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Need Help with running 1 mile in 7 minutes for ASF

If you're old enough to get a job you're old enough to go to the gym. Stop letting your mother treat you like a baby. Respect for parents is one thing, but sometimes you have to use your own logic. You are a grown man, at the peak of your youth, if you are not physically developing yourself now, you never will.

There is no short cut, no cure, no aid, only diet and exercise.

Tell us what is your current diet like and what exercise do you do?
I assume you have heard of the term "Na farmaan aulaad". The very term parents use to blackmail their children so my dear brother, I am also a victim of it.

Why not become a firefighter instead?
Because I don't want to

Not sy
Your profile is not helping ........ direct me to those posts ..... please
Not sure why this post is turning into a political BS
I assume you have heard of the term "Na farmaan aulaad". The very term parents use to blackmail their children so my dear brother, I am also a victim of it.

Because I don't want to

Not sy

Not sure why this post is turning into a political BS

Tell me about it....lol

Everyone else had wonderful sons, my mother had children doomed for hell. Funnily enough in our family the rules are for the older ones, not the younger ones. Things are better now, we've outgrown that phase.

A few basic tips;

1. Phase yourself into it. If you suddenly start eating 50% of what you normally do and start working out 3 times a day, you won't make it to the end of the week.

2. Cut out sweet things and snacks first. Try eggs for breakfast, fruit instead of snacks and a big green salad at the start of every meal. After a plate of salad you won't need to eat the extra chappati.

3. Set yourself new goals every week. Week 1, walk every day for 30 minutes. Week 2, walk twice a day for 20 minutes at a time, week 3, add 10 minutes, week 4, try to run until you are tired, then walk the rest.

4. Sprinting. Many people will tell you to run for an hour or a long time, and you will have to do that, but to build up the muscle in your legs and body, you need to sprint. It also makes your heart stronger, it's an intense exercise.

Next month once you've started a fitness routine, 4 evenings a week, do 6-8 50 metre sprints between two places. Run as fast as you can for 50 metres, walk back and then start again. Repeat 6-8 times - that is the entire workout. Mix this up with your long distance running.

Also defintely build up to working out 2 times a day. People who are fit are active all the time they can be.

Also as much as losing weight and running is important, you must build up muscle mass. Do half push ups, do exercises like plank, sit ups, you can google other "bodyweight strenth exercises", but in a couple of months time you need to start hitting a gym and lifting weights. Or buy some weights for home and try with them for a start.

Finally in 3-4 months time, if possible, start attending a boxing class. It will help with your fitness and good trainers and good gyms accomodate people of all sorts of different levels. It is not like the movie fight club.
take it from someone who had been on the overweight side of the scale for good 28 yrs.......I weighed 125 on the scale on Nov 2015, I was doing a mile in 15-16 mins, i would use the Nike app to keep track of distance & time......
in Jan 2016 i kicked started my diet along with walk, 14 months down this lane and I stood at 95kg & running the mile in 9 mins, still a long way to go.....everyone's body responds differently to the food..... but it depends on your routine......you need to take less calories and burn more.....

For Diet
1) first check what is your workout or activity routine, if you are sitting on your butt all day long then you need to take less then 1700 cals a day.....if you are a little active then you need to up this figure

2) install an app called "Myfitness pal" enter your food intake - good thing about this app is that it has our south asian dishes added to it so it will give you nutritional value on this......

3) take it slow, steady and easy, cut on your Carbs & Fat intake.....no paratha, no burger, no sugar, no dessert.....
i swear in the start of my routine, i ate Paratha after 4 months, a burger after 5-6 months i guess? you can take a chapati in dinner to ensure your stomach stays up strong once so return to normal diet......but just one...and on the alternative days......

4) drink green tea & water, as much as possible.....i would drink 5 cups a day :D .....no tea, Black Coffee no sugar - A big yes....Caffiene is good for fat burning.....so drink this in morning....

all in all just keep track of your calories.....
because my work involved mostly working outside, climbing stairs, a little bit sledge hammering & working in hot weather so my diet was like this :

Breakfast - a Tuna Sandwich with orange juice & an omelette.......
Lunch - boiled carrots, peas, chicken breast sometime add in the cauliflower, & brocili ---- sometime i would eat a giant bowl of red kidneybeans, onion, tomato, green chili and dressing to take...... don't starve yourself.....
dinner - a bowl of soup, a chapati and one grill item - chicken or beef

this is your diet -

The Exercise ---
at first install the Runtastic or Nike app on your phone and start tracking your distance & time.... try walking early morning when the air is fresh......practice taking long and deep breaths to increase lungs breathing capacity
as said above, start slow....if you have issues with walking then you need to go slow and try completing the distance first......aim for 3 kms daily walk ----
Personally even when i weighed at 125kg i would still be able to walk for hours - 6.4km in 1hr 11mins was my achievement & routine.....

If distance is no issue for you then you want to pick up the pace slowly....since you have been tracking your progress with app, you need to beat yourself......walk fast, if you run out of breath then slow done, don't stop and take deep breaths .....lower your pulse & heartbeat.....once achieved you want to pick up the pace again slowly.....

keep doing this.....i remember the day when i could not jog for more than 100 mtrs....then next day i jogged 300mtr, felt really proud of myself.....then next day i kept jogging without checking my phone , i made it as far as 600 mtr......few days latter i was able to jog for 1.6 miles.....and i achieved my personal best of 3.2 miles in 28 mins in a matter of few weeks.......

You need to show determination, you need dedication.....you need focus.......it is only easy if you make it easy.....it is not easy to sit in the company of friends who are munching on fries, burgers and roll pratahas and there you sit with just a glass of water.....oh btw cut the soft drinks too ----once a week- the diet ones....

to help build the stamina & breathing capacity i did a circuit excercise but this one came way to late - somewhere in the summer i started this......

1)do a single Squat, go down for a push up & end it with a sit up
2) get up again and do Two squats, two push ups & end it with two sit ups
3) with everytime you get up you increase it by single digit & go all the way to 10...once you are at 10, & feel tired then stop....if you can do then you want to keep moving down like 9 squats 9 pushups 9 chin ups....bring it back to 1 squat & you are done.....this way in a matter of 10 - 15 mins you are doing 100 push ups, 100 squats 100 sit ups

Assalamu alaikum.

I want to join ASF (Airports Security force) next year but the problem is that I weigh 111 Kg and I am losing the weight by the grace of Allah so I am confident that I'll be fit to join the next year but the problem is that I can't run a mile in 7 let alone 10 minutes. I'll run out of breath easily and I also can't do push ups. So I need tips from experts on how can I do the above mentioned things which will enable me to join up next year.
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you are mistaken brother --- ASI is not an officer cadre....it is a junior rank like Sipahi - solider.....
if you have 16 yrs of education then you are looking at DAD - Deputy Assistant Director or Inspector -- that is the Platoon commander ---- otherwise the actual Officer cadre starts at Assistant Director - BPS 17 scale ---- that is like Lt. / Capt in the army.....
Want to lose weight stop taking sugar, especially sugary drinks, they are poison. Normally people advise to avoid cooking oil, ghee, butter etc. but sugar is the real enemy, silent killer, sweet death.

take it from someone who had been on the overweight side of the scale for good 28 yrs.......I weighed 125 on the scale on Nov 2015, I was doing a mile in 15-16 mins, i would use the Nike app to keep track of distance & time......
in Jan 2016 i kicked started my diet along with walk, 14 months down this lane and I stood at 95kg & running the mile in 9 mins, still a long way to go.....everyone's body responds differently to the food..... but it depends on your routine......you need to take less calories and burn more.....

For Diet
1) first check what is your workout or activity routine, if you are sitting on your butt all day long then you need to take less then 1700 cals a day.....if you are a little active then you need to up this figure

2) install an app called "Myfitness pal" enter your food intake - good thing about this app is that it has our south asian dishes added to it so it will give you nutritional value on this......

3) take it slow, steady and easy, cut on your Carbs & Fat intake.....no paratha, no burger, no sugar, no dessert.....
i swear in the start of my routine, i ate Paratha after 4 months, a burger after 5-6 months i guess? you can take a chapati in dinner to ensure your stomach stays up strong once so return to normal diet......but just one...and on the alternative days......

4) drink green tea & water, as much as possible.....i would drink 5 cups a day :D .....no tea, Black Coffee no sugar - A big yes....Caffiene is good for fat burning.....so drink this in morning....

all in all just keep track of your calories.....
because my work involved mostly working outside, climbing stairs, a little bit sledge hammering & working in hot weather so my diet was like this :

Breakfast - a Tuna Sandwich with orange juice & an omelette.......
Lunch - boiled carrots, peas, chicken breast sometime add in the cauliflower, & brocili ---- sometime i would eat a giant bowl of red kidneybeans, onion, tomato, green chili and dressing to take...... don't starve yourself.....
dinner - a bowl of soup, a chapati and one grill item - chicken or beef

this is your diet -

The Exercise ---
at first install the Runtastic or Nike app on your phone and start tracking your distance & time.... try walking early morning when the air is fresh......practice taking long and deep breaths to increase lungs breathing capacity
as said above, start slow....if you have issues with walking then you need to go slow and try completing the distance first......aim for 3 kms daily walk ----
Personally even when i weighed at 125kg i would still be able to walk for hours - 6.4km in 1hr 11mins was my achievement & routine.....

If distance is no issue for you then you want to pick up the pace slowly....since you have been tracking your progress with app, you need to beat yourself......walk fast, if you run out of breath then slow done, don't stop and take deep breaths .....lower your pulse & heartbeat.....once achieved you want to pick up the pace again slowly.....

keep doing this.....i remember the day when i could not jog for more than 100 mtrs....then next day i jogged 300mtr, felt really proud of myself.....then next day i kept jogging without checking my phone , i made it as far as 600 mtr......few days latter i was able to jog for 1.6 miles.....and i achieved my personal best of 3.2 miles in 28 mins in a matter of few weeks.......

You need to show determination, you need dedication.....you need focus.......it is only easy if you make it easy.....it is not easy to sit in the company of friends who are munching on fries, burgers and roll pratahas and there you sit with just a glass of water.....oh btw cut the soft drinks too ----once a week- the diet ones....

to help build the stamina & breathing capacity i did a circuit excercise but this one came way to late - somewhere in the summer i started this......

1)do a single Squat, go down for a push up & end it with a sit up
2) get up again and do Two squats, two push ups & end it with two sit ups
3) with everytime you get up you increase it by single digit & go all the way to 10...once you are at 10, & feel tired then stop....if you can do then you want to keep moving down like 9 squats 9 pushups 9 chin ups....bring it back to 1 squat & you are done.....this way in a matter of 10 - 15 mins you are doing 100 push ups, 100 squats 100 sit ups
Assalamu alaikum.

I want to join ASF (Airports Security force) next year but the problem is that I weigh 111 Kg and I am losing the weight by the grace of Allah so I am confident that I'll be fit to join the next year but the problem is that I can't run a mile in 7 let alone 10 minutes. I'll run out of breath easily and I also can't do push ups. So I need tips from experts on how can I do the above mentioned things which will enable me to join up next year.
how old are you? you need to bring your weight below 100 kg
go easy on carbohydrates. dont cut them out completely but do the following

drink a lot. water, tea or juice
have small meals, reduce roti/ chawal and bakery stuff
run second day not every day. give rest to your legs
time your running start slow and build up pace. time your running
get good running shoes, no compromise, they should fit you like a glove and must be comfy
watch video of marathon runners. they run differently than sprinters less jumping keep feet closer to ground. it reduces stress on feet
breathe with mouth open and breathe through your stomach, read more on breathing techniques. they will increase your endurance.
dont think about how long you got to go but make small targets as you run and concentrate on how much you done already while running.
having good motivation music might help but if islam is in danger then you can choose refreshing sermons from Maa di siri as well.

most important is that you must worm up before running. or you will screw your self. do star jumping stretching pulling
i am in my 50s i weighed over 100kg and restarted running . now i am doing 5k every other day in 20 mins.
i aim to do 10k under an hour in next 6 months and bring up the pace. currently it is 9 & half minutes to under ten minutes a mile. it is beginner pace and if you are under 30 year old then its nothing.

get off your behind and get going.

I support her argument
you dont need gym for what you need

you need diet control, plenty of water and a running place with a lot of punctuality and will power

Well unfortunately my mother doesn't let me go to gym because she believes that its waste of time and study so Gym is not an option

For weight Loss:

Start cycling. When you get down around 90-95 Kg, then start jogging. Dont run yet. If you run at 111 KG, you are exerting pressure on your knees un necessarily.
Also remember that cycling is a great way to build stamina before running.
i agree, his weight is a concern. this is why whenever he goes to running he will hurt his feet and legs.
brisk walking maybe better option to bring weight down under 100 kg
he might not have suitable cycling track.
Assalamu alaikum.

I want to join ASF (Airports Security force) next year but the problem is that I weigh 111 Kg and I am losing the weight by the grace of Allah so I am confident that I'll be fit to join the next year but the problem is that I can't run a mile in 7 let alone 10 minutes. I'll run out of breath easily and I also can't do push ups. So I need tips from experts on how can I do the above mentioned things which will enable me to join up next year.


Seems like you need focused cardio and stamina training. I can help with this, I do a lot of cardio as part of my job in the U.K and we follow a structured plan before joining, but you have not mentioned if you need to do any press up's, Sit 'up, Pull up or any strength tests like drag/carry/lift or agility?

The plan I have set below is for Cardio only and will help build your running stamina and recovery, before we start on the plan here are a few things:

1. Medical: Do you have any existing medical conditions that may become worse due to strenious workouts like running, I am talking about Asthma/Cardio Vascular Problems, Blackout's, Epilepsy etc, if so please speak to you doctor before starting a fitness program

2. Footfall, what shoes do you wear when you run? If you wear trainers please make sure they are comfortable fitting, not loose, not tight, when you start running always do a stretch pre and post run here is a video of a good stretch:

3. Hydration: If you are running in Pakistan, please take plenty of water and avoid running in the afternoon or whenever the sun is at it's peak. Drink lots of water and put a pinch of salt in your water bottle to replace the lost salts due to sweating.

4. Correct posture for running: When you run always keep your head up, avoid putting your head down as this places pressure on the trachea (wind pipe) and reduces air flow to your lungs, breathe in with your nose and out of your mouth, if you breathe in with your mouth this is inefficient and you will hyperventilate and get tired quicker.

When you run, have your hands just above your waist, to the side of your body, when you run swing your shoulders from side to side with each movement, this allows more air to enter and exit the lungs and stops unnecessary contraction of the diaphragm which results on pain under the chest during/after running.

4. Rotate the leading leg, when you finish your exercise you will feel once of your calves is more tender/painful then the other, this is your lead/dominant leg, make sure to pay close attention to massaging this during your rest day and try to lead with your other leg next time and repeat :).

5. Get a stop watch or app on your phone to time your runs, you can use Strava/Irun/MyfitnessPal etc

6. Try to run on tarmac and avoid treadmills as they do not offer the same level or resistance as running on the road/hard surface.

7. DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - the pain you get in your muscles, if not particularly painful can be overcome with massage and heat spray and painkillers(consult your doc before taking any meds).

8. ITBS: Iliotibial Band Syndrome and Knee pain: If after a few runs you get pain on the outside of your knee from your hip to you shin bone, this could tightening of your ITBS, you can massage this by laying the painful knee and high muscle on a tennis ball and sliding the thigh and knee along the ball. If the pain doesn't stop or cannot be managed with pain killers, consult a doctor.

Here is your 16 week cardio workout. Best of luck with your application, all I will say is Cardio is great but don't forget upper and lower body exercises!!! :).

Level 1
Week 1
Day 1
Walk-jog for 20 minutes jog for 2min, walk for 2min, etc

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 30sec, rest for 2 minutes, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Walk-jog for 20 minutes (walk for 1min, jog for 3min, repeat 5 times)

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 20-30 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-20min

Week 2

Day 1
Walk-jog for 20 minutes walk for 1min, jog for 3min, etc

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 40 sec, rest for 2 minutes, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Walk-jog for 20 minutes jog for 4min, walk for 1min, repeat 4 times

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 20-30 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-20min

Week 3
Day 1
Jog for 20 minutes (jog for 5min, rest for 1min, etc)

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 1 minute, run slowly for 2min, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Walk-jog for 15 minutes

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 25-35 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-25min

Week 4
Day 1
Jog for 15 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 1 minutes, run slowly for 1min, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Brisk walk for 25-35 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-25min

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment
1.5-mile timed run

Level 2
Week 5

Day 1
Steady run for 18 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-20min

Week 6
Day 1
Steady run for 20 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 7
Day 1
Steady run for 20 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 12min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 8
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 12min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Brisk walk-run for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment

1.5-mile timed run

Level 3
Week 9

Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 14min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 10
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 14min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Circuit training: 3 x 15 of each exercise (see below for list)
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 25-30min

Week 11
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 16min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 12
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 16min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Brisk walk/run for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment
1.5-mile timed run

Level 4
Week 13

Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate runing hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2 and 3 minutes (12min in total)
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 25-35min

Week 14
Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate running hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2 and 3 minutes
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-35min

Week 15

Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate running hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2,3,2 and 1 minute (18min in total)
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min

Week 16

Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes
Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate running hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2,3,2 and 1 minute
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Brisk walk/run for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment
1.5-mile timed run
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Seems like you need focused cardio and stamina training. I can help with this, I do a lot of cardio as part of my job in the U.K and we follow a structured plan before joining, but you have not mentioned if you need to do any press up's, Sit 'up, Pull up or any strength tests like drag/carry/lift or agility?

The plan I have set below is for Cardio only and will help build your running stamina and recovery, before we start on the plan here are a few things:

1. Medical: Do you have any existing medical conditions that may become worse due to strenious workouts like running, I am talking about Asthma/Cardio Vascular Problems, Blackout's, Epilepsy etc, if so please speak to you doctor before starting a fitness program

2. Footfall, what shoes do you wear when you run? If you wear trainers please make sure they are comfortable fitting, not loose, not tight, when you start running always do a stretch pre and post run here is a video of a good stretch:

3. Hydration: If you are running in Pakistan, please take plenty of water and avoid running in the afternoon or whenever the sun is at it's peak. Drink lots of water and put a pinch of salt in your water bottle to replace the lost salts due to sweating.

4. Correct posture for running: When you run always keep your head up, avoid putting your head down as this places pressure on the trachea (wind pipe) and reduces air flow to your lungs, breathe in with your nose and out of your mouth, if you breathe in with your mouth this is inefficient and you will hyperventilate and get tired quicker.

When you run, have your hands just above your waist, to the side of your body, when you run swing your shoulders from side to side with each movement, this allows more air to enter and exit the lungs and stops unnecessary contraction of the diaphragm which results on pain under the chest during/after running.

4. Rotate the leading leg, when you finish your exercise you will feel once of your calves is more tender/painful then the other, this is your lead/dominant leg, make sure to pay close attention to massaging this during your rest day and try to lead with your other leg next time and repeat :).

5. Get a stop watch or app on your phone to time your runs, you can use Strava/Irun/MyfitnessPal etc

6. Try to run on tarmac and avoid treadmills as they do not offer the same level or resistance as running on the road/hard surface.

7. DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - the pain you get in your muscles, if not particularly painful can be overcome with massage and heat spray and painkillers(consult your doc before taking any meds).

8. ITBS: Iliotibial Band Syndrome and Knee pain: If after a few runs you get pain on the outside of your knee from your hip to you shin bone, this could tightening of your ITBS, you can massage this by laying the painful knee and high muscle on a tennis ball and sliding the thigh and knee along the ball. If the pain doesn't stop or cannot be managed with pain killers, consult a doctor.

Here is your 16 week cardio workout. Best of luck with your application, all I will say is Cardio is great but don't forget upper and lower body exercises!!! :).

Level 1
Week 1
Day 1
Walk-jog for 20 minutes jog for 2min, walk for 2min, etc

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 30sec, rest for 2 minutes, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Walk-jog for 20 minutes (walk for 1min, jog for 3min, repeat 5 times)

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 20-30 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-20min

Week 2

Day 1
Walk-jog for 20 minutes walk for 1min, jog for 3min, etc

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 40 sec, rest for 2 minutes, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Walk-jog for 20 minutes jog for 4min, walk for 1min, repeat 4 times

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 20-30 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-20min

Week 3
Day 1
Jog for 20 minutes (jog for 5min, rest for 1min, etc)

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 1 minute, run slowly for 2min, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Walk-jog for 15 minutes

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 25-35 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-25min

Week 4
Day 1
Jog for 15 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-minute warm-up
Run fast for 1 minutes, run slowly for 1min, repeat 5 times
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
Brisk walk for 25-35 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-25min

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment
1.5-mile timed run

Level 2
Week 5

Day 1
Steady run for 18 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 15-20min

Week 6
Day 1
Steady run for 20 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 7
Day 1
Steady run for 20 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 12min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 8
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 12min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Brisk walk-run for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment

1.5-mile timed run

Level 3
Week 9

Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 14min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 10
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 14min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Circuit training: 3 x 15 of each exercise (see below for list)
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 25-30min

Week 11
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 16min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 20-25min

Week 12
Day 1
Steady run for 25-30 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, continue for 16min
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Brisk walk/run for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment
1.5-mile timed run

Level 4
Week 13

Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate runing hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2 and 3 minutes (12min in total)
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 25-35min

Week 14
Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate running hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2 and 3 minutes
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-35min

Week 15

Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes

Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate running hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2,3,2 and 1 minute (18min in total)
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Run hard for 1 minute, recover for 1 min, repeat for 10min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7
Brisk walk for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min

Week 16

Day 1
Steady run for 30-40 minutes
Day 2
Rest day

Day 3
10-15 minute warm-up
Alternate running hard, then recovering, for intervals of 1,2,3,2 and 1 minute
10-minute cool-down

Day 4
Rest day

Day 5
10-minute warm-up
Brisk walk/run for 30-40 minutes or go swimming, cycling or rowing for 30-40min
10-minute cool-down

Day 6
Rest day

Day 7: fitness assessment
1.5-mile timed run

hands down by far the best exercise advise I have seen so far. thanks for the effort for compiling and sharing
Assalamu alaikum.

I want to join ASF (Airports Security force) next year but the problem is that I weigh 111 Kg and I am losing the weight by the grace of Allah so I am confident that I'll be fit to join the next year but the problem is that I can't run a mile in 7 let alone 10 minutes. I'll run out of breath easily and I also can't do push ups. So I need tips from experts on how can I do the above mentioned things which will enable me to join up next year.
who uses miles! It is kilometers man.
Find a stadium and climb it from bottom up; start 5 x and graduate it to 10-15. go up walking; then start increasing the tempo. Also altitude makes a difference. I trained here we are blessed with huge huge hills and cross country is best.
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