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Netanyahu era comes to an end; Yesh Atid's leader Yair Lapid forms coalition

Well, at least they can elect and change their leaders. Cant say the same for poor Syrians who have been butchered and had their country destroyed just because one man called Assad and his dynasty don't want to cede power and will rather his whole country be destroyed/fracture than leave. lol
Funny thing is, this dictators often act as if they believe they are bigger than the country. lol

Here we go again.

I firstly must make it clear - i am no fan of Assad but he was democratically elected leader of Syria.
Google pictures before and after and decide if people were being butchered.

The western leaders who sponsored and backed ISIS created complete havoc and we witnessed people being butchered and heads severed - yet the likes of you insinuate Assad was the butcher. A leader where Christians and Muslims lived happily side by side - but you continue to flame untruths about the place being "destroyed" by Assad.
I think its lame and immature to throw in a lol when literally millions have suffered losses - all because the West wanted to "liberate Syria".

Netanyahu is perhaps the lowest form of human and clearly as a war crime specialist. I hope one day he is held accountable for his crimes against humanity.
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It's better that way

This government wouldn't last. There's no ideology behind it, everyone there contradicts everyone else. They just made this government in an attempt to throw off Netanyahu.

What's your take on Bennett? As an ulta-nationalist is he likely to be more violent than Netanyahu?
Here we go again.

I firstly must make it clear - i am no fan of Assad but he was democratically elected leader of Syria.
Google pictures before and after and decide if people were being butchered.

The western leaders who sponsored and backed ISIS created compete havoc and we witnessed people being butchered and heads severed - yet the likes of you insinuate Assad was the butcher. A leader where Christians and Muslims lived happily side by side - but you continue to flame untruths about the place being "destroyed" by Assad.
I think its lame and immature to throw in a lol when literally millions have suffered losses - all because the West wanted to "liberate Syria".

Netanyahu is perhaps the lowest form of human and clearly as a war crime specialist. I hope one day he is held accountable for his crimes against humanity.
Yes its all the fault of Assad. Nothing new there. Have heard that song for a long time now
Well, at least they can elect and change their leaders. Cant say the same for poor Syrians who have been butchered and had their country destroyed just because one man called Assad and his dynasty don't want to cede power and will rather his whole country be destroyed/fracture than leave. lol
Funny thing is, this dictators often act as if they believe they are bigger than the country. lol


You make some good points. However try to have a memory beyond 10 years.

Syria was never a problem for us prior Iraq. Things escalated rather quickly after that throughout the ME due to destabilisation. I also distinctly remember before we even heard of ISIS that the British armed forces were in Syria helping train opposition forces to Assad...I'm pretty sure these guys eventually became ISIS.

You make some good points. However try to have a memory beyond 10 years.

Syria was never a problem for us prior Iraq. Things escalated rather quickly after that throughout the ME due to destabilisation. I also distinctly remember before we even heard of ISIS that the British armed forces were in Syria helping train opposition forces to Assad...I'm pretty sure these guys eventually became ISIS.
Doesn't matter whether his people rose up because of the Arab spring or whatever was happening in the region. What matters is that they did, and he used military against his own people just to keep power, just like many other Arab dictators like Mubarak in Egypt, Al Bashir in Sudan, Muhammed Saleh in yemen, Gadaffi in Libya, Ben Ali of Tunisia etc etc . If the vast majority of the Egyptian military didn't refuse to shoot/kill their own people and take things into its own hands to topple Mubarak after seeing that the country was becoming even more instable/unpredictable, then I can guarantee you that Eygypt would have end up in the same situation as Syria and would have been fighting another civil war today with dire consequences and destruction of the whole country , and I'm sure there would also have been many blaming the West for that as well. Lol

You should know that at the beginning of the Syrians uprisings western powers didn't really care much about Syria to be honest. It was not a major country western powers considered that much, if anything many western powers actuallyhad good or atbleaat neutral ties with the Assad regime. Reason the response was initially muted from the West, until things started becoming really bad and untenable for them to turn a blind eye. Any sane leader that has even a little shred of love for his country would jave resigned and made sure a transitional government was formed to carry out some sort of election. Or even at least replaced him with someone abut more acceptable to both the opposition and regime figure. In fact many western leaders have resigned in the past for far smaller issues(just look at our leader David Cameron who resigned just because we voted to leave the E.U). Lol
The worse thing to do in such a brutal situation of a massive uprising is to try and stick to power as much as you can(especially when its just one man) and use any force necessary to maintain yourself in power. Just shows the level of selfishness and entitlement this despots have in them. They seem to see themselves as bigger than the country and as if they were born to rule a country Lol
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@denel how the heck is bennet better?
They are cut from the same cloth; master - protegy relationship.

But at least that dog is gone and may he spend some time behind bars or held for genocide.

can you imagine. he follows baba trumps narratives in castising the opposition as they stole the process.
How? Are they no competent civilians to run your country? Where is this "only democratic nation in ME" narrative coming from when all these PMs are basically extension of military establishment, being ex servicemen?
Because Israel is under constant threat, we need military personnel.
What's your take on Bennett? As an ulta-nationalist is he likely to be more violent than Netanyahu?
I liked Bennet. But he made a nasty political move that should be considered betraying his voters.
He is nationalistic but he just betrayed his ideals by joining in with Arab and left-wing parties.
This government won't last, Bibi will come back.
Naftali Bennett: ‘I’ve Killed Lots Of Arabs In My Life And There’s No Problem With That’

A former IDF officer, the right-wing Bennett briefly joined protesters against the decision to release prisoners. According to The Jewish Press, Bennett said, “Terrorists should be killed, not released.”
...Netanyahu is perhaps the lowest form of human and clearly as a war crime specialist -
"... Sabena Flight 571 was a scheduled passenger flight from Brussels to Lod via Vienna operated by the Belgian national airline, Sabena. On 8 May 1972 a Boeing 707 passenger aircraft operating that service, captained by British pilot Reginald Levy, DFC, was hijacked by four members of the Black September Organization, a Palestinian terrorist group... On 9 May 1972 at 4:00 p.m. the rescue operation began: a team of 16 Sayeret Matkal commandos, led by Ehud Barak and including Benjamin Netanyahu...Netanyahu was also wounded during the rescue -"

Netanyahu is the kind of "war crime specialist" who has specialized in defeating war criminals. If that makes him "perhaps the lowest form of human" then why should you value your own judgment?
Well, at least they can elect and change their leaders. Cant say the same for poor Syrians who have been butchered and had their country destroyed just because one man called Assad and his dynasty don't want to cede power and will rather his whole country be destroyed/fracture than leave. lol

Wonderful. So Assad should vacate his leadership and leave Syria into the hands of Western-government-created Syrian National Council ( Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood basically ) just like how the Western governments helped create Al Qaeda to destroy progressive Afghanistan in the 1980s and then left Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban.
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