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Nawaz speaks English during Press conference with PM Erdogan


Oct 20, 2008
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United States

Notice how PM Nawaz Sharif head of state of Pakistan is speaking in English during a press conference with PM of Turkiye Erdogan. When it is Erdogan's time to speak he speaks purely in Turkish.
It's fine, English is Pakistan's governmental language, so it's expect. If he was talking in Urdu or Punjabi, then you would have to worry. English is considered a unifying language in many countries in the world, especially in nations that have multitudes of different languages, Pakistan is no exception.
Every PM should be wearing Pakistani dress and speak Urdu. This is the least we can expect when the opposite leader speaks in his language.
Every PM should be wearing Pakistani dress and speak Urdu. This is the least we can expect when the opposite leader speaks in his language.
Calm down mate speaking English is good, we have the world's third largest English speaking population which helps when they go abroad for job etc. It's not bad in anyway and as far as our pride goes..... i don't think we have any after the 60000 figure!
This is they way Muslim leader try to project their power and influence to the world, by speaking English. Many Muslim understand English. They must speak English in international event like this, instead of using translator. Translator will bring down the leader voices influence into the listener heard.
Every PM should be wearing Pakistani dress and speak Urdu. This is the least we can expect when the opposite leader speaks in his language.

Common man, you got a Canadian flag but you talking like its 1200 AD....??? English is a business language and your leaders are fluent in it. Plus you guys have a huge English speaking population. This helps to citizens who see it from other countries. Softens the image of Pakistan as people see nothing moderate about it in news.....
I'd rather have a democratic, business dressed premier in any country than a military fool general showing his little tiny biceps like he's Arnold from the move Terminator lol
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Even when one joins the PAF, they are expected to communicate in English.
Just because he's not speaking the national language, doesn't make him any less of a Pakistani. Its just a language!
This is they way Muslim leader try to project their power and influence to the world, by speaking English. Many Muslim understand English. They must speak English in international event like this, instead of using translator. Translator will bring down the leader voices influence into the listener heard.

You don't hear PM Erdogan speaking English and he has more power and influence in regional and international politics than PM Nawaz Sharif. Clearly, you're false attribution that speaking English equates to power is foolish.

Translator will bring down the leader voices influence into the listener heard

Did translation of PM Erdogan's speech bring his down voice? Not at all, what nonsense. The fact he spoke his national language is a statement of how the Turks value their language.

They must speak English in international event like this

It's not an international event it is an event between two heads of states only. One speaks the language of his country the other does not.

Even when one joins the PAF, they are expected to communicate in English.
Just because he's not speaking the national language, doesn't make him any less of a Pakistani. Its just a language!

It's not "just a language" he is a head of state and language is representative of a country.
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Calm down mate speaking English is good, we have the world's third largest English speaking population which helps when they go abroad for job etc. It's not bad in anyway and as far as our pride goes..... i don't think we have any after the 60000 figure!
nigeria got more population then your country who speak english !

he spoke English so people could understand !
Why blame Nawaaz when all of Pakistani society has failed to embrace Urdu? Do we even have a word for 'ambulance' in Urdu?

It's fine, English is Pakistan's governmental language, so it's expected. If he was talking in Urdu or Punjabi, then you would have to worry. English is considered a unifying language in many countries in the world, especially in nations that have multitudes of different languages, Pakistan is no exception.
Furthermore, we also have the example of MA Jinnah. His speeches were in english. Urdu has a symbolic value. It promotes cohesion within Pakistan.

Plus i think the dressing, language, decorum carry great value for leaders of states.
NS would wear kurta, if he was on a friendship tour to china, or any other south american country, where the friendship and ties of pakistan people and that country were to be emphasised. But he would wear a suit if he visited UN, or US, where he was on a business tour.

Similarly, if Erdogan came to pakistan instead, i think he might have spoken english rather than turkish, coz he would then be addressing pakistanis or the world. Our PM was addressing everyone in general, whereas erdogan was addressing his people, and so the spoke in turkish.

Notice how PM Nawaz Sharif head of state of Pakistan is speaking in English during a press conference with PM of Turkiye Erdogan. When it is Erdogan's time to speak he speaks purely in Turkish.

Nawaz should have spoken in Urdu the national language of Pakistan

Why blame Nawaaz when all of Pakistani society has failed to embrace Urdu? Do we even have a word for 'ambulance' in Urdu?
Don't make trivial issues seem important, the important issue at hand these days is how to make sure 60000 more Pakistanis don't die in the upcoming decade!
I think some people look at it wrong. The world already assumes one can speak their native language. Being able to fluently speak at least two languages, particularly when one of them is so different than your first language, projects intelligence.

You would never catch me calling anyone on this forum "dumb" or "stupid", since reading and conversing in an auxiliary language is impressive to say the least.

Practically, when speaking at a press conference, you want to use the language that will spread your message the most effectively.

Notice how PM Nawaz Sharif head of state of Pakistan is speaking in English during a press conference with PM of Turkiye Erdogan. When it is Erdogan's time to speak he speaks purely in Turkish.

where do you live buddy, have you ever been to Pakistan.
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