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Nawaz Sharif asks Obama to raise Kashmir issue in his visit to India

How many countries recognize India's "sovereignty" over Kashmir? :what:

that is not important, what matters the most is that we recognise ourselves as a sovereign state and and will defend our national integrity at all costs.
google it, you will a lot many.
dead cause not happening people of balochistan had problems with govt of PK, but situation has dissolved govt is also engaging exiled baloch,i dont see ur claim having any genuine ground only freedom movements are led by extremist of many type same thing is going on in FATA
do u really think i brought religion into discussion coz i dont.
u basically disrespected a place of education/worship howd u feel if i say mandir education has brainwashed u WTH dude thats low
"The prime minister also urged President Obama to take up the cause of Kashmir with the Indian leadership, as its early resolution would bring enduring peace, stability and economic cooperation to Asia," said a Pakistan prime minister's office statement on the discussions between the two leaders.............

For once, NS says the right thing!
What other feasible options are there for him?
Other than to rant or convey his message to a Superpower?
Nukes did not work a la Kargil!

And I forgot letter writing to UNO...

The best option is to resume bilateral talks to resolve the issue, with a cessation of current hostilities on the LoC by both sides.
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