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Netanyahu: Iran Produces Advanced Weaponry and their work is impressive!!

So a Jewish leader is impressed by a Muslim nation? That's new :D
He must be impressed... Iran makes hundreds of different weaponry and military projects with a military budget around $13 billion a year... It is more of a miracle than impressive as Iranian military budget needs to cover the salaries of + 600K army and couple of hundreds of thousands of IRCG personnels and yet build all the hundreds of projects under development...

It is true that PPP worth of this $13 b is nearly 3.3 times more and equals nearly $43 billions if spent in America but still it is nothing by other industrialized nations' standards... Iran hopefully can use its +$150 billions of money will be released after the nuclear deal agreement...

I think the major source of Israeli and Arab concerns about a nuclear deal between Iran and 1+5 is the amount of money would flow into Iran and the fact that Iranian economy will be boosted and then this will give Iran more money to support its allied nations...
Israel's fear-mongering against Iran....

They do this stuff all the time. I remember a few months ago, Israel was saying "Iran has ability to strike Europe". They are conducting an effective PR campaign against Iran..... (as well as against Turkey)

I don't see any discussion regarding WMDs of Israel.
And which part of his statement were not factual? What he stated was the reality and not attempts to make Iran look "stronger".

"Iran poses Israel in particular and the world at large a five-layered threat, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday evening in his speech at the Herzliya Conference."

So i guess the world should heed israel's advice and impose more sanctions on Iran because like you said Natenyahu's words are factual.

Natenyahu said Iran is a threat to the world, you're telling me that is reality? If that is how you want the world to perceive you, as a threat, then really you're doing the israelis a big favor by making them look like the victims on the defensive.

At least back your comment with technical facts instead of writing gibberish. Isrealis do not need to make Iran look stronger, the Americans would dance to their tunes regardless.

"The fifth threat - Tehran produces advanced weaponry like drones, satellites and submarines. "Their work is impressive," Netanyahu said. "They take a project and finish it in record speed."

Are Iran's drones, submarines, and satellites superior to those of israel's??

1). Does Iran posses submarines as capable as the Dolphin-II class submarines israel received from Germany??

2). Does Iran produce drone technology which israel produces and has access to from America??

3). Does Iran have military satellites which israel possesses and has access to??

I'm not trying to undermine the capabilities of Iran's military industry and indigenous weapons. But everyone knows who has the technological edge in the Middle East when it comes to weaponry and that country is israel.

So, yes, this is just scaremongering by Natenyahu. If you were smart you would rather make Iran appear on the defensive.
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"The fifth threat - Tehran produces advanced weaponry like drones, satellites and submarines. "Their work is impressive," Netanyahu said. "They take a project and finish it in record speed."

We don't even know the specs of Iran's drones, satellites, and submarines.

1). Does Iran posses submarines as capable as the Dolphin-II class submarines israel received from Germany??

2). Does Iran produce drone technology which israel receives from America??

3). Does Iran have military satellites which israel possesses and has access to??

I'm not trying to undermine the capabilities of Iran's military industry and indigenous weapons. But everyone knows who has the technological edge in the Middle East when it comes to weaponry and that country is israel.

So, yes, this is just scaremongering by Natenyahu. If you were smart you would rather make Iran appear on the defensive.

You seem to confused. He was making a general statement not a relative one. He did not say, relative to what Isreal has, Iran is more advance etc. He made a general statement that Iran is doing impressive work which is completely true.
Iran, under all the sanctions which prevent even medicine to be imported has produced 600 ton submarine, is producing a 1200 ton submarine as I write this comment and next steps are much larger subs, including, possibly a nuclear one. Isreal cannot make any submarine. Dolphine is a German submarine.

Iran is the only country in the region bar Isreal to have launched its own satellites. Iran is the only country in the region bar Isreal which has MALE uav's in production. Iran has technology gained from RQ-170 which the Isrelis do not have and Iranian UAV's have been tested, from penetrating Isreali airspace to spying on American carriers for 30 minutes.
Isrealis know Iranian capabilities well, thus they have no reason to overestimate them.

Your flawed logic is such that entails Isreal needs to overestimate Iran to gained the support of the Americans. As I told you already, the Americans will dance to the Isreali tunes regardless.

If the Americans had the guts to attack Iran, they would have done so regardless if Iran seems offensive, defensive etc. The reason they are not attacking is precisely because they know the havok Iran can cause in the region if they do attack, thus your claims of making yourself look weaker is quite the opposite of what is the right thing to do. Don't tell me about being smart dude when you're clueless.
You seem to confused. He was making a general statement not a relative one. He did not say, relative to what Isreal has, Iran is more advance etc. He made a general statement that Iran is doing impressive work which is completely true.
Iran, under all the sanctions which prevent even medicine to be imported has produced 600 ton submarine, is producing a 1200 ton submarine as I write this comment and next steps are much larger subs, including, possibly a nuclear one. Isreal cannot make any submarine. Dolphine is a German submarine.

Iran is the only country in the region bar Isreal to have launched its own satellites. Iran is the only country in the region bar Isreal which has MALE uav's in production. Iran has technology gained from RQ-170 which the Isrelis do not have and Iranian UAV's have been tested, from penetrating Isreali airspace to spying on American carriers for 30 minutes.
Isrealis know Iranian capabilities well, thus they have no reason to overestimate them.

Your flawed logic is such that entails Isreal needs to overestimate Iran to gained the support of the Americans. As I told you already, the Americans will dance to the Isreali tunes regardless.

If the Americans had the guts to attack Iran, they would have done so regardless if Iran seems offensive, defensive etc. The reason they are not attacking is precisely because they know the havok Iran can cause in the region if they do attack, thus your claims of making yourself look weaker is quite the opposite of what is the right thing to do. Don't tell me about being smart dude when you're clueless.
Nahh, you're the confused one. Not to mention insecure. No one underscored Iran's capabilities. It's all in your head.

Of course i will compare Iran's "superior" weapons to those of israel's because israel has set the benchmark for technological superiority in the middle east.

"The fifth threat - Tehran produces advanced weaponry like drones, satellites and submarines. "Their work is impressive," Netanyahu said. "They take a project and finish it in record speed."

Iran's satellites are advanced compared to what?? How are Iran's satellites weaponized? Are they spy satellites?

Iran's drones are superior to Israel's? How so? Drone shot down by IDF was Iranian | The Times of Israel

What makes Iranian submarines "advanced"? Is it because they are made in Iran, and thus they are advanced? What a crude logic.

If i construct a radio controlled airplane in a weeks time does that make it "advanced" because i completed it in "record time". :lol:

If the Americans had the guts to attack Iran, they would have done so regardless if Iran seems offensive, defensive etc.

Who said they need to attack Iran?? All they have to do is keep the sanctions on Iran and turn you into a North Korea or even worse, bleed you dry, since Iran is expending its economic resources in saving Assad and Hezbollah.

There is a reason why your government accepted to negotiate with the Americans to lift the sanctions, because it could not take the heat.
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I don't see any discussion regarding WMDs of Israel.
wait for a decade when major economical institute transferred from West to East.after that every european country will speak against Israel..
IMO, Israelis are really upset at the fact that Iran is now not in the headlines as the evil which the world must destroy .. all their lobbying has been pacified by Obama, ISIS and Russia.

Iran now has another chance to either integrate back into the financial markets or at least get enough time to make some break through in nuclear weaponization of its missiles. Lets see which option is achieved first ..
also produces more engineers every year than Japan, just learned today lmao
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