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Nawaz urges nation to stop treating India as ‘biggest enemy’

i dont know wat to say. so many pakistanis still baying for india's blood. i say please look inwards.

if there are good civilian leaders in pakistan (i am sure there must be somewhere), this is the best time to get those corrupt politicians and generals. once u start a movement against them, i am sure whole awaam will follow suit.

this OBL death is once in a lifetime opportunity for pakistan. use it to overhaul u r system.

do not make it a case of false ego and pride. i am sure pakistani army is at its weakest point in pakistani politics. if i am patriotic pakistani i would not leave gen kayani/shuja/gilani/zardari without some hard answers.

this is wat i feel, rest is up to pakistanis.
If you look at it from India's perspective, Pakistan used terrorism as a proxy to direct war since Pakistan could not take on India directly in a military conflict. The same manner India is countering Pakistan in the world forums and trade situations the best way it can short of war because a war will certainly mess up the the economy in India. So before you say GoI's word can not be trusted, you need to have a look towards the actions of GoP too

Yes, it goes without saying that the Pakistani side has been less than honest all along. I really don't see any major issues between India and Pakistan once Kashmir is resolved. As I see it, the only acceptable solution is full independence for Kashmir as a separate country. It will be more acceptable for both sides to have Kashmir be independent than to give it to the other side.

The problem then will be to make sure it doesn't become a proxy battleground like Afghanistan.
Yes, it goes without saying that the Pakistani side has been less than honest all along. I really don't see any major issues between India and Pakistan once Kashmir is resolved. As I see it, the only acceptable solution is full independence for Kashmir as a separate country. It will be more acceptable for both sides to have Kashmir be independent than to give it to the other side.

The problem then will be to make sure it doesn't become a proxy battleground like Afghanistan.

trouble is neither pakistan nor india will allow kashmir to become a separate country.
trouble is neither pakistan nor india will allow kashmir to become a separate country.

Both countries are dead set against giving it to the other side, but I think strong, popular leadership on both sides can convince each country to go for the middle ground, i.e. independence.

It has to be laid out as a cost-benefit analysis. India's access to the CAR is hampered; it's economic ties with the Middle East, while good, could always be better; and there is the added benefit of 180 million consumers with fairly similar tastes. On the Pakistani side, the benefits of cutting down the defence budget are obvious, not to mention access to a huge reciprocal market.

It would also go a long way towards normalizing the India-China relationship.

It's one of those things that can only happen when there is strong leadership in both countries at the same time. But it would have to be independence for Kashmir: making the current LOC permanent is not an option since it ignores the wishes of the Kashmiris themselves and gives the perception that the other side 'won' by getting to keep their ill-gotten gains.
Kashmir will always be part of India no redrawing of the map will take place and no PM of India could sanction it. The only solution being to make LOC the international border and have free movement of goods and people for the whole of Kashmir.
This is a man who according to Musharraf capitulated before President Bill Clinton in Washing-ton on July 4, 1999 or else musharraf would have liberated Jammu Kashmir

he was more successfully in liberating lives of pakistani form their mortal bodies by joining WOT and ditching the so far bedfellows jehadis :)
Message to Nawz and million's Pakistanis....

India and Indians are ur No.1 Enemy..and ur our Enemy...

There is not even a 1mm place to fit the word Ties or friendship....
According to Indian...Pakistan Enemy No.1...
Every True Indian hates Pakistan from his heart......:D
That's the real fact..

Ur politicians is trying to Mislead u.....
Don't forget India is ur Enemy No.1..
Both countries are dead set against giving it to the other side, but I think strong, popular leadership on both sides can convince each country to go for the middle ground, i.e. independence.

It has to be laid out as a cost-benefit analysis. India's access to the CAR is hampered; it's economic ties with the Middle East, while good, could always be better; and there is the added benefit of 180 million consumers with fairly similar tastes. On the Pakistani side, the benefits of cutting down the defence budget are obvious, not to mention access to a huge reciprocal market.

It would also go a long way towards normalizing the India-China relationship.

It's one of those things that can only happen when there is strong leadership in both countries at the same time. But it would have to be independence for Kashmir: making the current LOC permanent is not an option since it ignores the wishes of the Kashmiris themselves and gives the perception that the other side 'won' by getting to keep their ill-gotten gains.

Cost benefit analysis?? You really think that people in India would be willing to part with a part of their country for access to CAR, some supposed better relations with the middle east & a market in Pakistan? You guys really buy that cunning baniya argument?:lol: Won't happen, not anytime soon. It would be impossible for any Indian government to allow that especially since they have fought counter insurgency battles to prevent something similar from happening in the NE. Today most of those movements are slowly dying out because of more integration. No one will risk restarting them. The best that can happen in Kashmir is the LoC becoming a permanent border, with any luck a soft one. That is about it.
India will always be Pakistan's biggest threat until Kashmir is handed over. They should be treated as hostile until it is resolved.
this low life politician Nawaz Sharif is just trying to exploit the May 2 operation and trying his level best to bring Army under pressure. He can just shift to India and sponsor a team in IPL instead of giving stupid statements.
India I understand. But why hate the US? Billions of aid, military equipment, training your incompetent intelligence and now we are your second hated enemy along with India? :lol: You people are amazing..

Get your dirty patriotic American away from these forums.

I HATE the way you wrote that reply, my country is in big trouble and you're making such ironic posts. I'm hoping for a revolution in Pakistan...


EDIT: Nawaz Sharif is just a corrupt politician, why is he even talking :angry:. The world is LAUGHING at Pakistan these days, we have a PUPPET government and what seems like a PUPPET military too.

My father who served in the Pakistani army during the 1965 and 1971 war was a big patriotic, even he is saying bad things about our army. :undecided:
Mush did force india into one thing and that is war. yes we faught war to re take those heights from pakistani army. and we won. now here come the "pointed question" wat did pakistan achieve by doing that? the answer is nothing. but it certainly lost its stature and face in the eyes of international community.

What's the point of discussing anything when you want to spread false propaganda, or worse you actually believe it. You military and air force could not gain an inch during the Kargil episode. So, you scared the whole world by moving 80% of your military and air force to Pakistan border and by declaring that this escalation could lead to a Nuclear War. It was you that begged America to intervene, it was because of your intense diplomacy and nuclear blackmail that Pakistani PM, Nawaz Sharif, was forced by America & Europe to cease fire and vacate the posts.

This was the reason of fallout b/w NS and Musharraf, Pakistan was in a position to dictate terms and NS catapulted under pressure for his own seat. Kargil was never meant to start a war but to invite the attention of the world towards the Kashmir dispute as well as to force India to dialogue. Our Military achieved their objective but the civilian Govt. caved in before the benefits could be reaped!

your prime minister ran to washington to appeal to bill clinton to help pakistan. which he rightly denied.

so my friend i once again ask u who is living in state of denial. i disagreed with post # 9 but agreed with u r post #12.
yes we r a regional power and yes we aspire to be a super power but it doesnt mean we cant sit accross table with our pakistani brothers and discuss issues logically and peace fully.

There is only 1 real super power in the world today and that the USA. Some other countries can be called big powers such as China, Russia, European countries. India is nowhere close to either of them......what do you have, seriously? Can your air force match the air force of bigger countries? Can your Navy match the navy of big powers? can your Military match the power of the military of big powers? How fast and effective can your military be away from your border? How long can you sustain any war? Can we please be realistic?

on topic, it is pakistan who has to realise which is its biggest enemiy. is it terrorism or india.?

Our biggest problem today is the terror war of America that has destabilised this whole region. They are not here to make things better, they have fuked every thing up and they will leave us all screwed......you Indian's too. America has proved to be the worst of friends, look it up.
Message to Nawz and million's Pakistanis....

India and Indians are ur No.1 Enemy..and ur our Enemy...

There is not even a 1mm place to fit the word Ties or friendship....
According to Indian...Pakistan Enemy No.1...
Every True Indian hates Pakistan from his heart......:D
That's the real fact..

Ur politicians is trying to Mislead u.....
Don't forget India is ur Enemy No.1..

We know already, Tell this to Baba Singh as well :lol:
heh heh.. Thats the sad part about Pakistan. The sensible statements by civilians are rubbished in front of idiotic boasts of the Army. And that too right after the hollowness of the armed forces has been exposed in front of the world..

Sometimes I think some Indians are mentally retarded even though I do not like the idea. It's because they want to suggest that Pakistani military failed on 2nd May. I want to ask these clowns what could the Indian Military have done if the US had carried out the same operation in India? You may take your time in answering that!

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