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Navy's elite commandos Marcos get leaner and meaner look

surely not marcos,i dont think they even do guarding duty. I read somewhere most of there assignments are offensive rather than defensive.

Another great picture of the Indian Navy's Marine Commandos in their slick new kit. Scoped this picture at Navy chief Admiral Nirmal Verma's farewell press conference today. My network colleague and friend, Gautam Datt, defence correspondent at Mail Today, recently did this piece about the new look, first revealed at the commissioning of India's new stealth frigate INS Sahyadri last month. The Navy says the new look, under tests until recently, is now officially being introduced in phases.

now shiv identified them as MARCOS ...

now shiv identified them as MARCOS ...

These guys could be MARCOs, confusingly MARCOs look almost identical to SPB with Tavors and US UCM camo as the new standard kit for MARCOs too.

MARCOs at IN navy day 2011:


President's review 2011, MARCOs:



It won't be until the MARCOs' new FCS comes into play that real differences will be identifiable.
but india today may be wrong as some one has truly claimed marcos dont show faces so i guess they are SPB's :help:


Not showing faces is a thing of the past. You don't show your face when you are operating in an environment where your personal identification can be used against you. This is the case in CI or AT/CT operations and operating from within the local populace. It applies more to civilian law enforcers now than to the military units.

For Special Forces, in this day and age, its not possible to have their folks donning on ski masks or editing the plethora of media coverage about their troops. The best way to conceal the special is to embed it into the conventional and by that it means no special badges, no distinct clothing etc. This was the way the Special Forces of the past were. Times have certainly changed now. This is the case across the board globally because of competing budgets and the constant tugging in all armed forces to fund the special forces from what was previously the funding for the conventional forces. The Israelis are the only ones who worry about not showing faces as they are concerned with kidnappings and hostage taking of their troops on the basis of identification but here too limit the concealment of identities to their SF and pilots only.
The Israelis are the only ones who worry about not showing faces as they are concerned with kidnappings and hostage taking of their troops on the basis of identification but here too limit the concealment of identities to their SF and pilots only.

Also the Mexican police, commandos, etc that are involved with eradicating the drug crime are the ones that almost never show their face. Because the drug cartels will do something to their family and them.








have u seen SPB ? ever

Not personally but I have it on good authority that SPB does look like ie very similar to MARCOs. If you are saying SPB do not dress like this, do you really think the IN is foolish enough to employ a SOF of MARCOs' calibre which is already in high demand and short supply in a force protection duty??!! No effing way! That too with their faces uncovered and able to interact with media personnel? Is it a coincidence the guys at the INS Sahyadri commissioning event were doing a task that perfectly fitted the mandate of SPB??!

+wrt to covering/not covering faces Mr blain.2 is very accurate in what he says but even still the MARCOs are extremely cautious when it comes to revealing identidies. The Indian forces are secretive in general, their are explicit laws relating to taking and publishing pictures of any member of the Indian military or their equipment but MARCOs take this to a whole new level. Any pic offically relased by IN of MARCOs will be certain that it is not possible to accurately identify the guys in the pic. Proof of this is the fact that despite the force being almost 30 years old and thousands of operators having servied within the force the lack of any real accounts by reitred MARCOs or any MARCOs being prominent in the media shows how secretive this community is.
Also the Mexican police, commandos, etc that are involved with eradicating the drug crime are the ones that almost never show their face. Because the drug cartels will do something to their family and them.
All such SF that are fighting the drug cartels try to remain behind the curtain
Not personally but I have it on good authority that SPB does look like ie very similar to MARCOs. If you are saying SPB do not dress like this, do you really think the IN is foolish enough to employ a SOF of MARCOs' calibre which is already in high demand and short supply in a force protection duty??!! No effing way! That too with their faces uncovered and able to interact with media personnel? Is it a coincidence the guys at the INS Sahyadri commissioning event were doing a task that perfectly fitted the mandate of SPB??!

+wrt to covering/not covering faces Mr blain.2 is very accurate in what he says but even still the MARCOs are extremely cautious when it comes to revealing identidies. The Indian forces are secretive in general, their are explicit laws relating to taking and publishing pictures of any member of the Indian military or their equipment but MARCOs take this to a whole new level. Any pic offically relased by IN of MARCOs will be certain that it is not possible to accurately identify the guys in the pic. Proof of this is the fact that despite the force being almost 30 years old and thousands of operators having servied within the force the lack of any real accounts by reitred MARCOs or any MARCOs being prominent in the media shows how secretive this community is.

I am not rejecting yr claim What i gather from my little chat with my frnd is that SPB is not given these dresses AS OF NOW may be in near fututre they might wear this camo And i am also the firm beliver that MARCOS dont reveal their pictures like this may be something has changed in their protocol even though i am wondering lets assume MARCOS wanted this pics for PR then why they didnt have marcos BADGE on them :confused:

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