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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

You sound like a desperate 2 dollar whore. Go and play with your flashlight and stop polluting this forum with your nonsense you pathetic transvestite. I understand perfectly well, how the mechanics of politics works in Pakistan...so go and serve some Chai in the bazaar.

Your English writing skills are atrocious, which leads to the conjecture that you were educated in a lowly run madrassa. Put a condom on your head because, if your going to act like a dick then you might as well dress like one, you spineless jabroni. I never disputed the factoid that the provincial government does require the permission of the federal government to explore and start a medium size Hydro project under its jurisdiction. My complaint was based on the idea that PTI has failed to introduce and explore the existing structural deficiencies within certain industries such as mining. The provincial government does not require the permission of the federal government to promote and educate the local businesses involved in mining, faceting and polishing of minerals. However you failed to understand such a simple concept, because you have dyslexia syndrome. Furthermore, cockroach you said to me previously that PTI were successful in achieving an investment of $1 billion from a Chinese enterprise. However, I debunked your propaganda bullshit, because no such company exists in the AIC government data base in China. Therefore, your cronies within PTI were lying to the masses, which really makes them no different to Noon League. In addition, there are numerous hydro projects within the spheres of the KPK province, which have been commissioned by the Federal government under Wapda for PTI to actually tender and gain investment.

You have dyslexia syndrome, therefore your retarded brain cannot read or comprehend an article which is too complex for your tiny mind. At least my article comes from a distinguish source, not some website made by a fan who clearly idolizes a certain party.

So emotional.... must be that time of the month. If people love and adore PTI, then how comes in the protest march the number of individuals that participated was less than 1 million. In France, when the Charlie Hebdo incident occurred more than 1 million individuals took to the streets of Paris. In 2003, more than 2 million citizens were marching across London against the war on Iraq. PTI as a political entity can hardly gather 150,000 protesters. You can't debate with me, because your an illiterate fool since every single point made by you is refuted.

You should be sent to the circus clown, then tested in a science laboratory like a rat because your stupidity holds no bounds. Under the principles of democracy which your leader IK loves to harp on about, an individual has the right to criticize any government institution as he sees fit and does not require them to support/vote for a party. You sound like a dictator in this paragraph and have no true understanding of the political theory of democracy and how it actually functions. In the west political alignment to any party has decreased drastically over the decades and this is proven, when the general election turnout rate has dropped significantly. However people still have the right and authority to criticize any government institution and its policies.

Your penis is so small that you piss on your nuts. In addition, I don't swing that way, so therefore suck your own balls.

Get atleast a source to prove your statements

I told you I don't read such big post so you shouldn't waste your time.

Till now you haven't been able to prove anything nor you provided any source and your pathetic thinking is that you compare a province with country which clearly tells that you was born as an idiot.

You don't even know that a province doesn't have all rights and there are born-as-morons like you in Pakistan whom don't even know how politics in Pakistan works. You guys are such jahils and supporters of patwaris.

You are an illiterate bitch who don't even know that hundreds of thousands people were present at PTI dharna in initial days and Jalsas even Dr.Moeed Pirzada, the host of "Siyasat and Sazish" said that there were round about 2,50,000 people present at PTI Jalsa in Karachi and more than half million people were present in Lahore Jalsa. Back in 2011-12 IK was able to collect more then hundred thousands people easily in his Jalsa. @Jzaib Isn't it right?

It proves that you don't have any know-how and is constantly trolling here. You bloody stinky bullshit.

All the dams which are under construction in KPK by PTI received investment to start whether it was foreign or internal and someone invested that's why they are being constructed, you pathetic human being.

I can see what exactly your leaders are doing patwari

You are a jahil that's why nobody here argue with you because you always put a bloody nonsense which is out of the box. I atleast presented a source in which a Chinese company wants to invest a billion dollar in a province whose GDP is between 15-20 billion dollar (Official figures haven't arrived yet) but you didn't provided any source and constantly posting your nonsense here and nobody will trust that because everyone wants a source which you don't have, you stinky dog.

Bloody Rascal IK is the only politician to have such big dharna in Pak and back to back hit Jalsas not only in big cities but in small cities as well but a patwari and anti-IK like you won't understand that. If you have a look at this forum you yourself will see that there are more PTI supporters in this forum. We are not like you, hiding behind and supporting patwaris. WHy don't you guys openly support patwaris?

You should be sent to a mental hospital ASAP or a politics school where you understand how politics work.

How you know my penis is small? Did you sucked it or have you taken it into your a-ssss?

Middle finger for you.
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The definition of an illiterate person, is someone who does not have the ability to write or read. So far you fall into this category, because your English writing skills are atrocious and you cannot understand simple concepts of political theory. One day, your kind will become a dying breed in Pakistan because worshiping cult personalities and political parties has destroyed this beautiful country. Everyone is entitled to become stupid bitch, but you abuse this privilege to the highest level. You must be arithmetic, because you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention and multiply ignorance. This is expected from someone who studied the bacha baazi curriculum.

Actually pea brain, I have provided enough proof to validate my argument. I have articulated in my previous message that you can compare China's open door policy to KPK, because the five economic zones were initiated in five separate provinces and each had a significant soco-economic effect on the local population. If you read my article properly, then you would notice quite clearly that within one year the province of Guangdong was changed drastically. Therefore, you donkey cunt before you write something, utilize your brain although it must be a difficult task for you.

Fuckface even if you were reincarnated 10 times, your knowledge of the English language is by far insufficient in comparison to mine. The only person, who is desperate enough to act like a 2 dollar whore is you, because you require some form of attention. You quoted my post first, therefore in technical terms this makes you a beggar foraging for some attention.

So in your opinion, somebody is attuned to become a patwari, if they don't give there political allegiance to Imran Khan..tremendous bacha baazi logic. For your information, you anal retentive piece of insipid sphincters puss, I hate patwaris and there characteristics.
I have mentioned at least 3 times, cunt face that I hate Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. The rest of your paragraph was full of useless dribble. I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap out a much smarter comeback than what you just said.

Why don't you shut up and give that pie hole in your face a chance to heal jabroni. Learn to write proper English next time and refer the GDP to KPK province rather than the company. Such an investment does not simply exists, its a concocted fraud bitch. I am going to repeat the same mantra for the fourth time. That company does not exists bitch, because there are no records of such a name appearing in the AIC data base. You have failed to accept this idea, because you are a typical patwari. Your asinine simian countenance alludes that your fetid stench has annulled the anthropoid ape species diversity.

You sound like a broken record player and repeat the same mantra. Typical one trick phony that has a one dimensional mind and can't think outside the box.

First of all cunt face, I did not post off-topic messages in this thread, as I gave my own opinion on the development of KPK and then you quoted me. Second, you asked me to give you an example where a region similar to KPK has faced terrorism and gained investment. Therefore, I gave you an example of Nigeria, where it has faced terrorism from Boko Haram in the north and still gained an incredible amount of investment in those areas to increase its GDP. I used China, in my example because any sane person knows that the open door policy first economical uplifted the local population at the provincial level based on those five economic zones. This is too complex for you to understand, so go back to school and learn your history properly. When you read sophisticated academic articles by authors, then you would notice with clear distinction that they normally use case studies to answer and validate there question. Obviously, a donkey bitch like you would not understand, because you went to bacha baazi school in Kabul.

Actually I can prove that the Chinese system did change in one year you illiterate bitch. China was a pure socialists state before the open door policy in 1978. When Deng Xiaoping came to power, its economy and political structure literally changed over night to a socialists capital market. This is the main reason why he concocted the term "that it does not matter, if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice". He was convincing the conservative elements of the CCP, that China must change for it to become a super power. One of the first things he did was create the five special economic zones in his first year in power. This bitch changed the system, because for the first time in over 40 years, people were allowed to produce things and sell it for a profit, instead of giving it to the state. Either way the open door policy changed China at the national and provincial level and if you argue me on this point, then you are an ignominious. This can be settled by asking any of the Chinese members on this forum. Have the guts to ask them, and then we will see who will have the last laugh and who exactly supports patwaris bitch.

Another concocted lie bitch. The article in which you shared with me was not from Express Tribune. Actually it was from a PTI propaganda website and the evidence can be seen below. You really are dumb, that you don't even remember the source. By the way referencing an article from Express Tribune does not necessarily make it a reliable source. Only a cunt face gullible tosser would believe in the idea that a newspaper is infallible and does not write crap to sell to the masses.

Chinese investor group to invest $1billion in two Mega Housing Schemes in KP | The Progress of PTI in KPK

Did Moeed Pirzada himself physically travel to Karachi and count every single person in the dharna? The answer is obviously no and the figure is based on his assumption. Such a gullible little boy...go and drink your milk bottle and let the adults discuss these issues. Imran Khan, may win the next election, although his political supporters are all a bunch of lota's, who were assisted into coming to power by certain General's. Protesting does not quantify in achieving votes for an election. In 2003, more than 2 million citizens march against the Labour party and its policies on Iraq, yet in 2005 it still won the general election. Reham Khan, should be worried because you have an unhealthy obsession with Imran Khan. Imran Khan can be credited in doing a fantastic job in creating a cancer free hospital, however don't forget it was the donations of millions of Pakistani's which have kept this dream open. Furthermore, cockroach I criticized PTI as a provincial government and did not attack Imran Khan, so shut your pie hole before I shove a banana up there:)

Are you gay...careful otherwise you might be stoned to death by the mullah brigade. Like I said previously your dick is small, because you were given the bitch part in bacha baazi school in dancing like a common 2 dollar whore. Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.

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Lol this dude @Rasengan is such an idiot.
Like really dude after 210 pages filled with positive news and project and policy updates and improvement in KPK you still say that nothing has been done in KPK?
You blind or something?

You, have a look at his mentality. He compares a province with a country. I have told him many times that IK has performed the best according to the resources he have.

I told him that I have this 200+ page thread as my proof what you have and he didn't have anything except personal attacks. You are right he's an idiot.
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@RescueRanger ahem ahem :D


Provincial crises management office.


Tourism Corporation Kyber Pakhtunkhwah
@karakoram Ameen

@Leader Keep up the good work :)

thanks buddy.. trying my best to promote the right party.

The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) government is planning to remove at least 50% of public school teachers over poor performance, but not before giving them a golden handshake.

Additional Secretary for Education Qaiser Alam told The Express Tribune the golden handshake is among the options under consideration to improve the standard of education in government-run schools.

“Under this policy, teachers will be able to retire in an honourable manner,” he added.


According to official data, the provincial government has spent Rs93 billion on the education department which has 125,000 teachers on its payroll. However, this has not brought the performance of government schools at par with private schools.

As a result, the current government is chalking out a strategy to separate the grain from the chaff and only induct qualified and dedicated personnel as teachers at state-run institutes.

Through the NTS

Under the new plan, all teachers currently employed by the department will be expected to take the National Testing Services (NTS) exam which will be arranged at a district level. This will serve as a litmus test whereby the government can select the right people for the right posts.

According to insiders, teachers will be expected to score at least 50% in the test. If they do not make the cut, they will be given a chance to seek retirement under the golden handshake policy, as per still unconfirmed plans.

Alam said a series of discussions and consultations regarding the plans in the education department are under way. However, the final decision will be taken by the K-P cabinet once the approval of PTI Chairman Imran Khan has been sought.

Farewell to arms

Political parties have voiced reservations over arming school teachers; a decision the provincial government first announced and later took a U-turn on.

Earlier, on Wednesday, Minister for Elementary and Secondary Education Muhammad Atif Khan denied that the government had allowed teachers to carry weapons. However, twice in January Minister for Information Mushtaq Ghani had been quoted as saying teachers would be allowed to carry licenced permits to school, where parent-teacher councils would monitor their use.

Even after the rebuttal, members of various political parties are shocked to find this was proposed as a strategy to enhance security at schools. They are of the view that weaponising schools will strengthen the existing gun culture in the province. According to political leaders, it is time to bid farewell to arms and keep children away from them.

“I don’t know how a child will be able to get education with an AK-47 in his teacher’s hands,” Awami National Party (ANP) Senator Baz Muhammad Khan said.

Baz Muhammad urged the K-P government to devise a strategy to overcome militancy rather than encourage every citizen to carry arms. “This will negatively impact the minds of young schoolchildren,” he said. “I want children to hold pens rather than brandish guns.”

Former K-P chief minister and Jamiat Ulema Islam (JUI-F) MPA Akram Khan Durrani pressed the government to consult all political parties before taking any further steps.

“People with nefarious minds could obtain arms licences and wreak havoc,” he said. “The government, and not its citizens, is responsible for protecting the public.”

Meanwhile, Qaumi Watan Party’s (QWP) Anisa Zeb Tahirkhili urged the government to focus on security of schools and issue licences to security guards. “Giving teachers guns will undermine the fact that a pen is mightier than a sword,” Tahirkhili said.

Setting the record straight

When asked, former minister of health Shaukat Yousafzai said the decision was being portrayed in a negative light. The provincial government has not allowed teachers to carry guns. However, he added that teachers will be issued licences if they approach the government.

Monetised exits: Golden handshake in the works for govt school teachers – The Express Tribune

way to go, poor performance shall result in termination from service.
‘Tabdeeli’ in K-P by Imran Khan and PTI

According to the March 2014 survey by Gallup, public satisfaction in K-P was highest with 57%. As opposed to public satisfaction in Punjab (27%) and Sindh (26%), one can see definite growth by the PTI. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

The 2013 general elections were perhaps the most important elections in the history of this country. They brought forward a positive change in political outlook. They were able to mobilise the masses to leave their houses and become an active part of the political process by voting. And they were a lethal blow to the venal aristocratic oligarchy; they brought a party to power that did not stand on aristocracy or family politics – the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

However, cynics now mock the PTI for not living up to the hype it created to bring out a complete metamorphosis or ‘tsunami’ in the system that runs Pakistan. The party blames this lack of change on the widespread corruption prevalent in government institutions. PTI has won a significant amount of seats, with a whole province of their own as well as a few important seats in Karachi – which they won against the ironclad rule of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM). These feats are definitely noteworthy.

This is the first time that the PTI has come to power. I think the party and its leader can learn a lot from the example of Narendra Modi, the current Indian premier. Before becoming prime minister, Modi progressed and developed Gujarat to such an extent that its people and the rest of India refused to be led by anyone else but him. He managed to make a name for himself and prove his merit. The PTI has a similar opportunity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

It should be kept in mind, however, that while Modi was given a thriving Gujarat to show his skills as a leader, Imran Khan and PTI is left to work with a volatile K-P that is distraught by civil war. In order to truly understand PTI’s performance in K-P, we need to observe what the party has done so far for its voters.

The people

The first year of governance by the newly elected party shows progress. According to the March 2014 survey by Gallup, public satisfaction in K-P was highest with 57%. As opposed to public satisfaction in Punjab (27%) and Sindh (26%), one can see definite growth in the PTI led province.


The K-P government has completely depoliticised its police force and there is no interference in the system by any minister, chief minister or even by Imran Khan himself. There is absolutely zero tolerance policy against corruption. Till date 129 police officials have been terminated and seven demoted on complaints regarding corruption and misuse of power. Earlier, the appointments were made through political interference but now a merit based NTS test is being introduced for recruitment purposes.

The government has also introduced an online FIR system, the first of its kind in Pakistan, through which a person can launch an FIR against anyone without any hazard and the police is bound to respond after verification. So far, 1030 FIRs have been registered through the online system. Nasir Durrani, IG police, is keen to establish model police stations all over K-P. Three police stations in Peshawar have already been converted into model police stations as reported on TV channels.

K-P was once considered to be the most corrupt province, according to Transparency International. Imran had promised before the elections that, if given the chance, he will wipe out corruption and so far, he seems to be on track. He has already removed two of K-P’s ministers on complaints by the public, which is admirable.

The provincial government has also changed the patwari’ system. Fareeha Idrees, a TV anchor, has admitted in live show that she installed two secret cameras to see if a patwari (village accountant) will take any bribe but surprisingly no one took it due to fear of strict action.


Twenty five new bills have been passed by the K-P assembly till date. The Right to Information Bill has been updated by the PTI which is a huge step towards forcing transparency in governance system. It gives the people of K-P the right to access all the information online. Right to Services Act is another of its kind through which citizens have the right to ask questions about any public matter and government will be bound to answer that question in a prescribed time. The citizen can also file a complaint against officials who do not comply with the prescribed time-period.


Medicine and treatment is now free in all government hospitals of K-P and the government has also launched a campaign called “Sehat Ka Insaf” that aims to fight against polio. So far, 1.3 million children have been immunised as part of this campaign. The World Health Organisation (WHO) delegation, which met Imran, congratulated him on a successful anti-polio drive because a recent report showed that no case of polio have been seen in K-P after the campaign – that in itself is a big achievement for the party.


PTI has shown its plans to bring a fundamental change in education as well. The government has recruited 8000 teachers and recruitment of further 6000 teachers is still in process – all of whom will also be appointed by the NTS. Plans of a mammoth project of an education city are under way where the people can choose from a variety of professions and fields. Independent monitoring systems have been introduced to ensure attendance of both teachers and students. It will monitor around 28000 schools in the province. The project was launched on April 16, 2014. For me, this is much more important than bus networks and motorways that the federal government seem to be so passionate about.

Tameer-e-School project, another campaign, was started by the PTI government to raise funds for K-P schools that are in truly deplorable conditions and details of missing facilities in the schools are given online. Donors can choose to fund a particular school and have the right to check if their funds are being used at the right place.

After declaring an ‘education emergency’ in the province, an enrolment campaign was launched by Imran called ‘Parho aur Zindagi Badlo (study and change lives). Approximately 0.3 million children have been enrolled in schools, as part of this project, to help secure a brighter future for the people of K-P. To encourage female education, the provincial government has decided to pay a monthly stipend of Rs 200 to every school-going girl, to encourage parents to educate their daughters. This will help increase the female literacy rate in the province. A uniform education system has been introduced in academic sessions, which started this year in April, while books are being published and distributed for all grade one students and soon for the rest of the grades as well.

The PTI is working for its people; there should be little doubt about that. The biggest challenge the K-P government faces is that of security. Imran should use his think tanks to work towards making K-P a safer province. If he continues with the level of progress made in the province, he has the potential to become Pakistan’s Modi and win everyone’s heart.

But this can only happen if he plays his cards right and so far, he has all the right cards in his hand.

Blue colored words are clickable and are the sources from where that information is collected.

@Norwegian @Jzaib @Leader@WAJsal @waleed3601 @Jazzbot @ajpirzada @Khalidr @mr42O @nomi007

@Pakistani shaheens @karakoram

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@Leader post# 3140 made my jaw drop for over 5 minutes. i kept looking again and again and couldnt get enough.
just goes to show what strict anti corruption policy looks like and how money used properly can achieve marvels.

Yup, me too thought for a while before sharing, that whether it truly is, then I double checked to confirm...

hope that people inside work, so that we can truly see change.
Some one have any update regarding corruption in worker welfare board and working folks grammar schools urder wwb.
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