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NATURE - 2012 Global Top 200 - Ranking of Chinese Research Institutions


Feb 21, 2012
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Nature - Global Top 200 publication index

These rankings are based on the number(1) of papers that were published in 2012 from the institutions(2) listed below. These rankings only include primary research papers that were published as "Articles, Letters and Brief Communications" in Nature and/or Nature monthly research journals.

To view the list of articles from an institution click on the number in the right hand column.

Institution CC(3) Articles(4)

1. Harvard University, USA 150.25 369
2. Stanford University, USA 76.34 161
3. Max Planck Society, Germany 64.31 186
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA 60.39 199
5. French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France 45.91 246
6. National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA 43.82 143
7. University of Washington, USA 40.97 102
8. University of Cambridge, UK 39.8 137
9. The University of Tokyo, Japan 39.72 116
10. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland 39.28 72
11. University of California Berkeley, USA 38.23 98
12. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 37.88 91
13. University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA 37.44 95
14. University of Oxford, UK 36.97 131
15. Columbia University in the City of New York, USA 34.76 89
16. Yale University, USA 34.46 82
17. University of California San Francisco (UCSF), USA 33.74 95
18. The Johns Hopkins University, USA 32.82 94
19. Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany 27.3 130
20. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 26.97 82
21. University of Michigan, USA 25.89 76
22. Northwestern University, USA 25.34 54
23. University of Chicago, USA 24.88 54
24. University of Illinois, USA 24.49 55
25. California Institute of Technology, USA 24.28 63
26. Kyoto University, Japan 22.47 55
27. The Scripps Research Institute, USA 22.2 44
28. University of Pennsylvania, USA 21.24 58
29. Washington University in St. Louis, USA 20.85 72
30. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 20.54 34
31. Princeton University, USA 20.39 44
32. Duke University, USA 20.03 67
33. RIKEN, Japan 19.57 80
34. Cornell University, USA 19.54 67
35. New York University, USA 18.53 47
36. Osaka University, Japan 18.22 54
37. University of Toronto, Canada 17.15 63
38. University of London - University College London, UK 16.21 79
39. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA 16.17 44
40. Medical Research Council (MRC), UK 16.12 38
41. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 15.24 52
42. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland 15.17 43
43. The University of Texas at Austin, USA 14.91 43
44. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA 14.61 32
45. University of Geneva, Switzerland 14.1 43
46. University of Pittsburgh, USA 14.01 44
47. University of Minnesota, USA 13.89 47
48. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA 12.97 73
49. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland 12.85 25
50. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA 12.48 33
51. University of Maryland, USA 12.35 52
52. University of Bristol, UK 12.3 41
53. Utrecht University, Netherlands 12.08 45
54. The University of Edinburgh, UK 11.95 52
55. University of Colorado Boulder, USA 11.89 37
56. Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA 11.84 24
57. University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), USA 11.68 28
58. University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland 11.49 41
59. The Rockefeller University, USA 11.35 31
60. Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain 10.83 47
61. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 10.8 31
62. The University of Melbourne, Australia 10.78 48
63. National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France 10.68 92
64. University of Copenhagen, Denmark 10.59 54
65. Nagoya University, Japan 10.5 30
66. University of Freiburg, Germany 10.3 33
67. Baylor College of Medicine, USA 10.26 38
68. European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany 9.98 38
69. Imperial College London, UK 9.96 64
70. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany 9.75 52
71. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA 9.63 35
72. University of Science and Technology of China, China 9.46 17
73. The University of British Columbia, Canada 9.42 36
74. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), USA 9.41 16
75. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 9.37 47
76. Heidelberg University, Germany 9.28 46
77. Vanderbilt University, USA 9.24 41
78. Pennsylvania State University, USA 9.22 35
79. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA 9.21 23
80. Purdue University, USA 9.12 22
81. University of Southern California (USC), USA 9 47
82. University of California Irvine (UCI), USA 8.67 36
83. The Ohio State University, USA 8.61 30
84. Tohoku University, Japan 8.55 27
85. Leibniz Association, Germany 8.49 28
86. University of Utah, USA 8.36 29
87. Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany 8.32 29
88. Tsinghua University, China 8.26 31
89. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA 8.22 25
90. Argonne National Laboratory, USA 8.21 24
91. University of California Davis, USA 8.2 41
92. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA 8.12 19
93. Peking University, China 8.1 29
94. Australian National University (ANU), Australia 8.1 21
95. National Research Council (CNR), Italy 8.09 49
96. University of Groningen, Netherlands 8.02 37
97. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA 7.8 27
98. McGill University, Canada 7.78 43
99. The University of Manchester, UK 7.76 34
100. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 7.64 17
101. The University of Sheffield, UK 7.62 24
102. Leiden University, Netherlands 7.37 42
103. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 7.3 23
104. Rice University, USA 7.27 24
105. Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6), France 7.2 55
106. Stony Brook University, USA 7.17 21
107. The University of Queensland, Australia 7.07 41
108. Boston University, USA 7.02 37
109. Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium 7.01 23
110. Cancer Research UK, UK 6.92 19
111. University of Stuttgart, Germany 6.8 14
112. Brown University, USA 6.78 24
113. IBM, USA 6.66 11
114. Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands 6.65 36
115. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore 6.63 36
116. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China 6.62 30
117. University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA 6.61 21
118. Arizona State University, USA 6.35 21
119. BGI, China 6.27 20
120. University of Southampton, UK 6.25 32
121. Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), USA 6.21 13
122. University of Bonn, Germany 6.2 26
123. University of Tübingen, Germany 6.19 21
124. University of Basel, Switzerland 6.19 22
125. University of Hamburg, Germany 6.12 29
126. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium 6.11 40
127. University of Virginia, USA 6.06 23
128. Aarhus University (AU), Denmark 6.05 33
129. Mayo Clinic, USA 5.99 27
130. The University of Dundee, UK 5.88 17
131. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK 5.87 51
132. University of London - King's College London, UK 5.86 41
133. Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, USA 5.84 23
134. Kyushu University, Japan 5.81 20
135. The University of Nottingham, UK 5.8 20
136. Karolinska Institute, Sweden 5.68 32
137. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands 5.57 30
138. University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC), USA 5.53 23
139. Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany 5.5 20
140. Hokkaido University, Japan 5.47 17
141. Yonsei University, Korea 5.46 14
142. Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 5.43 11
143. Novartis International AG, Switzerland 5.18 17
144. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA 5.18 18
145. The University of Dublin, Ireland 5.16 22
146. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands 5.14 12
147. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 5.09 24
148. University of Barcelona, Spain 5.09 22
149. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria 5.07 21
150. University of Vienna, Austria 5.03 20
151. The University of Iowa, USA 5 21
152. Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel 4.96 24
153. Wageningen UR, Netherlands 4.96 16
154. University of Calgary, Canada 4.95 12
155. Pasteur Institute, France 4.95 30
156. Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), France 4.94 38
157. University of Strasbourg, France 4.9 22
158. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), USA 4.87 13
159. Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), USA 4.82 14
160. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), USA 4.81 18
161. Cardiff University, UK 4.71 24
162. Emory University, USA 4.71 21
163. Zhejiang University, China 4.7 15
164. Ghent University, Belgium 4.68 31
165. Stockholm University, Sweden 4.66 15
166. University of Leeds, UK 4.64 24
167. The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Spain 4.64 10
168. University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus, USA 4.63 13
169. University of Würzburg, Germany 4.63 15
170. University of Oslo (UiO), Norway 4.62 23
171. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 4.6 16
172. Seoul National University, Korea 4.6 26
173. Charit University Medicine Berlin, Germany 4.56 30
174. Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA 4.53 7
175. University of Goettingen, Germany 4.52 24
176. University of Paris Sud (Paris 11), France 4.52 36
177. University of Helsinki, Finland 4.49 26
178. University of Rochester, USA 4.48 23
179. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China 4.41 14
180. The University of Sydney, Australia 4.41 24
181. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands 4.39 7
182. Lund University, Sweden 4.37 29
183. University of California Riverside (UCR), USA 4.36 15
184. Uppsala University, Sweden 4.25 25
185. University of Waterloo, Canada 4.23 8
186. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC), USA 4.21 23
187. Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW), USA 4.21 14
188. Newcastle University, UK 4.2 17
189. Ecole Normale Suprieure (ENS), France 4.17 28
190. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA 4.16 20
191. University of Birmingham, UK 4.16 22
192. Joseph Fourier University (UJF), France 4.14 29
193. Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russia 4.1 21
194. Aix-Marseille University, France 4.08 27
195. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea 4.03 15
196. Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Austria 4 7
197. Keio University, Japan 3.96 19
198. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USA 3.92 12
199. Fudan University, China 3.9 13
200. James Cook University, Australia 3.89 12

1. These rankings are based upon primary research papers published in the Articles, Letters and Brief Communications sections of Nature and Nature monthly research journals in 2012 (excluding journals from scientific societies).

2. For some organizations such as CNRS, the Max Planck Society and the Chinese Academy Sciences that include numerous research entities we have aggregated results. On the other hand, we have, for example, chosen not to group the 10 universities of the University of California System and have presented each of them as distinct research entities. But, if they were grouped, the System would rank number one with an aggregate corrected count of well over 100 papers.

3. Represents the corrected count by calculating a corrected point total for each paper from a given country or institution as a decimal fraction of one (up to a maximum of 1), by taking into account the percentage of authors of the paper from that country or institution. All authors are assumed to contribute equally to corrected count, and an author with multiple affiliations is assumed to be divided equally among those affiliations. When an author gives a "present address", "permanent address" or "current address" that affiliation is assumed to not be involved in that author's contribution to the paper and is not included in the corrected count.

4. Represents the total number of articles that list authors from a given country or institution, regardless of the percentage of authors of the paper from that country or institution.

5. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), provides funding to universities and other research organizations throughout the United States. In addition they operate the Janelia Farm Research Campus in Virginia.

6. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), a Japanese government funding organization that is mentioned in the affiliations of many papers from Japan, is not counted as an institution and is not listed in the Index, however they were affiliated with 89 papers in 2012.
Keep going Chinese. Does the situation improve if Indian government allows some limited foreign universities to establish branches in India.
WTF??? I always thought Peking University was the best Chinese university?
2012 Top 25 countries

1. USA
2. UK
3. Germany
4. Japan
5. France
6. China
7. Switzerland
8. Canada
9. Nethelands
10. Australia
11. Spain
12. Italy
13. S Korea
14. Israel
15. Belgium
16. Sweden
17. Austria
18. Denmark
19. Singapore
20. Ireland
21. Taiwan, China
22. Norway
23. Finland
24. India
25. Russia

Check this one out on P. 42 to 43 of Global 100 if your country's ranking is not shown above:

WTF??? I always thought Peking University was the best Chinese university?

Peking University is definitely a good university, but it is more oriented towards literature, arts, etc. Nature is more about science and engineering.
Nature Publishing Index China
Current Index date range: 2012-09-10 ~ 2013-09-09

This is the rolling version of Nature Publishing Index China, updated weekly. It shows both Research Articles (Articles, Letters & Brief Communications) and Reviews, published in Nature and/or Nature research journals. The rankings are based on the number(1) of papers that were published during the last 12 months.

The Nature Publishing Index 2012 China print supplement was published in May 2013 and covers the calendar year 2012. It is available by download only.

Institution CC(2) Articles(3)

1. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 56.84 185
2. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China 13.7 34
3. Tsinghua University, China 11.7 39
4. Peking University, China 11.39 47
5. BGI, China 9.29 31
6. The University of Hong Kong (HKU), China 5.91 24
7. Nanjing University, China 5.58 14
8. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China 5.02 34
9. Xiamen University, China 4.61 9
10. Zhejiang University, China 4.03 18
11. Fudan University, China 3.83 23
12. Sun Yat-sen University, China 3.66 15
13. Tianjin University, China 3.19 6
14. China Agricultural University, China 2.8 7
15. Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 2.49 12
16. Tongji University, China 2.23 12
17. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China 1.98 13
18. China University of Geosciences, China 1.9 4
19. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China 1.84 7
20. Nanjing Medical University, China 1.7 11
21. Anhui Medical University, China 1.67 9
22. Tianjin Medical University, China 1.6 5
23. Dalian University of Technology (DUT), China 1.54 3
24. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China 1.51 9
25. Jilin University, China 1.44 7
26. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), China 1.44 5
27. Sichuan University, China 1.44 6
28. Hunan University, China 1.4 3
29. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), China 1.37 7
30. Yunnan University, China 1.32 4
31. Southern Medical University, China 1.22 3
32. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China 1.2 11
33. East China Normal University, China 1.17 5
34. Second Military Medical University, China 1.13 8
35. Huazhong Agricultural University, China 1.1 6
36. Central China Normal University, China 1 1
37. Sichuan Agriculture University, China 1 1
38. East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), China 0.99 2
39. Linyi University, China 0.98 3
40. Wuhan University, China 0.97 2
41. South China Agricultural University, China 0.92 2
42. Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy (DNL), China 0.9 3
43. Fuzhou University, China 0.83 1
44. Nankai University, China 0.78 7
45. Qingdao University, China 0.75 1
46. Beijing Normal University, China 0.75 2
47. Yanshan University, China 0.73 1
48. Renmin University of China, China 0.67 1
49. Shenyang Normal University, China 0.67 3
50. Beihang University (BUAA), China 0.63 4
51. Capital Medical University (CMU), China 0.63 3
52. National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (NIBS, Beijing), China 0.63 5
53. Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai (CHGC), China 0.62 2
54. Beijing Forestry University, China 0.57 2
55. China Astronaut Research and Training Center, China 0.47 1
56. Northeast Normal University, China 0.47 5
57. Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China 0.45 1
58. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China 0.45 5
59. Shandong Tianyu Natural History Museum, China 0.45 3
60. Novogene Bioinformatics Institute, China 0.43 1
61. Dalian Natural History Museum, China 0.4 1
62. Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China 0.37 2
63. Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China 0.37 2
64. Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, China 0.33 1
65. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China 0.33 1
66. University of Strasbourg, China 0.33 1
67. Beijing QuantoBio Biotechnology Co. Ltd, China 0.3 1
68. China Three Gorges University (CTGU), China 0.3 1
69. Hong Kong Baptist University, China 0.28 2
70. Lanzhou University, China 0.27 1
71. The General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army, China 0.27 2
72. Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), China 0.26 1
73. Jinan University, China 0.26 3
74. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China 0.25 1
75. Ministry of Agriculture, China 0.25 1
76. Southwest University, China 0.25 1
77. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), China 0.24 1
78. Southeast University, China 0.21 3
79. Shandong University, China 0.21 2
80. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China 0.21 2
81. China Meteorological Administration, China 0.2 1
82. South China Normal University, China 0.2 1
83. Shanghai University, China 0.2 2
84. Central South University (CSU), China 0.2 5
85. Anhui University, China 0.2 2
86. Ocean University of China, China 0.2 3
87. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China 0.19 2
88. Nantong University, China 0.19 2
89. Guangxi Medical University, China 0.18 8
90. Capital Normal University, China 0.17 2
91. Northwest University, China 0.17 1
92. Shanghai Guanghua Rheumatology Hospital, China 0.17 1
93. Guangdong Medical College, China 0.16 2
94. Fourth Military Medical University, China 0.15 3
95. Soochow University, China 0.15 5
96. Beijing Zoo, China 0.15 2
97. Northeast Agricultural University, China 0.15 1
98. Beijing Institute of Technology, China 0.15 2
99. Nanjing Agricultural University, China 0.15 2
100. Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, China 0.14 1
101. Shanxi Cancer Hospital, China 0.14 2
102. National Engineering Center for Biochip at Shanghai, China 0.13 1
103. Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), China 0.13 2
104. Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, China 0.13 1
105. City University of Hong Kong, China 0.13 1
106. FEI Company, China 0.13 1
107. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), China 0.13 1
108. Tianjin University of Technology, China 0.13 1
109. Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China 0.13 1
110. Qinghai University, China 0.12 1
111. China Medical University (PRC), China 0.12 3
112. Harbin Institute of Technology, China 0.12 1
113. Beijing Jiaotong University, China 0.11 1
114. Shandong University of Technology, China 0.11 1
115. Shanghai Pudong Hospital, China 0.11 1
116. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, China 0.11 1
117. Sinovac Biotech Ltd., China 0.11 1
118. Anhui Agricultural University (AHAU), China 0.1 1
119. China Three Gorges Museum, China 0.1 1
120. Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), China 0.1 1
121. Ministry of Public Security, China 0.1 1
122. Nanjing Normal University, China 0.1 1
123. Taishan University, China 0.1 1
124. Tianjin Beichen Hospital, China 0.1 1
125. Xinjiang University, China 0.1 1
126. Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China 0.1 2
127. China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), China 0.09 1
128. Kunming Medical University, China 0.09 1
129. Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, China 0.09 1
130. Chuxiong Prefectural Museum, China 0.08 1
131. GlaxoSmithKline plc., China 0.08 1
132. Lufeng Dinosaur Museum, China 0.08 1
133. Ningbo University, China 0.08 1
134. Wenzhou Medical College, China 0.08 2
135. Anyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China 0.08 1
136. Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China 0.08 1
137. Henan University of Science and Technology, China 0.08 2
138. Hebei United University, China 0.07 1
139. Encode Genomics Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China 0.07 1
140. Xi’an University of Technology, China 0.07 1
141. Beijing University of Technology, China 0.07 1
142. Henan University, China 0.07 1
143. Shenzhen University, China 0.07 1
144. Hebei University of Technology, China 0.07 1
145. Nantong Tumor Hospital, China 0.06 2
146. Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China 0.06 5
147. Beijing Lin Fu Ke Yuan Flowers Co., Ltd, China 0.06 1
148. Shandong Normal University, China 0.06 1
149. Yangzhou University, China 0.06 1
150. Harbin Veterinary Research Institute (HVRI), China 0.06 1
151. Anyang Tumor Hospital, China 0.06 1
152. Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Baoan, China 0.06 1
153. Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, China 0.06 3
154. Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology, China 0.05 1
155. Anhui Normal University, China 0.05 1
156. Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China 0.05 1
157. Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, China 0.05 2
158. Shantou University, China 0.05 2
159. Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, China 0.05 2
160. Qidong Liver Cancer Institute, China 0.05 1
161. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, China 0.05 1
162. China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, China 0.05 1
163. Dalian Polytechnic University, China 0.05 1
164. Hangzhou Normal University, China 0.05 1
165. Shaanxi Wild Animal Rescue and Research Center, China 0.05 1
166. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), China 0.05 1
167. China Earthquake Administration, China 0.04 1
168. Hebei Normal University, China 0.03 1
169. China-Japan Friendship Hospital, China 0.03 1
170. Kunming University, China 0.03 1
171. Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry University, China 0.03 1
172. Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China 0.03 1
173. Anhui Provincial Hospital, China 0.03 1
174. Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (AHUTCM), China 0.03 1
175. Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China 0.03 1
176. Suzhou University, China 0.03 2
177. Third Military Medical University, China 0.03 1
178. Bactrian Camel Institute of Alsha, China 0.03 1
179. Veterinary Bureau of East Alsha, China 0.03 1
180. Qingdao Agricultural University, China 0.03 1
181. Guangxi University, China 0.03 1
182. Yancheng Institute of Technology, China 0.03 1
183. Gerumud Hospital, China 0.02 1
184. Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China 0.02 1
185. Blood Center of Zhejiang Province, China 0.02 1
186. Hunan Province Tumor Hospital, China 0.02 1
187. Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China 0.02 1
188. Tianjin Central Hospital for Gynecology and Obstetrics, China 0.02 1
189. Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China 0.02 1
190. Dalian Medical University, China 0.02 1
191. National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, China 0.02 1
192. Shanghai Personal Biotechnology Limited Company, China 0.02 1
193. Chongqing University of Science and Technology (CQUST), China 0.02 1
194. Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (SAMSPH), China 0.02 1
195. China National Environmental Monitoring Center, China 0.02 1
196. Beijing Novogene Bioinformation Technology Co. Ltd, China 0.02 1
197. Anqing City Hospital, China 0.01 1
198. Chongqing Medical University (CQMU), China 0.01 1
199. Lu'an First People's Hospital, China 0.01 1
200. Weifang Medical University, China 0.01 1
201. Changning Mental Health Center, Shanghai, China 0.01 1
202. Shanghai genomePilot Technology, Inc., China 0.01 1
203. Nanchang University, China 0.01 1
204. Pudong Gongli Hospital, China 0.01 1
205. Animal Husbandry Bureau of North Urad, China 0.01 1
206. Animal Husbandry Bureau of Otog, China 0.01 1
207. Animal Husbandry Institute of Shiliingol Aimag, China 0.01 1
208. Animal Husbandry Workstation of East Sunid, China 0.01 1
209. Animal Husbandry Workstation of Shiliingol Aimag, China 0.01 1
210. Animal Husbandry Workstation of West Sunid, China 0.01 1
211. Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, China 0.01 1
212. Sunid People’s Government, China 0.01 1
213. Xinjiang Academy of Animal Science, China 0.01 1
214. Xinjiang Wangyuan Camel Milk Co Ltd, China 0.01 1
215. Anyang Eye Hospital, China 0.01 1
216. Handan Eye Hospital, China 0.01 1
217. Xingtai Eye Hospital, China 0.01 1
218. Guangxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital, China 0.01 1
219. Hubei Polytechnic University, China 0.01 1
220. Hubei University, China 0.01 1
221. Hubei University of Medicine, China 0.01 1
222. People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China 0.01 1
223. Wuhan Medical Center for Women and Children, China 0.01 1
224. Yangtze University, China 0.01 1
225. Queen Elizabeth Hospital, China 0.01 1
226. Qujing Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, China 0.01 1
227. Wuhan Iron and Steel Group/Corporation Staff-Worker Hospital, China 0.01 1
228. Shanghai Quality Safety Center of Agricultural Products, China 0.01 1
229. South China University of Technology, China 0.01 1
230. Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA), China 0.01 1
231. Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, China 0 1
232. Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), China 0 1
233. Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), China 0 1

1.These rankings are updated weekly and are based upon papers published in Research Articles and Letters in Nature and Nature monthly research journals (excluding journals from scientific societies).

2.Represents the corrected count by calculating a corrected point total for each paper from a given country or institution as a decimal fraction of one (up to a maximum of 1), by taking into account the percentage of authors of the paper from that country or institution. All authors are assumed to contribute equally to corrected count, and an author with multiple affiliations is assumed to be divided equally among those affiliations. When an author gives a "present address", "permanent address" or "current address" that affiliation is assumed to not be involved in that author's contribution to the paper and is not included in the corrected count.

3.Represents the total number of articles that list authors from a given country or institution, regardless of the percentage of authors of the paper from that country or institution.
200. James Cook University.

Funny, because I live just a few kilometres away from JCU. Also, I have a friend who goes there. Surprised that the town I'm living in (Townsville, where JCU is located) is small and not really much heard of, but we have one of the best universities.
ranked no. 6 for 1.3 b country is not that good

That is correct!

Taiwan is also very shameful...defeated by the "pico" Singapore.

I feel like Taiwan government and society lose control over the direction of the country. Extremely disorganized without a bold future plan. People are selfish and just care about their own wealth.

Somehow, I feel like Taiwan is reflecting the end of Ming and Qing dynasty. Taiwan is run by mafia and criminals. No one care for Taiwan as a whole anymore. It's just political slogan only in TV.

Although mainland China look like a draconian country, the people are stupid enough to know their rights. But still, mainland is far more organized than Taiwan.
ranked no. 6 for 1.3 b country is not that good

It is nothing to be ashamed of either, WTF!

if you can understand history of how we have become so then you should have a lot more appreciation of we have come this far and meantime I am not saying anything, no complacency at all on our no 6 ranking!
if you can understand history of how we have become so then you should have a lot more appreciation of we have come this far and meantime I am not saying anything, no complacency at all on our no 6 ranking!

Everyone is aware about it.

It's good that China finally able to set the foot and stand again...although that part is not done yet.

The job to restore the REAL CHINA is not yet done. China today is still full of misunderstanding over their own civilization and history. Christianity and Communist propaganda of anti-CHINA is still dominating.
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