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Need supportive arguments for ISI

Same wikileaks says about ISI as well. I agree wikileaks are not too credible but then so does your statement.

It is not wikileaks saying that. It is the analysts saying that who were quoted by Guardian.

Agreed. However this again contradict Indian-hand theory. It is certainly not obvious by any angle.

Yes, by no means is Indian hand obvious.

Gross generalization to say it politely.

Perhaps not every Indian says it, but I'd wager at least majority of them do. What they don't realize is that they do exactly what they accuse others of doing.
guys ... thanks a lot for help. I got busy in some personal things so i could not keep up the thread.

To people, who suggested me to learn things on myself. I do try but then i get confuse what is authentic and what is not. Since i don't have leads for decent sites or documents where i can study these things. All i came across is propaganda against Pakistan.

Now, Few questions.

- I would like to ask why Lal Masjid was such a big massacre. Why ISI was not able to predict the amount of weaponry inside it? Can someone shed a little detail on it.

- Regarding Involvement of India into Pakistan as TTP. One of the arguments that i was giving was referring to the uncircumcised taliban's pictures. I am not sure how authentic were those. But besides that, is there any public evidence?

Lal Masjid was such a big massacre because the people in power in Islamabad and those in charge of police right before the incident were colluding with the Masjid and letting them illegally operate by turning a blind eye and do all kinds of illegal bad things like run their own death squad and police, kidnap kids and poor/orphans and brainwash them, etc. Not just Lal Masjid but with every Green, Blue, Black, Pink one as well our policies were to let these Mullahs run rampant as if they owned the country. We didn't know that the whole time they were stockpiling weapons and waiting to unleash it on normal Pakistanis who did not want to accept their views. A lot of innocents died it was a botched operation and a product of negligence, carelessness, ineptness, etc. We had to come at them with a hammer (army) because for dozens of years such people were sheltered and conditioned to power (Abdul Aziz and people like him)
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