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Netanyahu: Iran Produces Advanced Weaponry and their work is impressive!!


Nov 16, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Netanyahu warns of Iran's five-layered threat

At Herzliya conference, prime minister says nuclear threat is not the only one Tehran poses; it also arms its allies against Israel, produces advance weapons, launches cyber attacks and backs Hezbollah, whose agents are all over the world.

Itay Blumenthal

Published: 06.09.15, 21:19 / Israel News

Iran poses Israel in particular and the world at large a five-layered threat, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday evening in his speech at the Herzliya Conference.

The main threat from Tehran is its nuclear program, a threat which will not be alleviated by the nuclear deal currently being negotiated between the Islamic Republic and world powers, Netanyahu said. The sanctions relief the agreement offers, the prime minister said, would give Iran "no less than $150 billion," money it desperately needs.


Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Herzliya Conference (Photo: George Ginsburg)

"As soon as sanctions are removed, they will get hundreds of billions of dollars, which will bolster Iran's aggression," Netanyahu said. The prime minister also asserted that whether Iran breaks the agreement or not, it will still pose as a threat.

"Iran insists on not having real supervision because it is being left with the infrastructure to enrich uranium," enabling it to break the agreement, he said. On the other hand, if it does not break the agreement, "within 10-12 years it could build an infrastructure of hundreds of centrifuges, with international approval." Those centrifuges, the prime minister said, would be 25 times more effective than Tehran's existing centrifuges.

Another threat Iran poses is by arming its allies with advanced weapons, "some of which are aimed at us," Netanyahu said. A third threat is posed by Iran's ally Hezbollah, whose agents operate in over 30 countries around the world. Tehran also poses a cyber threat to Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia.

The fifth threat - Tehran produces advanced weaponry like drones, satellites and submarines. "Their work is impressive," Netanyahu said. "They take a project and finish it in record speed."

Meanwhile, the top US military officer, General Martin Dempsey, reassured Israeli officials that Washington would work to mitigate Iran-related risks, with or without a deal. Dempsey said that while Iran would likely spend some newfound resources gained from sanctions relief on its military and its surrogates,
the long-term prospects were "far better" with an Iran that wasn't a nuclear power.

Netanyahu warns of Iran's five-layered threat - Israel News, Ynetnews
Yeah I wouldn't be flattered. Its just a classic tactic from Sun Tzu's art of war: make your enemy look more stronger and dangerous than he is while making yourself look weak and harmless. There's a reason why israelis bring up the holohoax and the 6 billion "gassed" Jews every time they bomb Palestinian civilians. They are the victims after all, even when they are bombing women and children and occupying others land.
yes agreed... they are masters of making good look bad and right look wrong... they inherited this from their famous ancestors... he talks like it is Iran who already stock piled hundreds of nukes and not Israel....!!

and you,re right brother... Iran does not build neither submarines nor drones!!
yes agreed... they are masters of making good look bad and right look wrong... they inherited this from their famous ancestors... he talks like it is Iran who already stock piled hundreds of nukes and not Israel....!!
Not to mention they get free state of the art weapons from America and free state of the art nuclear missile capable submarines from Germany in addition to financial aid from all Western countries as well as holohoax reparations worth billions of German taxpayers money.

and you,re right brother... Iran does not build neither submarines nor drones!!
I'm sure Iran does, but like i said, make your enemy look more stronger, aggressive, and dangerous than he is. But one only has to look at history of the past 70 years to see who fits that description better.

israel possesses nuclear weapons but has the entire West concerned about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons threat to the world when Iran does not even have such aspirations to begin with.
the biggest joke of the whole worlds... one state who has formed by occupying other peoples' lands and is equipped with ready to-fire atomic bombs with an history of more than 6 or 7 wars in last 50 years preaches world to punish Iran who never had any atomic bombs and never invaded another state in more than 2.5 centuries!! we must be ashamed of such a world which is worse than jungles.....
the biggest joke of the whole worlds... one state who has formed by occupying other peoples' lands and is equipped with ready to-fire atomic bombs with an history of more than 6 or 7 wars in last 50 years preaches world to punish Iran who never had any atomic bombs and never invaded another state in more than 2.5 centuries!! we must be ashamed of such a world which is worse than jungles.....

What's even funnier is how many of our neighbors seem to support Israel...haha...that's really comedy.
yes agreed... they are masters of making good look bad and right look wrong... they inherited this from their famous ancestors... he talks like it is Iran who already stock piled hundreds of nukes and not Israel....!!

and you,re right brother... Iran does not build neither submarines nor drones!!

Israel has not a single one nuclear weapon.
Vanunu = Manning. Same type of psychological operation of their own state, same psychological profile of both.
what I feel is that Israel is going to attack on Iran with the help of GCC countries.. and might Israel uses their jets to strike on Iran same as we see Israeli jets in Yemen.. and now Israel is now going to get thousands of bunker buster bombs from US....
All of their domestic weapons are just regurgitated Russian/Chinese/North Koreans designs.

Bibi is just keeping the Americans on edge and talking up the Irani threat to make sure it's taken seriously.
sure sweet heart
Yeah I wouldn't be flattered. Its just a classic tactic from Sun Tzu's art of war: make your enemy look more stronger and dangerous than he is while making yourself look weak and harmless. There's a reason why israelis bring up the holohoax and the 6 billion "gassed" Jews every time they bomb Palestinian civilians. They are the victims after all, even when they are bombing women and children and occupying others land.

Beat me to it, running up to deal deadline. He will blow things out of proportion. All to divert the population at home/international community from a two state solution with the Palestinians. Iran itself barely poses any security threat to Israel. The only threat to Israel is persistence of the occupation.
All of their domestic weapons are just regurgitated Russian/Chinese/North Koreans designs.

Bibi is just keeping the Americans on edge and talking up the Irani threat to make sure it's taken seriously.

Tell me, which of these are regurgitated Russian/Chinese/North Koreans designs:

Sejill 2, 2700km ranged solid fuelled ballistic missile:


200km+ range surface to air missile:

Anti ship ballistic missile:

Anti radiation ballistic missile:


And these are just a small taste of Iranian capability. Next time, don't embarrass yourself by posting baseless nonsense. Saves you looking like a butthurt imbecile.
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"netanyahu: Iran insists on not having real supervision because it is being left with the infrastructure to enrich uranium,"
and israel let inspectors come to israel supervising their enrichment facilities and atomic bombs!!!
Yeah I wouldn't be flattered. Its just a classic tactic from Sun Tzu's art of war: make your enemy look more stronger and dangerous than he is while making yourself look weak and harmless. There's a reason why israelis bring up the holohoax and the 6 billion "gassed" Jews every time they bomb Palestinian civilians. They are the victims after all, even when they are bombing women and children and occupying others land.

And which part of his statement were not factual? What he stated was the reality and not attempts to make Iran look "stronger".
At least back your comment with technical facts instead of writing gibberish. Isrealis do not need to make Iran look stronger, the Americans would dance to their tunes regardless.
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You should stick to bleaching your skin so your white master might accept you more :lol:

Tell me, which of these are regurgitated Russian/Chinese/North Koreans designs:

Sejill 2, 2700km ranged solid fuelled ballistic missile:

200km+ range surface to air missile:

Anti ship ballistic missile:

Anti radiation ballistic missile:

And these are just a small taste of Iranian capability. You should stick to skin bleach products, that's where your speciality lies not in military matters :lol:
why don't u show photos of fateh and besat class submarines...



XXX Fateh Fateh 2011[4]
XXX Fateh Fateh 2015Iranian Warships



XXX Nahang Nahang 2006


Sahand Class Frigate:


ok, it is a very long list. There are hundreds of different Iranian built and designed weapons.... tens of different Radars... in all bands... from L., I, S, X bands to AESA phased Array radars.... Tens of different Iranian designed Missiles... many frigates... missile boats... submarines... any type of weapon down to small rifles and heavy subs....

If you really are after knowing the truth then you better check Iranian built and designed weapons here:

Equipment of the Iranian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and here:

List of military equipment manufactured in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Isrealis have usually not been reluctant to praise Iranian engineering prowess, just look at their missile experts such as Uzi Rubin etc.
He is not only making Iran look like a threat to them which is a propaganda war but for the first time admits that:

Tehran produces advanced weaponry like drones, satellites and submarines. "Their work is impressive," Netanyahu said. "They take a project and finish it in record speed."


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