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Nawaz urges nation to stop treating India as ‘biggest enemy’

After looking at his other rants that he has made in the past few days it looks like ye takla buddha satyagaya hai.

Get Well Soon Nawaz and please stop performing this mujra to please your masters.

he's a politician engaging in politics! :):)

it's not his fault....it's a disease! :meeting:

he needs another hair transplant ...... then i can expect he will be back to normal ......ullu ka patha
Actually Nothing.. But then Osama wasnt in India and India did face USA down in 1971 when USA dispatched its seventh fleet to bully and prevent India from liberating Bangladesh. But thats a different story. My post here seems to have been misunderstood. .. Please focus on the part about how sensible statements from civilians are rubbished in front of idiotic boasts of Army (Pasha's recent comments on targets identified in India). And the 2nd part of my statement refers not to the attack by USA, but to the complicity or incompetence (different people have different opinion on this) of PA in regard to having Osama living in the garrison town of PA

India faced USA down in 1971??? See this is why I am forced to make personal remarks!! When the US sent in 1 Aircraft Carrier the Russians mobilized 20% of their Navy to counter the Americans! Quite often it is said that it may have been the other way around but in any case the Americans and the Russians just ensured that neither of them actually enter the war in support of either of the 2 countries. The USA can just as easily send India back to the stone age as it can Pakistan.....do you have anything that can counter the US Air force and Navy??

Furthermore Pasha's statements were actually an answer to the Indian boast that they too can carry out similar precision strike tactics in Pakistan. Now let's be very very clear.......India is no America, and any misadventure by Indians would invite a swift and permanent retribution, Inshallah. If I had my way I would have very different terms with the US too. Actually if I had my way I would have had trusting relationship with all the neighbouring countries as they actually are my weakest spots.

PS: I am ignoring the personal insults with a view that you misunderstood my post.

Ok, the post was never meant as a personal insult, let me rephrase "Sometimes, some Indians are blinded by their arrogance and are too influenced by Indian Movies where SK can single handedly take on a commando squad. This is real life!"
Because Peace is the only answer to progress.

You have some radical views?

Pointing out that indians hate Pakistanis and that can be proven when you talk to a lot of them or read their BS comments online means I have radical views :rolleyes:
India faced USA down in 1971??? See this is why I am forced to make personal remarks!! When the US sent in 1 Aircraft Carrier the Russians mobilized 20% of their Navy to counter the Americans! Quite often it is said that it may have been the other way around but in any case the Americans and the Russians just ensured that neither of them actually enter the war in support of either of the 2 countries. The USA can just as easily send India back to the stone age as it can Pakistan.....do you have anything that can counter the US Air force and Navy??

Furthermore Pasha's statements were actually an answer to the Indian boast that they too can carry out similar precision strike tactics in Pakistan. Now let's be very very clear.......India is no America, and any misadventure by Indians would invite a swift and permanent retribution, Inshallah. If I had my way I would have very different terms with the US too. Actually if I had my way I would have had trusting relationship with all the neighbouring countries as they actually are my weakest spots.

Ok, the post was never meant as a personal insult, let me rephrase "Sometimes, some Indians are blinded by their arrogance and are too influenced by Indian Movies where SK can single handedly take on a commando squad. This is real life!"

Why do you believe India and US will get into military confrontation? And from where did you get the idea that Indians believe that they are militarily more powerful than the US?

Also about Kargil you people intruded in to out territory and we fought back (Never had to take permission from any so called big power) and wouldn't have stopped even if any so called big power have asked us to do otherwise, achieved what we wanted i.e. clearing intruders from our heights, using military and political tools, learned a lot from the episode and moved on

Also China today is a big power and claims Arunachal Pradesh as their own, why don't they take it from us or even air/drone strikes cause they know we will fight back, so don't assume that India won't stand up for what's they believe is there even against US, China or anybody
Pointing out that indians hate Pakistanis and that can be proven when you talk to a lot of them or read their BS comments online means I have radical views :rolleyes:
then what about pakistani , first introspect yourself and dont blame other for your misfortune (to satisfy your ego)
Hahahahaha, look how excited indians get when they think Pakistanis will finally accept them LOOOOOOOOOL
Nawaz urges nation to stop treating India as ‘biggest enemy’

Pakistan Muslim League-N chief Nawaz Sharif has said the nation must stop treating India as the country’s biggest enemy, calling for a reappraisal of ties with New Delhi “if we want to go forward and progress.”

He said if the government cut down all expenditures by 50 per cent, a handsome amount could be set aside for debt servicing.

Nawaz Sharif, who arrived in the city on Monday for the first time after returning home from London, was talking to journalists at a hotel. Syed Ghaus Ali Shah, Mamnoon Hussain, Salim Zia, Iqbal Zafar Jhagra and Khwaja Saad Rafique, all leaders of PML-N, were also present.

The PML-M chief said the army budget and that of the ISI be placed before parliament for scrutiny in line with the practice in democracies.

Mr Sharif described the decision to set up an independent commission to investigate the Abbottabad fiasco as a first step to making parliament sovereign.

“We need structural changes and this inquiry has provided an opportunity to move forward and put the country on the right track, correct its direction by putting our house in order, establish the rule of law and bring all institutions under civilian control,” Mr Sharif observed.

The PML-N chief said if the government fixed responsibility for the Abbottabad incident and punished those found guilty, a message would go out to the world at large that the people of Pakistan would not brook another Abbottabad-like embarrassment.

In reply to a question, he said he was unaware if intelligence agencies had brought about the Pakistan People’s Party-Q League alliance.

Asked whether he would get in touch with MQM during his stay in Karachi, he said rhetorically: “What for. They are now part of the government. And May 12 should not be forgotten because if we forget the tragedy, similar incidents will continue to happen.” Mr Sharif was alluding to the bloodshed in Karachi on May 12, 2007 — the day Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry was unable to come out of the city’s airport.

“I don’t want to say anything lest I be misconstrued. However, an inquiry should be instituted into the May 12 happenings and the guilty brought to justice,” Mr Sharif said.

He said the practice of dismissing elected governments midway through their terms should be stopped.

Earlier Nawaz Sharif offered Fateha at the mausoleum of Quaid-i-Azam, where he went straight from the airport.

Nawaz urges nation to stop treating India as

ab is nawaz sharif per ghaddari ka ilzaaam kio nhi lgtey ho......
he needs another hair transplant ...... then i can expect he will be back to normal ......ullu ka patha

by the way I will agree with what nawaz is saying, his party is a bigger threat to Pakistan from within. his law minsiter of Punjab goes out in gun waving rallies fo Sipah sahbah while his brother calls taliban as his brothers and asks them not to attaack Punjab.

indeed his views have become more retarded since he has had his hair transpant.
Nawaz made the biggest comeback ever, didn't he?

he got booted out the first time and the Saudis should have put him in a straightjacket the second his aircraft touched down on the tarmac in Jeddah

the man couldnt even keep his own self-made promise to his hosts to stay out of politics.....

by the way I will agree with what nawaz is saying, his party is a bigger threat to Pakistan from within. his law minsiter of Punjab goes out in gun waving rallies fo Sipah sahbah while his brother calls taliban as his brothers and asks them not to attaack Punjab.

Gen. Musharraf sahib was not wrong when he called him a ''closet taleban''

it is no secret that many of the consituents in PML-N are in bed with sectarian/hatred groups like Sipahe Sahaba and Lashkare Jhangvi --which have the blood of scores of Pakistanis on their hands. These guys have no morals at all, though Shahbaz Sharif is a fairly forward looking and decent person who does deserve some respect (save for that idiotic, selfish statement he made last year)

what a degenerate party....lotas
lol as if... Osama was living 1 mile away from the capital, living with barbed wires and erected walls surrounding the complex only to be guarded by some military academy not too far away. And it gets better... there was a farm on the other side of the wall :lol:

How much clearer does it get of who's playing the double game?

Nearly attacked by USSR coz of the U2 issue in 60s then sanctions bu US during 1965 war. Waited for US naval force in 1971 never showed up. Fought a war for US in Afganistan then abandoned :) and they say we play the double game
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