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New Anti-satellite Weapons?

Got it now...If that is the case, then by all means we should doubt another one of China's fantasy weapons unless otherwise proven. But of course, the argument will be that since China is so secretive, we are supposed to assume everything the PRC government said is true. What I posted should be good primer info for interested readers anyway.

Thanks for those posts Gambit and Thomas. Like Thomas mentioned, I wanted to know whether the new "spray" anti-satellite claims of the Chinese were true. I already know about the kinetic kill vehicles, nothing new.

And if such an incident did happen, then by all means it would be a declaration of hostilities by attacking another country's satellite.

So, I think that the Chinese media is just plainly lying. Its all a big heap of bull manure!
Thanks for those posts Gambit and Thomas. Like Thomas mentioned, I wanted to know whether the new "spray" anti-satellite claims of the Chinese were true. I already know about the kinetic kill vehicles, nothing new.

And if such an incident did happen, then by all means it would be a declaration of hostilities by attacking another country's satellite.

So, I think that the Chinese media is just plainly lying. Its all a big heap of bull manure!
It does look like BS. A satellite is a national asset, no matter whose property is it. That is equivalent to a PLAN warship bumping a US warship, throw paint on it, rough up the crew...etc...etc...in international water, without doing any real harm to the US ship but then claiming no hostile intentions. If this did happened, the US would be fully within our rights to response disproportionately and destroy any Chinese satellite we can find and there would be nothing China can do other than an open declaration of war against US. The fact that this fantasy event eagerly pounced upon by some 'fanboys' is a sign that they really do not know the larger issues at stake.
So, I think that the Chinese media is just plainly lying. Its all a big heap of bull manure!

That video is from Taiwanese media. But anyways there are no sources on the internet.
Got it now...If that is the case, then by all means we should doubt another one of China's fantasy weapons unless otherwise proven. But of course, the argument will be that since China is so secretive, we are supposed to assume everything the PRC government said is true. What I posted should be good primer info for interested readers anyway.

Just so we're clear here, the Chinese government did not, nor did any other government for that matter, say anything about this. This was reported by a TV station better known for their drama and game shows than from actual news reporting. I mean, the "reporter" wears a friggin flak jacket! I'm sure you can sense a little sensationalism there.
Americans hyping things up again? Wake me when the Chinese aren't 20 years behind...

Your article has a number of places that are too simple, and too naïve. (Does this sound like Mr. Jiang Zemin’s remark?) :lol:

The article considers only in a scope of physically destroying the satellite. This is a serious flaw. A satellite’s functionality can be destroyed partially or completely by many ways, without the satellite being physically destroyed. China has been engaged in a number of ways to neutralize hostile satellites. Such as: 1) parasite satellites. This has been demonstrated in their last Shenzhou spaceship. A launch vehicle can carry dozens even hundreds of such satellites. In peacetime, they just rotate around potentially hostile satellites merrily. Once needy time arrives, they can neutralize them in various ways. 2) Interfere with strong electro-magnetic or radioactive waves. A special bomb can emit such a powerful field that will either permanently or temporarily neutralize the delicate electronics on board. 3) Laser-blinding technique. This has ample reports. 4) Reportedly the “painting” techniques.

Thus, for China to neutralize couple of hundred satellites for a while is very possible, either legally or “illegally”.

Just one reference: Chinese Anti-Satellite Capabilities

PLA-affiliated publications assert that while China does not yet possess the capability to destroy satellites with high-powered lasers, they are capable of damaging optical reconnaissance satellites.


In August 2006 there were reports that China had fired high-power lasers at American intelligence satellites flying over its territory. National Reconnaissance Office Director, Donald M. Kerr, told reporters that a US satellite had recently been "painted," or illuminated, by a ground-based laser in China….


The Dalian Universuty of Technology design team was on January 9, 2009 awarded the top PRC Science and Tecgnology Award for the development of the ASAT system. It was headed by Gua Dongming head of the Dalian scientific team that included Jai Zhenyuan, Kang Renke, Wang Yongqing, Sheng Xianjun of Dalian University and Yu Huilong of the 25th institute , 2nd. Academy Astronautics science and industry group.
It does look like BS. A satellite is a national asset, no matter whose property is it. That is equivalent to a PLAN warship bumping a US warship, throw paint on it, rough up the crew...etc...etc...in international water, without doing any real harm to the US ship but then claiming no hostile intentions. If this did happened, the US would be fully within our rights to response disproportionately and destroy any Chinese satellite we can find and there would be nothing China can do other than an open declaration of war against US. The fact that this fantasy event eagerly pounced upon by some 'fanboys' is a sign that they really do not know the larger issues at stake.


It indeed looks like an against-facts BS!

1) Existing exercises of hostility already debunked the fundamentalist estimation of full war.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) claims that, on March 8, five Chinese vessels—ranging from two small trawlers to three larger vessels—deliberately interfered with the operations of the unarmed USNS Impeccable while it was conducting surveillance in international waters some 75 miles (120 kilometers) south of China’s Hainan Island. According to the Pentagon, the Chinese ships maneuvered in front of the Impeccable, dropped wood in its path, forced it to make an emergency stop, and at one point tried to grab the ship’s towed sonar array…

Maritime Confrontation Highlights Troubled State of China-U.S. Defense Diplomacy - The Jamestown Foundation

Now the Chiense vessels deliberately interfered with the operations of the USNS Impeccable by dropping woods, forcing it to make an emegency stop, and trying to grab the sonar array. That is more serious than “a PLAN warship bumping a US warship, throw paint on it, rough up the crew...etc”. Is US at war with China?

This kind of friction will exist as long as there are fundamentalists on both sides.

2) China’s ASAT capabilities have already come into a stage of practical use. There is no need to deny that. The only question is how efficient or advanced they may be.

A US satellite has already been shined blind, Chinese Anti-Satellite Capabilities are all Chinese satellites being shot down by fundamentalists? No! No even a single one!

3) Fundamentalists pretend they are so smart as to be able to predict the extent of a war between US and China if it unfortunately happens. This intention is millions times more toxic and malicious than MacArthur’s “go home Christmas”. Sane and wise American leaders already assert that a war between China and US will be unpredictable in scale and in depth. While MacArthur’s “go home Christmas” costed about 20-30k more American’s lives, fundamentalist attempt to prediction of the war can cause hundreds, even thousands of millions of lives in both China and US. There is only one evil intention for the fundamentalists to fake a prediction, just as there is one evil intention for MacArthur to fake “go home Christmas”, that is a deep hatred nurtured within bigot minds for a long and dark time against different ideologies of other sets of human beings.

While it is well know that the US is somehow hijacked by Israel in terms of Mideast affairs and perhaps beyond, so that a term “Jew United States” is coined by someone in internet. The US can not afford to be hijacked by another group of anti-human fundamentalists! And we, the people on both sides of Pacific Ocean, must stop that. :usflag::china:

It indeed looks like an against-facts BS!

1) Existing exercises of hostility already debunked the fundamentalist estimation of full war.

Now the Chiense vessels deliberately interfered with the operations of the USNS Impeccable by dropping woods, forcing it to make an emegency stop, and trying to grab the sonar array. That is more serious than “a PLAN warship bumping a US warship, throw paint on it, rough up the crew...etc”. Is US at war with China?
What a joke...:lol:

So how does this prove the US cannot respond disproportionately against those Chinese junks? This is the point. Or do I need to spell it out for you?

2) China’s ASAT capabilities have already come into a stage of practical use. There is no need to deny that. The only question is how efficient or advanced they may be.
Another joke...:lol:

You cannot even see how you contradict yourself. If Chinese ASAT capabilities are not as advanced as US, as I have shown, then it is NOT of practical use. Unless, of course, when it comes to anything Chinese, we should broaden the scope of the meaning of every word and terms to their most absurd.

Give it up.
If they are US citizens that would mean Taiwan is US protected territory and any attack on Taiwan would earn the attacker a serious Desert Storm-style smack down.

Do you think that China = Iraq :bounce::woot:
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