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Nawaz urges nation to stop treating India as ‘biggest enemy’

Nawaz Sharif urges Pakistan to stop
treating India as 'biggest enemy' May 17, 2011, 01.09pm IST PTI ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan's
powerful military held out
threats to India, former
Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif has called for
reappraisal of ties with its neighbour to move forward
and progress, saying
Islamabad must stop
treating New Delhi as its
"biggest enemy". Sharif, who was earlier
involved in talks with India when the Kargil crisis erupted, also
sought a probe into the 1999 conflict with
India. The former Prime Minister, who is the
chief of main opposition PML-N party, is
currently on a three-day visit to southern
Sindh province where he made the
remarks during an interaction with the
media in Karachi yesterday. He called on the government to also
conduct an inquiry into the 2006 killing of
Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti in a
military operation and the carnage in
Karachi on May 12, 2007 that killed over
40 people who tried to rally in support of then-deposed Supreme Court Chief Justice
Iftikhar Chaudhry. Sharif, whose government was deposed
in a military coup led by former President
Pervez Musharraf in 1999, reiterated his
demand for the budgets of the military
and the ISI to be placed before
Parliament for scrutiny in line with the practice in other democracies. He said one of his biggest regrets was not
taming the powerful military when he
was Prime Minister in the 1990s.
The Parliamentary resolution calling for
an independent commission to
investigate the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in a US raid on May 2
was the first step towards making
Parliament a sovereign body, Sharif said. "We need structural changes and this
inquiry has provided an opportunity to
move forward and put the country on the
right track, correct its direction by putting
our house in order, establish the rule of
law and bring all institutions under civilian control," Sharif said. If the government fixes responsibility for
the Abbottabad incident and punishes
those found guilty, a message will go out
to the world that the people of Pakistan
will not brook another embarrassment
like the US raid, he said. Sharif spoke out against the recent
alliance forged by the ruling PPP and the
PML-Q, both of which are rivals of his PML-
N in Punjab and at the centre.
yes, with budget cuts on military too, pakistan already has nukes and missiles to counter any attack
Was he dumb during his term as the PM and brought up Kargil.

Still he asks them not to treate us as BIGGEST enemy... Which means they never want us to be their friend... Instead he should have said stop treating India as a Enemy.

I hope MMS's attempts bear fruits to improve relations b/w the two countries.
Sometimes I think some Indians are mentally retarded even though I do not like the idea. It's because they want to suggest that Pakistani military failed on 2nd May. I want to ask these clowns what could the Indian Military have done if the US had carried out the same operation in India? You may take your time in answering that!

Actually Nothing.. But then Osama wasnt in India and India did face USA down in 1971 when USA dispatched its seventh fleet to bully and prevent India from liberating Bangladesh. But thats a different story. My post here seems to have been misunderstood. .. Please focus on the part about how sensible statements from civilians are rubbished in front of idiotic boasts of Army (Pasha's recent comments on targets identified in India). And the 2nd part of my statement refers not to the attack by USA, but to the complicity or incompetence (different people have different opinion on this) of PA in regard to having Osama living in the garrison town of PA

PS: I am ignoring the personal insults with a view that you misunderstood my post.
We must clean the mess of these traitors very soon !!
Pliiz PM me if any suicide bombing is plained for killing these political B****ds ( i am serious)
finally a politician is saying what wise Pakistanis and Indians knew from years.
He is right!! the only mistake in his statement he should have said india is not the only enemy we face today india is not challenging our sovereignty on daily basses others are...................... i like PMl N the only hope for pakistan Inshallah nawaz will bring pakistan out of this dark hole:pakistan:
We must clean the mess of these traitors very soon !!
Pliiz PM me if any suicide bombing is plained for killing these political B****ds ( i am serious)

man its guys like you who are dragging your country down . you seem to want kill a person who does not see your view point and hereby forgetting what democracy is all about .
man its guys like you who are dragging your country down . you seem to want kill a person who does not see your view point and hereby forgetting what democracy is all about .

I hate to say!!! but i totally agree with you ..
At last one guy, Nawaz has got the idea clear.

The same sub conventional warfare-deniability-deterrence approach was tried out and failed spectacularly due to the same reasons of lack of endgame, asymmetric escalation and the flexibility of response that we enjoyed has finally leading to make people realise and open their eyes.
Seriously, If there will be only love between India and Pakistan, then I can bet POPULARITY of PDF WILL REDUCE DRASTICALLY. There will be no drama, no action and no killing(banning).:lol:
What's the point of discussing anything when you want to spread false propaganda, or worse you actually believe it. You military and air force could not gain an inch during the Kargil episode. So, you scared the whole world by moving 80% of your military and air force to Pakistan border and by declaring that this escalation could lead to a Nuclear War. It was you that begged America to intervene, it was because of your intense diplomacy and nuclear blackmail that Pakistani PM, Nawaz Sharif, was forced by America & Europe to cease fire and vacate the posts.

This was the reason of fallout b/w NS and Musharraf, Pakistan was in a position to dictate terms and NS catapulted under pressure for his own seat. Kargil was never meant to start a war but to invite the attention of the world towards the Kashmir dispute as well as to force India to dialogue. Our Military achieved their objective but the civilian Govt. caved in before the benefits could be reaped!

First of all, since this is off-topic, I will not comment much on this. I'll only say, to each to his/her own (propaganda, that is).

There is only 1 real super power in the world today and that the USA. Some other countries can be called big powers such as China, Russia, European countries. India is nowhere close to either of them......what do you have, seriously? Can your air force match the air force of bigger countries? Can your Navy match the navy of big powers? can your Military match the power of the military of big powers? How fast and effective can your military be away from your border? How long can you sustain any war? Can we please be realistic?

This, although is again off-topic, I agree with you that we have long way to go in the ladder of progress and I would not even consider us to call ourself super power/ global power or regional power at all. I just want us to continue growing and uplifting the poors. That's about it.

Our biggest problem today is the terror war of America that has destabilised this whole region. They are not here to make things better, they have fuked every thing up and they will leave us all screwed......you Indian's too. America has proved to be the worst of friends, look it up.

This I agree to some extent. But don't worry, we will never alligned ourselves with USA like you guys have done. Ours will be totally professional relationship and when our interests are not met, we'll not hesitate to let US know it in no uncertain terms. Isn't the recent MMRCA rejection of American fighters a good example that we are not a sold out partner of US, but a sane and matured one?
Sometimes I think some Indians are mentally retarded even though I do not like the idea. It's because they want to suggest that Pakistani military failed on 2nd May. I want to ask these clowns what could the Indian Military have done if the US had carried out the same operation in India? You may take your time in answering that!

First of all easy with the personal attack friend, you seem to be an inteligent member.

Secondly, we do not have to worry about US coming inside our boundaries as faggots like Osama will never be inside India. Even if they enter, we will hunt him down trample him exactly like what he deserves.


I don't consider Nawaz Sharif as a Politician who want their country to prosper. I really doubt it. IMHO, he is just taking advantage of the awkward situation Pakistan is in today and trying to get back to his political aspiration by shouting some (opposite) rhetoric this time.

He will not hesitate to take a complete u-turn if the situation demands.
What's the point of discussing anything when you want to spread false propaganda, or worse you actually believe it. You military and air force could not gain an inch during the Kargil episode. So, you scared the whole world by moving 80% of your military and air force to Pakistan border and by declaring that this escalation could lead to a Nuclear War.
See this how you lost some territory before...Operation Meghdoot
How many nukes do u ve at that time?
The present nukes were tested only. We have been making nukes from 1974.
Nuclear war??? It seems like a joke with having one or more nukes? Pakistan might be wiped out then if had dared to attack India with one or 2 nukes.

It was you that begged America to intervene, it was because of your intense diplomacy and nuclear blackmail that Pakistani PM, Nawaz Sharif, was forced by America & Europe to cease fire and vacate the posts.

This was the reason of fallout b/w NS and Musharraf, Pakistan was in a position to dictate terms and NS catapulted under pressure for his own seat. Kargil was never meant to start a war but to invite the attention of the world towards the Kashmir dispute as well as to force India to dialogue. Our Military achieved their objective but the civilian Govt. caved in before the benefits could be reaped!

What did ur military achieve? Losing 4000 army men...

There is only 1 real super power in the world today and that the USA. Some other countries can be called big powers such as China, Russia, European countries. India is nowhere close to either of them......what do you have, seriously? Can your air force match the air force of bigger countries? Can your Navy match the navy of big powers? can your Military match the power of the military of big powers? How fast and effective can your military be away from your border? How long can you sustain any war? Can we please be realistic?
What is the need for matching US and russia and other european countries?They are our allies...
India 5th most powerful nation, says govt index - The Times of India
India has 4th best navy and airforce. :bounce::bounce::bounce:

Our biggest problem today is the terror war of America that has destabilised this whole region. They are not here to make things better, they have fuked every thing up and they will leave us all screwed......you Indian's too. America has proved to be the worst of friends, look it up.

I think pakistan is destabilised even before US operation. Why will they screw indian's ??? We never allowed them on our land...:taz::taz::taz:
He is right!! the only mistake in his statement he should have said india is not the only enemy we face today india is not challenging our sovereignty on daily basses others are...................... i like PMl N the only hope for pakistan Inshallah nawaz will bring pakistan out of this dark hole:pakistan:

Serious? :disagree:

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