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Nawaz Sharif new dream - Pak-India-Bangladesh corridor

CPEC has definitely benefited CCP. Pakistan got screwed though.
Now they have ti borrow from IMF etc to pay interest to CCP.

CPEC = Crush Pakistan Enhance Ccp

Besides the economic disaster CCP also turned Pakistanis 3rd class citizen within Pakistan, and turned the military into security guards for CCP labor
Well keep dreaming you fat sob 😁

I think, a pak-india-bangladesh-corridor must have occurred upto now. a trade corridor which includes Pakistan-India-Bangladesh would be must, why it hasn't happened upto now is the question .....
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CPEC projects are already suspended. US wants to pull out Pak from any type of Chinese alliance or mega economic pacts.
Is Diamer Bhasha still going?

I won’t be surprised if Nawaz hands over Karachi port to a UAE company owned by Adani, enabling Indian hegemony.
Private sector CAN'T flourish, if the SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE have a parallel / competing organisation / Commercial Entity, who is given FAVOURABLE TAX CONCESSIONS / Other Benefits / Privileges.

A capitalist democracy CAN'T flourish if the SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE are running a PARALLEL GREY ECONOMY.
There is a lot of disinformation flying around.

Nawaz Sharif gave some hints on what the establishment plans are. De-escalation with India, forgetting Kashmir, gradual rollback of CPEC, playing second fiddle to India.

Whether that materializes, remains to be seen.

I am still hopeful this artificial team of Sharifs, Kakars, Asim and his Corp Commanders won’t be able to make it stick.

The movement is just too inorganic to be sustainable.
It will materialize because there is no one to counter them. Tyrants have maintained their hold over nations for long periods of time, and Pakistan is no exception.
It will materialize because there is no one to counter them. Tyrants have maintained their hold over nations for long periods of time, and Pakistan is no exception.
You are right.

Maybe the stranglehold will continue or maybe it wont.

If it does, then Pakistanis will have noone but themselves to blame.
His dream to sell Kashmir
When he talked about economic prosperity, he forgot to mention CPEC.... lollllll... wonder why.... but in his new dream , he will easily import and export iron or his factory raw material and export his egg and chicken ....
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The Overseas Pakistanis in US, UK, Canada should really get their act together and force the establishment to withdraw. This is not impossible as establishment fanboys would have us believe.
I think the only way we're going to help is if the entire establishment is swept out of office and straight into jail or permanent exile. Strip them of their Pakistani citizenship, I'm sure there are plenty of countries that would let them buy citizenship somewhere else.
We've already shown our displeasure by cutting off the stream of dollars into the country and investments.
PMIK was by no means perfect, he made plenty of errors, but he was honest and that gave us confidence that sending money into Pakistan would grow Pakistan and benefit overseas Pakistanis with ROI too.
Your only other option would be for a group of overseas Pakistanis to come back with our own money and try and run in elections rigged in favor of the establishment to try and get these duffers out of office and the bureaucracy, which isn't happening.
I'm stunned there hasn't been an armed uprising out of KPK yet.
If Pakistan Army is ready to handover substantial area of Kashmir it is administrating, we can talk. We will even buy all the cement and steel their factories produce as an added incentive.
If Pakistan Army is ready to handover substantial area of Kashmir it is administrating, we can talk. We will even buy all the cement and steel their factories produce as an added incentive.

Which Pakistani general do you trust must to fulfil your Kashmir dream?
Nawaz Sharif is barely even aware of his surroundings, guy looks very 'special'.

He is a puppet of the military establishment, which implies a lot about how much they really care about the nation's interests and their priorities.

They are bums that can only play out their dynastic politics fantasy in a third world country, in any fair scenario they'd be nobodies.
But but Punjabis like to oppress Pashtun, Sindhi and Balochi according to Himdutva brigade...
That's Pakistan’s internal issue. We just want to do simple Business deal. And they are more open to recognize financial benefits. Pathans and Karachi walas are more emotional.
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