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New Anti-satellite Weapons?


Feb 5, 2010
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Short translation:

A US spy satellite was rendered unoperational for 27 minutes as it attempted to spy on Chinese indegenious aircraft carrier construction progress at shanghai shipyard. Unlike previous intercepts utilizing laser blinding technique, the new method involves predicting US satellite orbit, maneuvering a chinese satellite close to it, and release special mist like paint from canisters.

The released particulate material has electromangetic properties that prevent instruments receiver from working properly, and binds to the spy satellite on contact. The effect is not permanent as the paint falls off after some time so it cannot be classified as an actual attack and rather more like a disruption.
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PLA general has said of the nations Japan, India, US, Russia, it is US that poses real military capability to threaten China, and that the Taiwan strait issue is still the most likely cause of a potential nuclear war.

Recent Taiwan military exercise aims at holding against PLA assault for 3 days until US help arrives and undertake counterattack on the fourth day.
Iran revolutionary guard recently undertook naval exercise. The current Iranian anti-ship missile is capable of destroying 3000 tonnes ships, and after modification can be fired from submarines and helicopters and can be difficult to detect by radar. Iran is receiving chinese help in manufacturing c-704 missile with range 170km, 240 pound warhead, 95% success rate and can destroy ships under 4000 tonnes.
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lol do they think the US can teleport? on day 4 the US is still going to be hestitating and taiwan's leaders will already be on special planes to the US since they're all US citizens anyways.
I think we need to engage more with 'rogue nations' to who could be paid to do controversial tests. Iran + NoKo etc.

I don't particularly like this 'baiting' of the US. They are still far militarily stronger than us and it does no good to draw attention.
lol do they think the US can teleport? on day 4 the US is still going to be hestitating and taiwan's leaders will already be on special planes to the US since they're all US citizens anyways.
If they are US citizens that would mean Taiwan is US protected territory and any attack on Taiwan would earn the attacker a serious Desert Storm-style smack down.
Short translation:

A US spy satellite was rendered unoperational for 27 minutes as it attempted to spy on Chinese indegenious aircraft carrier construction progress at shanghai shipyard. Unlike previous intercepts utilizing laser blinding technique, the new method involves predicting US satellite orbit, maneuvering a chinese satellite close to it, and release special mist like paint from canisters.

The released particulate material has electromangetic properties that prevent instruments receiver from working properly, and binds to the spy satellite on contact. The effect is not permanent as the paint falls off after a some time so it cannot be classified as an actual attack and rather more like a disruption.
The US will resurrect the F-15 ASAT program...

ASM-135 ASAT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...And proceed to hunt down and destroy every Chinese satellite. This method can be quickly deployed to virtually any point on Earth that has a runway.
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If they are US citizens that would mean Taiwan is US protected territory and any attack on Taiwan would earn the attacker a serious Desert Storm-style smack down.

lol keep imagining that. the US would not risk a war where the USAF will be falling like flies for a few corrupt politicians.

the flights with taiwanese politicians, even if civilian in nature, are command and control facilities of an enemy force and thus are fair game. any american citizens on board are regrettably choosing to place their lives in a war zone.

any military action by the US would invite a retaliation that made the 1000 planes downed in Vietnam look minor. the USAF might have to involuntarily retire most of its planes, and most of their pilots as well.
lol keep imagining that. the US would not risk a war where the USAF will be falling like flies for a few corrupt politicians.

the flights with taiwanese politicians, even if civilian in nature, are command and control facilities of an enemy force and thus are fair game. any american citizens on board are regrettably choosing to place their lives in a war zone.

any military action by the US would invite a retaliation that made the 1000 planes downed in Vietnam look minor. the USAF might have to involuntarily retire most of its planes, and most of their pilots as well.

Do I need to mention *ahem* Mexico.... :)

Viva la Mexicana!!!:smitten:
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lol keep imagining that. the US would not risk a war where the USAF will be falling like flies for a few corrupt politicians.

the flights with taiwanese politicians, even if civilian in nature, are command and control facilities of an enemy force and thus are fair game. any american citizens on board are regrettably choosing to place their lives in a war zone.

any military action by the US would invite a retaliation that made the 1000 planes downed in Vietnam look minor. the USAF might have to involuntarily retire most of its planes, and most of their pilots as well.
Baghdad Bob...Is that you...??? :lol:
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