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Nawaz Sharif foreseen to win 2018 polls: report

Zardari no matter whom he buy can't win anything in PU .If anyone won on ppp ticket has to win by himself .wise electables don't waste theior time and money .theior bet is PTI and PMLN if anyone could not fit in these 2 will go to ppp .candidates r wise so the voters r .
Punjab voters have heavy influence of berdari system ,party base may be only Lahore.
Very possible for the following reasons:

(1) PPP is in disarray and it is unlikely that Pakistanis will forget the dystopian years of their tenure under Zardari. When they were hammered in the last elections even they knew they got exactly what they deserved. It was awful.

(2) Imran Khan and the PTI have been acting more like a pressure group than a political party with a serious intention to contest the next elections. Imran Khan knows full well that owing to his age he has this one last chance to become PM after that he will be too old. He had potential but squandered a huge amount of political capital, goodwill and momentum durig the dharnas. He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. That was his best chance to unseat Nawaz. Whoever advised him sold him up the river. Question is, where was his own political acumen. That is the thing. He has vey little political acumen. He relies on a charm and charisma. In realpolitik that will only take you so far.

(3) Pakistan's economy is stabilizing and the reaction from certain vested interests in Pakistan to CPEC is mainly due to the widespread understanding in poltical quarters that if Pakistan starts to grow Nawaz Shareef will have a much better claim on the next elections. Attacking CPEC is a desperate way to try and scrub off he writing on the wall.

(4 Nawaz Shareef and the PML know that the only two major things they needed to do to almost guarantee a win is reduce ;load shedding, even by 50% and do something similar with terrorism. Nawaz has achieved both.

The election is when? 2018? Nawaz will not be unseated. It's too late for that. If Imran Khan doesnt get his act together PML will definitely take the next election and he has only himself to blame. Personally I believe that it is too late for IK to do anything from here. If I was Imran Khan I would restructure the party, forget about dharnas and finger pointing, get back to grass-roots politics and get Mr Khattak to do his job properly in KPK. Then hope for the best. Show himself to be a poliician/leader/statesman. Not a showman.

I support no political party.

Pak Army should impose martial law during the time assemblies are dissolved and care taker government is formed.According to my opinion imposing martial law during transition period will face less resistance as there is no party who is ruling at that time and also there are strong chances that new elections will be rigged and no better change takes place as we learn from history.After martial law Army should select best honest people to run country and employ various checks on them to judge their performance and also form new judicial system according to teachings of Islam.I think elections should be stopped in Pakistan and people are appointed to run country by forming new institution with collaboration with Army and their appointment will employ procedure similar to that of Army or any better procedure which can be made and they should try hard to deliver so that they gain trust of public.
I think elections should be stopped in Pakistan and people are appointed to run country by forming new institution with collaboration with Army and their appointment will employ procedure similar to that of Army or any better procedure which can be made and they should try hard to deliver so that they gain trust of public.
Appointments is the reason Pakistan is in current state to begin with. Zia UL Haq appointed Nawaz Sharif once
you are right that gen ZiaulHaq had wrongly appointed nawaz sharif .According to my understanding he used the same election system for appointment without judicial reforms .It was because he was trying to secure his power and rule. The Martial law which I propose is not for merely greed for power and rule but for benefit of public of Pakistan in real terms.After appointment if rulers do anything wrong they should be punished and fired from the post quickly with quick investigations for that I have suggested new judicial system according to teachings of Islam.To employ this Military leadership should have willpower and enough courage because you know that when some powerful person is punished pressure from foreign countries and united nations is very much but to gain something one has to sacrifice something.
you are right that gen ZiaulHaq had wrongly appointed nawaz sharif .According to my understanding he used the same election system for appointment without judicial reforms .It was because he was trying to secure his power and rule. The Martial law which I propose is not for merely greed for power and rule but for benefit of public of Pakistan in real terms.After appointment if rulers do anything wrong they should be punished and fired from the post quickly with quick investigations for that I have suggested new judicial system according to teachings of Islam.To employ this Military leadership should have willpower and enough courage because you know that when some powerful person is punished pressure from foreign countries and united nations is very much but to gain something one has to sacrifice something.

Bhutto was published despite pressure. It resulted in nothing but more victimization
If Nawaz Sharif win again it's time to leave Pakistan
Like if it wasn't earlier. Anyways good suggestion for the fellow countrymen.

Oh.. don't forget to librate Baluchistan so those people can atleast come back to make space for yours.
victimization takes place only when one has greed of power or rule.To avoid this Army has to work as an institution and not for benefit of one person.From past ten year Pak Army has shown through its actions that it has no greed for power so things seem changing now.In past various mistakes were done but we should also consider good things which were done.Now I have full confidence that Pak Army is the only institution in our country which can bring real reform because no other institution is working properly.I donot suggest permanent martial law but for the time reforms are made and country begin to move in right direction .You have to trust some one to run country.

Balochistan people are free and equal citizens of Pakistan.They should remain loyal to their country.If they are unable to get any right they should consider that Islam,ideology and faith is above all rights and a Muslim can die but never come in hands of non believers to help them achieve their objectives.These benefits of life are limited.For sake of these benefits one should not do any thing wrong.Poverty is also in india .If india is capable of making people life good it had made good lives of its own citizen.
Despite lowest oil prices in the global market,electricity shortage being much lower,cpec,terrorism reduction,GSP status and political stability pakistan's exports are continuously decreasing,imports are continuously increasing,agriculture sector is falling down,debts are at an all time high so much so that we have to take debt for paying previous debts,circular debts are breaking new records,all state owned enterprises are facing worst kind of losses and textile sector is falling down.

Now after seeing all this anyone votes for panama shareef family then what should he be called then?
Increase in import in Pakistan's case is directly proportional to consumer bullying...by monopolies.....adding to that increasing purchase power among population and awareness of better products that give a bang for buck in long-run....
There is a reason why he will win huge number of votes

1) His vote base is very strong among conservatives and he has been getting millions of votes from 80s and 90s when he was allegedly just looting money. Supporters don't leave overnight and you have to snatch them one by one which takes forever.

2) He has strong root in baradari system and giving one seat to elder of a particular cast makes him attract thousands of votes. People don't vote on personal choices as they would come with excuses like oh we like PTI, Jamat-e-Islami but unfortunately my cousin/friend/relative is supporter of Noon League so I have promised to obey his request

3) Industrial sector will be pleased with reduction in load shedding and will side with him. Many factory owners have strong family relationship with Noon League or its MNA's and reduction in load shedding will even encourage them to seek votes from their employers. We know that our factories were paying on hourly basis, the number of hours the electricity is supplied, workers get wages on that so more electricity means higher wages so they can make an excuse to thousands of workers ke dekhaa Noon league ki waja se aap ko kaam mila hai... lol

4) He has 3 decades of experience in grabbing votes by both legal means and dhandhli. He will make the constituencies that suits his candidates the most

5) Reduction in terrorism, target killing and extortion in Karachi and across the country, boom in economic growth, CPEC, Improved foreign policy, No more talks of failed state, Lahore Metro, Hospitals in South Punjab etc are some the slogans they will use to impress the masses.

They will surely be the second largest party in Pakistan in not the first

For good or bad, they have mastered the art of winning elections. One can deride them all one wants (and for good reasons as well) but they know how to come out on top on election day. I support no party (although admitedly do have PTI sympathies) but PML is most likely to win no doubt.
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