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Navy Chief quits over spate of submarine mishaps

Naval Chief proving too tough on the Babus?


The resignation of the Chief Of The Naval Staff comes at a time when India has just concluded the Naval exercise Millan in the Bay of Bengal recently on Feb 10 this year, showcasing to the international community our world class Navy. Admiral Joshi resigned on Wednesday taking full moral responsibility of the accidents that have rocked the organization in past six months, the latest being an accident on INS Sinduratna in which two Naval officer went missing and seven sailors seriously injured which was on the Sea trials in the Arabian sea on Wednesday the Feb 26 after re-fitment at Mazgaon Dock Limited.

Sources from the Navy disclosed that there was a buzz for over ten day that something was brewing up against the Naval Chief as he was proving too tough for the Babus of the MoD to handle. It just happened that this tragic accident occurred and the Chief rendered his resignation, no wonder it was promptly accepted. A morally upright officer has herby set very high standards for the existing and the future military leadership.

As soon as the news broke of the Naval Chief’s resignation, senior officials were contacted in the MoD who revealed that the Defence Minister Mr AK Anthony had tried to peruse the Admiral to withdraw his resignation but failed to convince Admiral Joshi.

The events dominating the headlines in past three years related to the MoD vs Military raises a serious doubt if the things are all in order or there is far more then what meets the eye. While the former Defence Secretary was busy concocting false story in collaboration with leading national English daily on an imagined military coup, the issue of modernization and capacity building has taken a back seat on the agenda. The weak political leadership it appears has been over shadowed by the babus of the MoD as it appears. It has emerged that the Naval Chief had been pressing for appropriate budgetary allocation necessary to undertake the maintenance of the ageing fleet but the MoD proved a major stumbling block to the legitimate demand. On the contrary pressure was being built on the service for poor safety and maintenance standards.

It has come to light that it was at the behest of Secretary Defence Production that the re-fitment of INS Sinduratna was being under taken at Mazgaon Docks Limited or otherwise it would have sailed to Russia for the same.

It would be interesting to see if the Govt of India orders a probe to find out the reasons why this submarine in question not sent to Russia for re-fitment which should have been the normal course and what was the role of the Defence Ministry officials of the MoD in the whole turn of events despite requests by the Navy.

Naval Chief proving too tough on the Babus? » Indian Defence Review

I dont doubt Admiral Joshi....

but Stormy weather for top navy officers after accidents
published feb 2

then this was published on feb 4
Navy may have itself to blame for series of recent accidents - Hindustan Times

I am flummoxed:tsk:
But why would MOD will want to block the purchase of new subs?? @kurup
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With opposition demanding defence Minister's resignation, PMO come out to defend AK Antony.

2 personnel killed in Sindhuratna mishap, Navy has located the bodies in the compartment of the subamrine and recovered the bodies
Rest In Peace to the Navy Personnel! :cray:

About time somebody took responsibility of the recent spate of accidents in the navy. Kudos to the chief admiral for putting his hand up and own responsibility. Contrast this with the attitude of our politicians, who even in the worst circumstances, do not own up any responsibility and try to pass the buck. :ashamed:
Read the lines in blue.

It has emerged that the Naval Chief had been pressing for appropriate budgetary allocation necessary to undertake the maintenance of the ageing fleet but the MoD proved a major stumbling block to the legitimate demand. On the contrary pressure was being built on the service for poor safety and maintenance standards.

It's talking about maintenance of old fleet .
These fucking babus in the MoD need to be hung by their withering balls from the nearest lamp post! They think they own the defence services and are their masters.

Anthony is too busy politicking and so has left the services at the mercy of these assholes. Imagine a lowly deputy secretary in the MoD ordering the Army to change the date of birth of then Chief, Gen VK Singh! :woot: Needless to say, he was shown two fingers and told to hop! But it just shows how these feather-brains treat the services.

I think they need to shift the MoD to Siachen (Army), in a submarine off the coast of Andamans (Navy) and in godforsaken Daulat Beg Oldi near Aksai Chin (Air force). Let the skunks get a feel of reality instead of sitting on their asses in their ivory towers in Delhi like the maharajas of yore.
NEW DELHI: A day after resigning as Navy chief, Admiral DK Joshi on Thursday wrote to his colleagues, saying he was "firm" on taking responsibility for the mishaps that have taken place.

"I consulted only myself and my wife before taking the decision to resign. After the submarine accident, I was firm that I should take the responsibility for it," he said in his internal message to senior officers of the Navy.

Taking "moral responsibility", Joshi submitted his resignation on Wednesday, hours after fire and smoke on submarine INS Sindhuratna in which two officers died and seven sailors were taken seriously ill.

In his resignation letter, Joshi said though the government continued to repose faith is his capabilities, it was becoming untenable for him to continue as the head of the maritime force in terms of accountability.

His resignation was promptly accepted by defence minister AK Antony and Vice-Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral R K Dhowan was asked to take over as the acting chief till regular chief is appointed.

Joshi, who became the first chief of the Navy to resign over accidents, had about 15 months more left in service.

After the Navy was hit by the 10th mishap on involving its warships in the last seven months, a concerned Defence Ministry had sought a detailed report from the force.

Joshi served in a variety of Command, Staff and Instructional appointments during his 41-year career including the captainship of guided missile corvette INS Kuthar, guided missile destroyer INS Ranvir and the aircraft carrier INS Viraat.

In senior ranks, Joshi served as Assistant Chief of Personnel (Human Resource Development), in Warship Production and Acquisition as the Assistant Controller of the Aircraft Carrier Programme (ACCP), and thereafter in the Operations Branch both as Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Information Warfare and Operations) and as the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff.

I was firm on resignation, consulted only my wife, outgoing Navy chief Admiral DK Joshi says - The Times of India
Naval Chief proving too tough on the Babus?


The resignation of the Chief Of The Naval Staff comes at a time when India has just concluded the Naval exercise Millan in the Bay of Bengal recently on Feb 10 this year, showcasing to the international community our world class Navy. Admiral Joshi resigned on Wednesday taking full moral responsibility of the accidents that have rocked the organization in past six months, the latest being an accident on INS Sinduratna in which two Naval officer went missing and seven sailors seriously injured which was on the Sea trials in the Arabian sea on Wednesday the Feb 26 after re-fitment at Mazgaon Dock Limited.

Sources from the Navy disclosed that there was a buzz for over ten day that something was brewing up against the Naval Chief as he was proving too tough for the Babus of the MoD to handle. It just happened that this tragic accident occurred and the Chief rendered his resignation, no wonder it was promptly accepted. A morally upright officer has herby set very high standards for the existing and the future military leadership.

As soon as the news broke of the Naval Chief’s resignation, senior officials were contacted in the MoD who revealed that the Defence Minister Mr AK Anthony had tried to peruse the Admiral to withdraw his resignation but failed to convince Admiral Joshi.

The events dominating the headlines in past three years related to the MoD vs Military raises a serious doubt if the things are all in order or there is far more then what meets the eye. While the former Defence Secretary was busy concocting false story in collaboration with leading national English daily on an imagined military coup, the issue of modernization and capacity building has taken a back seat on the agenda. The weak political leadership it appears has been over shadowed by the babus of the MoD as it appears. It has emerged that the Naval Chief had been pressing for appropriate budgetary allocation necessary to undertake the maintenance of the ageing fleet but the MoD proved a major stumbling block to the legitimate demand. On the contrary pressure was being built on the service for poor safety and maintenance standards.

It has come to light that it was at the behest of Secretary Defence Production that the re-fitment of INS Sinduratna was being under taken at Mazgaon Docks Limited or otherwise it would have sailed to Russia for the same.

It would be interesting to see if the Govt of India orders a probe to find out the reasons why this submarine in question not sent to Russia for re-fitment which should have been the normal course and what was the role of the Defence Ministry officials of the MoD in the whole turn of events despite requests by the Navy.

Naval Chief proving too tough on the Babus? » Indian Defence Review

@Abingdonboy , @Parul , @levina , @kaykay , @Dem!god , @OrionHunter , @janon , @ExtraOdinary , @Indischer , @third eye , @sreekumar , @jarves , @IND151 , @GR!FF!N ,

Admiral resignation become a mess for MoD and AK Antony in coming days.Some corners already began to criticise Ak Antony ,MoD and GoI for this.Now news also rise about a possible resignation of Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha.
It seems this conclusion is correct.MoD may allow poor budget for sub maintenace and may it create all this problems.
Now AK Antony and GoI will sweat it is sure.
Do you know anything about Indian Navy? If you dont know anything then stay away from debate.
These sub is in testing and it cause accident.
I dont blame Russian system they are best.But these submarines are too aged and we must need to check it again.

In another word, you are blaming them without using the word blame. Many Indians here in this forum make good lawyers.
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