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Nawaz Sarif walking on Treason Lines

Let The F****C sharif aside where are F***C department of PMLN Media relations. If anyone sees any PMLN lover spot it brothers, I want to say something special to them or him :D
Nothing new for this fat two faced c*nt. I think many of us remember that he said over and over again that 3,000 Pakistani troops were killed in Kargil, and continued to tout this figure for ages due to his grudge against the army. He went quiet when the full names of the shaheed personal were released by the forces themselves.
The end game is coming for him, and it couldn't happen any sooner.
Judas had better values than this filth;

When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders.

Mathew 27:3
As expected, NS doing everything to save his wealth.will it damage the kashmir cause further?will it increase the already tightened sanctions on our country internationally?think my pmln brothers, think! Why do you want to burn your future generations? Please vote for the right person in the coming elections.I beg you for your own benefit.
As expected, NS doing everything to save his wealth.will it damage the kashmir cause further?will it increase the already tightened sanctions on our country internationally?think my pmln brothers, think! Why do you want to burn your future generations? Please vote for the right person in the coming elections.I beg you for your own benefit.
What international sanctions? There are no sanctions against us...if you are talking about the F16s that america refused to give then understand that those are notb sanctions. they just said that the u.s. taxpayer won't pay for it, i.e. they won't be given for free, we'll have to buy them. So why should we pay so much for F16s when we can make 3 times as many JF17s for the same amount of money which are nearly as effective as the F16s. Aside from that, there are no sanctions on us and there won't be any sanctions on us thanks to CPEC...
Such sad development.
If I were in power I would punish nawaz sheriff badly.
But the people in power would do nothing because he is a Punjabi.
The bastard people in his party and his supporters continue to defend him.
It is now proved that excess of donkey meat can result in begairati.
Look at Indians, they are united against Pakistan.
Where is chaudry nisar and his love for Pakistan.
This need article 6 punishment. But no one would touch him, as touching him would mean, disrupting his cases.
I am so sad today. There is some problem with our salt.
Why don't we produce loyal leaders.
Why our leaders are always treacherous as nawaz sheriff.
I am very hopeless in my country when I see a common person still supporting them.
When I see their people defending them.
I want to know what he has actually said before passing comment on it. Can someone post his wording in his own words because i do see plenty of propaganda and nawazphobia on this section of forum where people are twisting statements out of context because of political enmity and hatred for him? This azad Pakistan dude is good to create any conspiracy theory out of everything
I want to know what he has actually said before passing comment on it. Can someone post his wording in his own words because i do see plenty of propaganda and nawazphobia on this section of forum where people are twisting statements out of context because of political enmity and hatred for him? This azad Pakistan dude is good to create any conspiracy theory out of everything
Why don't you go and read whole article from dawn. They are not going to charge you anything.
Plus why don't you see Indian news channels.
Go see. Then come back and defend your nawaz. You people would not change.
Why don't you go and read whole article from dawn. They are not going to charge you anything.
Plus why don't you see Indian news channels.
Go see. Then come back and defend your nawaz. You people would not change.
I am not defended anything but i am not blind hater either to jump on sweraing others without knowing what they have said it..the record of opening poster is v good in fabricating stuffs..This political section is flooded by nawaphobia ..i understand because most voters are ptians who are looking for excuses to express their anger, hate and frustration
This MOFO, his family must be tried under article 6 and whoever is supporting his ideology.
Such sad development.
If I were in power I would punish nawaz sheriff badly.
But the people in power would do nothing because he is a Punjabi.
The bastard people in his party and his supporters continue to defend him.
It is now proved that excess of donkey meat can result in begairati.
Look at Indians, they are united against Pakistan.
Where is chaudry nisar and his love for Pakistan.
This need article 6 punishment. But no one would touch him, as touching him would mean, disrupting his cases.
I am so sad today. There is some problem with our salt.
Why don't we produce loyal leaders.
Why our leaders are always treacherous as nawaz sheriff.
I am very hopeless in my country when I see a common person still supporting them.
When I see their people defending them.

His chumcha is sitting PM.. it is up to the army to step on him for treason, but sadly Bajwa will do nothing.

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