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Nawaz Sharif to attend Modi's SWEARING-IN, Confirmed by PML(N) info. Secy Farooq Sidiqul

I hope Nawaz Sharif doesn't forget to get his polio shot before flying to New Delhi
TBH if he is going to deal with a nationalist party leader then NS needs to show more back bone. I remember in 1998 he also invited vajpaye to his swearing in and vajpaye didnt come. NS needs to be head strong to lock horns with india and TBH i see him being rolled over most of the times if not all of the time.
You read articles watch news, i live in this country got enough contacts in the military and the nooras with the people that matter.

There is no friction as it is. Maybe you need to change your filters.
Really? Nawaz is known for his confrontation with country’s generals since the 1990s and it was his lust for absolute power which led to the sacking of his government in October, 1999.

There are known reasons of friction between the generals and politicians; ceasefire with TTP in the month of March when Army had initiated an operation and was confident to eliminate the terrorists, unwarranted appeasement of terrorists through giving them recognition as if they were a state unto themselves, and army-bashing through initiation of a questionable treason case against former army chief, Gen Musharraf.

Add to that the Hamid Mir fiasco and its clear that there are sparks flying thick and fast between the army and the civilian dispensation.

You need to not just change your filters, but remove them completely!! :P
I guess you haven't heard that proverb ... keep you friends close and enemy closer. Nothing ironic or stupid about it. There is far much more to this invitation than meet the eyes.

yeah Chanakya doctrine at its best...i wish for some positive results...
and then Shri Modi will serve chicken briyani to Nawaz uncle ....................who cares about Indian soldiers
Arre bhai, this invitation is for all SAARC heads of government. How can chicken biryani be served to all except Nawaz? You don't expect hm to be sulking in a corner with just a glass of nimboo pani, do you? :lol:
Great gesture by Nawaz Sharif, yet I think that Modi never deserved it...but still Nawaz is going to honor the occasion with his presence !!
Yeah I am hoping for positive results as well but this invitation is more about gauging how much free space Civil GoP has when it comes to Indo Pak matters.
Unfortunately, it's the Pakistan Army that calls the shots in Pakistan where foreign policy is concerned. That's been the modus operandi since 1947. And that's not going to change any time soon.

That's why I feel that if Nawaz does come to India, it's going to piss off the Army further. As it is there's no love lost between the PA and the Pakistan government which is democratically elected, but unfortunately powerless.
Great gesture by Nawaz Sharif, yet I think that Modi never deserved it...but still Nawaz is going to honor the occasion with his presence !!

The invite was to forget the past and move forth with a double edged sword both ways.

The day this was decided your troops killed our soldier.

I think you need to come out of your old habits of the last ten years.

I am waiting for a selfie of SAARC leaders....

Not happening.

The invitation was a simply a way of politely conveying to exercise caution to those who are hostile and also a welcome gesture to those who are friendly. A two-way tonality here can be seen.
Really? Nawaz is known for his confrontation with country’s generals since the 1990s and it was his lust for absolute power which led to the sacking of his government in October, 1999.

There are known reasons of friction between the generals and politicians; ceasefire with TTP in the month of March when Army had initiated an operation and was confident to eliminate the terrorists, unwarranted appeasement of terrorists through giving them recognition as if they were a state unto themselves, and army-bashing through initiation of a questionable treason case against former army chief, Gen Musharraf.

Add to that the Hamid Mir fiasco and its clear that there are sparks flying thick and fast between the army and the civilian dispensation.

You need to not just change your filters, but remove them completely!! :P

Nooras are very pragmatic now, look at them being very curteous to the army. Doesnt mean they have changed, just the nooras now value seat more than anything else. Hamid Mir case had the civilians literally unite against GEO and India as well in a distant manner. I can tell you people who do not like army's fiddling came out in support and that my dear did us a lot good and harmed GEO. Their ratings went from 1st to 4th. Lost 50% of its viewers. This is a huge dent. Then the Religious nonsense they pulled ( If you were a Muslim or for that matter ieven if not, you should watch the morning shows. They did the most outrageous things to get ratings ). They already pissed people off with the ISI episode now this was another nail in the coffin. Mir Shakeel has been ringing a lot of phones to a lot of people. PPP, Nooras, JUI, retired generals.

Nooras do not support TTP but they are as politicians are, worry about their own self interests. If the TTP steps out of line you can see the effective bombing that took place yesterday. 60 plus kills, 30 critically wounded.

The civilian are with the armed forces. Your agents arent, and they be losing :D
Unfortunately, it's the Pakistan Army that calls the shots in Pakistan where foreign policy is concerned. That's been the modus operandi since 1947. And that's not going to change any time soon.

That's why I feel that if Nawaz does come to India, it's going to piss off the Army further. As it is there's no love lost between the PA and the Pakistan government which is democratically elected, but unfortunately powerless.
I know that bro, but I think Modi played a masterstroke here, They can't ignore it or accept it without some hassle. If Nawaz accepts the invitation, then Modi has successfully sidestepped the "No pre-conditions to the talks" and could give him some food for thought on terrorism.
And if he refuses, well then it would appear as Pakistan is not serious about moving forward towards normalizing relationship.
let Nawaz take with him Zaid Hamid and Hamid Gul for a troll of the year :D

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