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Done, also I used to have Asad Umer and Dr. Andleeb Abbas email addresses under TRP, don't know if they are still active or not.. I've however sent a CC to both.. Asad Umer must be busy as hell due to his election campaign.

Good. I wanted to CC other PTI Officials in the email but couldn't find their email addresses anywhere apart from that of General Secretary.

lets try not to disturb the central PTI, who dont have any say in KPK govt. lets target KPK representatives on facebook and twitter and through emails.

PTI bhi bhatta leti he? :cheesy:
Patrwaris replaced in Peshawar

The local district administration on Friday ordered a massive reshuffle of the patwaris, dislodging some well-connected and well-entrenched officials lording over some of the most lucrative areas.

In the first installment of the reshuffle by the deputy commissioner, Peshawar, 79 patwaris were transferred and posted.

Deputy commissioner Zaheerul Islam said more transfers would follow.

A senior official said the transfers involved five to six most influential groups of patwaris, one of them so well-known that his name once figured during a cabinet meeting in the ANP-led government to the embarrassment of the then chief minister.

The patwari known to have wielded tremendous power and influence and lorded over the most lucrative post in Peshawar remained unchallenged. Many past attempts to dislodge him had proved to be futile.

The groups of patwaris enjoyed political patronage through elected representatives and officials said in the latest reshuffle, members from the ruling party rushed to the chief minister to reverse some postings and some sort of compromise was done on the condition that they would be posted in their constituency but not on the halqas requested for.

“We have been able to dislodge some of the very well-entrenched patwaris, who had a stinking reputation and brought in patwaris on halqas who had no political backing and were political orphans,” senior Board of Revenue member Waqar Ayub told Dawn.

He said he had also passed on instructions to the relevant authorities to change readers working with tehsildars and revenue courts, too.

The offer order said that postings and transfers had been made upon the review of the transfers made during the caretaker government’s tenure pursuant to the Supreme Court order and decision rendered in Khwaja Asif vs Federation of Pakistan and delimitation of revenue estates ordered by the provincial Board of Revenue.

This is the first such large-scale transfers and postings of patwaris in Peshawar in a long time.

Patrwaris replaced in Peshawar - DAWN.COM
lets try not to disturb the central PTI, who dont have any say in KPK govt. lets target KPK representatives on facebook and twitter and through emails.

PTI is a family, everyone should be made aware of the affairs of the party. KPK represents PTI in any activity the province produces. In my POV the higher ups should also be kept updated of what's going about the complaint cells CM KPK has formed.

The reforms in police and the way they pursue such cases is a dire need for such culprit to get punished. The system is working in a such a way that the influential ones gets away with any sort of crime they commit. I hope with the passage of time, and with the introduction of new reforms in POLICE, such people won't be able to get away in the future.
PTI is a family, everyone should be made aware of the affairs of the party. KPK represents PTI in any activity the province produces. In my POV the higher ups should also be kept updated of what's going about the complaint cells CM KPK has formed.

No doubt but there is already a negative atmosphere between the PTI central party leaders and the elected PTI KPK representatives.. let our efforts be to pursue the KPK representatives to do or not to do or rectify things, without centre directing them to do so, this was the point I was trying to convey !
Zero to sixty: Mobile court disposes six petitions on day one – The Express Tribune


An inside view of the mobile court. PHOTO: PPI

PESHAWAR: ‘Justice on Wheels’, the first mobile court project in the country’s history, delivered promptly as Judicial Magistrate Fazl-e-Wadud disposed of six petitions on its inaugural day.

A project which was initially meant to be kick started in 2012 was finally inaugurated by Peshawar High Court (PHC) Chief Justice (CJ) Dost Muhammad Khan on Saturday. Justice Khan was accompanied by UNDP Country Director Marc Andre, UNDP Technical Specialist Sharmila Rasool, provincial police chief Ihsan Ghani, and judges of the high court and subordinate judiciary.

During his address, Justice Khan said the Constitution makes it mandatory for the state to provide citizens inexpensive and prompt justice. The project was meant to be inaugurated last year, but was delayed as the provincial government showed little interest. The PHC chief justice went on to explain many people cannot afford to travel to the courts; ‘Justice on Wheels’ will now travel for them and provide justice at their doorstep.

“Once disputes are brought to regular courts and heavy expenses are incurred, the stakes become high and chances of settlement through reconciliation become almost zero,” stressed Justice Khan. Mobile courts could enable parties to settle all kinds of disputes, he added.

Early resolution of cases through timely and due processes via the project could thin the dockets of regular courts and reduce the backlog crises, explained the chief justice. “A fleet of judges of different ranks and a reasonable number of lawyers” have been trained to help achieve the objectives of ‘Justice on Wheels’.

According to UNDP Country Director Marc Andre, mobile courts in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) would lead to a change in the country’s judicial system. He added the travelling courts were not UNDP’s vision but the PHC’s; the development organisation was merely assisting people in getting access to justice.

“UNDP would continue its efforts to strengthen the justice system in Pakistan,” said Andre.
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