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Need To Reexamine Roots Of Violence In Muslim Culture

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Need To Reexamine Roots Of Violence In Muslim Culture
Suicide Bombings, Beheadings Savagery

It is very difficult to separate the spread of particular kinds of violence in some human societies from the social, cultural and ‘moral’ roots of that violence. In fact, it is illogical to ignore the apparent willingness of more than few members of a particular society to commit violence, while at the same time interpret this general behavioral tendency toward acts of cruelty as only individual cases.

Each human culture produces its own brand of culture of violence, however; the most violent societies stand out.

Moreover, violence does not come from out of space, nor is it necessarily always imposed by foreign elements or executed by incontrollable supernatural forces: violence tends to originate in the quintessential predominant mental archetypes common in a particular human environment: sometimes violence derives from the fundamental social concepts of a particular society, from its established customs, its common individualistic behaviors and from a society’s usual reactions toward the outside world. For example, there are human societies which tend to be rather humane, more compassionate and more accepting toward difference.

There are certain societies which seem to be rather inhumane, uncompassionate and more rejecting toward racial, religious and cultural differences. Of course, one cannot generalize about a society’s social and psychological norms, however; when beheadings, suicide bombings against innocent people become gloried ‘heroic’ propensities; violence becomes a conspicuous cultural characteristic for some societies. No sane, compassionate and true Muslim condones suicide bombing, beheading of innocent victims. Such acts of savagery may not always originate in misinterpretation of some Quranic verses. Such barbarity derives from some individuals’ criminal inclination to cause as much harm against human civilization as possible.

For example, it is becoming extremely necessary to re-examine the roots of violence in some Islamic cultures. True Islam does not condone, nor does it endorse the destruction of innocent human lives. Yet, it is also becoming rather very simplistic to blame the spread of violence on misinterpretation of the Quran. The holy Quran is very clear about its objection of murder and carnage: it dictates that: “whosoever kills a human being, except (as punishment) for murder or for spreading corruption in the land, it shall be like killing all humanity; and whosoever saves a life, saves the entire human race” (Al-Ma’idah 32).

Therefore, if the basic values of Islam seem to advocate tolerance, peace and the protection of human life for Muslims, Jews, Christians and all non-Muslim innocent individuals, why then do some Muslims continue to call for the destruction of other innocent non- Muslims?! Unless, there are other hidden causes for the quite accurate predictability of religious or sectarian violence happening in some Islamic societies, nothing different can be proven.

We as Muslims need to re-examine the causes of what constitutes a historical propensity among some of us toward violence.


By: Khaled Aljenfawi
Need to reexamine roots of violence in Muslim culture
Islam began as a cult of violence and rebellion..it is impossible to separate islam from terrorism...both go hand in hand..

What an extremist you are Mr. Bozo

Islam and terrorism are not linked in anyway. The word terrorism was not in the English dictionary when Islam spread all over the world. Take for example Indonesia that huge country with huge Muslims population has never been invaded by Muslim army.

So much stupidity.:disagree:
What an extremist you are Mr. Bozo

Islam and terrorism are not linked in anyway. The word terrorism was not in the English dictionary when Islam spread all over the world. Take for example Indonesia that huge country with huge Muslims population has never been invaded by Muslim army.

So much stupidity.:disagree:

I reported his post. The moderators should not tolerate such speech and ban people immediately for it.
What an extremist you are Mr. Bozo

Islam and terrorism are not linked in anyway. The word terrorism was not in the English dictionary when Islam spread all over the world. Take for example Indonesia that huge country with huge Muslims population has never been invaded by Muslim army.

So much stupidity.:disagree:

Wasn't killing of Hazrat Usman (R.A) at the hands of muslims an act of terrorism?

Or the rebellion of Muawiya against the 4th pious Caliph Hazrat Ali (R.A)?

They were the companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) yet they indulged in such atrocities.!

I wonder if "misinterpretation of quran and sunnah" term existed back then also
What an extremist you are Mr. Bozo

Islam and terrorism are not linked in anyway. The word terrorism was not in the English dictionary when Islam spread all over the world. Take for example Indonesia that huge country with huge Muslims population has never been invaded by Muslim army.

So much stupidity.:disagree:

Islam was spread like jovial people like me ! :smokin:

Otherwise if @al-Hasani has had his way you either believe or he'd make a hydro-carbon by-product out of you & use it for his Doctoral Thesis in Chemical Engineering ! :blink:

Seriously Akhi I can't believe that Al-Hasani is engaged in higher studies in something like Chemical Engineering - :bad:

I remember when I was made to study all that Organic Chemistry, I could never get past the many types of ethyls & ethans & what not - Pure hell on Earth were those Chemistry classes for me ! :cray:

But I usually made them fun in the Lab periods where I broke a couple of burrettes here & a couple of pippettes there - Accidentally of course ! :ashamed:

So hows life treating you Legend ? :)

And what were you studying again, brother ? :what:

Wasn't killing of Hazrat Usman (R.A) at the hands of muslims an act of terrorism?

Or the rebellion of Muawiya against the 4th pious Caliph Hazrat Ali (R.A)?

They were the companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) yet they indulged in such atrocities.!

I wonder if "misinterpretation of quran and sunnah" term existed back then also

An assassination & a civil war are markedly different than acts of terrorism !
Wasn't killing of Hazrat Usman (R.A) at the hands of muslims an act of terrorism?

Or the rebellion of Muawiya against the 4th pious Caliph Hazrat Ali (R.A)?

They were the companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) yet they indulged in such atrocities.!

I wonder if "misinterpretation of quran and sunnah" term existed back then also

That is a different argument my dear brother. Islam doesn't encourage violence nor those events you mentioned were motivated by religion.
An assassination & a civil war are markedly different than acts of terrorism !

Terrorism is the systematic use of violence (terror) as a means of coercion for political purposes

Remind me again, Wasn't Hazrat Usman was killed for political purposes?
Which culture isnt violent,

Look at Europe for the last 2 thousand years

Cultures go though times of affluence and regress, its natural.

Weak cultures can disappear when this happens

The muslim world is a massive place, the muslim world population is a massive population and growing, We must strive to be better but not forget that in some cases a physical struggle is required
That is a different argument my dear brother. Islam doesn't encourage violence nor those events you mentioned were motivated by religion.

Not a different argument but interlinked. Doesn't Fitna of Hazrat Usman (R.A) killing is a precursor to the killing of Hazrat Hussain and Hassan (R.A) killings? and the division of Islam?

Khaarjities Used Quran as a mean to wage war against Hazrat Ali (R.A) and subsequent muslim empires. To this day, kharjities exist, I wonder if Violence doesn't exist in Islam then why Muslims dearly quote Quran and Sunnah for perpetuating Islam. I mean If Islaam and Quran is so clear, then why there are misinterpretations?
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Islam began as a cult of violence and rebellion..it is impossible to separate Islam from terrorism...both go hand in hand..
Bullshiet! Islam is not a particularity for being violent, all the religions went through the same process of mayhem...
Northern Island between catholic and protestant , 2000 years old and still going to this day...An in the state on the so called the chosen people, is still dealing with the weight of the Jewish orthodoxy on the society...Before you point your Pavlovian finger at Islam, glance at your mirror first!
Terrorism is the systematic use of violence (terror) as a means of coercion for political purposes
Remind me again, Wasn't Hazrat Usman was killed for political purposes?

Oh bhai there is terrorism & then there is terrorism; which is to say if that parochial definition is adhered to every war that man has ever fought was an act of terrorism for it involved the systematic use of violence as a means of coercing the other country or the other group to give-in because you had a political purpose behind it - Our Strategic Interests be met !

However, terrorism, in normal parlance isn't nearly defined in the same manner !

Hazrat Usman (RA) 's assassination was an assassination which is not anymore or less an act of terrorism than any other assassination that has ever happened in the world !

One might even classify Special Op Missions as Acts of Terrorism too by that logic !
Oh bhai there is terrorism & then there is terrorism; which is to say if that parochial definition is adhered to every war that man has ever fought was an act of terrorism for it involved the systematic use of violence as a means of coercing the other country or the other group to give-in because you had a political purpose behind it - Our Strategic Interests be met !

However, terrorism, in normal parlance isn't nearly defined in the same manner !

Hazrat Usman (RA) 's assassination was an assassination which is not anymore or less an act of terrorism than any other assassination that has ever happened in the world !

One might even classify Special Op Missions as Acts of Terrorism too by that logic !

And what was the reason for Hazrat Usman Assassination?
Islam was spread like jovial people like me ! :smokin:

Otherwise if @al-Hasani has had his way you either believe or he'd make a hydro-carbon by-product out of you & use it for his Doctoral Thesis in Chemical Engineering ! :blink:

Seriously Akhi I can't believe that Al-Hasani is engaged in higher studies in something like Chemical Engineering - :bad:

I remember when I was made to study all that Organic Chemistry, I could never get past the many types of ethyls & ethans & what not - Pure hell on Earth were those Chemistry classes for me ! :cray:

But I usually made them fun in the Lab periods where I broke a couple of burrettes here & a couple of pippettes there - Accidentally of course ! :ashamed:

LOl, me too I use to hate chemistry but now I'm in love with it. It is so interesting and somewhat entertaining.:P

@al-Hasani eyes are on Aramco for the high salary they pay.

So hows life treating you Legend ? :)

Life is going mate. how is yours?

And what were you studying again, brother ? :what:

Im doing anesthesiology my dear brother. If your nose is still bothering you don't hesitate.:rofl:

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