before you even know it you will be using guns without bullets.The bottem line is no country can afford another nuclear test..!!! And india knows it so does your country..!!!
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