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Nearly 370,000 kids 'will miss' fresh polio drive

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Nearly 370,000 kids 'will miss' fresh polio drive
Published: May 26, 2014

PESHAWAR: Pakistan launched a fresh polio vaccination drive in the tribal areas Monday, but officials warned that nearly 370,000 children are likely to miss out because of security problems.

At the start of May the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global “public health emergency” after new polio cases began surfacing and spreading across borders from countries including Pakistan.

Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal areas along the Afghan border are the epicentre of the country’s polio cases and the government has set up checkpoints to ensure anyone leaving the belt is immunised.

A three-day vaccination drive began on Monday in four tribal areas, a senior government official in Peshawar told reporters, with more than 620,000 youngsters on course to receive polio drops.

But the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, warned that children in three of the four targeted areas “would not be able to receive polio drops because of the militancy and opposition to the immunisation”.

Violence has badly hampered the campaign to stamp out polio in Pakistan, where militant groups with strongholds in tribal areas, including the Pakistani Taliban, see vaccination campaigns as a cover for espionage.

“A total of 369,039 in three districts would not receive polio drops because of the law and order situation,” the official said.

The three districts in question are North Waziristan, South Waziristan and Mohmand, the official said. Part of the fourth district, Khyber, would also be affected.

Pakistan is one of only three countries where the crippling disease remains endemic, and is responsible for 80 percent of polio cases diagnosed around the world this year.

Some 56 people including health workers and police officials providing security have been killed in militant attacks on polio vaccination teams in Pakistan since December 2012.

There are also long-running rumours about polio drops causing infertility.

Two senior health officials confirmed the latest drive and figures and told AFP that WHO and UNICEF was helping and providing logistic support in the polio campaign.
so sad! I hope the bastards brainwashing the parents of such kids die...it would do them better than to have parents "protecting" the kids from something good!
so sad! I hope the bastards brainwashing the parents of such kids die...it would do them better than to have parents "protecting" the kids from something good!

I don't want to even imagine or say but just for the sake of logical discussion a carpet bombing on FATA/Tribal would be better so no more children are crippled for the rest of lives they would better in next life than this miserable life.

We cannot blame US alone but the locals are also ignorant and for many reasons one of them is men are only good for fking to have lots of kids but taking them to hospitals they snub their women folks literally that "nothing will happen" and bang the next few months they find the child is crippled or dead due to other diseases. I'm afraid no provincial or federal government can fix such a problem it is now out of control even in Punjab the other day polio workers were beaten.

My primary fingers would point towards MMA mullah provincial government as Musharraf's coalition partners that is the time when polio actually started to spread and swat was full of terrorists plus the US controversial secretive program. The damage done to reverse will take Ages to educate masses although media shows Ads but we see more noon league Ads than polio Ads. Very regretful and worsening situation that needs to be addressed on International level but Pakistan gov is actually not cooperating except for KPK.
I don't want to even imagine or say but just for the sake of logical discussion a carpet bombing on FATA/Tribal would be better so no more children are crippled for the rest of lives they would better in next life than this miserable life.

We cannot blame US alone but the locals are also ignorant and for many reasons one of them is men are only good for fking to have lots of kids but taking them to hospitals they snub their women folks literally that "nothing will happen" and bang the next few months they find the child is crippled or dead due to other diseases. I'm afraid no provincial or federal government can fix such a problem it is now out of control even in Punjab the other day polio workers were beaten.

My primary fingers would point towards MMA mullah provincial government as Musharraf's coalition partners that is the time when polio actually started to spread and swat was full of terrorists plus the US controversial secretive program. The damage done to reverse will take Ages to educate masses although media shows Ads but we see more noon league Ads than polio Ads. Very regretful and worsening situation that needs to be addressed on International level but Pakistan gov is actually not cooperating except for KPK.
I wish we could just eliminate these Mullah idiots! Seriously they have lived passed their purpose!

I mean it is times like this we need a fatwah but halwah puri bearded baboons are silent!
I wish we could just eliminate these Mullah idiots! Seriously they have lived passed their purpose!

I mean it is times like this we need a fatwah but halwah puri bearded baboons are silent!

Mullahs are busy in mahfils I am puzzled that there were no such things of so lavish religious mahfils in the times of Prophet P.B.U.H and 200 years after him this is innovation...you won't even find a proper fatwah wala Molana sahib. The only language is those who oppose Islamic state's orders should be executed, look at how good Ottoman Empire was.
Mullahs are busy in mahfils I am puzzled that there were no such things of so lavish religious mahfils in the times of Prophet P.B.U.H and 200 years after him this is innovation...you won't even find a proper fatwah wala Molana sahib. The only language is those who oppose Islamic state's orders should be executed, look at how good Ottoman Empire was.
Yea....Halwah puri it is!!

Mahfils were never meant to be lavish...Prophet always only said a prayer and never sang or did all this "rasm" when his sahabah...his beloved uncles (Abu Talib and Hamza) died..I mean if this was the case, I think prophet would have set an example by doing similar things as to what people do now adays back in the times for his uncles (just to set an example)
Yea....Halwah puri it is!!

Mahfils were never meant to be lavish...Prophet always only said a prayer and never sang or did all this "rasm" when his sahabah...his beloved uncles (Abu Talib and Hamza) died..I mean if this was the case, I think prophet would have set an example by doing similar things as to what people do now adays back in the times for his uncles (just to set an example)

Exactly! They better spend that money on charity/zakat instead of Mahfils...ever switch to ARMY QTV you'll be shocked at the stage the money spend on stage could have been given to remote villages in Sindh as the channel is from Sindh.

I am just frustrated at Federal Gov they are not interested in resolving problems of polio and measles, dengue and other problems that are alarmingly spreading but gladly spends on family Trips.
Exactly! They better spend that money on charity/zakat instead of Mahfils...ever switch to ARMY QTV you'll be shocked at the stage the money spend on stage could have been given to remote villages in Sindh as the channel is from Sindh.

I am just frustrated at Federal Gov they are not interested in resolving problems of polio and measles, dengue and other problems that are alarmingly spreading but gladly spends on family Trips.
I hate that stupid channel! all they do is sing naats! Where the heck did Prophet sing? I mean I dont mind praises and all but sometimes the naat says some weird stuff which really irks me!

Family trips and 10 for me 0.5 for you was supposed to be expected!
Mullahs are busy in mahfils I am puzzled that there were no such things of so lavish religious mahfils in the times of Prophet P.B.U.H and 200 years after him this is innovation...you won't even find a proper fatwah wala Molana sahib. The only language is those who oppose Islamic state's orders should be executed, look at how good Ottoman Empire was.

This is the holy month of Rajab. Yesterday I attened th Mahfil of Miraj un Nabi AS.

We had lots of kids who have all been vaccinated against Polio. And we were all reciting

as salat wa salam alaikya YA RASOOL ALLAH
Even some african countries are free of polio and these stupid instead of resolving problems blame west and whomever comes to mind this is getting ridiculous, the latest news is Fed Gov would not provide funds to KPK for polio drive so KPK will be getting loans for it from other sources.
I hate that stupid channel! all they do is sing naats! Where the heck did Prophet sing? I mean I dont mind praises and all but sometimes the naat says some weird stuff which really irks me!

Family trips and 10 for me 0.5 for you was supposed to be expected!

what they sing on QTV is sung by the vast majority of Muslims in Pakistan, who are Sufi Sunnis and Shia
This is the holy month of Rajab. Yesterday I attened th Mahfil of Miraj un Nabi AS.

We had lots of kids who have all been vaccinated against Polio. And we were all reciting

as salat wa salam alaikya YA RASOOL ALLAH

Thankyou for replying could you give me the Hadith where Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H and after him Sahabas R.A celebrated mehfils on specific dates and special days...I do know about Ramadan but other days.

Also find me a fatwa that these are not bidah.
Even some african countries are free of polio and these stupid instead of resolving problems blame west and whomever comes to mind this is getting ridiculous, the latest news is Fed Gov would not provide funds to KPK for polio drive so KPK will be getting loans for it from other sources.

In Canada, we are building a New mosque in Oakville, the GTA.

It is the mosque of Shah Ahmad Noorani rahmatuAllah alaih

in sha Allah, there will be a mahfil of Shab e Baraat on the 15th of Sha'baan there.

This was aired in New York.
what they sing on QTV is sung by the vast majority of Muslims in Pakistan, who are Sufi Sunnis and Shia
I dont categorize nor care...I listen to naats in English coz I know what they mean...I see some swinging with the naat and when asked to translate (my Urdu aint great and I get totally lost when Persian words come in) you would be surprised how many a times prophet is raised to a status that one can go Astaghfirullah about!

Why even sing such things and not do what the Prophet did? Nafl + Zikir?
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