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New anti-China Asian trilateral grouping emerges: India, Indonesia, Aus

First it goes from three countries talking in IORARC about Indian ocean, and then it jump to East Asia Summit?
Because the TPP is a failure, so Australia want to make East asia summit which is primarily a economic forum into a security one? There is no faster way to kill it like the last one has proven. But I have a strange feeling that some people just don't care.
BTW, why is TimeofIndia website has a picture of Vietnamese flag accompanying this article?
How convoluted can one get?

strange, indeed!
Russia and China pull together to counter US Asia drive

Published: 05 June, 2012, 17:07

Russia Today report


Chinese sailors march pass the Russian destroyer
Admiral Vinogradov berthed at a naval base in Qingdao,
northeastern China on April 23, 2012 (China Out/AFP Photo)

President Vladimir Putin has said Russia will cement its military alliance with China, including an increase in joint exercises in the Asia-Pacific. The move follows a US pledge to step up its naval presence in Asia in a bid to extend its influence.
"Recently joint navy exercises were held in the Yellow Sea, and they were the first of such exercises. We have agreed with Chairman Hu that we will continue such cooperation," Putin said following a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in Beijing.
The Russian leader said that security in the Asia-Pacific region was a top priority for both countries and they will work together to further develop ties.
"We favor the formation of an open and equal-minded security and cooperation architecture in the region, based on the principles of international law," Putin said.
Russian and Chinese naval forces recently held six days of military drills in the Yellow Sea. The first drills of their kind, they included anti-submarine exercises and hijacked vessel rescue operations.
Russia deployed four warships from its Pacific fleet for the drills with 16 Chinese ships and two submarines.
The strengthening of Sino-Russian relations also serves to counterbalance US influence in Asia.

US defense minister Leon Panetta announced on Saturday that the US plans to step up its naval presence in the Pacific as part of the so-called “Asia re-balancing” initiative.
Panetta has also announced that the US intends to cement military ties with India.

The American government plans to maneuver 60 per cent of its battleships into the Asia-Pacific region by 2020. It currently has around 50 per cent of its fleet stationed there.
China views an increased US military presence in the Asia-Pacific as a challenge to its own sovereignty and an attempt by America to curtail the country’s rise.
"China is Russia's strategic partner. We enjoy mutually beneficial, mutually trusting, open cooperation in all fields," said Putin.

Mahlknecht wrote in #2...China is the Master of Patience. They will never shoot first, they'll rather wait for the right moment to hit the anglo-zionist gang's pocket. Russia is a master of surprize, chess players who look ahead several moves. It is clear that the US empire wants to dominate through military force. Their dependence on overwhelming force has resulted in many conflicts but few victories. Any potential adversary of the American empire understands the need to build their military infrastruces deep underground. The alliance between China and Russia is most natural and expedient. The West will try to pick off one victim at a time, with a view to capture sufficient resources to prevent the coming economic collapse. Time is running out on them. Desperate people and countries make serious mistakes. With all their hardware and firepower-it has been a long time since they prevailed in any war. The odds of future success are growing smaller by the minute. Their major miscalculation is that their allies politicians can lead their skeptical people. Can be depended on to provide troops and support. Punishing the citizens of Europe and Asia only weakens their alliances.
Russia and China tout strategic partnership amid global breakdown

Russia Today Published: 05 June, 2012, 17:07


Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (L)
walk after reviewing an honour guard during a welcoming ceremony
at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on June 5, 2012.
(AFP Photo / POOL / Mark Ralston)

President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao broke ground on a new bilateral relationship. Given the regional challenges, Russia and China have more in common than ever before.

Putin kicked off his visit to China amid an optimistic atmosphere in which the Russian and Chinese leaders expressed their enthusiasm for the present and future state of bilateral ties.

The Russian leader confirmed that cooperation had reached a new level and quality.
"Thanks to joint efforts we raised the level of Russian-Chinese cooperation to unprecedented height and quality," the Russian president said.

Putin recalled that one year ago, both sides spoke about the need to bring their strategic cooperation to a new level and make it comprehensive.

"We plan to continue our joint work in this direction," the Russian president said.
"The fundamental interests [of Moscow and Beijing] coincide broadly both in international and economic affairs."
Hu Jintao echoed Putin’s glowing praise, saying he looked forward to building a “dynamic strategic relationship with Russia.”
"I am firmly convinced that your visit will contribute to further development of all-embracing strategic partnership and cooperation," the Chinese leader stressed.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Putin and Hu will be among six regional leaders attending the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation – a security organization founded in 2001 in Shanghai by China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Moscow and Beijing, up-and-coming economic powerhouses with increasing military weight, are beginning to exert much more influence in Central Asia, a highly strategic region that skirts the crisis-prone Middle East. Thanks to the hawkish US military circling the region, the Russian bear and the Chinese dragon have found common ground upon which to build the foundation of a rock-solid relationship.
In an article published in the Chinese daily Renmin Ribao, the Russian president outlines the importance of a powerful regional presence.

"The proponents of the ideology of terrorism, separatism and extremism are perfecting their subversive methods, recruiting new militants and broadening sources of financing," Putin writes.
"That is why we pay so much attention to the confirmation at the upcoming summit…of cooperation between the SCO members in fighting terrorism, separatism and extremism.”
The SCO members are also concerned about the situation in Afghanistan, which has witnessed more than 10 years of fighting between coalition forces and the Taliban. Putin says Afghanistan is expected to receive observer status in the SCO this week.
"The organization is playing a major role in the effort to help the people of Afghanistan to revive their long-suffering homeland,” he said.

“The summit is expected to grant Afghanistan observer status, which will be another concrete step in this direction.”
At the SCO summit this week Putin will also meet the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is expected to discuss with SCO leaders the situation in Syria, where the United States is threatening military action in light of the political opposition’s protracted efforts to force out President Bashar al-Assad.
Moscow and Beijing are calling on their colleagues in the UN Security Council to abide by the conditions set down by the so-called Annan plan, which calls for an immediate ceasefire on both sides. As ongoing violence threatens to erupt into civil war, the Syrian government blames “foreign terrorists” for provoking the situation.

so the world is now preparing for the WW3? anyone should take a side now?
Vietnam-Russia: Foster strategic partnership

At the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev paid an official visit to Vietnam from November 6 to 7, 2012.
The visit marked a new milestone in bilateral relations and contributed to further fostering the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia.

Vietnam and Russia have a fine traditional relationship and cooperation that has been continually consolidated and promoted over the years. In March 2011, the two countries signed the strategic partnership. On July 27, 2012, the two countries announced a Joint Declaration on further strengthening the comprehensive partnership.


During the talk between Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his Russian counterpart D.A.Medvedev, the two sides agreed to step up political relations through the exchange of multi-level delegations and diversifying cooperative channels.

The pair hailed the results of the 15th meeting of the Inter-governmental Committee on Economic-Trade and Science-Technology held in Moscow from October 17-19 and highlighted achivements in key cooperation fields, including trade, nuclear energy, oil and gas, technology and military as well as other fields of science-technology, education-training, culture and tourism.

The two sides focused on discussing directions and measures to implement strategic cooperation projects and increase economic exchanges to realise the set target of raising bilateral trade to seven billion dollar by 2015.

The two leaders spoke highly of oil and gas exploration and exploitation in both Vietnam and Russia conducted by the existing joint-ventures.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung stressed Vietnam pays special attention to promoting cooperation with Russia in the field of energy in general and oil and gas in particular and suggested Russia continue providing favourable conditions for oil and gas enterprises of both countries to establish new joint ventures to participate in projects in Russia.

He asserted that the Vietnamese Government would continue creating the best possible conditions for Russian companies to implement projects on oil and gas cooperation in Vietnam’s continental shelf. Russian Prime Minister Medvedev said the Russian Government and companies would continue cooperating with Vietnam to explore and exploit oil and gas in Vietnam’s continental shelf in the near future and support and provide favourable conditions for the two countries’ joint-venture companies to strengthen and expand cooperation in Russia.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung asked Russia to faciliate the establishment of joint ventures producing garments, footwear, wooden furniture, seafood and electronic products in Russia’s Far Eastern region as well as in other major cities. For his part, the visiting Prime Minister affirmed the Russian Government would offer incentives for Vietnamese enterprises to seek investment opportunities in the Far Eastern region as well as other areas in Russia.

The two sides agreed to promote cooperation in the areas of security-defence, science-technology, education-training, culture, sports, tourism and banking.

The two leaders expressed their pleasure at the two countries’ collaboration and mutual support at the United Nations and at regional and international forums. Prime Minister Medvedev hoped that Vietnam would continue to act as a bridge for Russia to strengthen its ties with ASEAN and Southeast Asian countries.

The official visit to Vietnam by Russian Prime Minister Medvedev affirmed the determination of the two countries’ leaders and people to promote the traditional relationship and comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia.

On the occasion, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Truong Tan Sang and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung met Russian Prime Minister Medvedev.

Tags:Vietnam, Russia, visit, Dmitry Medvedev, Nguyen
Are you stupid like all bollywooddaydreamers? It is China which is driving the Asian economy. Australia needs China for exporting its huge natural resources, China is the most important trading partner for Australia. There is a large Chinese community holding most of the businesses in Indonesia moreso, Indonesia is in good terms with China, same applies for Singapore and Malaysia. Stop posting crap and stop repeating what the racists western media write on China. If China is destroyed or no more exists, Asia would be plunged into deep economic recession and it is not debt ridden EU or US which would rescue Asia. US is investing nothing except weaponry in Asia. So what is the rationale to contain and destroy China. Of course China has territorial conflicts with mostly Japan, Philippines and Vietnam just like Japan has various territorial conflicts with Korea, Russia, China etc. It is not a reason to contain and prevent China from growing. It is the US which is behind such move just like the US had done in the case of the USSR with the EU countries. Now it is replicating this tactic in Asia by forming an equivalent of NATO ailliance in Asia to prevent China from growing economically and militarily. But the difference here is that it is China which is powering the Asian Economy, this had not been the case of the USSR in Europe. Moreover which country is instilling hate and waging war everywhere in the world? Which country is killing civilians? It is not China but the US. China, despite all the bullying, till now has not shot one Asian while the US had killed thousands of civilians in the Middle East, Iraq, Afganistan and perhaps Iran. It is Israel which is killing children, women and babies in Gaza. Not China. So why such hate on this country while China is so essential for the Asian and world economies.

One of the best posts in a long time. :cheers:

Too many stupid Asians that think that allying with whites will get them some benefit are actually holding Asia back from taking it's place as the richest, most powerful continent on the planet.
Both Indonesians and Australians hate Indians. So after China unleashes our firepower on India, everybody else will run away.

Really? this coming from a person who is living in Europe full of white people? (if its is true) so what we submit to china? what type of F%^& Bs is that? if you calling for Asian Unity well we also want that but the point is we want equally benefits and to be led by a elected country a more democratic style of Asian unity not like china who screw everyone (just ask the Africans and even us here in the Philippines)
The Spanish screwed you so hard you got yourself new surnames like Rodriguez ;) Then came the Americans, and then the Japanese......
I don't know how people come to this conclusion tying India, INdonesia and Australia into Anti-China pack.

Aussie and Indonesia are not exactly blood brother, nor do we have a good relationship with India, if this pack are to work, there are way more cooperation we need to do and honestly i don't see why or how can this happen.

That being said, people don't really understand the situation.

1.) Russia is a Non-factor, unlike US, Russian do not have stake in Asian Issue, they are tucked in quite well in their own Eastern European/Siberia corner. They are friend with everyone in Asia, If you ask a Vietnamese he will say, yeah Russia is our friend, if you ask an Indian and he will also say, yeah Russia is our friend. But if you ask a Chinese and he will also say, yeah Russia is our friend. So when war break out in Asia, guess which friend Russia will help??

Russia will be glad for all youse get bang together so he can stand by and watch and sell you guys weapon.

2.) Australia is not Chinese Top trading Partner. I do not know about How Australia is important to their trade bu China maybe 5, 6 or 7 after US, UK, Japan, New Zealand and Indonesia. As far as i know, We do not import a lot from China, most our import are from US and New Zealand and most our export goes to Japan. The only case i saw produce imported form China are in Reject Shop. Yes, we are trying to break open the Chinese Trade route but right now, it is not as important as Trade with US and Japan.

3.) Australian generally did not care about How China Dominate Asia, as we depend too much of US to have our corner secure. Whenever US go, australia will follow.

4.) The current situation did not warrant an anti-China pack, as Chinese diplomatic skill are still at their infancy, they are isolating themselve even if nobody want to form an anti-alliance.

Pack are not needed, this is what i think
How can it be anti-China? The three countries are cooperating on protecting an oceanic expanse that touches each of these respective countries and isn't even remotely close to China.
Both Indonesians and Australians hate Indians. So after China unleashes our firepower on India, everybody else will run away.

same applies for China

The Spanish screwed you so hard you got yourself new surnames like Rodriguez ;) Then came the Americans, and then the Japanese......

Hmmm but didn't the Japanese do the same thing to u all ?
Funny to see so many discussion pages on a speculation of an alliance of India, Indonesia and Australia. I believe this article is just a joke of April, just to poke the Chinese.

I don't know how people come to this conclusion tying India, INdonesia and Australia into Anti-China pack.
4.) The current situation did not warrant an anti-China pack, as Chinese diplomatic skill are still at their infancy, they are isolating themselve even if nobody want to form an anti-alliance.

Pack are not needed, this is what i think

Yep that´s right. The Chinese still think they are in the midle of the world, they rarely respect smaller nations.
The people of Asia and Burma had choose their friend how about Bangladesh still ride 2 horse?
when your country is szzzzP00R you can not say or choose what ever you want.
Both Indonesians and Australians hate Indians. So after China unleashes our firepower on India, everybody else will run away.

The Spanish screwed you so hard you got yourself new surnames like Rodriguez ;) Then came the Americans, and then the Japanese......

hahahahaha sure sure whatever. and this coming from a country that was only country by name in the past? your country is more pathetic than mine
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