Just tell me in a very simple words, did these politicians done anything good to the country. will you be happy to see your country sold to outsiders by these politicians, did you ever consider the ordinary citizen life in Musharaf era and in these politicians current time..?
Why you are bothering yourself for democrazy if you are not getting what is required from these politicians.
Please check some statistics and comparison of Musharaf economical time and with current.
I agree Musharaf did some greater mistakes, why these politicians are repeating the same, but committed more. Current government is one man government.. A Zardari Government, i will say a dictator in civilian uniform. Now tell me where is Nawaz to challenge him rather than saying bull **** about army. If army wasn’t there we will be sold already.
- These politicians went for political solutions to problems.
- The same political parties will be forced to give better results in governance IF the democratic process is followed. Why PPP is losing on Sindh - It made a mistake on local ordinance and nationalists jumped on the opportunity. The process will continue, governance will get better and hegemony of two parties will be challenged provided the system continues.
- Army has sold us time and again. Look beyond the slogans, all Army dictators were America's touts who drove the country to hell for accommodating American designs. I can tell you with complete seriousness that NO political party would have agreed to become a part of WoT (the political cost would have been too much) Only dictators can take such decisions.