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Naya Pakistan: News and Developments

The first few minutes of the following video are enough to understand the propaganda wave in media against Asad Umar.

Ask yourself, who are the ones shouting against the corrective measures made by his economic team against PMLNs approved fudged and fake figures budget? Are they not the most affected affluent ones crying croc tears for poor when it is they themselves who are hit the most by increased taxes instead of the poor?

A must watch for economic out look of current financial year:

@PakSword your views?
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PTI making waves despite the young age of its Government in power. Still there is never a dull moment and always something going on that sets the tone. Sadly for the corrupt's toe lickers, Nawaz Sharif is no longer relevant.

Hukoomat abhee ghutnay chalna seekh rahi hay...Kharay hotay time lagay ga...

People easily forget that the experienced Nawaz Sharif admittedly took more than 3 months to sort his head from tail in 2013 after becoming PM yet again and for the third time...

Yes sir, his first speech to the nation on Tele after coming into power was more than 3 months after winning May 2013 elections, and only appeared on the tele for the first speech as PM on 20th August 2013.
Fawad sahib not completely impressed by your cosmetic talk.Doing a press talk on gaining a few million grants is not worthy of a federal ministers time.I just wish good luck to this govt who apparently seems devoid of the ideological zealots(non lotas) to run the realm of affairs.
Hukoomat abhee ghutnay chalna seekh rahi hay...Kharay hotay time lagay ga...

The new Government is learning to crawl...It will take some time to start walking...

Hmmm... ideological zealots like Bilawal or perhaps Maryam Nawaz? The infant death count due to malnutrition this year in Thar was beyond 400 last I checked but it dwarfs in the resonance of Bilawal's great ideological speech in Parliament and Maryam probably still does not have any property in London leave alone Pakistan or so says "suddenly Nooni" Senator and closest adviser, Mushahid Hussain Syed.

People like Fawad Chaudhry thrive in every political Party because they are aggressive media managers.

I think the core of PTI is still very strong and ideological compared to anything else on the political horizon of Pakistan even beyond visual range.
Naya Pakistan for PTI and Naya Dhanda for the corrupt's toe lickers in media...

The not so latest business but with a new zeal, is to malign anything and everything PTI government and the judiciary in media and the reward is fat cheques and choice real estate from economic terrorists and property tycoons who are feeling the heat due to the anti corruption drive and stance of the new Government.

Again, I wonder why only "anti state terrorists" but never "anti state economic terrorists" make it to the missing persons list for the benefit of the exchequers...

Always in the history of Pakistan "Qanoon" is only applicable on the poor victims as in Awam but mostly its wrath never reaches the affluent corrupt and the filthy rich...
While there is a considerable section of the media who are out to malign the New Government, there are those who are pointing out the obvious chinks in the armor of PTI. It really is sad to see that PTI's media managers are still not up to the mark in handling media as they should and sweeping everyone, so to speak, with the same broom.

People like Fawad Chaudhry are aggressive media managers but that does not mean that they are not committing gigantic blunders since coming into power and then trying to make a stand for it, like the maneka saga, instead of realizing their mistake and making amends. Fawad more so as his ill thought out, loud mouth shenanigans about helicopter travel have become an embarrassing legend for life in its self.

Its sad to see that instead of taking and talking about practical steps, people like Fawad are reduced to making speeches like their predecessors.

The only positive steps are coming from the ideological core of PTI, People like Dr.Yasmeen and Murad Ras in Punjab and Asad Umar and Imran Khan himself are 24/7 at work but all we hear mostly are helicopter, Luxury cars and Buffalow tales. A sad state of affairs for Fawad Chaudhry who had to speak profanities in Parliament to make himself be heard and remain relevant in NEWS...For a media manager, this indeed speaks volumes of his failure to project the unprecedented positive work being done by PTI as I write and in just the first few weeks of power.

If Fawad Chaudhry cannot take constructive criticism or even personal and keep calm then he should be delegated legal duties instead of Media.


Self Explanatory:

Fakhar DurraniVerified account

Investigative Journalist at The News Jang Group, Fellow @ICFJ, @Chevening. Views expressed in tweets are personal. RTS not an endorsement.

Saad Rafique claims that Mansha Bum had links with IK, lol...If it is true than why Punjab Governmnet overlooked the property grabbed by Mansha right under the nose of PMLN Government in the heart of Lahore???
Why there was no action against Mansha Bum during Shahbaz Sharifs 10 year rule???

Why Mansha Bum is under persecution in PTI's Government and his grabbed property is being reclaimed if he knew Imran Khan personally???

On the Other hand, we see PNLN leaders getting exposed as in Khawaja Saad and Salman Rafique as well as none other than Danial Aziz the loud mouth mooto gang of PMLN:

After China's friendly advice that Pakistan needs to take harsh steps to rebuild the country's economic condition, the Government has decided to go to the IMF for an economic bailout package.

Here is Asad Umar trying to sugar coat the sour pill that could no longer be avoided:

Knock Knock

Whose there.


Which one new ya old?

Pen di Siri dishooon dishoon
Who comes up with this trash?

Ok sure-Bushra Maneka is an ET/interdimensional being here to carry on with the yahudi sazesh

crazy people
This poor woman raise too many allegation against her personal life in last interview with Nadeem Malik.
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Knock Knock

Whose there.


Which one new ya old?

Pen di Siri dishooon dishoon

It is a rotten to the core system with an equally rotten economy soldout to the chinese already by PMLN.

We are truly beggers trying to appear as if we are choosers....
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