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Nawaz warns US of 'war on terror' review



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Nawaz warns US of 'war on terror' review

ISLAMABAD (March 26 2008): Top political leaders, controlling the incoming governing coalition, have told American diplomats that the new parliament will review the country's role in the US-led war on terror. The 'defining' message was conveyed on Tuesday to the visiting US Deputy Secretary of State, John Negroponte, and his assistant for South Asia region Richard Boucher.

Both key officials of President George W Bush's administration separately met Pakistan People's Party (PPP) chief Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif here. Nawaz told media after holding talks with US officials that he did not want to risk Pakistan's security for peace in America and Europe. "We want to see calm in Pakistan also. It can not happen that we turn our country into murder land for giving peace to others," he said in direct reference to bloodshed in lawless tribal regions.

A short three-paragraph PPP statement after meeting between Zardari and Negroponte did not give details of what was discussed. Media reports, however, suggested the PPP leader had conveyed to the US officials that it was hard to set aside an overwhelming public desire to halt military exercises in tribal belt along the Afghan border.

"We discussed terrorism; we informed them that our point of view is that since 9/11 all decisions were made by one man," Nawaz told reporters. "Now the situation has changed. A truly representative parliament has come into being.... Every decision will be presented before the parliament. They will review Musharraf's policy in the last six years," he said.

He said that a parliamentary committee would be set up to examine this and international concern and then, keeping in view national aspirations, would give recommendations.

"Pervez Musharraf used the 'war on terrorism' to perpetuate his rule. Neither the cabinet nor the parliament was taken into confidence in any of his decisions. That is why it did not have popular support," Nawaz said. He said that both US and Pakistan want to see the world "free of terrorism".

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Strategy to be continued, says Musharraf

ISLAMABAD (March 26 2008): President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday said Pakistan would continue to pursue a comprehensive strategy to counter terrorism. Talking to US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, the President emphasised the importance of a stable, broad-based and multifaceted relationship between the two countries.

They discussed Pakistan-US bilateral relations and the political situation in Pakistan. The President termed the oath-taking of Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani as historical day for Pakistan and said the transition to full democracy has culminated.

He said moderate parties had emerged victorious in the election and the new government and the Prime Minister enjoy his full support. The President expressed the hope that the new government would focus on effectively addressing the economic and political challenges and sustain the economic growth achieved over the past eight years.

John Negroponte assured the President of continued commitment of the US government to Pakistan's endeavours for socio-economic development. He underscored the importance of Pakistan in fighting extremism and terrorism. He also mentioned the Reconstruction Opportunity Zones legislation, that has been introduced in the Senate and US support for the Fata Development Plan.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Conflicting opinions.

Does not auger well.

Given the current situation, Musharraf should be more pragmatic!
Well Nawaz is always famous for serving the interest of extremist element in his tenure. And still even Pakistani media from frontier province hold Nawaz responsible for having soft corner for extremist element in NWFP. As compared to ANP which has non.
Indeed, Nawaz has no credibility and US still consider Musharraf to be "their man".

But I do agree that our US policy needs to be reviewd, for once be a partner in WoT instead of slave with better returns.
actually, i think now is the only chance we have to withdraw or at least stop all operations in FATA. thanks to the leverage we have now because of the media. the US looks like the "bad guy" for supporting a man who the pakistani people thought of as a dictator.

i think the timing couldn't be more perfect. let's just hope our politicians do that instead of barking at musharraf, insha'Allah.
That's correct, timing is good for changes.

We need to renegotiate the costs of WoT, not only in terms of cash but also concessions in other fields like travel, visa's, trade, education etc.

Compared to the $3 trillion already spent on Iraq this is peanuts:

US has pumped $12.28bn into Pakistan since 2002

WASHINGTON: The US extended $7.74 billion in security-related assistance to Pakistan between financial years 2002 and 2008, against $4.53 billion that went towards the country’s economic support.

According to Alan Kronstadt of the Congressional Research Service, the bulk of the military-related assistance went to Coalition Support Funds ($5.56 billion), followed by Foreign Military Financing ($1.57 billion), International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, including border security ($267 milliion), Counternarcotics Funds ($131 million), Frontier Corps training and equipment ($75 million), Nonproliferation, Global Training and Equipment ($53 million), non-proliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related support ($52 million), and International Military Education and Training ($11 million). As for economy-related assistance, the bulk of it went to the Economic Support Fund ($2.43 billion), followed by Export and Investment Assistance ($1.43 billion).

The Export-Import Bank accounts for about 75 percent of this amount, while the Overseas Private Investment Corporation accounts for the other 25 percent. Of the rest, Development Assistance represented $286 million, followed by Food Aid ($204 million) and Child Survival and Health ($137 million).

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
like i said, we can do this if our politicians stop acting like "kuttay"s and see what's really important. unfortunately, my fears usually always are realized.

the released justices might pursue the cases against musharrafs presidency, leading to the media and politicians focusing on the matter and ignoring the WoT. this precious moment where our voices will be heard across the world is being wasted on the personal grudges politicians have, hint, PM Gillani was arrested by musharraf and was in jail for a few years.
Actually nawaz is lying again... if he's taking that stand.... it's just because he's got nothing to lose! I remember Aimal Kansi being taken off in USA plane from PAK, in Nawaz era and nobody knew....

The media has projected our standing on WoT in a wrong way. They present it as if we're fighting a US or foreign war against our own citizens. That's not the case.

It's true Musharraf was forced to think about this war in 2001, but he wasn't asked much (logistics support & withdrawing support of Taliban).....

Musharraf thought like a true commando and COAS. He calculated the risks for PAK. He knew it was worthless commiting suicide over the Taliban. For few Taliban he couldn't have risked the 160 million population. He did send a negotiating group to taliban asking them to hand over Osama bin laden.

When any country goes to war; its neighbouring countries SECURE their border and rise security levels in their countries, and increase patrolling.

Musharraf did exactly the same. He deployed the Pakistan Army on border, because he knew the REPERCUSSIONS of war:

1- He knew millions of migrants would cross into PAK,

2- He knew cross border terrorism would follow,

3- He knew Indian and Russian espionage mission would follow,

4- Illegal arms and weapons will cross into PAK,

5- Separatist movements supporting annexing of NWFP into Afghanistan and Balochistan into Iran or independence, could take place,

6- If USA was BLUNTLY denied, was PAK in a position to fight war with USA and its allies???

7- India was more than willing to join WoT and PAK could not have afforded Indian Jets flying over PAK territory, when our KRL and Nuclear assets lay beneath.

8- Above all, Pakistan mattered much more than the Taliban or Afghanistan muslim country. Lives of 160 million could not face USA's wrath.

9- He also knew that once the USA waged its war on Afghanistan, the Pushtuns in NWFP will naturally react and cause agitation in NWFP.

10- Our economy was bankrupt and we were on brink of collapse. Our military was also not prepared to go or withstand war with USA & NATO.

Naturally, we were in NO position to say a BLUNT NO to USA !

Musharraf chalked his conditions for support:

1- Inside Pak, only PAK Armed forces will patrol or act. Pak will not send troops to Afghanistan.

2- USA will not act inside Pak.

3- Sanctions uplifting.

At that time few billion USA bucks did not matter.... their $ 12 billion did NOTHING special for PAK.... our economy was $75 billion in 1999 and now in 2007 our economy is $160 billion..... we needed lifting of sanctions and macro-economic policies..... that was all PAK needed..... Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz suceeded in booming the economy from $75 billion into a $160 billion economy!

In principle, the US is fighting its own war in Afghanistan. Pakistan is NOT fighting the WoT... we are fighting our home grown extremists, that naturally re-acted when they saw US war against Pashtuns.

Could we have left these Baitullah Mehsuds in NWFP and Fazalualah in swat alone, to promote extremism and impose shariah in NWFP? Who knows they are acting on behalf of India to destabilise PAK and annex NWFP to Afghanistan under GUISE?

Why shouldn't the Army crush separatist and peace disrupters? These Fazalulah and Mehsuds are getting their $$$ and logistics support from where?

Musharraf's decision was timely and had the army not acted at that time.... these suicide bombings would have been 100 times more intense and Afghani tanks already crossing into PAK....

Musharraf's was far-sighted.... he did earn unfair criticism in media.... but his analysis as COAS and experience.... has saved PAK today from a bigger disaster! :pakistan:
actually, i think now is the only chance we have to withdraw or at least stop all operations in FATA. thanks to the leverage we have now because of the media. the US looks like the "bad guy" for supporting a man who the pakistani people thought of as a dictator.

i think the timing couldn't be more perfect. let's just hope our politicians do that instead of barking at musharraf, insha'Allah.

Hmmm Hmmm house of Saud is talking they didn't take him away for no Reason did they Now.:rofl:
Dear brother,

Mushy was over. Nobody in Pakistan respected him since he was appointed by village idiot Bush to turn your country into killing machine for Muslims.

I think Nawaz Sharif said the truth, sorry I wasn't having love for him since I was an Indonesian. Mushy also jailed an Indonesian student in local madrassah only revealed the guy ws brother of so-called "Jamaah Islamiyyah terrorist."
It seems funny seeing NS take a stand. The pakistanies do have a short memory of forgetting things, how were people handed to the US in his days of glory without the knowning of anyone, the so called parliment.
However i still believe that this colation government may prove worth for pakistan in defining boundaries for pakistan's cooperation on WOT. And this by the way will be a huge blow to the americans. But to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We must then also be ready to face the challenges posed to us due to the change in our policy for cooperating on WOT.
what i tell you guyz, when musharraf did it, they said they were going to reverse the policies and make decisions by what the people want. Yet, when it came down to this, they just didn't have the guts or the (private part) to stand up to a threat. Nawaz is still claiming he will reverse the policies to shut people up, while another **** is making decisions somewhere else.

All policies to be endorsed by the Parliament: Gilani

Thursday, March 27, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani has said all policies of the new government including the war against terrorism would be endorsed by the parliament.

During a meeting with the visiting US Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte and Assistant Secretary for South Asia Richard Boucher at the Prime Minister House, the PM said that parliament is the highly esteemed institution and all policies would be finalized in the parliament.

He said Pakistan attached great importance to its bilateral relations with the United States and wanted to extend cooperation in all the areas.

Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani said that the stability all institutions is an important agenda of the government and the establishment of independent Election Commission and independent media is the top priority of the government.

The prime minister said that the government would soon announce the 100-day plan and resolve people’s problems on priority basis.

He said that peaceful and stable Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan.

In the meeting, bilateral relations, situation of the region and war against terrorism were discussed. The US deputy secretary of state Negroponte demanded from Pakistan to continue its policy in the war against terror.

He said that establishment of reconstruction opportunity zones in tribal areas would help in improving the standard of life of the people besides growth in economic activities in the area.
Let me assure you all once again that all these politicians are lying....privately inside the meeting rooms with Negroponte and Boucher they say that 'we'll continue this war and pls keep giving us aid', but outside in front of the media they all lie.

Where was the parliament when in Nawaz's era "Aimal Kansi" and several other were taken away by USA?

Nawaz knows he has nothing to lose. The PPP govt will face USA aggression and public outcry. The PPP govt will be unstable, theroefore Nawaz can say whatever he likes, forgetting Aimal kansi.

I ask only one question, "Once USA will start daily unilateral attacks inside PAK territory, without permission of PAK's parliament....... who has the guts to fight a war with USA, while trying to keep PAK's sovereignty" ???????

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