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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

First of all you should quote me in appropriate way so that I could receive a notification. I said your opinion as non-valuable because you didn't provided any source because if you want to blame anyone then get a credible source so that atleast someone listen to what you said. Got it you little moron. If you want to attack personally I can also do the same.

Chai wala, even if you were reincarnated 10 times, your brain cells would not have the intellectual capacity to actually counter argument my points. The link in which you provided from your arthritis hands can be considered bias because the source is not neutral. However, it was mentioned previously that the news of the investment was simply hogwash because no such company exists in China with that designation. Henceforth, I made you look pathetic in your attempt to increase your propaganda of PTI in this forum. I don't give a flying hoot about the other political parties of Pakistan, because in my opinion they suck as well. The rest of your post was full of rehearse PTI propaganda material, which simple bored me to death. Actually China after the 1978 policy, had a profound effect on its economy and social structural within its first year. Obviously you would not understand such a concept, because you were too interested in your bacha baazi school curriculum.









Chai wala, even if you were reincarnated 10 times, your brain cells would not have the intellectual capacity to actually counter argument my points. The link in which you provided from your arthritis hands can be considered bias because the source is not neutral. However, it was mentioned previously that the news of the investment was simply hogwash because no such company exists in China with that designation. Henceforth, I made you look pathetic in your attempt to increase your propaganda of PTI in this forum. I don't give a flying hoot about the other political parties of Pakistan, because in my opinion they suck as well. The rest of your post was full of rehearse PTI propaganda material, which simple bored me to death. Actually China after the 1978 policy, had a profound effect on its economy and social structural within its first year. Obviously you would not understand such a concept, because you were too interested in your bacha baazi school curriculum.

You didn't even provided any source. You just mentioned your foolish opinions. When did you provided any source? Now you are changing the topic again. Give me the answers for all the questions I mentioned in the previous post? Now you don't have any answer for that and you started doing personal attacks. You can't mess with me until you have a strong logic which you don't have. What investment arrived in other provinces? Even in federal? :D I studied in a very great school that's why I can talk perfect. If you have such problem then give billions of dollars to KPK govt so that they can enhance their schooling system. Yet they didn't received their 1.5$ Billion from federal as royalties. Now you changed your point towards China. Below you can see what you wrote first

"However when Deng Xiaoping came to power, he changed the whole system and China in his first year in power"

and what are you saying now? It clearly proves that you don't know anything, don't even have a trustable source and you are double standard.

You are a one without any source, don't even know anything and is a pathetic moron. Go ahead moron come up with something logical and quote me appropriately so I can reply to any of your foolish comment.

You wanted a source from me, you can look at this entire thread it contains hundreds but you didn't have any source to prove your statements.
KP: tax collection performance

In fiscal year 2013-14, the coalition government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) comprising Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) showed total tax receipts of Rs 12.638 billion against the revised target of Rs 10.287 billion-the only province that exceeded the revised target. However, the main reliance remained on transfers from the Federal Government of Rs 235 billion confirming lack of real efforts on the part of KP government to harness its real tax potential-tax receipts were just 21.17% of provincial revenue receipts and 5.37% of total revenue receipts. Revised estimate of the overall tax receipts was Rs 10.28 billion, against the projected amount of Rs 16.9 billion, short by Rs 6.4 billion.

For the current fiscal year (2014-15) the KP government has set an ambitious target of raising its tax receipts by 89%. The government, while setting the tax target of Rs 19.4 billion in the budget, explained neither the strategy nor the methodology for its achievement. During the first six months of the current fiscal year, the government has been lagging behind in all areas of fiscal governance as is the case with all other provinces and the federal government.

The KP government, while presenting budgets for fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15, engaged more in rhetoric than pragmatism. Though the government tried its best to elaborate its budgetary approach comprehensively and sincerely, but failed to correlate it with a workable strategy or plan to fulfil people's needs. There exists three detailed documents-White Paper, Budget Strategy Paper and Putting People First (Citizens' Budget)-at the official website of KP government (Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department - Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department However, mere documentation does not mean or ensure that whatever aspired would actually be achieved or the aims and objectives have been rationally determined. Professional input is missing in these documents and reflects more of a bureaucratic exercise behind closed doors rather than preparing a workable document with the active participation of stakeholders.

This write-up will show that like all other provinces and capital territory managed by the Federal Government, the KP government paid little attention to collect agricultural income tax from the absentee landlords and property tax from the owners of palatial houses. This is the weakest area of fiscal governance of federation and federating units in Pakistan alike. Another issue is that of lack of transparency in preparing budgets both at national and provincial levels as revenue targets are inflated while expenditure estimates are understated. "The practice may generate political capital in the short run for the political party in power, but it renders the financial management ineffective. The increase in revenue expenditure, in an artificially bloated budget, amplifies risks of bigger cuts in the development budget"-Bloated, opaque provincial budgets by Afshan Subohi, Dawn, June 23, 2014.

On the one hand, the KP government has shown intention to increase non-tax revenues by 41%, from Rs 6.6 to Rs 9.3 billion and on the other, no structural reforms have yet been undertaken to improve efficiency of various departments. For example, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA), established in 2013, is still not fully operative and has failed to frame rules since its inception. On its website (KPRA - Taxpayer Facilitation Portal for the last two years message reads: "This page is currently under construction: please visit again soon"! The same is true for traditional Excise and Taxation Department (Excise & Taxation Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan that lacks automation and transparency, exposing claims made by KP government of achieving wonders.

It is an undeniable fact that KPRA and Excise & Taxation Department are working at sub-optimal level. Like other government departments, these have failed to deliver. Their service quality is poor and the sufferers are the ordinary citizens. The need of merging them both for better collection and avoiding duplicate expenses has also yet not been realised by the government. Consequently, the KP government is heavily dependent on funds from the Federal Government and there is no will to tax the rich and mighty in the province as well as to collect the existing taxes diligently and plug loopholes and leakages.

The main reliance of KP government is on indirect taxes as is the case with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and other provinces. The main sources of tax revenue in KP are:

1. Sales Tax on Services

2. Agricultural Income Tax

3. Urban Immovable Property Tax

4. Motor Vehicle Registration Tax

5. Motor Vehicle Dealers Tax

6. Professional Tax

7. Hotel Tax

8. Provincial Excise Duty

9. Tobacco Development Cess

The above list shows that except for agricultural income tax, which is also not collected as per Constitution and is being charged on per acreage basis rather than on net income, all taxes are indirect and are mostly regressive in nature as they take away larger portion of lower income groups. Total collection under the head agricultural income for the fiscal year 2013-14 was just Rs 24 million.

After 18th Constitutional Amendment, the right to levy progressive taxes like wealth tax on immovable property, inheritance and gift tax is with the provinces but the present KP government, in its two budgets, has not yet imposed any levy for taxing the rich for the benefit of the poor-though both the coalition parties keep on making tall claims of turning Pakistan into a true Islamic welfare State. Had it been done, sufficient funds could have been generated to rapidly develop the province and provide the people with all universal entitlements including free education guaranteed under Article 25A of the Constitution, for which even a State lottery can be launched by the provincial government after 18th Constitutional Amendment. What is more disturbing is the fact that no progressive tax like wealth tax and capital gain tax on immovable property was levied on the rich people residing in KP. This could have yielded substantial revenues. The story of revenue collection is pathetic and fiscal management of KP is no different from the other governments as the Tables below reveal.

Development expenditure in 2013-14 in KP was Rs 2 billion less than the projected amount of Rs 83 billion and there are still many issues of quality spending and wastage. In the current fiscal year as compared to last year, development spending is higher by 23%, though capacity issues are still unresolved and leakages have not been plugged. People are not getting the true benefit of such spending and even fulfilment of fundamental right of free and compulsory education under Article 25A is a distant dream, though the head of PTI keeps on saying that uniform education for all is fundamental to resolving the many ills faced by Pakistan.

KP government, like all other provinces and the federal government, has failed to provide free education guaranteed under Article 25A of the Constitution. The governments-both federal and provincial-are not only suffering on account of suboptimal taxation but also inadequate allocation and poor social spendings (schools, health, emergency services). This makes the State dependent on NGOs-both beneficent and otherwise-to fill the gap, thereby solidifying their integration.

(The writers, partners in law firm, Huzaima & Ikram, are Adjunct Faculty at Lahore University of Management Sciences)




(Rs In Million)



Estimates Estimates

2014-15 2014-15


A-General Revenue Receipts A-Current Revenue Expenditure


Federal Tax Assignment 227,121.193 General Public Service 73,280.963

1% of Divisible Pool for War on Terror 27,290.233 Civil Defence 62.280

Straight Transfers 29,263.451 Public Order and Safety Affairs 35,428.108

GST on Services (Provincial) 12,000.000 Economic Affairs 19,340.205

Provincial Own Receipts (Tax & Non Tax) 13,930.777 Environnemental Protection 37.048

Net Profit from Hydel Power Generation 12,000.000 Housing and Community Amenities 4,770.370

Likely Availability of NHP Arrears 32,272.346 Health (Excluding Health Education) 20,985.728

Hydel Power Own Generation 2,850.000 Recreation, Culture and Religion 818.078

Population Welfare Programme 477.000 Education Affairs and Services 87,632.332

(Including Health Education etc)

Social Protection 7,644.888


Total-A 357,205.000 Total-A 250,000.000


B-General Capital Receipts B-Current Capital Expenditure

Recoveries of Loans & Advances 250.000 Repayment of Loans 14,710.000

Loans and Advances 290.000


Total-B 250.000 Total-B 15,000.000


C-Development Receipts C-Development Expenditure


Operational Shortfall 12,000.000 ADP (Provincial) 98,378.000

ADP (Districts) 1,672.000

Foreign Projects Assistance 35,350.000 Foreign Projects Assistance 39,755.000


Total-C 47,350.000 Total-C 139,805.000


Total Revenues (Account-I) 404,805.000 Total Expenditure (Account-I) 404,805.000

Receipts and Recoveries (Account-II) 101,513.719 Capital Expenditure


(Account-II) 101,513.719


Source: Annual Budget Statement 2014-15 by Finance Department, KP Government




(Rs In Million)


Description Budget Revised Budget

Estimates Estimates Estimates

2013-14 2013-14 2014-15




General Revenue Receipts 297,986.109 294,721.386 357,205.000

Revenue Expenditure 211,000.000 222,000.000 250,000.000

Net Revenue Account (Deficit/Surplus) 86,986.109 72,721.386 107,205.000




General Capital Receipts 250.000 736.552 250.000

Current Capital Expenditure 15,000.000 15,000.000 15,000.000

Net Capital Account (Deficit/Surplus) (14,750.000) (14,263.448) (14,750.000)


C-Surplus for Development (A+B) 72,236.109 58,457.938 92,455.000




PSDP - 2,213.577 -

Operational Shortfall 10,763.891 14,704.002 12,000.000

Foreign Project Assistance 35,000.000 21,060.123 35,350.000

Foreign Grants (PDMA+Others) - 8,411.976 -

Total ADP Financing Items 45,763.891 46,389.678 47,350.000

Resources for Development 118,000.000 104,847.616 139,805.000

Development Expenditure 118,000.000 104,847.616 139,805.000


Total Resources (A+B+C+D) 344,000.000 341,847.616 404,805.000


Total Expenditure (A+B+D) 344,000.000 341,847.616 404,805.000


Net (Deficit/Surplus) (Account-I) - - -

General Capital Expenditure (Account-II) 98,000.000 45,821.320 101,513.719

Less Receipts and Recoveries (98,000.000) (45,821.320) (101,513.719)

Net (Deficit/Surplus) (Account-II) - - -


Source: Annual Budget Statement 2014-15 by Finance Department, KP Government




Rs in Million


Object Description Budget Revised Budget

Code Estimates Estimates Estimates

2013-14 2013-14 2014-15


1 FEDERAL TRANSFERS 249,588.590 235,047.717 283,674.877


B Tax Revenue 223,285.613 207,318.077 256,854.566

B01 Direct Taxes 86,673.102 80,168.829 106,389.193

B011 Taxes on Income 86,673.102 80,114.377 106,326.527

B018 Capital Value Tax on - 54.452 62.666

Immovable Property

B02 Indirect Taxes 136,612.511 127,149.248 150,465.373

B020-22 Customs 24,826.577 21,682.923 25,318.678

B023 Sales Tax 96,182.496 92,242.822 107,425.797

B024 Federal Excise 14,410.674 11,640.803 15,277.758

B025 Federal Excise on Natural Gas 1,192.764 1,582.700 2,443.140

C Non Tax Revenue 26,302.977 27,729.640 26,820.311

C03 Miscellaneous Receipts 26,302.977 27,729.640 26,820.311

C039 Development Surcharges 26,302.977 27,729.640 26,820.311

& Royalties


2 PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS 48,397.519 59,673.669 73,530.123


B Tax Revenue 10,287.588 12,637.810 19,452.809

B01 Direct Taxes 1,696.083 2,005.910 2,311.809

B011 Taxes on Income 22.000 24.000 79.000

B013 Property Tax 187.910 196.910 222.809

B014 Land Revenue 1,111.173 1,300.000 1,430.000

B016 Taxes on Professional 165.000 165.000 230.000


Trades and Callings


B017 Urban Capital Value Tax 210.000 320.000 350.000

B02 Indirect Taxes 8,591.505 10,631.900 17,141.000

B023 Sales Tax 6,000.000 8,000.000 12,000.000

B026 Provincial Excise 30.000 30.000 33.000

B027 Stamp Duty 600.000 670.000 740.000

B028 Motor Vehicles 1,072.000 1,075.000 1,206.000

B030 Other Indirect Taxes 889.505 856.900 3,162.000


Source: Annual Budget Statement 2014-15 by Finance Department, KP Government






Object Description Budget Revised Budget

Code Estimates Estimates Estimates

2013-14 2013-14 2014-15


PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS 48,397.519 59,673.669 73,530.123


B TAX RECEIPTS 10,287.588 12,637.810 19,452.809


B01 DIRECT TAXES 1,696.083 2,005.910 2,311.809

B011 Tax on income 22.000 24.000 79.000

B01171-80 Tax from Agriculture 22.000 24.000 79.000

B01175 Tax on Agricultural Income in 22.000 24.000 79.000

the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

B013 Property Tax 187.910 196.910 222.809

B01301-10 Urban immovable property tax 107.910 107.910 122.809

B01301 Ordinary Collection 495.000 495.000 563.342

B01302 Share of net proceeds assigned (387.090) (387.090) (440.533)

to Districts/TMAs etc

B01311-20 Transfer of property tax 80.000 89.000 100.000

B01311 Fees for Registering Documents 79.641 88.601 99.551

B01312 Copying Registered Documents 0.241 0.268 0.301

B01320 Others 0.118 0.131 0.148

B014 Land Revenue 1,111.173 1,300.000 1,430.000

B01401-25 Land revenue 1,111.173 1,300.000 1,430.000

B01401 Ordinary Collection 0.506 0.592 0.651

B01403 Malkana 0.022 0.026 0.028

B01404 Sale of Government Estates 85.740 100.307 110.339

B01407 Rent of Agriculture Land

for single yea 1.060 1.240 1.364

B01408 Rent from Shops 0.483 0.565 0.622

B01413 Fee for consolidation of Holdings 0.006 0.007 0.008

B01417 Mutation fee 898.280 1,050.898 1,155.997

B01418 Copying & Inspection Fees 0.421 0.493 0.542

of Patwaries Record

B01421 Recoveries of overpayments 0.557 0.652 0.717

B01424 Local Rates on Lands interest 2.107 2.503 2.742

assessable to Land Revenue

B01425 Land revenue-Others 121.991 142.717 156.990

B016 Tax on Profession,

Trades and Callings 165.000 165.000 230.000

B01601 Ordinary Collection 165.000 165.000 230.000

B017 Capital Value Tax on

immoveable Property 210.000 320.000 350.000

B01701 Urban 210.000 320.000



TABLE V: OVERVIEW OF KP BUDGET (2012-13 & 2013-14)


(Rs Billion)


Items Fiscal Years

2012-13 RE 2013-14 BE


A. Tax Revenue 192.3 234.3

Provincial Taxes 8.1 10.3

GST on Services 4.3 1.9

(transferred by Federal govt)

Share in Federal Taxes 179.9 222.1

B. Non-Tax Revenue 32.1 40.1

C. All Others 26.1 24.1

Total Revenues (A+B+C) 250.5 298.5

a) Current Expenditure 195.0 211.0

b) Development Expenditure 88.1 118.0

Total Exp (a+b) 283.1 329.0
KP: tax collection performance

In fiscal year 2013-14, the coalition government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) comprising Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) showed total tax receipts of Rs 12.638 billion against the revised target of Rs 10.287 billion-the only province that exceeded the revised target. However, the main reliance remained on transfers from the Federal Government of Rs 235 billion confirming lack of real efforts on the part of KP government to harness its real tax potential-tax receipts were just 21.17% of provincial revenue receipts and 5.37% of total revenue receipts. Revised estimate of the overall tax receipts was Rs 10.28 billion, against the projected amount of Rs 16.9 billion, short by Rs 6.4 billion.

For the current fiscal year (2014-15) the KP government has set an ambitious target of raising its tax receipts by 89%. The government, while setting the tax target of Rs 19.4 billion in the budget, explained neither the strategy nor the methodology for its achievement. During the first six months of the current fiscal year, the government has been lagging behind in all areas of fiscal governance as is the case with all other provinces and the federal government.

The KP government, while presenting budgets for fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15, engaged more in rhetoric than pragmatism. Though the government tried its best to elaborate its budgetary approach comprehensively and sincerely, but failed to correlate it with a workable strategy or plan to fulfil people's needs. There exists three detailed documents-White Paper, Budget Strategy Paper and Putting People First (Citizens' Budget)-at the official website of KP government (Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department - Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department However, mere documentation does not mean or ensure that whatever aspired would actually be achieved or the aims and objectives have been rationally determined. Professional input is missing in these documents and reflects more of a bureaucratic exercise behind closed doors rather than preparing a workable document with the active participation of stakeholders.

This write-up will show that like all other provinces and capital territory managed by the Federal Government, the KP government paid little attention to collect agricultural income tax from the absentee landlords and property tax from the owners of palatial houses. This is the weakest area of fiscal governance of federation and federating units in Pakistan alike. Another issue is that of lack of transparency in preparing budgets both at national and provincial levels as revenue targets are inflated while expenditure estimates are understated. "The practice may generate political capital in the short run for the political party in power, but it renders the financial management ineffective. The increase in revenue expenditure, in an artificially bloated budget, amplifies risks of bigger cuts in the development budget"-Bloated, opaque provincial budgets by Afshan Subohi, Dawn, June 23, 2014.

On the one hand, the KP government has shown intention to increase non-tax revenues by 41%, from Rs 6.6 to Rs 9.3 billion and on the other, no structural reforms have yet been undertaken to improve efficiency of various departments. For example, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA), established in 2013, is still not fully operative and has failed to frame rules since its inception. On its website (KPRA - Taxpayer Facilitation Portal for the last two years message reads: "This page is currently under construction: please visit again soon"! The same is true for traditional Excise and Taxation Department (Excise & Taxation Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan that lacks automation and transparency, exposing claims made by KP government of achieving wonders.

It is an undeniable fact that KPRA and Excise & Taxation Department are working at sub-optimal level. Like other government departments, these have failed to deliver. Their service quality is poor and the sufferers are the ordinary citizens. The need of merging them both for better collection and avoiding duplicate expenses has also yet not been realised by the government. Consequently, the KP government is heavily dependent on funds from the Federal Government and there is no will to tax the rich and mighty in the province as well as to collect the existing taxes diligently and plug loopholes and leakages.

The main reliance of KP government is on indirect taxes as is the case with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and other provinces. The main sources of tax revenue in KP are:

1. Sales Tax on Services

2. Agricultural Income Tax

3. Urban Immovable Property Tax

4. Motor Vehicle Registration Tax

5. Motor Vehicle Dealers Tax

6. Professional Tax

7. Hotel Tax

8. Provincial Excise Duty

9. Tobacco Development Cess

The above list shows that except for agricultural income tax, which is also not collected as per Constitution and is being charged on per acreage basis rather than on net income, all taxes are indirect and are mostly regressive in nature as they take away larger portion of lower income groups. Total collection under the head agricultural income for the fiscal year 2013-14 was just Rs 24 million.

After 18th Constitutional Amendment, the right to levy progressive taxes like wealth tax on immovable property, inheritance and gift tax is with the provinces but the present KP government, in its two budgets, has not yet imposed any levy for taxing the rich for the benefit of the poor-though both the coalition parties keep on making tall claims of turning Pakistan into a true Islamic welfare State. Had it been done, sufficient funds could have been generated to rapidly develop the province and provide the people with all universal entitlements including free education guaranteed under Article 25A of the Constitution, for which even a State lottery can be launched by the provincial government after 18th Constitutional Amendment. What is more disturbing is the fact that no progressive tax like wealth tax and capital gain tax on immovable property was levied on the rich people residing in KP. This could have yielded substantial revenues. The story of revenue collection is pathetic and fiscal management of KP is no different from the other governments as the Tables below reveal.

Development expenditure in 2013-14 in KP was Rs 2 billion less than the projected amount of Rs 83 billion and there are still many issues of quality spending and wastage. In the current fiscal year as compared to last year, development spending is higher by 23%, though capacity issues are still unresolved and leakages have not been plugged. People are not getting the true benefit of such spending and even fulfilment of fundamental right of free and compulsory education under Article 25A is a distant dream, though the head of PTI keeps on saying that uniform education for all is fundamental to resolving the many ills faced by Pakistan.

KP government, like all other provinces and the federal government, has failed to provide free education guaranteed under Article 25A of the Constitution. The governments-both federal and provincial-are not only suffering on account of suboptimal taxation but also inadequate allocation and poor social spendings (schools, health, emergency services). This makes the State dependent on NGOs-both beneficent and otherwise-to fill the gap, thereby solidifying their integration.

(The writers, partners in law firm, Huzaima & Ikram, are Adjunct Faculty at Lahore University of Management Sciences)




(Rs In Million)



Estimates Estimates

2014-15 2014-15


A-General Revenue Receipts A-Current Revenue Expenditure


Federal Tax Assignment 227,121.193 General Public Service 73,280.963

1% of Divisible Pool for War on Terror 27,290.233 Civil Defence 62.280

Straight Transfers 29,263.451 Public Order and Safety Affairs 35,428.108

GST on Services (Provincial) 12,000.000 Economic Affairs 19,340.205

Provincial Own Receipts (Tax & Non Tax) 13,930.777 Environnemental Protection 37.048

Net Profit from Hydel Power Generation 12,000.000 Housing and Community Amenities 4,770.370

Likely Availability of NHP Arrears 32,272.346 Health (Excluding Health Education) 20,985.728

Hydel Power Own Generation 2,850.000 Recreation, Culture and Religion 818.078

Population Welfare Programme 477.000 Education Affairs and Services 87,632.332

(Including Health Education etc)

Social Protection 7,644.888


Total-A 357,205.000 Total-A 250,000.000


B-General Capital Receipts B-Current Capital Expenditure

Recoveries of Loans & Advances 250.000 Repayment of Loans 14,710.000

Loans and Advances 290.000


Total-B 250.000 Total-B 15,000.000


C-Development Receipts C-Development Expenditure


Operational Shortfall 12,000.000 ADP (Provincial) 98,378.000

ADP (Districts) 1,672.000

Foreign Projects Assistance 35,350.000 Foreign Projects Assistance 39,755.000


Total-C 47,350.000 Total-C 139,805.000


Total Revenues (Account-I) 404,805.000 Total Expenditure (Account-I) 404,805.000

Receipts and Recoveries (Account-II) 101,513.719 Capital Expenditure


(Account-II) 101,513.719


Source: Annual Budget Statement 2014-15 by Finance Department, KP Government




(Rs In Million)


Description Budget Revised Budget

Estimates Estimates Estimates

2013-14 2013-14 2014-15




General Revenue Receipts 297,986.109 294,721.386 357,205.000

Revenue Expenditure 211,000.000 222,000.000 250,000.000

Net Revenue Account (Deficit/Surplus) 86,986.109 72,721.386 107,205.000




General Capital Receipts 250.000 736.552 250.000

Current Capital Expenditure 15,000.000 15,000.000 15,000.000

Net Capital Account (Deficit/Surplus) (14,750.000) (14,263.448) (14,750.000)


C-Surplus for Development (A+B) 72,236.109 58,457.938 92,455.000




PSDP - 2,213.577 -

Operational Shortfall 10,763.891 14,704.002 12,000.000

Foreign Project Assistance 35,000.000 21,060.123 35,350.000

Foreign Grants (PDMA+Others) - 8,411.976 -

Total ADP Financing Items 45,763.891 46,389.678 47,350.000

Resources for Development 118,000.000 104,847.616 139,805.000

Development Expenditure 118,000.000 104,847.616 139,805.000


Total Resources (A+B+C+D) 344,000.000 341,847.616 404,805.000


Total Expenditure (A+B+D) 344,000.000 341,847.616 404,805.000


Net (Deficit/Surplus) (Account-I) - - -

General Capital Expenditure (Account-II) 98,000.000 45,821.320 101,513.719

Less Receipts and Recoveries (98,000.000) (45,821.320) (101,513.719)

Net (Deficit/Surplus) (Account-II) - - -


Source: Annual Budget Statement 2014-15 by Finance Department, KP Government




Rs in Million


Object Description Budget Revised Budget

Code Estimates Estimates Estimates

2013-14 2013-14 2014-15


1 FEDERAL TRANSFERS 249,588.590 235,047.717 283,674.877


B Tax Revenue 223,285.613 207,318.077 256,854.566

B01 Direct Taxes 86,673.102 80,168.829 106,389.193

B011 Taxes on Income 86,673.102 80,114.377 106,326.527

B018 Capital Value Tax on - 54.452 62.666

Immovable Property

B02 Indirect Taxes 136,612.511 127,149.248 150,465.373

B020-22 Customs 24,826.577 21,682.923 25,318.678

B023 Sales Tax 96,182.496 92,242.822 107,425.797

B024 Federal Excise 14,410.674 11,640.803 15,277.758

B025 Federal Excise on Natural Gas 1,192.764 1,582.700 2,443.140

C Non Tax Revenue 26,302.977 27,729.640 26,820.311

C03 Miscellaneous Receipts 26,302.977 27,729.640 26,820.311

C039 Development Surcharges 26,302.977 27,729.640 26,820.311

& Royalties


2 PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS 48,397.519 59,673.669 73,530.123


B Tax Revenue 10,287.588 12,637.810 19,452.809

B01 Direct Taxes 1,696.083 2,005.910 2,311.809

B011 Taxes on Income 22.000 24.000 79.000

B013 Property Tax 187.910 196.910 222.809

B014 Land Revenue 1,111.173 1,300.000 1,430.000

B016 Taxes on Professional 165.000 165.000 230.000


Trades and Callings


B017 Urban Capital Value Tax 210.000 320.000 350.000

B02 Indirect Taxes 8,591.505 10,631.900 17,141.000

B023 Sales Tax 6,000.000 8,000.000 12,000.000

B026 Provincial Excise 30.000 30.000 33.000

B027 Stamp Duty 600.000 670.000 740.000

B028 Motor Vehicles 1,072.000 1,075.000 1,206.000

B030 Other Indirect Taxes 889.505 856.900 3,162.000


Source: Annual Budget Statement 2014-15 by Finance Department, KP Government






Object Description Budget Revised Budget

Code Estimates Estimates Estimates

2013-14 2013-14 2014-15


PROVINCIAL RECEIPTS 48,397.519 59,673.669 73,530.123


B TAX RECEIPTS 10,287.588 12,637.810 19,452.809


B01 DIRECT TAXES 1,696.083 2,005.910 2,311.809

B011 Tax on income 22.000 24.000 79.000

B01171-80 Tax from Agriculture 22.000 24.000 79.000

B01175 Tax on Agricultural Income in 22.000 24.000 79.000

the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

B013 Property Tax 187.910 196.910 222.809

B01301-10 Urban immovable property tax 107.910 107.910 122.809

B01301 Ordinary Collection 495.000 495.000 563.342

B01302 Share of net proceeds assigned (387.090) (387.090) (440.533)

to Districts/TMAs etc

B01311-20 Transfer of property tax 80.000 89.000 100.000

B01311 Fees for Registering Documents 79.641 88.601 99.551

B01312 Copying Registered Documents 0.241 0.268 0.301

B01320 Others 0.118 0.131 0.148

B014 Land Revenue 1,111.173 1,300.000 1,430.000

B01401-25 Land revenue 1,111.173 1,300.000 1,430.000

B01401 Ordinary Collection 0.506 0.592 0.651

B01403 Malkana 0.022 0.026 0.028

B01404 Sale of Government Estates 85.740 100.307 110.339

B01407 Rent of Agriculture Land

for single yea 1.060 1.240 1.364

B01408 Rent from Shops 0.483 0.565 0.622

B01413 Fee for consolidation of Holdings 0.006 0.007 0.008

B01417 Mutation fee 898.280 1,050.898 1,155.997

B01418 Copying & Inspection Fees 0.421 0.493 0.542

of Patwaries Record

B01421 Recoveries of overpayments 0.557 0.652 0.717

B01424 Local Rates on Lands interest 2.107 2.503 2.742

assessable to Land Revenue

B01425 Land revenue-Others 121.991 142.717 156.990

B016 Tax on Profession,

Trades and Callings 165.000 165.000 230.000

B01601 Ordinary Collection 165.000 165.000 230.000

B017 Capital Value Tax on

immoveable Property 210.000 320.000 350.000

B01701 Urban 210.000 320.000



TABLE V: OVERVIEW OF KP BUDGET (2012-13 & 2013-14)


(Rs Billion)


Items Fiscal Years

2012-13 RE 2013-14 BE


A. Tax Revenue 192.3 234.3

Provincial Taxes 8.1 10.3

GST on Services 4.3 1.9

(transferred by Federal govt)

Share in Federal Taxes 179.9 222.1

B. Non-Tax Revenue 32.1 40.1

C. All Others 26.1 24.1

Total Revenues (A+B+C) 250.5 298.5

a) Current Expenditure 195.0 211.0

b) Development Expenditure 88.1 118.0

Total Exp (a+b) 283.1 329.0

And KPK was the only province in which total tax collected was more than the NFC target and KPK received Rs 1.5 Billion bonus from NFC (National Finance Commission) because of their remarkable performance while not any other province was able to meet the target set by NFC. This is called change. Tabdeeli!


Sehat ka Ittehad bridges gap between Centre, K-P


Around 3.3m children to be vaccinated in 14 areas which constitute 88 per cent of the 303 cases recorded in 2014. PHOTO: AFP

KARACHI: In a letter issued on Friday, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s (K-P) Senior Minister for Health, Shahram Tarakai, confirmed the details of Sehat ka Ittehad, a vaccination campaign jointly devised by the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led governments.

Though meant to eradicate nine vaccine-preventable diseases, the decision for renewed efforts come in the wake of a record-breaking 303 polio cases in 2014 and persistent measles’ outbreaks.

The communiqué was addressed to Minister for State National Health Services, Saira Afzal Tarar, and PM Focal Person for Polio Ayesha Raza Farooq. It laid out the decisions taken in an apex committee meeting on Thursday by K-P Governor Sardar Mehtab Abbasi, K-P Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak, K-P IGP Nasir Khan Durrani, the Fata additional chief secretary and Peshawar Corps Commander Lieutenant General Hidayatur Rehman.


Talking to The Express Tribune, Tarakai said there were still many technicalities which would be ironed out in the near future. The letter itself confirms that the joint initiative will be carried out in the districts of Peshawar, Charsadda, Mardan, Swabi, Nowshera, Karak, Kohat, Hangu, DI Khan, Bannu, Tank and Lakki Marwat; Frontier Region (FR) Bannu and FR Tank; and Khyber, North and South Waziristan agencies (NWA, SWA). “These 14 areas constitute about 88 per cent of the global polio cases—248 out of 303 cases are from these areas,” a senior PTI official who has worked on both Sehat ka Insaf and Ittehad campaigns had told The Express Tribune on Thursday.

Simultaneous action

“Approximately, three million children from K-P and 300,000 from Fata will be vaccinated under Sehat ka Ittehad,” said Tarakai. The campaign — which is to start in February — will be undertaken in all 14 areas simultaneously. “The governor’s desire was to hold it all together, and we agreed,” added Tarakai.

The plan is to cordon off the 14 blocks and immunise children with the support of the police. With the exception of one round of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), the rest will be orally administered doses of the polio vaccine, said the K-P health minister.

“Robust communication and social mobilisation strategies, especially designed in context of local socio-cultural backgrounds, and Pukhtun dominant population shall be there to support operational aspects,” reads the letter. It goes on to add that the K-P government will work in close coordination with Tarar’s ministry, the National Emergency Operation Centre, the World Health Organization, and Unicef.

For the children

While the original initiative was fielded by PTI leaders, Sehat ka Ittehad comes at a time when allegations of vote fixing and resignations have dominated the narrative between ruling parties at the Centre and K-P.

“The future of our children is above politics,” said Tarakai. “Politics have been set aside; this has never happened before.” After the 18the Amendment, he said, “We could have done it alone but why work in silos?” Lauding Governor Mehtab, the Peshawar corps commander and CM Khattak, Tarakai said all three representatives have been very positive about working together.

The provincial minister from Awami Jamhoori Ittehad Pakistan added, “We might have different stances and might stand on containers, but for the future of our children, we will do anything.”

The Fata Secretariat, the provincial government, the centre and the Pakistan Army are all partners in this initiative, the Secretariat’s spokesperson told The Express Tribune.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2015.



Brother keep up the good work to educate us about all the developments in KPK and I hope the patwaris will also understand it and forget their egos.
You didn't even provided any source. You just mentioned your foolish opinions. When did you provided any source? Now you are changing the topic again. Give me the answers for all the questions I mentioned in the previous post? Now you don't have any answer for that and you started doing personal attacks.

Crackhead calm down and take a chill pill, otherwise your blood pressure would rise. The provenance of your article was bias because clearly it does not come from a neutral source. However, the company mentioned in the composition does not apparently exists, as its designated name does not materialize in the AIC (Administration of industry and Commerce) of China which is the equivalent to Company House check in the United Kingdom. There is something called Google, so therefore shift your lazy *** from your Chai Wala job and search for the company in the AIC. This whole forum was created so that individuals across the globe can express there opinions and viewpoints on socio-economic political issues. You seem to have some form of orgasm, just because you provided one source and even then academically it would be rejected by a university, if you used it as reference.

You can't mess with me until you have a strong logic which you don't have. What investment arrived in other provinces? Even in federal? :D I studied in a very great school that's why I can talk perfect. If you have such problem then give billions of dollars to KPK govt so that they can enhance their schooling system. Yet they didn't received their 1.5$ Billion from federal as royalties. Now you changed your point towards China. Below you can see what you wrote first

You must have contracted the retard disease syndrome when you were born. My logic is too advance for your tiny electron brain, because you could not understand properly that the company in your example does not simply exists in China. You can do all the chest pumping actions, however the sad reality is I am correct and your bullshitting PTI propaganda holds no weight. Personally I don't give a flying hoot in how much investment has been attracted in other provinces of Pakistan, because all parties are a bunch of leeches that have sucked the blood and honor out of Pakistan. So you have studied in a great school...do you want me to send you a gold medal you self-centered attention seeking brat:) Yes PTI did not receive their $1.5 billion royalties from the federal government, however instead of whinging fight for it. The citizens of KPK did not give PTI the mandate, just for them to sit down and whine like a women on a period. You seem to have a one dimensional mind that follows a script, rather than forming a coherent individual opinion. I mentioned China as an example, because unlike PTI leaders of the CCP were hungry for change and wanted to reform there country so that it could become an economic superpower. This is exemplified by Deng Xiaoping who spoke on the notion that "It does not matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice". Within the first year of his rule, five special economic zones were set up, which has become the foundation stone of the Chinese economy. Read this whole article properly. There is a big difference bewteen PTI and CCP.

The “Three Reforms” in China: Progress and Outlook

and what are you saying now? It clearly proves that you don't know anything, don't even have a trustable source and you are double standard.

My link above proves that your a nincompoop who needs to stop serving Chai and go back to school. I have provided an authentic source, unlike you who was sprouting typical propaganda articles from PTI.

You are a one without any source, don't even know anything and is a pathetic moron. Go ahead moron come up with something logical and quote me appropriately so I can reply to any of your foolish comment.

You have repeated this sentence twice you cesspit of a glow worm. Please don't bring your bacha baazi antics to me you emotional freak. You should be sent to a science laboratory, for further examination of your stupidity and low IQ.
Crackhead calm down and take a chill pill, otherwise your blood pressure would rise. The provenance of your article was bias because clearly it does not come from a neutral source. However, the company mentioned in the composition does not apparently exists, as its designated name does not materialize in the AIC (Administration of industry and Commerce) of China which is the equivalent to Company House check in the United Kingdom. There is something called Google, so therefore shift your lazy *** from your Chai Wala job and search for the company in the AIC. This whole forum was created so that individuals across the globe can express there opinions and viewpoints on socio-economic political issues. You seem to have some form of orgasm, just because you provided one source and even then academically it would be rejected by a university, if you used it as reference.

You must have contracted the retard disease syndrome when you were born. My logic is too advance for your tiny electron brain, because you could not understand properly that the company in your example does not simply exists in China. You can do all the chest pumping actions, however the sad reality is I am correct and your bullshitting PTI propaganda holds no weight. Personally I don't give a flying hoot in how much investment has been attracted in other provinces of Pakistan, because all parties are a bunch of leeches that have sucked the blood and honor out of Pakistan. So you have studied in a great school...do you want me to send you a gold medal you self-centered attention seeking brat:) Yes PTI did not receive their $1.5 billion royalties from the federal government, however instead of whinging fight for it. The citizens of KPK did not give PTI the mandate, just for them to sit down and whine like a women on a period. You seem to have a one dimensional mind that follows a script, rather than forming a coherent individual opinion. I mentioned China as an example, because unlike PTI leaders of the CCP were hungry for change and wanted to reform there country so that it could become an economic superpower. This is exemplified by Deng Xiaoping who spoke on the notion that "It does not matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice". Within the first year of his rule, five special economic zones were set up, which has become the foundation stone of the Chinese economy. Read this whole article properly. There is a big difference bewteen PTI and CCP.

The “Three Reforms” in China: Progress and Outlook

My link above proves that your a nincompoop who needs to stop serving Chai and go back to school. I have provided an authentic source, unlike you who was sprouting typical propaganda articles from PTI.

You have repeated this sentence twice you cesspit of a glow worm. Please don't bring your bacha baazi antics to me you emotional freak. You should be sent to a science laboratory, for further examination of your stupidity and low IQ.

So finally the idiotic part of yours have came out. You want to send me a gift, make a favour wash your face with a good soap so that your dumb head start working again.

I asked you a few questions which are basic requirements for every country/state to attract investment, are they present in Pakistan and who is responsible to make them available in Pakistan, you flying stupid monkey.

For your information PTI tried to take that royalties from federal govt but they didn't provided that money to KPK which is his right now what else KPK govt can do except dharna, you nonsense moron. Even the federal govt didn't made the judicial commission yet and 2 years are going to end.

You are right, moron there's a big difference between China and Pakistan and I remember exactly that China transformed in years not days not even 1 year.

I suggest you to look at the resources that KPK govt have and after that look at their performance and if your mind actually works then you will understand everything, you brat.

I do have a source this entire thread is a source while you don't have any source yet. I want to tell one thing to you, you stinky moron, that PTI doesn't have control on entire Pak, just in KPK and they are fabulously doing everything in KPK when PTI will come in entire Pak you will see better results.

You are not even neutral. You are not looking at resources nor even the fantastic things done by PTI govt instead comparing KPK with China without knowing that PTI doesn't have any kind of Finance section of KPk and your lovely federal govt performance in tax collecting section is poor so how can a province run in a very good way without having sufficient money, you born as an idiot patwari.

BTW this thread was posted to look at positive developments by PTI govt and you are constantly freaking it out.

You should prove me that PTI was having resources and they didn't performed well and if you can't do that then just shut up
So finally the idiotic part of yours have came out. You want to send me a gift, make a favour wash your face with a good soap so that your dumb head start working again.

Speak proper English Chai Wala, because you sound like an illiterate imbecile who studied the bacha baazi curriculum at school. I find you hilarious since its so easy to rifle your feathers into a childish whinging discourse. In addition your sentence does not make sense retard, because an individual does not automatically become intellectually smart, just on the idea of washing there face with soap..

I asked you a few questions which are basic requirements for every country/state to attract investment, are they present in Pakistan and who is responsible to make them available in Pakistan, you flying stupid monkey.

Pakistan has an issue of terrorism, however Nigeria also has a similar problem, although investment in that particular country is still rising and its GDP growth across Africa has been one of the highest in the last decade. Read the article below as proof, you cross-eyed fool.

Nigeria: Growing Away From Oil? - Forbes

Second to attract and allure investment into a particular country, government policy has to be flexible where red tape is minimized to give confidence to potential new investors. Has the PTI government made a feasibility study on the mining industry of KPK. KPK is regarded across the world as the 5th largest mining destination of minerals for commercial extraction purposes, however this sector is still idle. The government of KPK has not increased the awareness of mining techniques and how to actually polish and cut gemstones to international standards. In Burma the government holds an auction in which a medium is provided to all state owned and private entities to sell there products. Has the PTI government achieved something similar...the answer is no. In addition you don't need the federal government to make a financial vehicle for local businesses to succeed.

For your information PTI tried to take that royalties from federal govt but they didn't provided that money to KPK which is his right now what else KPK govt can do except dharna, you nonsense moron. Even the federal govt didn't made the judicial commission yet and 2 years are going to end.

Read my sentences with meticulous care before you retort back jabroni. I never disputed the factoid that the federal government has not provided the royalties to the provincial government of KPK. Please go to specsavers to fix your eyesight or at least see a special school needs teacher. You must have been the fat loony kid in class that was bullied by his peers:)

You are right, moron there's a big difference between China and Pakistan and I remember exactly that China transformed in years not days not even 1 year.

You are a sick deranged little boy that needs to see a psychiatrist. If you read my article properly like a good little puppy, then you would realize that Deng Xiaoping in his first year in power initiated the five economic zones across the coastal regions of China which is the foundation of the Chinese economy. So cockroach the CCP under Deng Xiaoping did transform China within 1 year. The same concept cannot be applied to PTI, otherwise books and articles would be written in praise of the provincial government. This is called check mate Chai Wala. I debunked your article on the investment coming to KPK, because no such company exists in the AIC data pool, which is the equivalent to Company House check in the United Kingdom.

I suggest you to look at the resources that KPK govt have and after that look at their performance and if your mind actually works then you will understand everything, you brat.

The KPK government has a enough resources to kick start its economy. The PTI establishment has the opportunity to create a provincial fund to lure and attract investors from abroad in certain projects.
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Speak proper English Chai Wala, because you sound like an illiterate imbecile who studied the bacha baazi curriculum at school. I find you hilarious since its so easy to rifle your feathers into a childish whinging discourse. In addition your sentence does not make sense retard, because an individual does not automatically become intellectually smart, just on the idea of washing there face with soap...pathetic logic undoubtedly learnt from your bacha baazi teachers.

Pakistan has an issue of terrorism, however Nigeria also has a similar problem, although investment in that particular country is still rising and its GDP growth across Africa has been one of the highest in the last decade. Read the article below as proof, you cross-eyed fool.

Nigeria: Growing Away From Oil? - Forbes

Second to attract and allure investment into a particular country, government policy has to be flexible where red tape is minimized to give confidence to potential new investors. Has the PTI government made a feasibility study on the mining industry of KPK. KPK is regarded across the world as the 5th largest mining destination of minerals for commercial extraction purposes, however this sector is still idle. The government of KPK has not increased the awareness of mining techniques and how to actually polish and cut gemstones to international standards. In Burma the government holds an auction in which a medium is provided to all state owned and private entities to sell there products. Has the PTI government achieved something similar...the answer is no. In addition you don't need the federal government to make a financial vehicle for local businesses to succeed. Furthermore, Chai Wala monkey's don't fly you anal retentive piece of sphincters puss.

Read my sentences with meticulous care before you retort back jabroni. I never disputed the factoid that the federal government has not provided the royalties to the provincial government of KPK. Please go to specsavers to fix your eyesight or at least see a special school needs teacher. You must have been the fat loony kid in class that was bullied by his peers:) The KPK government and its members can resign from Parliament as a demonstration of protest you cockroach. Stop blaming others for your inadequate economic performance...it makes you look like a petulant child.

You are a sick deranged little boy that needs to see a psychiatrist. If you read my article properly like a good little puppy, then you would realize that Deng Xiaoping in his first year in power initiated the five economic zones across the coastal regions of China which is the foundation of the Chinese economy. So cockroach the CCP under Deng Xiaoping did transform China within 1 year. The same concept cannot be applied to PTI, otherwise books and articles would be written in praise of the provincial government. This is called check mate Chai Wala. I debunked your article on the investment coming to KPK, because no such company exists in the AIC data pool, which is the equivalent to Company House check in the United Kingdom.

The KPK government has a enough resources to kick start its economy. The PTI establishment has the opportunity to create a provincial fund to lure and attract investors from abroad in certain projects. However a gullible cockroach like you has no idea on finance or how to generate revenue, because your a fat tub of lard who either eats from PTI directly or loves sniffing the rear end of IK.

Wash your face to open your eyes so that you can see how politics works in Pakistan, you bitch.

You are a very big idiot even more then what I thought. You don't know anything, a provincial govt can't explore everything without federal permission like a provincial govt can't start a project more than 100 MW without the permission of federal govt, you idiot underdog. Everythuing requires money and no big company invest in a terrorism hit province, a poor province etc.

Don't write such big articles, I don't have time to read your bloody idiotics.

Do whatever you can, People loves PTI and will vote for them and IK is the most popular leader here, that's it and I don't want to argue more with you because you are a pathetic human or I should say you are a jahil who don't know anything regarding politics and just putting nonsense here. All the things you wrote just work on Paper here in Pakistan, if you know anything. Just get lost, you brat.

I just don't understand you nasty lizard, you don't like any party, nor you vote then why you are criticizing PTI you should first support/vote then criticize the others and say that the one you voted is better then other that's why nobody argue with you and you put all your bloody stupidness here. This thread was created to show the positive developments by PTI.

Take this as my last argument with you, atleast PTI is better then others a simple reason to support PTI.

Now get lost you stinky Rascal. First understand how politics and all projects works in Pakistan and then tell me that bloody paper nonsense.

Suck my balls *** hole

Middle Finger for you and now I am gonna ignore you so that I can't see your profile. You paper dog.

Still you didn't provided any source to prove your statements and I suggest you to look at a Provincial govt rights in Pakistan and you are crazy man who is comparing a province KPK with China or Nigeria. You should compare KPK with other provinces of Pakistan and when IK will come in power in federal govt then compare his governance with other countries you stupid patwari.
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Wash your face to open your eyes so that you can see how politics works in Pakistan, you bitch.

You sound like a desperate 2 dollar whore. Go and play with your flashlight and stop polluting this forum with your nonsense you pathetic transvestite. I understand perfectly well, how the mechanics of politics works in Pakistan...so go and serve some Chai in the bazaar.

You are a very big idiot even more then what I thought. You don't know anything, a provincial govt can't explore everything without federal permission like a provincial govt can't start a project more than 100 MW without the permission of federal govt, you idiot underdog. Everythuing requires money and no big company invest in a terrorism hit province, a poor province etc.

Your English writing skills are atrocious, which leads to the conjecture that you were educated in a lowly run madrassa. Put a condom on your head because, if your going to act like a dick then you might as well dress like one, you spineless jabroni. I never disputed the factoid that the provincial government does require the permission of the federal government to explore and start a medium size Hydro project under its jurisdiction. My complaint was based on the idea that PTI has failed to introduce and explore the existing structural deficiencies within certain industries such as mining. The provincial government does not require the permission of the federal government to promote and educate the local businesses involved in mining, faceting and polishing of minerals. However you failed to understand such a simple concept, because you have dyslexia syndrome. Furthermore, cockroach you said to me previously that PTI were successful in achieving an investment of $1 billion from a Chinese enterprise. However, I debunked your propaganda bullshit, because no such company exists in the AIC government data base in China. Therefore, your cronies within PTI were lying to the masses, which really makes them no different to Noon League. In addition, there are numerous hydro projects within the spheres of the KPK province, which have been commissioned by the Federal government under Wapda for PTI to actually tender and gain investment.

Don't write such big articles, I don't have time to read your bloody idiotics.

You have dyslexia syndrome, therefore your retarded brain cannot read or comprehend an article which is too complex for your tiny mind. At least my article comes from a distinguish source, not some website made by a fan who clearly idolizes a certain party.

Do whatever you can, People loves PTI and will vote for them and IK is the most popular leader here, that's it and I don't want to argue more with you because you are a pathetic human or I should say you are a jahil who don't know anything regarding politics and just putting nonsense here. All the things you wrote just work on Paper here in Pakistan, if you know anything. Just get lost, you brat.

So emotional.... must be that time of the month. If people love and adore PTI, then how comes in the protest march the number of individuals that participated was less than 1 million. In France, when the Charlie Hebdo incident occurred more than 1 million individuals took to the streets of Paris. In 2003, more than 2 million citizens were marching across London against the war on Iraq. PTI as a political entity can hardly gather 150,000 protesters. You can't debate with me, because your an illiterate fool since every single point made by you is refuted.

I just don't understand you nasty lizard, you don't like any party, nor you vote then why you are criticizing PTI you should first support/vote then criticize the others and say that the one you voted is better then other that's why nobody argue with you and you put all your bloody stupidness here. This thread was created to show the positive developments by PTI.

You should be sent to the circus clown, then tested in a science laboratory like a rat because your stupidity holds no bounds. Under the principles of democracy which your leader IK loves to harp on about, an individual has the right to criticize any government institution as he sees fit and does not require them to support/vote for a party. You sound like a dictator in this paragraph and have no true understanding of the political theory of democracy and how it actually functions. In the west political alignment to any party has decreased drastically over the decades and this is proven, when the general election turnout rate has dropped significantly. However people still have the right and authority to criticize any government institution and its policies.
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